What do signs mean, gestures with the fingers of the hands of modern youth: description, photo

What do signs mean, gestures with the fingers of the hands of modern youth: description, photo

There are situations when it is impossible to express everything that you have in your soul. Then gestures come to the rescue, which are sometimes much more eloquent and understandable.

Often gestures are understandable to any person, no matter what language he speaks. So the language barrier is overcome and mutual understanding is achieved. So what does these gestures mean?

What do the gestures of the fingers of the youth mean?


  • The thumb is raised up - this is probably the most common gesture in our country, which is understandable to absolutely everyone, even young children. He means complete approval, and also - consent, often accompanies him with a nod. This gesture with fingers bears a positive meaning, and is almost always perceived in this context. Fans of traveling to hitchhikers, thus voting the passing cars, also adopted him.
  • At the same time, in some countries (for example, Britain, Greece or Australia), such a gesture is akin to swearing, and in the Arab states, it indicates the genitals of men.
  • By analogy with a finger raised up, we are talking about the opposite understanding, expressing the denial of something or disapproval. Both thumbs have now gained a “constant residence permit” on the Internet, on the YouTube channel, on social networks. And the names have suitable - like and dysloik.
In other countries
In other countries


  • There are many test fingers involving the index finger. They are, in all likelihood, the most used and universal. The index finger pressed to the tightly closed lips calls for the silence, swinging from side to side-prohibits, and the vertically up and down-threatens.
  • If a raise the index finger up - This will show people that you demand attention from them or are focusing on one or another moment.
  • If a shine with an index finger at the temple - We will all understand that we are talking about certain insanity, but in some African and countries of South America (say, Peru or Argentina), you demonstrate a similar gesture that a certain thought process takes place in your head right now.

Middle finger

  • Thanks to American films, a gesture in the form of a raised middle finger despite the fact that the rest are hidden in the palm of your hand. It means in almost all languages \u200b\u200bthe same thing: Rough, insulting and absolutely obscene proposal in form to retire.
  • It is generally accepted that this gesture has its insulting significance with the fingers from the very old times, starting with the Roman Empire, has not lost it until today.

Kukish gesture

  • As soon as they do not call this fingers well -known throughout the post -Soviet expanse! Kukish, fig, muzzle and just shish “And all this is a sign that the asker will not receive anything.”
  • A fist, in which the thumb is driven between the middle and index, earlier in Russia had the meaning of sexual intercourse, it was also believed that it was able to scare off the evil spirits.
  • But the Brazilians put a completely different meaning in this figure of three fingers: here it protects against black dashing eyes and is considered a talisman that attracts good luck.

Brown fingers

  • The plexus of several fingers speaks of a certain unity, rallying.
  • Very often, in a midst of superstitious people, crossed fingers (middle and index) in a literal finger mean a cross and carry protection from the forces of evil. Each of the fingers speaks of the hope of the best and the faith that help will certainly come.
  • And since childhood we also remember that the crosses crossed behind the back allow lie And at the same time continue to consider yourself an honest person. How much this is true is the matter of the conscience of everyone.
  • But in Vietnam, such a gesture is extremely offensive, because they mean a female genital organ.
We cross
We cross

Three fingers are raised up

  • In such a combination pitters of the fingers No additional value is invested, except for a direct account - three fingers today simply mean the number 3.
  • By the way, in the German army, in the middle of the last century, a greeting of soldiers, addressed to the commander in chief, was accepted - it was expressed in folded with the large, index and middle fingers. So the oath was taken, so, most likely, the connection with God and the fingers folded for baptism was emphasized.

Gestures with your fingers and their meaning: name, photo

Gesture "Victory" (world)

  • Another one understandable to almost everyone with the fingers is victory! It is based on the similarities of the raised index and middle finger, thrown up, with the letter of the Latin alphabet V. It is with it that the full word Victoria begins, meaning “Victory” in Latin. The author of this gesture is considered One of the winners of fascism is the English Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
  • It is interesting that the victory is not only mean two fingers thrown up, but also the position of the brush in which it is turned with the palm of the interlocutor. In the reverse position, with a palm to themselves, the Russians will see an ordinary deuce, and New Zealanders, British and Australians can generally be offended by seeing such an interpretation of a gesture.
The creator of the gesture
The creator of the gesture

Gesture "goat"

  • This gesture with fingers is equally signed and metallic lovers rock, and followers occultism, after all, fingers clenched into a fist, with a little finger and index use, use both and others. And everyone considers him his own, inherent in this particular direction. If you still stick out the tongue, then no one will doubt in your insolence.
  • The significance of unlimited power over the situation and other people is less common (and only in Russia), as well as just a joke that demonstrates a combatant goat.

Shaka gesture

  • This The gesture of the fingers when hand clenched into a fist, and the little finger and thumb are protruded and attached to the ear, for many symbolizes endless telephone conversations and everything connected with them: promise to call, telephone request, etc.
  • At the same time, if you touch the lips with a little finger, then the meaning of the gesture changes dramatically and calls for “consuming”, or alcohol, or smoke “grass”. But if you show this gesture in the Hawaiian islands, it will be taken for a regular greeting. In addition, the gesture is popular in a sports environment.

Gesture "Infinity"

  • Four fingers a symbol of infinity And in fact it resembles an inverted eight.
  • The crossed index fingers of both hands, each resting at the tip of the thumb of the opposite hand - this gesture looks like with the fingers, which has become a famous mathematical symbol.

Gest "Heart"

  • Represents brown thumb and forefinger. Their tops really resemble the halves of the heart rounded from above.
  • Its inventors were popular Korean stars, which in this way demonstrate their love and appreciation to the listeners.

O’Kay gesture

  • Folded in the ring index and thumb Already have become a generally accepted sign that a person is fine, and the problems do not disturb him.
  • With the light hand of the Americans, this gesture spread throughout the world, and everywhere it is understood the same, except perhaps the Turks. In this country, such a gesture can be perceived as an insult hinting that a person has something wrong with a sexual orientation.
Everything is fine
Everything is fine

Love gesture

  • Love in the language of gestures is somewhat similar to a goat: only the location of the thumb is different, it is protruded, not pressed. Three fingers indicate three words known throughout the world: "I love you."
  • The gesture of fingers was invented with deaf -mute schoolchildren, thus managed to express their feelings.

Gesture "spire"

  • This is a gesture with the fingers of intellectuals, strong and thinking people. The fingertips connected by the “house” indicate a possible reflection, that the words of the interlocutor are of a keen interest.
  • According to psychologists, such a gesture it is characteristic of self -confident personalities.
Spire -shaped
Spire -shaped

Baphomet gesture

  • In one version, this is the “goat” we already examined. In another - when the middle fingers are raised upward - This is a completely opposite meaning that speaks of the Christian blessing.
  • Initially, the gesture consisted of raised two fingers of the right hand and lowered - left. Thus, the unity of the “top” and “bottom” was emphasized. Later, the interpretations became more complicated and began to talk about the unity of Yin and Yang, about the personality and its denial, the harmony of mercy and justice.

Emeca gesture

  • It is also considered a signature gesture of Yungi and is three fingers raised up: Indicative, medium and little finger.
  • The value of this gesture with the fingers is in a demonstration of peace, love and unity.
Corporate party
Corporate party

BTS gestures

  • The participants of the Korean group brought their style and their new vision to the language of gestures BTS. So, Vi beat the coincidence of the sign of the sound of his name and the symbol of Victory (Victoria). He made this sign to his practical company, demonstrating it with enviable constancy.
  • In addition, Vi interpreted a sign of love: He demonstrated his heart, putting his fingers bent in half the heart, to his cheeks.
New gestures
New gestures

Masonic gestures of fingers and their meaning

The gesture of the fingers "Pyramid"

  • The pyramid that is also called rhombus or triangle, Refers to the long -standing Masonic signs of devoted.
  • The large and index fingers folded by the rhombus (or a triangle, if the thumbs are on one straight one) use today and many celebrities, for example, Jay-Z, was also used by the ideologist of occultism by the Englishman Alistair Crowley.

The gesture with the fingers "Three sixes"

  • This gesture is similar to the Okay gesture, but symbolizes itself the number of the beast. It is believed that behind a circle formed by the thumb and forefinger, the middle, nameless and little finger are located like three tails of sixes.
  • Used in occultism as The oath of fidelity to the devil.
The oath
The oath

The sign of Baphomet belongs to the Masonic signs.

Video: The value of the gestures of the fingers

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