Why are twins born? How to determine the likelihood of a birth of twins?

Why are twins born? How to determine the likelihood of a birth of twins?

The subtleties of raising twins. Features of the development of twins.

Gemini - double happiness and care for parents. Many women simply dream of having two children at a time, however, according to statistics, most of the twins are born in women after 35 years.

Why are twins born?

Modern medicine is known to almost everything about the processes that occur in the woman’s body immediately after conception. The birth of twins is facilitated by the following factors:

  • Treatment of infertility
  • Increased FSH content in the body of a woman
  • Heredity age is more than 35 years old

Now scientists are sharing monozygous and dizigate twins. The difference in the amount of the initial biomaterial for conception. In the treatment of infertility and in women over 35 years old, the amount of follicle -stimulating hormone is higher than the norm, therefore, instead of one egg, it grows two or more. Each of them is fertilized with a separate sperm. In this case, the twins can be heterosexual and generally unlike.

And in the case of monozygous pregnancy, one fertilized cell is divided into two during growth. This mechanism is not fully studied completely. But the one -eating twins are most often the same sex and their DNA is almost the same. Why at some point the cell is still divided into two unclear. It is impossible to plan such a pregnancy.

How to determine the likelihood of the birth of twins?

The probability of the birth of twins from two eggs is 1.4%. That is, 14 out of 1000 women will become mothers of twins. Scientists have found that twins are three times more likely to be born in dark -skinned ones. These are features of physiology and development. The likelihood of the birth of single -tide twins is only 0.3%.

Scientists have found that a third of all twins were born from women who were treated for long for infertility.

During IVF, there is also a high risk of twins or triplets, but this is a fully controlled procedure. Several embryos can take root in the uterus during IVF. How much she wants to leave a woman, she chooses herself.

What is the difference between twins and twins?

In medicine, as such, the concept of twins does not exist. These are one -eating or multi -tower twins. The people, to make it easier to navigate, are called children who are unlike each other and heterogeneous. And fully identical children born from one cage are twins. Although in medicine these are twins, only born of one or more cells.

How do twins and twins turn out?

The mechanism of the birth of dizigate twins is simple. Under the influence of a follicle -stimulating hormone in the body of a woman, more than one dominant follicle grows, but several. Most often, one egg matures in each ovary. If it enters the uterus, sperm fertilizes each egg. Zygotes can be attached in different places of the uterus.

The placenta’s presentation often occurs when one fruit was “unsuccessfully” attached at the very exit of the uterus. In the process of growth, one fruit presses on the other, increasing the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Why one fertilized cell is divided into two parts unclear. But there are such variations of one -eating twins:

  • Both embryos have their own placenta and a fetal bag and develop independently of each other
  • Two embryos are divided into two. Often in such cases, grown -up children are born - Siamese twins
  • One egg has a polar body, which is also fertilized

What are the features of the development of twins?

Typically, twins are born with a smaller body weight than ordinary children. They later begin to hold the head, sit and walk. Often, one of the twins is born larger, and the second is smaller. A stronger child begins to speak earlier, he has developed fine motor skills and skills. But by school years, differences are erased.

  • Many consider twins as lagging for twins, in fact this is not so. With such children you need to do more, since initially they are weaker. In school years, twins catch up in the physical development of their peers
  • Social skills. Psychologically twins are more developed than other children. This is due to the fact that at an early age they perceive each other as a whole. They often argue, fight and reconcile
  • Gemini before other children learn to share, forgive and yield. When the twins grow up, mom is very simple with them. They care about her, often call and come. In high school, such children often help parents on the household

How to educate twins?

Many parents try to educate twins as one child. They feed them from one bottle, put to sleep in one crib. Of course, this allows the kids to get used to each other and feel like one. Later, this can significantly brake the development of children.

  • At 6 months, the children are used to each other, peer into emotions and react to them. Mom at this time is quite simple, since children do not require attention, they are busy with each other. At the same time, this slows down the speech of the kids, since most of the time they hear not normal words, but humming
  • Try to share the responsibilities between family members, and let everyone take turns talking to the kids. Try to purchase individual cribs, but feed, plant on the pot and sleep at the same time
  • Do not get the same toys to children. Everyone should be a person, not one whole
  • Try not to purchase the same things and purchases. Explain to the kids that this time you buy something alone, and after time to a second child
  • If the children fight for the toys, do not rush to buy the same baby exactly the same. Explain what you need to share
  • If possible, walk with the kids separately. You can hand one child to dad, and go for a walk with the second. Change the next time. This brings up individuality in children, and you will help you better know the interests of each baby
  • It is necessary that the kids have different friends and interests. Excellent if they want to study in different classes and visit different circles

Do I need to wear twins the same?

  • When the kids are not yet a year old, even the mother with difficulty distinguishes them. To facilitate the task, you can purchase the same things of different colors. You can wear different hats or booties for kids. After a year, try to purchase different things to the kids. They should not feel like an addition to the brother or sister
  • Allow children to choose clothes on their own. It's good if one will be carried away by sports and wear tracksuits, and the other prefer classic clothes
  • As soon as children learn to dress on their own, put their things on different cabinets. Let them choose in the morning what they go to the garden or to school

How to care for twins?

Many questions arise around feeding and sleeping children. If you decide to feed the crumbs with breast milk, do it at the same time. Buy a comfortable pillow and hold the kids with both hands.

  • When the children grow up, they can be placed on the chest face, provided that the mother has no more than the fourth breast size. In no case do not feed the children on demand. You need a clear schedule, otherwise you will quickly exhale
  • You can buy one crib, but divide it with a partition, which can sometimes be removed so that the kids communicate with each other
  • Try to put children at the same time. Buy too at the same time. If the kids are still very small, bathe one after another, the first should be more restless. Since when bathing a calm baby, he can roll up tantrums
  • When children learn to sit, get them chairs for swimming and bathe together

At what time are twins born?

Typically, childbirth begins prematurely. On average, twins are born for 34-38 weeks. Few people rehabilitate until 39-40 weeks, and some doctors believe that there is no point in being in their stomach for so long, because there is simply no room for them. Premature is the birth of 32 weeks. This usually happens with a placenta or multi -guide. If the cervix opens ahead of time, a pregnant woman can put a ring and put on the conservation. Complete peace is shown. They are forbidden to even get up for a walk.

In 70% of cases, twins are born through surgical intervention and only 30% are born naturally.

If mom’s health is good and there is no need to do cesarean, usually the birth is swift. And a woman gives birth to children in 2-3 hours from the beginning of the fights. Often, children are born as a result of a planned cesarean section.

How to care for twins: tips and reviews

First of all, do not think that the birth of twins will not change your life. Do not hope that your home will always have cleanliness and order. Now you will recall unwashed dishes and floors late in the evening.

  • Understand that you are not able to fix everything yourself. Distribute responsibilities between all family members
  • Once a week, leave the kids to one of your relatives and go to a cafe with your friends or your husband to the cinema
  • Write the daily routine and try to follow it
  • Do not put off minor affairs for later. It’s easier to wash one plate than the whole mountain
  • Do not drive yourself. It’s better not to do something and rest. After all, kids need a healthy and satisfied mother

Of course, it is much more difficult to care for twins than for one baby, but over time you will get used to it. After all, no household problems will be compared to the smile of kids and their arms.

Video: multiple pregnancy

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