How to arrange a room for twins? How to choose furniture for twins?

How to arrange a room for twins? How to choose furniture for twins?

Twins - double joy for mom and dad. With the birth of babies, every parent can experience different difficulties. It is important to pay a lot of attention to twins and try to decorate, the world surrounding their world is original and comfortable.

Do twins need the same things?

When twins are born in the family, each dad and every mother get a double “portion of joy”. But, at the same time, they gain a “double portion of trouble” and a mass of puzzles. One of the most popular questions for the parents of the twins: "How to wear kids?" Probably, from time to time it racks his head: it is worth dressing them equally or nevertheless distinguish between clothes?

From the point of view of psychology, we can say that if parents put twins in various things, they favorably affect the development of the personality of their children. In this case, each baby will be able to educate in himself an individual person “from the diapers”. However, modern mothers do not think about this so often and prefer to buy the same things, not spending strength on approaching the individual characteristics of everyone. It is worth noting that there is nothing negative in this, since such an action races the children and makes them inseparable, almost “whole”.

Dad with twins
Dad with twins

The situation is facilitated when a boy and a girl appear in the family at the same time. Here you want - you don’t want, and the pants are significantly different from the skirt. The main rule that parents need to adhere to is always showing their love to the kids and not give preference to one, punishing the second. Twins must exist in equal conditions and receive enough love from mom and dad.

How to arrange a children's room for twin girls? A photo

Having a daughter is the dream of every mother, and having two daughters is a double dream. It is worth attentive to the preferences of their kids and equip the room so that the children are pleased in it. Girls - the embodiment of tenderness and softness. A room for girls can be decorated with numerous decorative elements:

  • drawings on the walls
  • furniture furniture
  • shelves with toys
  • toilet table
  • wardrobe

Every girl to evaluate the presence of the heroes of her favorite cartoons in the room, which will make the princess feel like a princess.

How to arrange a children's room for twin boys? A photo

Boys are active and restless children. For boys, you always need to skillfully distinguish between the territory of the room on the play areas and recreation areas. Fill the nursery with a large number of book shelves, pictures and posters, choose two -story cribs - they significantly save place. Also, such a bed can differ in its individual approach for each baby and they will not have to constantly quarrel due to the fact that one another interferes.

Create a separate working area with a desk for each child, then you will not have disagreements about the fact that "the place is occupied." Zoning will help kids feel comfortable.

How to beautifully decorate a room for heterogeneous twins?

As in the case of clothes, it is much easier to arrange a room for heterogeneous twins. Many parents prefer to zone the room for the "blue" and "pink" zones and in accordance with this decorate it. An interesting solution to the inscriptions on the walls depicting the names of twins.

Video: "Room for kids"

Baby stroller for twins: how to choose?

A baby stroller is an important element for each child, and especially for twins. Nowadays, there are many different modifications of strollers that allow you to take into account the individual characteristics of each baby. There are three most important types of strollers for twins:

  • Stroller "steam locomotive"

It has such a name only because each child occupies his “seating” in it one by one. Modern strollers "train" offer options for the location of the children: one by one, face to face, back to the back. Such a stroller is quite narrow that allows it to drive to many doors and even travel along the paths, but there are difficulties in traveling through the curbs. Of course, if you want to control such a stroller, you can even with one hand, but if you accidentally break the handle (and this happens quite often), then it is already impossible to restore it. Also, mom is unlikely to see what a sitting child is doing ahead, and the legs of the “second” baby are limited in movements. And be prepared for the fact that you will be regularly disturbed by disputes about who is sitting where.

  • Stroller "Bok-o-Back"

This is a rather popular option among modern parents. In such a stroller, each baby is very comfortable to be, starting from the cradle and ending with the chair. The minus of the stroller is that being double, it takes up a lot of space in width and about visiting stores and traveling on narrow roads should be forgotten. It is quite difficult to control such a stroller with one hand, since it is two harder than standard. But what is the inconvenience of parents when every baby feels pleasant in a stroller and always “in the front row”?

  • Stroller "Transformer"

The best option is the Transformer stroller. The advantages of this stroller are that, if desired, it can turn into a “train” and into “side by side”. The stroller in control is very convenient and does not create difficulty in performing a variety of maneuvers. The only negative is the high cost compared to other models.

Video: strollers for twins

Children's sled twins: how to choose?

In addition to strollers, in the winter season you may need sledges. Thank you very much to manufacturers who regularly think about the parents of twins and invented sledges with two seats. The only negative-kids from time to time can quarrel about the fact that someone occupies the “first”, and someone “last”. But, sleds are significantly different from the stroller and give a wonderful overview to each baby, not limiting mechanisms.

Such sleds are useful for young children, at an older age you will have to purchase separate sledges for each child. If you do not want to overpay twice, you can always purchase two sledges and carry them separately, as well as tie in a kind of “train”.

Here are a few more models of unusual sleds for twins:

How to choose the right children's bike for twins?

Like single, there are double bicycles. The city three -wheeled bicycle differs only in that there is another chair in it. Pay attention when buying for such a part as pedals. There can be either one pair or two. If there is one pair of pedals in the bicycle, be prepared for the fact that children can regularly quarrel from the fact that "someone is pedaling, but someone is not." The presence of two pairs will feel fully. A three -wheeled bicycle for twins has a strong frame that can withstand the weight of two children.

Try to choose a bicycle equipped with a handle for parents. This will allow you to intervene in the route of your children. It is good if there is a basket for small things and a visor from the sun in a bicycle.

Children's rocking strokes for twins, photo

Such an element as a rocking chair can become an important addition to a children's room or yard. Swearing allow the kids to have fun with each other, since it is impossible to have alone with this swing.

How to arrange a room for twins: tips and reviews

Twins are an unusual and joyful event for each family. It is safe to say that these children will never be lonely, as they will always have a best friend. When designing a children's room for twins, always consider the interests of each child, since each baby is a bright personality and individuality. If one loves yellow, and the other is red - do not be discouraged. You can always divide the room into separate zones.

Choose furniture for children only the one with which they will feel comfortable. If the kids are comfortable to be nearby - a two -story crib will become a salvation, and if not, place them in different corners of the room. Try to provide the baby with individual written tables and individual boxes for clothing.

Video: Gemini


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Comments K. article

  1. Probably it is worth considering the prevalence of two primary colors, in this case) and the style can be chosen, it is gentle as for babies and not too soft.

  2. You won’t say better!) I want to find time and effort once. And redo the cottage for such an interior. Thanks for the link, I will keep myself for the future.

  3. You can redo everything and make a cozy cone for kids

  4. Everyone wrote it right.

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