How to understand that my husband is cheating on me: 10 obvious signs. What to do, how to behave if the husband is cheating?

How to understand that my husband is cheating on me: 10 obvious signs. What to do, how to behave if the husband is cheating?

Cheating is always unpleasant. But how to understand whether the husband really changes and what to do if it is true? We find out in our article.

No one is safe from the betrayal of a loved one. Even if you think that you will never be changed, then you are mistaken. This can happen to everyone. So it is worth in advance to arm in advance and learn how to determine what the husband really cheat and how to behave at the same time.

How to understand that the husband is cheating: obvious signs

Signs of husband's betrayal
Signs of husband's betrayal

There are several signs by which you can determine that the husband is cheating on you. Although, they are relevant only if such behavior is unusual for a man and he usually behaves differently.

1. He constantly does something on the phone and hides it

If your husband constantly tries to hold the phone in his hands, checks the mail, SMS, and also closes with him for a long time in the bathroom or toilet, then this is an alarming sign. He does not try to call with you and leaves, but he bursts into questions and says that he can not hear anything at home. In general, he constantly corresponds to someone, and on his face he has a happy smile. If you ask what he rejoices there, then for sure, he will come up with something or say that an interesting joke is caught.

2. calls a friend a cat

That is, it did not seem to you, he really told someone “for now, a cat, see you!”, But only he called Sergeyevich, a work colleague. If you suddenly look at his contacts and calls, then this mysterious colleague will be there. No, the husband will not explain this in any way, you were heard and you come up with something. Anyway, you are already tired of your jealousy.

3. He suddenly began to love his work

If earlier the husband was not very serious about his work, well, or at least did not linger, then it is worth considering. What is he doing there until late at night and why does he start to be nervous when you suddenly try to ask something? No tips will help here. He clearly cannot work at night, especially if he always has daytime shifts.

4. He suddenly began to appear new acquaintances

With age, it becomes more difficult for us to make acquaintances, and then suddenly a whole company appeared and he constantly runs around the guests, communicates and drives teas. And the reasons are always different, and you definitely cannot be there. This is both a boyfriend and Seryoga called for football and so on. Yes, something is definitely wrong here. Maybe friends are far -fetched?

5. He tries to everyone and help everywhere

Signs of husband's betrayal
Signs of husband's betrayal

Each time, something happens, one gets stuck on the highway, the second was ill and it is urgently necessary to take him to the hospital, the third furniture is transported. Moreover, this may not be necessarily during the day, but also at night. What is he suddenly striving for everyone and help everywhere? Directly the kindest person. Yes, from the fact that all this is an invention and he is in a hurry to a date.

6. He is constantly working on himself

If earlier your man did not go to the gym, did not make a manicure and did not particularly find fault with the perfume, and now suddenly it became very important for him, then look at his behavior. It's okay, if it was, but if it wasn’t, then this is a bad sign.

7. He is annoyed for every reason

If you ask for ordinary things, even on the household, and in response a lot of reproaches flies to you, although this was not there before, then this is already strange. Of course, perhaps the husband has a difficult period now-he was fired from work, he has a middle-aged crisis or something else, but mood swings are characteristic of the changers. As a rule, a man is tormented by a conscience and he tries to find the extreme. So you just come up perfectly for this.

8. He became jealous

Some men project their own misconduct on others. After all, he changes, but what prevents you? Yes, nothing at all! Only here he is ready to forgive this, and indeed he is a man, a hunter in nature. He has circumstances, and what reasons do you have? So the outbreaks of unexpected jealousy are one of the obvious signs of jealousy.

9. He acquired new hobbies

Yes, and those where you need a lot of money and a constant personal presence. That is, he does not engage in creativity, but goes to Bowling with friends. They supposedly have a team. Do you know how much the contribution costs to participate in the tournament? Just like a room in a motel that is rented for a couple of hours.

10. He became different in bed

On the one hand, here everyone can prove themselves in different ways. Someone generally stops touching, and the other will become passionate and ardent. It can begin to show rudeness or, conversely, more tenderness. The main thing is that the difference will be obvious.

And this is the most accurate sign. Perhaps the truth of Sergeyevich can be called a “cat”. Maybe they gave him such a nickname? The friend really got stuck on the highway, and Bowling really became an outlet. However, as practice shows, this is all a lie. In rare cases, it really happens that he tells you. But the body will not be able to lie. It does not know how, because we are so arranged.

What to do if a man is cheating - how to behave?

What to do if the husband is cheating?
What to do if the husband is cheating?

If you learned that a man is cheating on you, you can lead yourself in different ways. It all depends on your character. Some arrange a disassembly for separation, and someone continues to pretend that everything is fine. How should you behave if the husband is cheating and what to do in this case?

1. Do not be silent

Sometimes women prefer to suffer and be silent. At the same time, they know for sure that the husband is running to the left. The reasons can be different, but in this way a woman humiliates not only in her eyes, but also a man. Even if the family is reunited and the man stops walking "to the left", then the woman will be depleted morally and no happiness will work.

Most often, women believe that if they begin to sort things out and put before the choice, then the man will leave. That's just according to statistics, if after six months of relations with his mistress a man remains in the family, then he will not leave. Usually only 8 out of 100 go. The fact is that men do not really like big changes, and most are afraid of them. In addition, out of eight departed, half necessarily returns back. So do not be afraid that the man will leave. And if so, then maybe he is not yours?

Of course, if you constantly suspect my husband of betrayals and arrange tantrums for him, crush and so on, then he will want to leave. After all, no one likes to constantly listen to how bad he is, to swear, to prove something. Men prefer comfort and tranquility in the house. If you want to continue your relationship, you are ready to overcome all the difficulties, then behave confidently and calmly.

2. "Sucking a bird"

Often, women learn about treason from certain “well -wishers”. Before you understand how to behave, think about what you will do if this is true. Imagine everything in your head, without connecting emotions and resentment, as far as you can. Can you understand your man and forgive him? If so, then you also treat all gossipes as well.

Nobody canceled trust either. If you believe your husband, he did not give you reasons for thought, then why should you believe someone else's gossip? You should not even tell a man about his fears, because you have already decided everything for yourself. Why find out whether he had with someone on the side or not? It is better to adhere to the opinion that there was nothing and you will quickly forget about it.

If you are not ready to come to terms with the situation and stay with the traitor, then before pouring with accusations, it is better to clarify some points, and not just take the word to people. In other words, make sure that you were told the truth. Perhaps someone accepted a colleague for work for his mistress. Maybe he just flirts, but he will not advance further. Do not forget that everyone loves to flirt and nothing more, so do not wind themselves up.

3. Meeting with lover

Meeting with her husband's mistress
Meeting with her husband's mistress

If you decide to find out the relationship with the rival, then this is clearly not worth doing. Of course, you can tear her hair and show her who is the main one, but only the man will not feel sorry for you, but her. After all, it is to blame that it happened. Moreover, men love to feel guilty, they invigorate it. So if there is a mistress and wife, then he will definitely be to blame for one of them.

When the wife behaves calmly, escorts to work, kisses, and the baby runs out of the room, the man will consider himself guilty in front of you. When after all this he comes to another, he will still pursue this feeling and he will gradually stop meeting.

But only when a woman gets out with questions where he gathered, puts a framework when he should return, then all this leaves a negative imprint. Most often, my husband does not want to return home, and with his mistress he is fine and calm. Moreover, she will regret him, caress, never reproach. Then a man’s feeling of guilt will arise before her. That's just this moment and leads to the collapse of the family when a man is not guilty of his wife, but with another woman.

So, back to the situation with hair tank. So, when the husband once again decides to visit his mistress, she will tell him everything with a sad and slightly rumpled look. And then the lover will become a heroine, she is good, but the hysteric wife will still find out where the crayfish winter.

4. Cheating for treason

Do not try to take revenge on your husband and change in response. So you will punish yourself. No one argues that treason is painful, vile and unpleasant. But understand that when a woman goes to the resort to go all heavy and forget, then she needs not sex, but just sensations. I would like to feel that you are still a woman, sexy and you may want to love and love you. A short affair, of course, will help to be distracted, but this will end and then you will have to return home. And here apathy will already come, because the husband has left, and the lover used everything.

Rarely, women after fleeting novels have the feeling that they were used by a man. It is more often the opposite. So it’s better not to experiment, because the problem from this will not be solved and it will only get worse.

5. A man must earn forgiveness

Should I forgive your husband's betrayal?
Should I forgive your husband's betrayal?

If you immediately forgive the man of his betrayal, then he is postponed from him. He begins to think that he is the most important value for you. And if he changes once again, then you will forgive again. So we advise you not to let him go with it, but it is better to arrange a small performance and outweigh the guilt on him. Moreover, he definitely deserved it.

Do it calmly and remember, no scandals! You can cry and speak out to your mother or girlfriend, and then he will calmly say that he himself thought about everything and did something for the relationship. That is, in this way, you seem to make a man seek you again.

Often, men like to ask to start all over again. So show yourself. Let him take care of you, reduces somewhere, and indeed spends more time with you.

If you seriously decided to start a relationship again, then you can’t do without bouquet-context. Let him achieve you, gives gifts and so on. But only after forgiveness, in no case do not remind of his misconduct, even in a comic form. You made a decision and started from scratch, so do not return to the past.

Video: How to understand that a man is cheating on you?

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  1. Hello, I wanted to tell the story of how I almost lost my family. A month ago, my husband began to walk, I forgave him, he did not understand what he was doing. But one day he left, collecting things to another. I decided to turn to the famous fortuneteller WhatsApp 89031708267, I told her what happened, she told me not to look for another man, she said that he would come and begin to apologize and ask for forgiveness, a month later he came and began to apologize. I was very grateful, she helped me return her husband to return to me

  2. Here I had such a situation in my life and I turned to a person, I needed to control my husband, I wanted to connect wiretap on my husband’s phone, but they deceived me. Do not trust fraudsters!
    Better take care of yourself, go to some courses, start studying something, get new friends there, change your appearance, and your husband will reach you again.

  3. Here I had a situation and I turned to a person I had such a situation in my life and I needed to control my husband, my friend advised me to a guy, he connected a wiretap on my husband’s phone and I was able to listen and read the SMS and on whatsappe viber, he Everything through the Internet has given him a number and in an hour already everything worked.

  4. Everything through the Internet does I gave him a number and in an hour already everything worked
    Thanks to Victoria for the hint

  5. My husband did not think that I would catch him so quickly))) I used to live up with the worship, I had the same way to have a mnex.

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