A brief analysis of Krylov’s fable “Elephant and Moska”: morality, history of creation, characteristics of heroes, life examples

A brief analysis of Krylov’s fable “Elephant and Moska”: morality, history of creation, characteristics of heroes, life examples

The “Elephant and Moska” fable is a work that is a classic of the genre. In this article you will find an analysis of this creation of the author - a brief, with life examples.

Fable "Elephant and Moska" - classics of the genre. The author put into it such words that clearly convey the relations of people flaunted. He created in a genre that implies an indirect value of content. Below you will find an analysis of this work, as well as winged expressions and life examples. Read further.

Fable "Elephant and Moska": author, text

Fable "Elephant and Moska" written Ivan Andreevich Krylov no later than the beginning november 1808, And in the same year it was first published in the journal "Drama Bulletin". Here is the text of this creation of the author:

Fable "Elephant and Moska"

The moral of the fable "Elephant and Moska": in your own words

This fable very accurately describes some aspects of relations in society. Here is the moral of the fable "Elephant and Moska" In your own words:

Elephant It seems authoritative, even monumental being. It can be seen that he symbolizes a person with a reputation whose word has weight. Such personalities can eliminate any competitor, crush the enemy both physically and morally. But Moska - The creature is small in nature. Wiping around the elephant, she tries to express herself, show her significance in the eyes of everyone else. Of course, this is quite comical. It is noteworthy that Moska He understands all his insignificance, but still decides to become an object of attacks of the elephant. However, this dispute is useless, because he simply does not perceive it.

We can say that the author displays in the image Moska Some people who are trying to attract attention are gaining authority. But at the same time they are no one. They will remain like that. However, really smart and significant people (such as Elephant) Simply, they do not pay attention to such attacks. And they do the right thing. After all, all this is like a storm in a glass of water that does not make sense.

On the other hand, Moska symbolizes the courage that is characteristic of a person who has his own opinion. Often, reputation, social status is not important to them. If such a person has something to say, she will express her thoughts regardless of what post she occupies, how much she earns and how respected she is. Accordingly, this is also a plus. Who is closer to the characters - choose the reader himself.

Plan for the Basne "Elephant and Moska": points

Fable "Elephant and Moska"

According to the plan, it is easy to teach a work, write an essay and tell. It helps to navigate in the subject and content. Here is a plan for fable "Elephant and Moska" - points:

  1. Elephants are driven along the street for fun to people, since such animals are very rare.
  2. Appears Moska. She begins to bark at the elephant, squeal, in every possible way tries to attract attention.
  3. Shavka is trying to point out the dog at the wrongness of her position, says that such behavior will still not attract anyone's attention.
  4. Moska does not accept the opinion of her friend. She is sacredly sure that she acts correctly, and that everyone around will begin to respect her after that.

These are the main points. If there is a desire, then you can add something else to expand the perception of the work.

What does the fable "Elephant and Moska" teach: reasoning

Any fable is instructive. Indeed, with its help it is easy to understand life and people, their behavior and intentions. Here's a reasoning, what the fable teaches "Elephant and Moska":

Considering that the author in the fable does not make an unambiguous conclusion, the reader remains the right to isolate his essence and understanding of the issue. Morality can be different. Some believe that Moska She was bold enough, and her self -promotion in this case is not so bad. Moreover, the dog is a strategist who sets a goal and does not see any obstacles. Even if for this you have to resort to tricks and bypass tracks. Accordingly, a small dog seems really strong.

But on the other side, Moska It seems quite ridiculous, because her attempts look very ridiculous and comical for the elephant and others.

Questions about the fable "Elephant and Moska": points

Fable "Elephant and Moska"

Teachers at school are often asked at home - to come up with questions for the work, since with the help of such a task, the student better remembers the author’s creation and understands his essence. Here are questions about the fable "Elephant and Moska" - points:

  • Why was the elephant drove the streets?
  • What did the dog do, seeing Elephant?
  • Did anyone try to dissuade from her actions?
  • How did she motivate her actions?
  • Whether it has achieved Moska your goal?

These are the main points of issues that will help you get a good rating in the literature lesson.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable "Elephant and Moska": Explanation

Often, even knowing the work perfectly, the child cannot track the basic facts in it. All this is because the student does not delve into the essence. Here is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe “Elephant and Moska” fable with an explanation to understand:

There are two types of people: some influential and significant. And others are small in a social sense. Alas, the efforts of the latter will not reach the goal. Even if they try to accuse the wealthy and authoritative of sins and shortcomings, no one will still listen to this.

On the other hand, an example Moski It shows that it is still necessary to fight for their interests and at all costs to defend them, despite the circumstances. Indeed, sometimes the social status of a person is not even important - the main thing, the correctness of his ideas and what he carries to the masses.

And the methods of self -realization and attracting attention can be different. Sometimes they really are needed so that society will hear calls. One way or another, everyone can have their own opinion, because the fabulist leaves the ground for thought.

The story of the creation of the Elephant and Moska fable: Facts

Fable "Elephant and Moska"

The stories of the creation of many fables of this author are ordinary. He first wrote them, and then published them in different collections. This creation is no different from the previous ones. Here is the story of the creation of the fable "Elephant and Moska" - data:

Krylov wrote his ironic work in the distant 1808th year, and for the first time it was published in a journal called "Drama Bulletin".

Often enough Krylov borrowed plots from other fabulists, such as Aesop, Fedr and Lafontaine. Although the writer had the ability to invent his original scenarios. But for this creation, Ivan Andreevich applied a story close to the parable Sumarokovwhich was called "Mouse and elephant".

Winged expressions from Krylov’s fable "Elephant and Moska"

To write an essay, winged expressions may be needed. With their help, just embellish the text and add expressiveness. Here are winged fable expressions Krylova "Elephant and Moska":

"Ay, Moska,
Know she is strong
What barks at the elephant. "

Another expression, often used:

“That's it for me
and gives the spirit
That I am, without a fight,
I can get into big scraps. "

This creation of the author is small, therefore, there are few expressions that have taken root in ordinary life. But they are bright and memorable.

What does the “Elephant and Moska” fable make fun of?

Fable "Elephant and Moska"

The main goal of any fable is to make fun of ridiculous people, ignoramuses, who, according to the author, act incorrectly. With the help of such creations, we see all their actions clearly and we can try on our lives, learning in the characters the works of our acquaintances, friends, and maybe politicians or people of show business. This is what the fable makes fun of "Elephant and Moska":

The fable makes fun of people who, with the lack of authority, are trying to prove their significance to anyone, and it looks very ridiculous. As a rule, in order to rise above someone, you must be competent in the question. If a person tries to prove to another his superiority, not being better, then this is an occasion only for laughter.

On the other hand, the author hints that the main thing is not physical dimensions, but the mind. Accordingly, he even leaves the dog a bridgehead for further actions, since he ends the creation on a very positive (for a dog) note. Accordingly, who knows? Perhaps after a while she will achieve her. Although this is unlikely.

Characterization of the heroes of the fable "Elephant and Moska": Description for the lesson of literature 3, 4, 5, 6 of the school of the school

Fable "Elephant and Moska"

Describing the characters of the work is simple. After all, after reading it is clear what and who is about. Here is the description and characteristic of the heroes of the fable "Elephant and Moska" For a lesson of literature 3, 4, 5, 6th grade of the school:

Elephant - Proud, majestic, patient, phlegmatic. After all, no matter what the dog does, it does not condescend to any obvious confrontation and even discussion with it. Nevertheless, it is not clear whether he really does not hear her, or simply does not pay attention to attacks, because he understands that she will not cause him any harm.

Moska - Small, turbulent, bold, but at the same time reckless, somewhat naive. But purposeful. Nevertheless, the author, although ridicules her, does not say directly that her methods are useless.

Krylova's fable "Elephant and Moska": Life examples

Fable "Elephant and Moska"

Examples from life help the student understand the difficult morality of the work. But inventing them is not so simple. So, if you were asked your homework, or you need to prepare for Exam in literature, and the topic is related to Krylov's fable "Elephant and Moska", here are life examples:

Example 1:

My older brother is a journalist working in the field of music. Recently, he faced one interesting work situation. There was a conflict in the group. One of the participants left her.

He left with a scandal. But after a while he began to humiliate his former colleagues in every interview. He said that he was originally the founder of the group and the author of all songs, and he was simply kicked out.

In fact, this man is a deceiver. And they kicked him correctly, for fraud and harness of fees. Which he appropriated for himself by giving a concert for the charity. The composition of the group ignores his creeps, attempts to become famous for gossip and does not respond to lawsuits. After all, a departed person himself has absolutely no status in show business. It is unlikely that he will be able to launch his own project, because as a musician he is zero without a wand - there is no talent, no aspiration, nor ambitions. He looks like a moska pulling on an elephant. It is ridiculous and ridiculous to watch the former musician who, with his gossip and aggression, once again shows that he is not authoritative, but in fact, deeply unhappy. In fact, everyone knows the truth - the media, and musicians, and fans. Accordingly, besides laughter, this intrigue does not cause anything else.

Example 2:

I have been engaged in boxing not so long ago. But my friend believes that he can’t become a good fighter, just standing in sparring with comrades in the section and hammering a pear. It is necessary to perform at competitions so that everything is withoutumps. And so, I went to my first “not comradely” fight. It is difficult to say why the organizers ignored this fact, but in the end they put a more experienced boxer against me (I heard that he has been engaged for 10 years), which also surpasses me with both strength and dimensions. Of course, I am not one of those who immediately surrendered, because the first two rounds I tried to hold on, put blocks and occasionally apply attacks, but still looked like a mosa pulling on an elephant. Naturally, having lost, I was not offended at all. Yes, and the box did not abandon. Who knows, maybe when we meet next time, I will be more prepared, and the fight will be much more interesting?

Example 3:

My friend Pasha admitted to me that he really likes one girl from school. Only she is older and studies in 11th grade. Therefore, he said that he would not even try to approach her. I said that this is not an indicator, and he should try. But then he admitted that she has a boyfriend. It seems to me that Pasha is right, saying that attempts to compete with such an opponent are equal to the situation with an elephant and a pug. Anyway, let it not be upset - he will have a girlfriend

Video: Elephant and Moska (Krylova's fable - elephant and moska)

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