New Year's quest for schoolchildren - script, tasks

New Year's quest for schoolchildren - script, tasks

New Year's quests for schoolchildren.

New Year's quest for schoolchildren - script, tasks

The New Year’s quest for schoolchildren provides that the following tasks will flow out of one task. The first task is the simplest. For example, it can be like ours.

New Year's quest for schoolchildren - script, tasks:

  • Task 1. Gather puzzles

Take a colorful picture, stick it on cardboard and cut it into squares.

For the allotted period of time, participants must collect puzzles in a whole picture. When all the puzzles are collected, you can read the task in the picture.

It’s not scary if the first stage seems too easy, because his goal is to rally the team and give faith in his own strength. The figure can be drawn red bow And the word is written "chair". You can and vice versa make a background of the picture of a chair, and the signature of the word is “bow”.

A task with a puzzle
A task with a puzzle

Now that the picture is open, the participants think that this could mean, and somewhere it is modestly standing a chair bandaged by a bow. If the participants decided this ball, then they will see a new task that is glued to the back of the chair seat.

Quest script for school
Quest script for school

Those who were able to guess the value of Sharada read the following hint.

  • Task 2. Flower and book

A scroll is found under the chair in which the rose is drawn in the book. If you carefully examine the class, then in one of the textbooks there is a rose that looks a little from under the cover. A letter with the next hint is hidden between the pages of the book.

Quests free on our website
Quests free on our website

The passage of the quest will be more interesting if there is another inside one game. Let the participants turn to one of the guys who will be elected “Guru” for help. The sage can give a hint to his classmates, but not just that.

  • For example, he will do it in the form of a game "Without words", in which the participants guess the word following the gestures of the leader.
  • Another interesting idea of \u200b\u200bpassing a quest in use magic ball or magic. If the participant is confused and cannot find a mystery word or object - he can seek advice to magician. However, the tips of the magician are the ornate, for example: "I see that you need to look for a brown item" or "Look for a girl in red, hint near". The magician may also ask him to be crushed by poems or sweets.

Do not forget that the school quest is not a boring lesson or exam, but a holiday, which means that laughter and humor will not hurt.

  • Task 3. Sharada with a horse and screaming people

After a very easy passage of the first and second tasks, it's time to confuse the participants of the New Year's quest, and direct them along the false path. In the envelope that fell out of the pages of the book, participants will find two photos. One of them depicts a horse on a Christmas tree, and the second people who scream.

Quest for free on our website
Quest for free on our website

The simplest and most erroneous solution would be to look for tips on a festive Christmas tree or search a toy horse that will stand under the Christmas tree. And only by carefully studying the second picture, it will be possible to guess that the horse must be called to the hall. If the participants in the New Year's quest themselves cannot solve this task, they will seek help from a magic ball. The horse will need to be called to the hall.

New Year's school quest for free
New Year's school quest for free

Then two guys who dressed up in horse costume, go to the hall to the music. Since the quest is New Year, there will not be superfluous dancing with a horse. The horse will give the children the following hint.

Instead of a horse, you can use another character, for example, Baba Yaga or Santa Claus. In a word, the most interesting character for whom you can find a suit.

Video: funny script for the New Year's quest

  • Magician The wisest student is selected from the whole class.
  • This is as follows. In the cardboard box, all puzzles are folded. The one who will put the puzzle will be declared the most wise. It is desirable that no one knew the meaning of puzzle folding.
  • Further, the wisdom is turned to the tips. It’s not scary if the wise is the most wise and does not know the answer to the question posed. Its task is to amuse the quest participants with absurd tips.

Video: Funny ideas for a school quest

  • Task 4. Find the desired page and line in the book

Let the following task will be with numbers. And this will be one of the most difficult tasks. The text of the task can be like this:

Take the geography textbook and find on its pages the name of the country in which the Snow Maiden has lost. This name will be on a page, the number of which will be the largest number, among hidden in balloons. The number of the line in which the name of this country will be the smallest number that you will find by bursting the balls. When you put the chip, in place on the map with this mysterious country - a miracle will happen!

To complete this task, the participants will have to burst balloons. In which the person who prepared the quest put notes with numbers in advance.

When the task is completed, a miracle occurs. The Snow Maiden comes and the Christmas tree lights. Music turns on and the Snow Maiden invites children to dance. The quest has been passed, and its participants can be distributed incentive prizes.

How to hold a quest for schoolchildren so that it is bright and memorable: typical mistakes when passing the game-quest

If you want to hold a truly bright school quest within your school walls, use the most groups to prepare and conduct the member of the group as much as possible. Motto: "No one is sitting and standing idle"- - as well as possible help to hold a quest interesting.

And for a brighter show, think over colorful paraphernalia. Below you will see a vivid example of how to make a real adventure for 10 participants in the show from ordinary cardboard. Thinking about how to hold a school quest, do not forget that the tasks should be as simple and understandable to the participants.

Typical errors when passing the game-quest:

  • Very complex tasks that are understandable only to the players of the game.
  • Tasks for which it takes a lot of time.
  • The tasks that are carried out by one or two quest participants, the rest of the players will simply be bored.
  • Boring tasks that require mathematical calculations, the game should not resemble a lesson in mathematics.

New Year's quest for schoolchildren with subjects: ideas for competitions

Probably the most striking example of the quest is the television program “Keys from the Fort Boyard”. Who prevents the same interesting tasks as there for schoolchildren to hold a New Year's quest in the classroom.

New Year's quest for schoolchildren with subjects:

The meaning of the quest

According to legend, New Year's gifts are in a chest with treasures. But the chest is chained, and these chains hold several locks. To get to the treasure, you need to find the keys.

Chest under the locks
Chest under the locks

You will need the props: A box or box decorated under a chest, real circuits and hinged locks with keys.

Task 1: Web

The first task is relatively simple: in order to get the key, the participants must pass the “corridor” with weavers stretched threads. At the end, the key will hang on the wall. In the classroom, such a corridor can be made by placing 4-6 chairs with the backs to each other, and pulling the ropes between them.

Everyone must participate. Of course, the key will go to the one who comes first. And the one who was in the least in a hurry, and came the last, is announced "The Wise". He will transmit tips to the participants of the New Year's quest, throughout the further game.

A spider web
The task "Web"

Task 2: Task with cereals and liquid

At one of the tables, arrange plates, jugs, pots with all contents. Let the filling be different: cereals, sawdust, peas, buttons. Some contents may not be quite pleasant, for example, cocoa or jelly. Since the quest is New Year, Mishura and confetti will also not be superfluous. In three minutes, participants must find the keyhidden in one of the containers. Everyone can participate.

If the participants did not find the key, it's okay, they will be able to get it by completing additional tasks.

Assignment search for a key in cereals
Assignment search for a key in cereals

The wisest It can help participants in the New Year's quest, saying that the key should be sought with liquid or vice versa in something like a loose.

Task 3: Water task

For this task, you will need a wide pipe with a plug at the end. The pipe is installed vertically, and it cannot be turned over. At the bottom of the pipe lies a key with a float. To get it, the participants must fill the pipe with water. The only problem is that the container in order to wear water is too small - these are spoons or other cooks. Everyone can participate, and only 5-7 minutes are given for completing the assignment.

If the participants do not have time, they can seek help from The wisest. He will give them a scoop or a large mug.

Wearing water in small cooks is not easy
It is not easy to wear water in small cooks

Task 4: Card house

In this task, one participant is selected, who will fight the host. The host and participant take turns pulling cards from the card house. If the host lost, he gives the key. The participant has two attempts. If he loses, then he plays instead The wisest.

House of cards
House of cards

Task 5: Armrestling

The key should get the strongest! To complete this assignment of the New Year's quest, you need to invite someone from dads or high school students. Everyone can try, and the one who can overcome the strongman will take the key from him.

The wisest Allowed to fight with two hands.

The struggle on the hands
The struggle on the hands

If the participants did not go through any task, then let them get the key by answering riddles.

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