Treason of the wife: 15 signs. How to find the first signs of female treason, how to understand that the wife is cheating?

Treason of the wife: 15 signs. How to find the first signs of female treason, how to understand that the wife is cheating?

The article will tell men about how to find the signs of female treason and accurately determine the incorrectness of the spouse.

Both women and men are equally unpleasant to be in the role of a deceived spouse. However, if men's betrayalthey are actively discussed, and wives are not shy, they share the details of love affairs “on the side” of their wrong “halves”, then deceived men often try to hide the real situation in the family from prying eyes.

Possible causes of female treason
Possible causes of female treason

If a man doubts the fidelity of his spouse, you will have to watch her for some time, and only after that draw conclusions.

How to understand that the wife is cheating? Obvious signs of wife's betrayal

The most undeniable and irrefutable proof of the betrayal of the wife can be straight Talkin which she herself admits to the accomplished. After such recognition, you will no longer have to look for some hidden signs and suffer from guesses.

However, according to statistics, less than 2% of wives who at least once had sex “on the side” admitted to this spouse.

Important: a man who suspects his wife in treason needs to be patient and in no case do not blame his spouse for anything and not try to find out a relationship ahead of time.

A sharp change in the mood of the wife should alert, both for the better and for the worse. And if, in addition, the spouse began to actively update the wardrobe and experiment with her appearance, carefully read the article further.

Wife may confess to treason herself
Wife may confess to treason herself

The first sign of female treason

Periodic "jumps" of moods can happen even in the most faithful wives. Also, a sudden desire to change her appearance can arise in a woman who does not even think about treason.

What is the very first sign to tell the husband that family happiness is at risk?

First of all, in such a familiar and native woman a mystery appears, mystery. A look, a smile, words or actions sooner or later will definitely give it out. And it will also become distant. Thoughts about another man will be in the first place, so the dreamy expression of her face and deep thoughtfulness are also one of the signs of treason.

A new image, hairstyle and makeup can be signs of female treason
A new image, hairstyle and makeup can be signs of female treason

How to recognize the betrayal of the wife by behavior?

You can understand that the spouse is incorrect by the changed behavior. Often a woman, starting a romantic relationship “on the side”, quickly loses interest in what is happening in her own family, from household chores and hobbies, ending with her husband.

All thoughts are occupied by a new man. They are distracted by the need to cook food, maintain order in the house, and engage in children. All this begins to noticeably annoy, the woman tries to avoid the implementation of familiar household chores, to avoid the society of households, preferring to retire with the phone or tablet.

However, some family ladies, subconsciously trying to make amends and hide the fact of treason, begin to behave unnaturally affably and carefully. This is the second common extreme behavior of women who violated the promise to be faithful spouses.

Important: any obvious change in the behavior of the wife may be a “first bell”. But this does not mean that treason has already happened. Perhaps, tired of life and an uninteresting more spouse, the woman only decided to add bright colors to her own life.

Signs of female treason: 15 points

An unexpected change in the appearance and behavior of his wife is far from all that can hint to her husband about her infidelity. There are many other signs, and here are the most obvious of them:

  1. The phone is always with her, messages in social. networks are hidden. If even outwardly changing his wife does not give herself in any way, the phone will keep as far away from her husband's eyes. If a woman corresponds with a lover on the network, then she will probably change passwords from the pages.
  2. Diet, fitness, pool. The wife suddenly began to actively take care of herself, she is very worried about how she looks. For no reason, she sat on a diet or signed up in the gym. Well, that new dresses and several sets of openwork underwear could not even be said that a lost weight and pumped woman urgently needed. Be sure, she will also change the hairstyle, and the manicure will do. Everything is simple. She needs to impress a new partner.
  3. Her best friend is increasingly required help. Today she tearfully asks to sit a day with children, and next week it is to help gluing wallpaper. A few days later there is an urgent business again, whom a friend is not able to cope herself. In general, this very friend began to somehow appear too often in your life. But only she herself may not guess about it, and all the stories about her friend can actually be a cover. When the spouse once again goes “to the rescue”, it will be enough for women to make a surprise and visit them. Maybe other evidence is no longer needed.
  4. The wife began to linger at work, visit corporate parties, spend free time in the new company. From such meetings, she returns in high mood, but it quickly spoils at home.
  5. The wife began to criticize and compare, put as an example of other menalthough before everything suited her.
  6. The woman no longer seeks to spend time together. There are no more cozy family evening gatherings in the kitchen over a cup of tea, she does not ask her husband about work, does not talk about her affairs.
  7. The wife stopped arguing and asking. She no longer proves her case. She silently crosses the socks scattered around the apartment, and the door of the kitchen cabinet hanging on one loop neatly silently puts it in place.
  8. She now prefers to go to visit friends and relatives herself. Explains this to the husband in different ways, but the reasons not to go together are necessarily located. It also does not allow you to meet yourself in the evening.
  9. She began to skip calls. Then it suddenly turns out that the phone was “bursting”, discharged or even stayed at home. Of course, all this is not true.
  10. Advanced training courses, trainings, blockage at work - All these are reasons to linger. Well, the phone, of course, will turn on only after the end of the "training".
  11. The woman began to avoid gaze. And if suddenly he accidentally meets his eyes with her husband, hurry to turn away or with a preoccupied look to leave the room.
  12. Any bodily contact annoys it. Tender hugs and kisses remained in the past. If the husband expresses his dissatisfaction, the spouse offers to have a mistress.
  13. She complains about a lack of communication. He accuses her husband of this, although he himself repels him at the first attempt by a man to establish a relationship.
  14. She no longer meets in conversations and actions. All husband’s actions are stiffly criticized or ridiculed. It seems that it doesn’t matter to her whether the family will remain.
  15. Changes in sex. Marital sex will not remain the same. The wife can completely lose interest in the once desired man, or, on the contrary, unexpectedly show the initiative and offer a new pose or a game in bed. But it is worth talking about this separately.
One of the signs of female treason is indifference to her husband
One of the signs of female treason is indifference to her husband

Sexual characteristics of the wife's betrayal

The sexual sign of female treason can be considered to be an attempt by the wife by all means avoid sex. She either falls asleep before her husband, or finds herself “urgent” houses at home and ends them when her husband has already fallen asleep. So it can last quite a long time, and when a deceived husband still manages to achieve sex from a legal wife, surprises can wait for him in bed:

  • She became cold and indifferent. Passion, mutual caresses and hugs, kisses and games - this was all as if. It seems that she suffers sex with her husband, and does not enjoy him.
  • The wife suddenly asked to diversify sex. Perhaps she had new tricks, she became more relaxed or demanding. Such behavior can be perceived as an attempt to compare a husband with a lover - who can give sex more in sex?
  • In a fit of passion from the lips of his beloved wife, the name of another man flew out. Here you can not comment.

Physiological signs of female treason

The female body can also tell about treason. The evidence of infidelity can be:

  • Extraneous smells. If it was the smell of male spirits, sweat, or, conversely, the smell of the body after the shower. Many men will be able to accurately determine by the smell whether the spouse had sex "on the side." By the way, if, after sex with her lover, she managed to swim, she probably updated makeup with her haircut.
  • Scaling on the skin of the face. After a passionate meeting on the cheeks and chin of a woman, irritation and redness from men's bristles can remain.
  • Bruises of unknown origin. On the chest, legs, arms, hips. Yes, and you never know where else. It is desirable that the wife explains their origin.

How to recognize the betrayal of the wife by panties?

Those who are looking for a way to recognize the betrayal of the wife by panties will be very surprised. Such a sign is no traces left on linen during sex, but linen itself.

If the purchase of a new set at least once a week has recently become a pattern, most likely a woman quite often comes into contact with someone who wants to impress. If this lucky man is not a husband, then any other signs of betrayal become secondary.

A new sexual underwear can purchase a new sexual underwear before a new betrayal
Wife can acquire sexual underwear before a new betrayal

Those men who are looking for a way to bring their wife “on clean water” in fact need to start from the other side, namely, from themselves. While the missus is once again “lingering at work”, it is worth considering why everything happened.

Maybe the failed female treason was preceded by her requests to be heard, beloved and desired? Indeed, often it is husbands who pushes women into the arms of other people's men.

In many cases, female treason occurs at the moment when the husband turns away in difficult times, instead of substituting his shoulder. A woman needs male attention, and if she does not receive it in the family, she will definitely get it on the side.

Perhaps right now the time has come to “collect stones”? And if this is true, it will not be correct to look for signs of treason of the wife, but a frank conversation with his wife, who may still be able to save the family.

Video: Does the girl change? Signs and how to check

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Comments K. article

  1. I want to hack my wife's contact does not give me passwords

  2. Cheating is always bad. But life is a complicated thing. Anything can happen, especially in a fit of passion, feelings or by chance. And here is not the case when the truth is good. It is sometimes useful to hide.

  3. read wife's messages in VK, Waiber, Watsap. She writes and delete immediately. Help, I will be grateful. Spasibo

  4. Cheating is the worst thing that can happen in the family, especially when children want children for 5 years, but it doesn’t work out. My husband is quite a self -sufficient person, has everything and everyone. Our first years of marriage were a fairy tale for me, and now what, I am a typical housewife, waiting for him in the evenings, and sometimes at night. I did not climb into his affairs, but still, doubts tormented me. He always carried his phone with him doubts tormented me, his heart hurt. My friend of treason is the worst thing that can happen in the family, especially when children want children for 5 years, but it doesn’t work out.

  5. The article is really sensible! But I would add a lot of things!

  6. a phone with a fingerprint. How to remove the lock? I want to get into the phone.

  7. i want to remove the lock from my wife’s phone.

  8. The betrayal does not justify anything, nor anything! 50% changes, they also betray in a terrible moment.

  9. I just heard my smells like a dog, once I came to have sex, the Pent stinks at least the saints, I understood, I was on the side.

  10. Hello everyone !!! A familiar situation, burned for life. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linge from work, became colder in relation to me , began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed a lot ...

  11. And 16, if you arrived from a business trip, and a man walks around the house in his underpants or without panties, it makes sense to think, it is not at all necessary that this is a lover, maybe this is a plumber, and in his underpants because when he was repairing the plumbing, his clothes are wet and was mighty and He decided to take it off and dry it, so do not rush to the poor fellow with fists

  12. Here was such a situation, I turned to a person I had such a situation in my life and I needed to control my husband, my friend advised me to a guy, he connected a wiretap on my husband’s phone and I was able to listen and read the SMS.

  13. Hello! Not a pleasant story happened in my family! They lived in marriage with his wife for 11 years. Before the wedding, another 4 years. Our relationship began to crumble. Constant ignore on her part! The wife often began to linger at work, later came, without showing me much interest. And all this under the pretext, supposedly was either with a friend, then on fitness, then in a beauty salon! He began to notice that he was hiding the phone. Somehow when meeting with his friends, he shared his fears. We talked about their problems. My friends listened to me, and one of them advised me to turn to a professional. He helped him a lot at one time!

  14. Hello everyone !!! A familiar situation, burned for life. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linge from work, became colder in relation to me began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out, as it happens in life. I don’t convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all Like many women loved and trusted ...

  15. Marriage with his wife 9 years old. The attributions began to crumble. Focused on her part! She often began to linger at work, came late, not showing me much attention. I got to notice that she was hiding the phone. As he met his friends, she shared With their problem. Friends advised me to turn to a specialist in their field, who at one time helped a healthy one. My problem was resolved. My fears were justified. The treason was revealed.

  16. Hello everyone !!! A familiar situation, burned for life. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linge from work, became colder in relation to me began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out, as it happens in life. I don’t convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all Like many women loved and trusted ...

  17. They lived in marriage with his wife for 15 years. The relations went to the spat on her side on her part! Often lingered at work, not showing attention to me. She was straightening the phone. She was nervous. My fears were justified. The flux fact of treason was revealed.

  18. she herself admitted that after 10 years of marriage, she cheated with a guy younger than 10 years younger than her 30 he had been cheating on her 20 more than a year and her mother -in -law knew about this but did not prevent this, this man came to her and they fucked on the bed where the child later slept, asked for forgiveness, asked for forgiveness, asked for forgiveness, asked for forgiveness, asked for forgiveness, asked for forgiveness, asking for forgiveness, asking for forgiveness Forgive. But a few years later he found out that she talked with him on the messenger, it swore that she was simple to take him away, but by the way she had this guy more like two of them, then she took them to a showdown to each other, in general, but I could not in general Understand, and life became rubbish, I have two sons, but not for the sake of children with her, but I just love this bitch

  19. yes, and we can no longer have sex for pleasure, I think that she caressed him and told him the very words as me, during sex I ask how she was all the details, I ask that I think that I think that I think that I think I am excited from this without imagining that I just let her remember and finish faster. I can’t figure out what to do so that she feels 1/3 of my pain, the bitch ruined everything our life is a rubbish you can’t sweeten her already, I see a sheer life that she wants to show that she loves me, but I will never believe in this nonsense, she will never believe it, she will never She was not recognized in love, but now from her right rushing love oh how painful, I dream of falling asleep and will not wake up, since it became hard to live. Advise what to do?

  20. Look for information on how to resume relationships. One of the first items reads a complete, sincere forgiveness. As a woman I assure you, the wife will never change just like that. Ask her during the proximity what exactly excites her, as she wants. Do not forget about public. A woman very often pretends to be in bed, which is good for her. Well, I do not believe that she just wanted sex on the side.

  21. We lived in marriage with his wife for 15 years. Our relationship went to decline. Attention was lost on her part! Often lingered at work, not showing me. I hid the phone. Was nervous. And of course the fact of treason was revealed.

  22. If your wife changed you, rejoice that she changed you, not the Fatherland.

  23. A familiar situation, burned for a lifetime. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. Planted how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. it turns out, as it happens in life. It’s not to convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I loved, like many women And trusted ...

  24. We lived in a marriage with my wife for 14 years. The attributions began to die out. Attention was gone on her part. She had to linger at work, hide the phone, there was irritation towards me. The result is treason.

  25. _ I am 83 for almost a year. Already buried two wonderful wives - charming women, excellent specialists in their professions ...
    _ The first - the first not unrequited love - gave two sons, and then - “you understand that you can’t live with an unloved person,” you had to get divorced.
    _ Her next husband was a wonderful man, deputy. Director for education in vocational schools,
    And when he brought his own to my company on an excursion, we, both idle,
    We discussed the problems of children of divorced parents.
    _ With his daughter and her divorced mother, he never introduced me, but my boys
    In winter, in Kavgolovo, they said that on “this slope we were with Uncle Alyosha ...”,
    And they were familiar with his daughter and mother ...
    _ And after 5-6 years, when I asked the mother of our sons, "where Alyosha disappeared", she
    I told me that “I kicked him out” ... and asked for a vacation - to stay with the children
    At the cottage of my factory, where I met my second wife and her
    "Designed on me" orphans of this dad.
    _ The village that ... lived a gossip "in, a Jew, came with two wives!" ...
    _ And my acting wife boasted that our note is irresistible
    “Don Juan”-Glovinzh, who had a beauty Galu-Ukrainian wife, super cook,
    And the mistress is incomprehensible to me, which all the men extremely respected,
    its workers' sites, dear by me, -
    In surprise, allegedly boasted to me that Don-Juan was resting lonely
    “It will swing to her”, and not to a lonely, still charming, my
    The first wife ...
    _ She died in my apartment spelled out in my sons:
    In your youth they swore to each other ... "And if you drop me, I will do everything
    For your happiness! ”
    _ And now I am disgusted that Akhmadulin and Yevtushenko ... changed their
    "Feries" like gloves, and the super-poest reported:
    "" Now I will come to me one excess living nearby at a neighboring dacha. We
    We will make a sweet process with him-first ‘so’, and then-like dog ... "
    _ Such is “c-la-va”-at the fauna ...
    _ And how wonderful animals are that only once or twice for
    “Success ...” in one or two years, and then “happy from each other”!
    _ And the “king of animals” must kill the lioners so that ... the lioness agrees
    Eating with him! ... Glated by her hunting booty ...
    _ We should rename the lion - to the "presidents of the lionesses" ...

  26. Do not worry and everything will be fine.

  27. _ In short, if you are a wolf or a wolf or a swan of any gender,
    get married, get married - only for you like you in the fauna
    For life life together.
    _ I know such couples - and with the "wives of the Decembrists" in the bastard
    Moscow Empire of Lenin, etc., etc., and ..., and - divorced for ...
    reunification is only in the USA,-
    and living next to me friends of childhood and youth in the USSR,
    that today they accidentally reached Israel - richer, but so
    The same "wrong" country .... Simply, all these friends and friends
    - ’Homo sapiens’ no worse than wolves and swans !!!
    _ "Think yourself, decide for yourself - whether to have ..."

  28. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior changed a lot ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. It turns out, as it happens in life. Do not convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, like many women, loved and trusted ...

  29. They lived in marriage with her husband for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior changed a lot ... it turned out, it turned out, it turned out that it turned out that that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out, as it happens in life. Do not convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, like many women, loved and trusted

  30. There was such a similar situation, I turned to a person and I needed to control my husband, my friend advised me to a guy, he connected a wiretap on my husband’s phone and I was able to listen and read SMS and on whatsAppe Viber, he does everything through the Internet.

  31. Yes, who encounters it - you will not envy.

  32. thanks to Igor.

  33. Thank you very much for the comments. So I also decided to leave his own contribution here.

  34. Thank you very much for the comments. So I decided to leave my own contribution here too.

  35. thank you for your help

  36. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior changed a lot ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. It turns out how it happens in life. Do not convey in words the pain that I experienced. I sued almost all the jointly acquired property because I listened to all his calls and was always one step ahead of him.

  37. To solve the issue of wiretaps of a mobile phone, interception of SMS, details, hacking of pages in social networks, Weiber, Watsap, Skype, telegrams, determination of the location (geolocation) of the subscriber by number can be punishable.

  38. Hm

  39. Hello everyone !!! A familiar situation, burned for life. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linge from work, became colder in relation to me began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out, as it happens in life. I don’t convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all Like many women loved and trusted ...

  40. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior changed a lot ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. It turns out that it happens.

  41. But it turns out there was no betrayal.

  42. ЖECTOKAЯ ИCTOPИЯ.бpaкe c мужeм пpoжили 15 лeт,нe cчитaя тo вpeмя вcтpeч дo cвaдьбы.Пoчувcтвoвaлa,кaк oтнoшeния нaши cтaли ocтывaть.Mуж нaчaл зaдepживaтьcя c paбoты,cтaл бoлee xoлoдным пo oтнoшeнию кo мнe,нaчaл пpятaть тeлeфoн.Booбщeм eгo пoвeдeниe oчeнь измeнилocь… Oкaзaлocь,чтo у мoeгo мужa ecть дpугaя ceмья,в кoтopoй пoдpacтaют двoe нecoвepшeннoлeтниx дeтeй..Boт oкaзывaeтcя,кaк в жизни бывaeт.He пepeдaть cлoвaми бoль,кoтopую я иcпытaлa.A я вeдь,кaк и мнoгиe жeнщины любилa и дoвepялa…

  43. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior changed a lot ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. It turns out how it happens in life. Do not convey in words the pain that I experienced. Then I sued almost all the jointly acquired property.

  44. I have a much bitter story, burned for a lifetime. In marriage with my husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linger from work, became colder towards me, began To hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out, as it happens in life. It is not to convey in words the pain that I experienced.

  45. The husband began to stay from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another

  46. GOOD AFTERNOON. As they lived under a carbon carrier, they did not push for 14 years with her husband. I settled to notice that his relationship in my direction began to cool often came after midnight in short, the female heart did not deceive it lived for two families for a year.

  47. The husband began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out how it happens in life. Do not convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, like many women, loved and trusted ...

  48. These signs/methods are unlikely to bring to something good. To know for sure, you need to ask for help from professionals to break through data and observation

  49. The girls are naive, I had these first calls with my already former. Late parishes home, night messages, some frequent business trips of which was not before him before and in general began to live like neighbors after 20 years of concise marriage, relations cooled extremely. Well, this whole story ended in that I learned how my faithful hubby had already lived for two families with the Odnoklassnya former for three years, and the Dete also knocked out his three, he could not see enough of his three. He did not quickly collect the things of the sizes and sent the freak to hell.

  50. The neighbors became like a jagged marriage as the neighbors became extremely cooing. Well, this whole story ended in that I found out how my faithful hubby had already lived for two families with the Odoklaknyniy former for three years, and the Dete also knocked out his three, he could see little. She cried for a long time in the things of the impudent quickly gathered and sent a freak to hell. It is necessary to remove pink glasses and drive such critics in the neck

  51. I am through Telef0n my spouse cm0 to convict in and3men. She began to notice that his relationship in my direction began to cool often came after midnight shorter the female heart, not deceiving. The husband of the scoundrel, no words, threw us with the children God the judge, so well, the night is another and they tumbled for 5 years and my brains were powdered like a fool, and I thought that it was working with him began to take care of himself, I did not sleep at home, I became rare sex, etc.

  52. My husband was very surprised how I cunningly calculated his betrayal, it was like that. I began to notice that the relationship began to sharply spoil the little things, began to come from work at night, the phone from hands did not let go to the toilet with him, I still put passwords and put passwords everywhere. He sat on a diet, the female heart cannot be cheated in the sport of the hall began to walk. It turned out to be betrayal. So the girls be vigilant and do not let yourself.

  53. My husband was surprised how smartly and cunningly I calculated them for treason, it was like that. I began to notice that the relationship began to sharply spoil the little things, began to come from work at night, the phone did not let go of his hands on the toilet with him, I ran passwords everywhere. He also sat down on the diet, you can’t deceive the female heart in the sport. The hall began to walk. After all, everything became clear, he already lived for two families for a year and her brains powdered it in a position from him.

  54. in principle, the article useful would like to know how everything happens

  55. I drew attention to her husband’s strange behavior, immediately began to build guesses. Now I know about his betrayals, but I don’t know what to do.

  56. History is such. I had to suspect my wife of treason .. Her behavior, my attitude towards me ... I straightened the phone, constantly changed passwords, I suddenly excommunicated somewhere, without explaining anything. Well, there are many more reasons for suspicion.

  57. thanks

  58. Hello, .... Husbands of the husband home night messages, some frequent business trips of which had not been seen before him and began to live like neighbors after 2 years of marriage, relations cooled down. It turned out that my faithful hubby had been living for two families for three years, also with my friend, he also knocked his three Deta there. A few he powdered my brains.

  59. Mine cheated every time she got a new job. And every time I recognized. I was just pi ... t. I have not forgiven or forgive. He began to change too, so that she guessed. We live together. Sex is breathtaking. I do not cheat, although I loves me another and very much. But I do not want to throw a family, and I don’t want one. Or maybe already got used to it. Although I’m sure that anyway, it is no, but it fucks, and like a man. For the sake of just sex with another. I am sure that we have sex such as 10 percent of the population. Without a complex and compulsory orgasm. I just want her to be confessed to her herself until she will not stop changing this, so with everyone with men, what wives. The main thing I calmed down and now I only need sex from it and so that I treat the children well. And the conclusion is: changed once, change the second. Therefore, it is not necessary to forgive, or to drive, or e ... like the last whore. Something like this.

  60. Hello. It so happened that they began to suspect a person of treason and lies. Do not wait until the fact itself becomes clear. If you suspected the fact of treason, do not torment yourself, it is better to identify in the root.

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