What does the brutal man mean: the meaning of the word? Should I start a relationship with a brutal man? Advantages and disadvantages, popularity of brutal men

What does the brutal man mean: the meaning of the word? Should I start a relationship with a brutal man? Advantages and disadvantages, popularity of brutal men

Who is a brutal man and is it possible to build relationships with him?

Now many women love brutal men. This is due to the fact that in them they see masculinity, as well as strength. In this article we will tell you who the brutal man is.

What does a brutal man mean: the meaning of the word

According to Wikipedia, it is rude or cruel, expressing rudeness or cruelty. Initially, this meant a cruel personwho behaves rather rudely. Usually these are so-called alpha samers. But over time, the word brutal changed its meaning. Now almost every woman wants to meet such a representative of the stronger sex. The fact is that in connection with the popularization of feminization, and the manifestation of equality, a large number of women are tired of feeling overly strong.

Almost every woman, even the strongest, wants to feel weak so that some of the problems and troubles are solved for her. However, this does not always turn out, because society is accustomed to the power of women. This explains the popularity of brutal men. Initially, they think about a brutal man as who can really take care of his second half, and solve part of her problems. Sometimes such a person does not give the right to choose, because he is confident in his innocence. It is to male power, as well as the ability to make decisions, women are drawn. Oddly enough, such men have a huge number of connections and relationships. This is due to the acute need of male strength among women.

Brutal man
Brutal man

Brutal man with a beard: image or character?

With the popularization of a beard, for many ladies, a brutal man seems to be a tall man, with a stylish beard, quite courageous, daring. Oddly enough, a similar appearance can require a huge amount of time and money. Accordingly, most often these are not indicators of male power, but simply caring for yourself, and the need to build an image. This is just a picture behind which no male power lies.  

The most interesting thing is that now a huge number of various trainings and coaches that help men look quite stylish, and create a brutal image. Although in fact a man is not in the soul. As experience shows, such representatives of the stronger sex have a lot of women. This is exactly what seduces men, and also makes them seem brutal, to make a lot of effort.  

Brutal man
Brutal man

Should I start a relationship with a brutal man?

The fact is that such a person, most likely, will not appreciate the real value of a relationship, this is an ungrateful business. Usually, such men put themselves in the first place, as well as their interests. He spat on his second half or a girl who wants to be with him. Most often, such men with a woman as long as they are interested and profitable. Usually a brutal man is not tied to sincerity, and to a particular person.

The outer shell is important for them, and so on until it is interesting, they are in a relationship. After the brutal man disappears interest in a woman, he throws her. This is due to the fact that due to their image, pretty external data, such men have no shortage of relations. That is, he will really quickly find a replacement for you.  

Bad guy
Bad guy

For such men, an ideal woman is a free relationship. No matter how strange it sounds, everyone walks on their own. That is, in fact, people live together, they have some kind of relationship, but at the same time everyone is free to do what he wants. Very often this applies to relations with other sexual partners. For a brutal man, it is very convenient when a woman does not demand anything from him and asks, but perceives him as he is. Such men really value their own freedom and point of view. Most women are accustomed to monogamy, want a serious, constant relationship.

This is due to the fact that from our childhood, most girls read fairy tales about love to the grave, about how lovers die on the same day. But in fact, everything is not at all in life, especially with brutal men. Very rarely, such men live with a woman for quite some time, in constant and stable relationships.

The image of masculinity
The image of masculinity

What characteristics should a brutal man have?

Many girls believe that the following characteristics are inherent in them:  

  • Willpower, that is, volitional character  
  • Physical strength  
  • Courageous, pretty appearance  
  • A person knows how to take care of himself, and also always reserves the last word  
  • He knows how to answer for his actions and, accordingly, take on any responsibility  
  • A certain mystery is inherent in this man and the woman does not fully understand what they want from her, or what this man has in the head  

Now the concept of cruel or aggressive has changed. Now the brutal man is one who is inherent in masculinity, as well as strength. For many girls, such men are ideals. They are often idealized because they want to be behind a stone wall. At the same time, brutal men are also characterized by very negative aspects, which girls immediately pay no attention, since they are fascinated by appearance and straightforward behavior.  


The danger of brutal men

Negative sides of the brutal man:  

  • He is emotionally greedy. That is, this person will never make you a lot of compliments, laugh loudly or openly show his delight.
  • Such a person considers his opinion a priority and, if not more, the only right one.  
  • He is very old -fashioned and is not ready to compromise. First of all, they are guided only by their own interests. He will initially think not about his wife and family, but only about himself.  
  • Such people are poorly able to capture information, or rather listen and hear.  
Brutal actor
Brutal actor

What is the connected with the popularity of brutal men?

Why are brutal men so popular? This is due to the fact that we live in the age of unisex. That is, now a lot of things are sold for both men and women. This applies not only to toilet water and skin care products, but also of clothes. Many men have lost their courageous appearance, and prefer to look like girls. That is why among women there will be a deficiency of true masculinity, rigidity. This explains the popularity of brutal men.  

The most interesting thing is that among the male part of the population the word brutality is perceived a little differently. For men, this is really an alpha male, a person who pays attention to a lot of women who has achieved everything himself and leaves the opportunity for the last word along. However, if women can impress only with the corresponding appearance, then men are often evaluated in content. Accordingly, a pumped up guy with a beard and in grated jeans will hardly be considered brutal if he does not work, sits on the neck of some of his relatives. Men in this case are more straightforward, and such a brutal male is unlikely to become a friend and will be respected among men.  


Brutal man or dear friend?

Advantages and disadvantages of brutal men:

  • Psychologists say that all men are divided mainly into two categories. These are brutal men who are of masculinity, high growth and broad shoulders. That is, such a person is able to give healthy offspring.  
  • The second category, these are the so -called representatives of the friendzones. Women are always friends with them, communicate. It is pleasant to spend time with them, but the girls are not ready to start a certain kind of relationship with them.
  • That is, in sexual terms, a really brutal man attracts a woman more. But at the same time, the second category of guys is more suitable for creating a family, and providing, as well as raising children.
  • Accordingly, it is necessary for the fair sex to choose whether they want to be in the power of a brutal man who will not be considered the opinion of their second half, or to live with a less attractive representative of the stronger sex, who will take care of his family and listen to the opinion of his wife.  

Relations are possible only if the man suits everything. That is, a woman satisfies externally, in sex, and also does not load her own problems. That is, such a man can engage in himself and pay a lot of attention to friends, and not only.  

Video: Brutal Man

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Comments K. article

  1. The word brutal from the French word Brutal - translation - rude, cattle. The school etymological dictionary (Moscow, Centerpoligraph, 2007) explains the meaning of the word brutal: rough, harsh, cruel, brutal, stupidly straightforward. And you write a gag here. The French word is translated by one and not otherwise.

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