When necessary and how to improve breast milk production: drinks and products that increase lactation

When necessary and how to improve breast milk production: drinks and products that increase lactation

In this topic, we will consider a list of lactation of products.

Most of the newly made mothers are extremely concerned about how nutritious they have breast milk. After all, each of them sincerely worries so that the baby receives the proper number of trace elements and vitamins. And full breastfeeding is based on this. In addition to the fact that the nursing mother should strictly monitor her diet, she is supposed to focus on the list of those products that increase lactation. This is what we talk about today.

Is it necessary to increase lactation: a list of products that improve breast milk production

Doctors and pediatricians have long stopped insisting on feeding the child by the clock, advising to give the baby the breasts when he was hungry. If the baby asks for the breast too much, the young mother can decide that the baby remains hungry because the milk is not too nutritious or it is not enough. But resorting to additives and other teas that increase lactation is not worth it immediately. It is enough to review your menu.

Important: not every mother knows that mother's milk is simply quickly absorbed. Plus, the baby does not always ask for breasts from what he wants to eat. Sometimes he just wants to drink, or so he “communicates” with his mother. After all, so far it will not work out in any other way.

For the baby, this is not only food, but also communication with mom
For the baby, this is not only food, but also communication with mom

Do you need to increase lactation: check the quality and amount of milk

To begin with, it is important to understand: you have an insufficient amount of breast milk or it is not nutritious and the baby does not eat it. Do not try to make breast milk very fat, this can adversely affect the digestive system of the child. And fatty foods are the first step to the constipation of the baby.

  • Checking if you have enough milk is very simple. After feeding the child, pay attention to whether there is a certain amount of milk in the chest. If so, then with the amount of milk the young mother is all right. It is important not to forget that the addition of milk in the female breast is periodic, and its amount may become larger or less every 1.5-2 months.
    • This is due to the fact that the baby is growing and its appetite also increases. Many mothers after the first month, when the breasts became not so poured, there was a panic that there was not enough milk. But not - The body simply produces its due amount, as much as the baby needs.
    • But you are not a computer into which the right amount is driven into. The secret of feeding on demand is that mother's body is adjusted for the need of the child. But when he needs more milk, your body needs time to rebuild.
    • This usually takes 2-4 days. These periods are called lactation crises. But nothing needs to be done with them. Yes, you can adjust your menu a little, but you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for lactation teas . Just often apply the baby to the chest and drink more warm fluid.In general, during the day, approximately 900 ml of breast milk stands out for a nursing mother.
  • Also he will tell you that the baby has enough milk, and the amount of "wet diapers". The child should write 10-15 times a day. This is considered the norm for the first month, and after that will be gradually reducing urination.
Follow the amount of urination crumbs
Follow the amount of urination crumbs
  • AT Home conditions can be checked how fat and nutritious breast milk. STRENT a small amount of breast milk in a glass container and leave for about 6-7 hours.
    • During this time period, milk should be delayed on fat and liquid component of milk. If the fat substance occupies about 4-5% of the container, then the milk is quite fat and nutritious for the baby.

Important: do not forget that the fat content of milk is not the first importance of an indicator. Firstly, she’s useless. This is the load on the tummy, and a strong chair, and excess weight. Secondly, it also changes in a certain time, depending on the needs of the child. And, of course, the first or primary milk is more “dietary” and watery, but the posterior or secondary milk is already more fat and rich.

Therefore, your results may vary. After all, they will depend when you have scored milk to check. And so that the child is saturated and receive high -quality milk, do not try to apply the baby to two breasts alternately . He should eat only one breast for one feeding!

But if you are still not sure of your milk, it is better to contact a pediatrician who can evaluate the health of the baby and his food needs.

Feed for one feeding with only one breast
Feed during one feeding from only one chest

Reasons why lactation may decrease

  • Lack of sleep- This is the main accompanying “girlfriend” of all young mothers. Remember - you and your child have one mode for two. Therefore, they threw a wash, a cook and a rag, and went with the baby to rest.
  • Stressvery adversely affect the influx of milk. Moreover, it is proved that his taste is worsening. And together with milk, mother transfers her nerve experiences not yet completely formed by the children's system.
  • Medication Sometimes it can reduce lactation. And for the baby, medications do not benefit. Therefore, take them only after consultation and if the harm from the disease is higher.
  • Sometimes the psychological barrier of momit interferes with normal milk production.
  • Improper attachment of crumbs to the chest It will also affect your lactation. This hint will be the “smacking” of the baby during feeding, as well as pain.
  • And one more reason for low lactation - these are excessive physical activity of mom and insufficient or malnutrition.
Not only malnutrition, but overwork can also reduce milk production
Not only malnutrition, but overwork can also reduce milk production

List of products that increase lactation

Gynecologists and doctors obstetricians claim that for proper lactation, a young mother should use at least 600 kcal per day, which must be taken from products rich in protein. Proper nutrition during breastfeeding will provide not only good lactation, but also help to make milk better.

  • Freshly prepared meat soups and broths - Mandatory dishes in the diet of every young mother. But they should not be fat.
  • Therefore, you need to eat meat for the first months and only boiled! In extreme cases, a baked product is allowed, but after 2-3 months. It may be a turkey, rabbit, veal.
    • Beef and chicken are allowed. But the last component is allowed only if a mother or baby does not have an allergic reaction. In general, doctors recommend eating at least 200 grams of any meat every day. Pork should be treated carefully, but lamb is contraindicated in the occurrence of constipation.
  • The same amount of mom needs and low -fat fish.
  • Also, a nursing mother needs to eat at least once a week liversince it is rich in iron, which will help to avoid anemia in the baby.
Meat soups and broths must be on the table of a nursing mother
Meat soups and broths must be on the table of a nursing mother
  • Oatmeal porridge with dried fruits. Oatmeal freshly planted in the morning, seasoned with dried fruits and low -fat cream, not only to charge forces and energy for the whole day, and will also significantly strengthen the flow of milk to the chest.
  • No less useful are corn, buckwheat and rice cereals,which, if desired, can be diluted with chicken broth. If you notice that your child is prone to constipation and poor digestion, it is better to exclude Fig.
  • The first greens to introduce a young mother, it is parsley and dill.
    • And to increase lactation, try it also more often eat caraway seeds, fennel and anise, as well as basil and foliage salad. Adding this greens to soups and salads will provide an influx of milk to the chest. By the way, they also favorably affect the work of the stomach, preventing the formation of colic in the baby.

Important: mint is very useful, but it should be introduced after 3 months of age of crumbs. It also applies to sage. In general, such greenery should be treated carefully. Since it is able to reduce lactation. Mint tea is allowed and reinforces the flow of milk for a while only in the lactation crisis. It cannot be consumed constantly.

Greens can and should be nursing mom, but with mint and sage you should not get carried away
Greens can and should be nursing mom, but with mint and sage you should not get carried away
  • In a short time, sour -milk products will help to strengthen lactation. Doctors advise you to pay special attention to the kefir, granular cottage cheese and fermented baked milk. These products not only favorably affect the amount of breast milk, but also improve the baby’s intestinal microflora.

Important: doctors do not recommend breastfeeding mothers to abuse cow's milk. Not more than 1 cup per day is allowed.

  • But the remaining sour -milk products can be eaten in unlimited quantities. True, the measure also needs to know - up to 300 ml, with their help, the child will receive a sufficient amount of protein and calcium along with mother's milk. Hard cheese, brine and cottage cheesemom is laid in the amount of 150 g per day.
  • To vegetables and fruits that enhance the flow of milk, include watermelon, broccoli, pumpkin and carrots.The last two vegetables can be eaten not only in boiled form in a soup, but also added to a salad with a lot of dill. It is better to eat green cabbage in a steamed one.
  • Among the berries, the lactation has a positive effect gooseberries, blueberries and blackberries.But it is very important to monitor the reaction of the child’s body to these berries. You need to eat them very carefully, no more than 200 g per day, after all, individual intolerance to the baby of certain products is not excluded.

Important: we introduce red or bright orange vegetables and fruits very carefully. After all, it is in them that an allergen is more often laid.

Red vegetables or fruits require caution
Red vegetables or fruits require caution
  • Few people know what to help with the amount of milk can onion and garlic.Scientific studies have proven that after the young mother eaten these two products, the baby begins to suck the breast more actively, which leads to an increase in lactation. Do not be afraid that onions and garlic can ruin the taste of milk - this is only a common myth. But the first time they still have to eat them in boiled form, along with other products.

Important: enter all products carefully and gradually, observing the reaction of the crumbs for 3-5 days. It is also worthwhile to understand that the first month should not be experimenting with aggressive products.

  • Vegetable oil and flax seed oil They have a positive effect not only on the quantity and quality of breast milk, but also help the baby improve the work of the ventricle.
  • You can make milk more fat and strengthen its parish using nuts.But they should be careful with them, because this is the strongest allergen. Try to treat the nuts with caution and not overeat them, it is standardly allowed to eat 3-4 nuts per day. And how can you read them correctly in the article "Nuts at GV."
  • Halva- A product that will help to quickly increase milk nutritional. However, it is not worth abuse of it, since this sweetness can provoke constipation and colic in the baby. In general, keep in mind that these are recycled seeds, which also favorably affect feeding, but in moderation.
Nuts and seeds are able to strengthen lactation, but many of them cannot
Nuts and seeds are able to enhance lactation, but many of them cannot

What drinks should you drink to increase milk lactation?

Mom, whose child is on the GV, should drink about two liters of liquid per day. This volume includes soups, herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices. In addition, part of the daily rate of the drunk fluid should be ordinary filtered water.

  • The flow of milk to the chest is good it provokes black tea with milk and honey.But neatly - honey the strongest allergen. Therefore, up to 3 months should not be enjoyed.
  • It is recommended to drink a nursing mother more often uzvar from apples, drain and other dried fruits. A similar drink will provide good digestion of the child and saturate the children's body with vitamins.
  • During breastfeeding, it is better to completely abandon drinks with a high content of caffeine. Great coffee substitute - barley or chicory drink.
  • Grass tea can most often be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. Lactation it provides hawthorn, dandelion, nettle, sea buckthorn and dill.
  • Gingerincredibly useful for the general immunity and development of the baby, as well as for the restoration of the mother, but will also help increase lactation. You can simply add to tea or pour 3-4 cm of root with boiling water and insist for about half an hour. Then the effect will be large. But you need to drink 2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.
Ginger is incredibly useful and nursing mom
Ginger is incredibly useful and nursing mom
  • Rose hipalso able to enhance the flow of milk . It is necessary to pour 6-8 berries with a glass of boiling water and insist night. But keep in mind that this is a diuretic product. Therefore, they should not be carried away. And do not drink more than 50 ml at a time.

Important: during feeding from the diet, it is necessary to exclude fried, smoked, acute and too salty, so as not to harm the digestive system of the child.

It is important for each girl to remember in order to increase the flow of milk and increase its calorie content, do not overeat. Eat often, but in small portions. The daily diet should be different and as nutritious as possible. More than half of the daily menu are vegetables and fruits, 30% fat and 20% carbohydrates.

Video: How to increase lactation?

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  1. From experience, I’ll say that the more liquids you drink, the more you have milk. In general, I drink Evalarovsk tea, I increase the production of milk in two. Plus, I do breast massage, before and after feeding, otherwise I can be stagnation, and this is the right path to the Muttest.

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