The script of the matinee for the New Year in the kindergarten for the older group in the form of a fairy tale. Competitions, songs, poems, dancing, games, riddles scenes for the New Year's matinee in the senior group of kindergarten

The script of the matinee for the New Year in the kindergarten for the older group in the form of a fairy tale. Competitions, songs, poems, dancing, games, riddles scenes for the New Year's matinee in the senior group of kindergarten

Options for scripts, games, songs and dances for the New Year's matinee in the older group.

New Year's holidays are waiting for adults and children. Kids adore gifts and dream of miracles. Adults, in turn, are in a hurry to corporate parties. In addition, a week before the New Year is a period of matinees in kindergarten. Moms and children teach new poems, songs and sew costumes.

Scenario of a cheerful matinee for the New Year in kindergarten for the older group in the form of a fairy tale

Children in the older group are already quite independent and developed. Now the guys can learn even a long poem or several replicas for the New Year's matinee. To conduct a matinee, many participants are needed. To some children who remember poems well, you can give the roles of a snowman, Snow Maiden, women of Yaga.


  • Children
  • Santa Claus (teacher or someone's dad)
  • Snegurochka (girl)
  • Snowman (boy)
  • Baba Yaga (girl or adult)
  • Snowflakes
  • Figuret artists

Holiday script:

The host enters the hall and says that somewhere the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus were lost, they do not want to come to the holiday. He asks the children to call the Snow Maiden.

Children: Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden

Runes Baba Yaga: How perfectly you call me, and everything is so beautiful with you. Can you treat something?

Leading: We actually called the Snow Maiden, where she, you don’t know for an hour?

Baba Yaga: I came somehow, but left with her grandfather.

Leading: Children, let's call Santa Claus, maybe his granddaughter with him.

Children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus comes in and drags the Snow Maiden behind him

Father Frost: Well, why are you, we’ll go congratulations, they are waiting for us, they want gifts. I suppose they prepared songs and poems.

Snow Maiden: I don’t want to go to the garden, let's go home, I'm tired, I want gifts myself.

Father Frost: You're tired, maybe you got sick? Let's congratulate the children.

Snow Maiden: Leave me alone, I will not congratulate me, gifts to everyone, but nothing to me.

Father Frost: Let's amuse you. Children, read the granddaughter of the poems, can it be amused?

Children take turns coming out and reading poems about the New Year, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: I am bored, not at all fun, now I will pay.

Father Frost: What was a cheerful with my granddaughter, and only to the garden came immediately in tears.

Leading: I think I know what is happening. Then Baba Yaga came to us, maybe her hands are.

Father Frost: Well, then it is clear that our Snow Maiden became a princess Nesmeyanaya. We will amuse her. Well, children, dance the dance to the Snow Maiden.

Children are dancing dance to the clockwork.

Father Frost: Yes, things are bad. Maybe games will amuse my granddaughter? Children, can we play something with the Snow Maiden?

The presenter holds several competitions or games.

Father Frost: Well, what's the granddaughter, fun for you?

Snow Maiden: No, not fun, you still have to work hard.

The presenter calls on the scene of snowflakes that dance dance. Music and movement to choose from a musical director.

Father Frost: Well, dear, fun for you?

Snow Maiden: Leave me alone, I don’t want anything.

Presenter: Maybe the artists of the skaters are invited to us, let them show how to have fun. (Children run out in skiers and dancing and a snowman runs out behind them).

Snowman: Why are Cute crying? Let me dance to you. (The snowman dances under a ridiculous melody. The Snow Maiden laughed, everyone has fun. Santa Claus gives all participants gifts).

Morning in the garden
Morning in the garden

Songs for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the senior group

To conduct New Year's matinees, the Muzruk selects the song. You can redo the well -known songs using old melodies and inventing new words.

Video: Songs for the New Year holiday in the kindergarten

Video: Collection of New Year's songs for kids

Morning in kindergarten New Year
Morning in kindergarten New Year

Poems for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the senior group

Most often, children are instructed to learn poems about the New Year, Christmas, Snow and Santa Claus. The most popular can be considered poems about lights and gifts.

Poem options:

There will be a cheerful and bright holiday.
Christmas tree, shy brighter,
Call the New Year to us,
Let him come soon
And please children!

With mom, we dressed a Christmas tree,
Because soon - the New Year,
We taught a poem for four days,
Because Santa Claus will come,
Will bring gifts and sweets,
The beard will stroke and sigh:
How I missed you in the summer,
Become, children, in a round dance!

Poems on the matinee
Poems on the matinee

Competitions for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the senior group

Preschool children are already quite developed, so competitions and games may not be the simplest. Be sure to attract mothers and dads for the holiday.

Options for contests for the matinee for the senior group:

  • Mushrooms. The presenter must scatter small objects in the hall, it can be sweets. Each child is given a basket in the hands of which it is necessary to collect “mushrooms”, who will collect the most, that winner.
  • Masquerade. It is necessary to take a large bag with clothes of different sizes on stage. Several children are selected who put on what they got from the bag. You can’t peep, that is, all the clothes are selected blindly.
  • Snowmen. For this competition, you need to choose two participants and issue 2 sheets of A4 format. It is necessary that the children change the sheets in places while stepping on them. Thus, you need to get to the goal. Whoever comes first receives a prize.
  • Snowflakes. Divide the children into two teams. Draw a line in the center and give each team a basket of cotton. It must be previously rolled into lumps. On command, children should throw cotton balls into each other. Whoever throws more balls, that team won.
Competitions for a matinee in kindergarten for the New Year
Competitions for a matinee in kindergarten for the New Year

Riddles for a matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group

Kids simply adore riddles, this helps them develop figurative thinking and logic. Be sure to prepare several puzzles for children and do not forget about the prizes.

Riddles on the matinee of the senior group:

Snow in the fields, ice on the waters,
The blizzard walks. When does it happen?

Though herself - both snow and ice,
And it leaves - he pours tears.

It is covered with white paper and there are no leaves on the trees. What is this Madame?

So that the autumn is not wet,
Not smacked from the water,
He turned puddles into a glass,
He made the snowy gardens.

I have a lot of things - I'm a white blanket
I cover all the earth, I remove the river in the ice,
Belya Fields, at home, and my name is ...

Poor Vanya pours tears
The mittens of the cheeks rubbing.
Hands are scorched, his nose is freezing
So, close ... (Santa Claus).
He is fluffy, silver,
But do not touch his hand:
Will become clean,
How you catch a palm. (Snow)

Riddles for a matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group
Riddles for a matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group

Dancing for a matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group

It is best to choose dancing separately for boys and girls. Boys can make more intense movements. Below several options for simple dances for boys and girls.

Video: Dancing for boys and girls on a matinee

Video: Dance of Snowflakes for Girls

Dancing for a matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group
Dancing for a matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group

Scenes for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group

Prepare a few simple scenes in which several children participate.

The scene for the morning winter months.


  • December
  • January
  • February
  • Father Frost
  • Kids

December: Here is the New Year, waited. Soon the kids to congratulate. You need to call Santa Claus.

Father Frost: I hear and remember. I'm already collecting a bag, I will congratulate obedient kids.

January: Hurry up, I can’t wait to enter into force, I love the New Year.

February: That's right, brother January. After you, I immediately go. Get Santa Claus, hurry up.

Scenes for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group
Scenes for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group

Santa Claus comes and dizzy with months. Then the kids who dance with months are running around. Santa Claus gives out gifts.

Games for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group

Games for preschool children should be funny and mobile. Poem games are perfectly developed. Several verses can be entrusted to children.

Games options:

  • Guess. One child is planted on a chair with their backs to everyone else and their eyes are blindfolded. Each child comes up and says "Happy New Year." The kid must guess who said the phrase.
  • Icicles. Children dance, the Snow Maiden walks and touches the children. Kids should “freeze” in this position and not move. Whoever moves first has lost.
  • Snowball. It is necessary to lay out a strip of cotton wool in the center of the table. On one and the other side, put an easy object, for example, rain. Children should blow on objects from their sides. Whose rain will cross the line faster, the winner.
Games for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group
Games for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the older group

As you can see, the New Year's matinee can be funny and exciting for both children and parents. Try to attract adults and kids.

Video: bunnies dance for boys

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