Feeding twins or twins at the same time: lessons for mothers, tips, step -by -step guides

Feeding twins or twins at the same time: lessons for mothers, tips, step -by -step guides

In this article you will find many useful tips, rules and recommendations for feeding twins or twins at the same time.

The appearance of twins is a significant event for parents. Many future mothers are worried about whether they can feed the twins. After all, breastfeeding of two children at the same time, requires a lot of strength and costs of the body.

For mom, it is important to observe the diet, which should be of high quality and balanced, as well as a healthy sleep, daily walks in fresh air and much more. Below are detailed recommendations of doctors, the rules are described and there are lessons on feeding two babies at the same time. Read further.

Breastfeeding twins at the same time: recommendations of doctors

Breastfeeding twins at the same time
Breastfeeding twins at the same time

The birth of a child brings great joy to parents. There are frequent cases when during a medical examination it turns out that the expectant mother is pregnant with twins. Such joy is associated with the awareness of greater care and trouble. Preparing for the appearance of kids is worthwhile and in advance. To do this, you must follow the already developed recommendations of doctors:

The premium period must be carried out positively:

  • It is noted that the child in the womb of the mother feels her emotional state and reacts to care.
  • You should communicate with him, feeling his condition.
  • Do not overshadow the wonderful time for the expectation of permission from burden with restless thoughts.
  • This will create a prerequisite for the birth of healthy in psychic terms of twins.

Make a list of things necessary for twins.Separately, a list is compiled for the newborn to the hospital. This includes:

  • A first -aid kit
  • Hygienic agents
  • Diapers

The rest of the things will expect a mother with the replenishment of the house:

  • Stroller
  • Cotle
  • A midwife table
  • clothing
  • Consumables and much more

Gifts for newborns from relatives and friends are very appropriate at this stage.

Organize the optimal antenatal regime, including full -fledged sleep and high -quality nutrition:

  • Flothing twins will require large energy costs.
  • Therefore, the female body should be as fortified as possible and prepared for the education of twins.

With regard to feeding, care and upbringing, it is reasonable to use the experience of mothers who have already given birth to twins:

  • Through the Internet, through the forums of young mothers, you can get valuable advice, exchange opinions and questions.
  • This will be helped by Internet communities and social networks.
  • Maybe you have friends or acquaintances who have already given birth to twins and will be able to give you tips on caring for kids.

The main thing is to remember: In this world you are not alone. It is a mistake to consider that you can easily cope with the care of two babies. This is really difficult. Help is needed from the first day of the birth of kids.

You may have to hire a home -made servant, at least for the first time. But you can always count on the help of loved ones. You should also know that you will do the breastfeeding of twins at the same time - all mothers do it right and so. Read more about this further.

Feeding twins or twins at the same time: rules, tips

Feeding twins or twins at the same time
Feeding twins or twins at the same time

Becoming the happy parents of two babies at the same time, you will not immediately understand what to grab in the first place. After all, we must have time to pay attention to both babies. An important moment is the feeding of twins or twins at the same time. You need to understand the basis of breastfeeding:

  • A convenient pose for feeding, as you will have babies at the chest.
  • It is necessary to think about where one of the twins will be, while you apply to the chest of the second.
  • The production of milk depends on the consumption of high -quality food, a sufficient amount of liquid, a good emotional background of a woman.
  • It is necessary to help the kids capture the breast correctly.

A young mother has no experience yet, especially if this is the first birth. Therefore, fears overwhelm her: whether she will cope in this difficult process. Here are the rules and tips for feeding twins:

  • At first you will have to feed the demands of the kidsThen the regime will appear.
  • It is advisable to feed both infants at one time. Kids will get used to the established regime, and the mother will receive extra time to relax. Although at first, as mentioned above, the feeding process is almost continuous.
  • Breasts for feeding should be given when signs of searching by kids a source of feeding - smoking, turning the head in different directions.
  • Infants should be accustomed correctly to take the nipple in the mouthSo that the feeding process is painless for the mother.
  • A weaker baby needs to be added additionally, until it gets stronger. And to give that chest in which there is more milk. If necessary, feed with shed milk.
  • Think about different posesin which it will be convenient for you to feed your kids.
  • Consider the need for kids: Do not panic that there is not enough milk, and do not try to feed the mixture. The body produces milk as much as necessary - enough for both babies.
  • If you think that there is not enough milk, read the article on our website on the topic: "How to increase lactation and when is it necessary?".
  • If milk really disappears, then read the article on this link. It has a lot of information that will answer the question of what to do and how to increase the production of milk in the chest.
  • In order not to get tired of constant feeding - Feed at the same time. You will save time and nerves.
  • Give the chest that you consider necessary. So that the child does not get used to a certain position, otherwise then he can protest.
  • The poses also need to be changed periodicallyIn order not to cause a child’s habit to lie in one position.

Two breasts are given to women by nature. The female breast adapts to children's requests. Breast milk is enough for everyone. Love and close contact with twins will make the process of feeding incredibly emotional. Therefore, unequivocally, tw twin feeding should only be breasts. Do not despair if you can't do something. A little patience, perseverance and, of course, the help of loved ones will never hurt. Gemini is a double happiness that all loving parents will cope with.

Simultaneous breastfeeding twins: lessons for mothers, step -by -step guides

For feeding twins, it is important to choose convenient positions so that it is comfortable for both children and mom. Here are lessons for mothers with step -by -step guides for simultaneous breastfeeding twins:

Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
  • Cross. This is a classic pose for synchronous feeding twins.
  • First you need to attach one baby to the chest.
  • And the second, clinging to the sister or brother, eats a different chest.
  • Children are in a cruciate position.
Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
  • Pose "from under the mouse." You need to sit in a chair and put several pillows under both hands.
  • Put one child on the pillow under the right hand.
  • He will, respectively, suck his right chest. At this time, another child is under his left hand and eats his left chest.
  • The legs of the kids are located behind the nurse.
  • The position of the pillows should be convenient for both children and mother, so that her back does not get tired.
Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
  • Pose No. 3. One child lies in the classic position of the “cradle”, the second mother holds in position “from under the mouse”, next to her.
  • In subsequent feeding of twins, change places.
Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
  • Lying position. Mommy lay on the barrel.
  • The first of the twins puts near him, the second - on his stomach.
Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
  • "Lying on the back". You need to lie on your back. Put the children on the stomach.
  • Near the right chest - one baby, near the left - another.
  • The baby’s heads are on the elbows of mom, or small pillows are hidden under their heads.
Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
Simultaneous breastfeeding twins
  • "Reclining on pillows". Children are located on their mother crosswise.
  • She supports them with the help of hands.
  • The hands are relaxed and rested on pillows.

A special pillow will be a reliable assistant when feeding twins. It is made in the form of a sickle. Thanks to its shape and size, the nursing mommy will be able to conveniently arrange children near the chest. Read more about what kind of pillow it is, read below in the text.

Gemini breastfeeding: it's useful to know

Breastfeeding twins
Breastfeeding twins

You need to watch the kids. More often apply to a more “milk” breast of one that is weaker and eats less. It should be fed up additionally between joint feeding with another baby. It is possible that the weakest of the twins will have to be fed with shed milk with a spoon. This is a temporary measure. Whether it is necessary or not - it is better to solve with a specialist in breastfeeding or with a pediatrician. Here's what it is still useful to know when breastfeeding twins:

  • It is important to alternate the chest. Especially if one baby eats more than another.
  • If you fail to give breasts quite often Or there are difficulties with breastfeeding, then you need to express milk. This can be done both independently and with the help of a special dairy.
  • Before expressing, be sure to do soft breast massage, and also drink 200 gr. warm fluid.
  • Take a positive example from already held mothers with twins. They managed to successfully feed their kids, while managing to engage in themselves and household chores.
  • The first time after childbirth (several days) It is better to feed twins one at a time. First attach the one who woke up to the chest.
  • As the mother has the necessary confidence and experiencet, and kids learn to take breasts, you can proceed to joint feeding twins.

Remember: Breastfeeding is the biggest and best gift that mother can only make for her children.

Do not worry if you do not succeed in breastfeeding. Everything will come with experience. Already literally through 5-7 days You will confidently keep your kids and breastfeed without problems.

Features of twin feeding: pillow, chair

When feeding twins, it is necessary that both babies and mom be convenient. Therefore, pediatricians and other experts recommend using special feeding pillows - they are convenient, practical.

Breastfeeding at the same time with a special pillow
Breastfeeding at the same time with a special pillow
  • The pillow resembles the shape of a horseshoe, easily dresses on mom.
  • Most models have a special back so that you can conveniently lean on the seat when you sit down.
  • Children are placed on both sides of the “horseshoes”.
  • Thanks to this device, mom completely unloads her back and does not get tired, and the kids lie on a soft pillow, feeding occurs sitting.
  • Now the market is offered a large assortment of such pillows. It is needed to reduce the load on the back of the mother, as well as to perform the simultaneous feeding of the twins.
Breastfeed pillow at the same time
Breastfeed pillow at the same time

Features of feeding twins are that as children grow, other devices may be needed for the convenience of children. They begin to feed the kids, somewhere from seven months, and parents are faced with the problem of acquiring the necessary furniture.

Two chairs for twin feeding
Two chairs for twin feeding

There are no double counters or chairs in the markets. Therefore, mothers and dads solve the issue on their own, inventing different methods of combining or cutting holes in the countertops.

Video: How to feed twins?

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