Coconut milk: benefit, can you eat on a diet? How to drink coconut milk for weight loss? Coconut milk on Keto Diet

Coconut milk: benefit, can you eat on a diet? How to drink coconut milk for weight loss? Coconut milk on Keto Diet

How to use coconut milk on a diet?

Coconut milk is a product with high calorie content and fat content. Therefore, many believe that it is not suitable for diet. But actually it is not. In the article we will tell you how much and how to drink coconut milk for weight loss. 

Coconut milk: benefit for weight loss

Coconut water is formed inside coconuts. The younger the nut, the more useful the product. Milk is not the liquid that is inside the nuts. This is a product obtained from the pulp of a tropical fruit by processing it. Coconut milk is very quickly and easily absorbed by the body, consists of saturated fats. The water that is inside the coconut is a dietary product with a low calorie content in which there is practically no fat. This is the difference between the liquid that is inside the coconut, and coconut milk.Coconut milk during weight loss can be used both in raw form, adding to tea, coffee, and preparing various dishes. It can be soups, porridge. Cream milk cream is added to desserts. 

Coconut milk, benefit for weight loss:

  • It is characterized by the high content of group B vitamins in the composition of vitamins A and C. Due to the presence of a large amount of fat in coconut milk, it contains a huge amount of vitamin E, which stimulates the growth of muscle tissues, in particular the heart and female organs.
  • The product is indispensable for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system and women who cannot conceive a child. The product contains trace elements such as copper, zinc, iron, manganese. The composition contains a substance that improves immunity, fights viruses. 
  • People who regularly take coconut milk suffer less from depression, fatigue. The body with the regular use of the product, more rested, saturated with force, energy. But as indicated above, this is a high -fat product. It has a lot of oil, fatty acids, which are quickly and easily absorbed by the body. 

Can coconut milk on a diet?

Many believe that the product will certainly go into subcutaneously fatty fiber. But actually it is not. Doctors proved that despite the high calorie content of fats, they are consumed in the body differently than carbohydrates. Most of them go to the construction of muscle tissue, an improvement in fiber elasticity.

Is coconut milk on a diet:

  • Fats take part in metabolic processes and the formation of amino acids, which are a building material for muscle tissue. Almost all fat, despite its calorie content, does not go into subcutaneously fatty tissue, but is spent on the body and the formation of various tissues. 
  • Unlike cow's milk, which contains animal fats, in coconut milk there are only plant fatty acids, which are better absorbed by the body. If there are problems with gas formation, it is better to give preference to coconut milk. This is a great product for those who do not tolerate animal protein and do not drink cow's milk. 
  • You can use the product or cannot be, depending on the methodology of weight loss. If this is a low carbohydrate diet that provides for the minimum fat content, then coconut milk cannot be consumed. This product is prohibited on the diet of Dukan, protein-carbohydrate alternation. 
Drink with coconut
Drink with coconut

Coconut milk on keto-diet

Recently, the most popular is a keto diet that provides for the use of a huge amount of fat, moderate protein content and almost complete absence of carbohydrates. Accordingly, on such a diet, coconut milk is allowed. It is proved that 30 g of coconut milk contains 7 g of fat, 1.5 g of carbohydrates and 0.5 g of protein. Accordingly, 90% of the product consists of fats and only 10% of carbohydrates and proteins. Due to the low content of carbohydrates in the composition of coconut milk, it is included in the keto diet. 

Coconut milk on Keto-Dita:

  • When choosing coconut milk for keto-diet, it is necessary to focus on its composition. Choose products that do not contain sweeteners, taste additives, because they can change the composition, calorie content of the product, as well as the concentration of carbohydrates. Accordingly, exclusively canned species without additives are suitable for keto-diets. Therefore, a fat version of milk without sweeteners is used on Keto-Dita. It is worth avoiding the consumption of a product with a reduced concentration of fats. 
  • Coconut milk on keto-diet is used in soups, in the preparation of stewed dishes, casseroles, marinades. Using this product, you can achieve a thick and creamy consistency of gravy and soups. The product can be used for the preparation of cocktails, desserts and salads. Delicious gas stations are prepared from it. This is a great product for the preparation of marinade for fish and meat. 

Paleo diet is gaining popularity, which, according to many nutritionists, was the main method of nutrition of our ancestors, even before domesticating animals and obtaining a large number of cereal products. On the Paleo diet, it is allowed to use eggs, meat, mushrooms, vegetable oil, berries, fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds that were not subjected to heat treatment. It is forbidden to consume dairy products, cereals, sugar and a number of food. If you adhere to this nutrition technique, coconut milk is an excellent product. After all, it contains a huge amount of fat and a minimum of carbohydrates. On a diet, you can use not only coconut milk, but also the pulp of this product. 

Keto diet
Keto diet

Can I drink coffee with coconut milk?

Now in almost all Moscow coffee houses you can find a special product - Latte in coconut milk. Many amenable to fashion and replace the standard latte with cow's milk with a coconut product. But is it really worth replacing products each other? Coconut milk is considered one of the most high -calorie and fatty. Its calorie content is 185 kcal per 100 g. Accordingly, a tablespoon of such milk contains about 50 kcal. Such high nutritional value is due to a high fat content. Almost all coffee grains are combined with coconut milk. Therefore, it is not necessary to choose a specific type of coffee. 

Is it possible to drink coffee with coconut milk:

  • To get the maximum benefit from products, in no case should the milk from the coconut should be boiled. It is heated to a temperature not higher than 60 degrees. Accordingly, when preparing coffee, it is recommended to wait until it cools down before adding milk. If you cook the drink at home, be sure to wait for coffee cooling, or dilute it with cold water. It should be understood that a plant product with boiling is folded with the formation of flakes. If you pour the product into only cooked hot coffee, then in the end you will receive white flakes in a dark slurry. 
  • Many nutritionists recommend using coconut milk, mixing it with coffee. This is due to the fact that the composition of the nut contains laurinic acid. It opposes viruses and various diseases, reduces poor blood cholesterol. Despite the high fat content, the product fights overweight, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthening the nervous system.
  • High fat improves skin condition due to an increase in the concentration of collagen in the blood. Can be used for allergies to cow protein and vegetarians. Thanks to the high content of trace elements, coconut milk allows you to deal with anemia and low hemoglobin. This product, like standard cow's milk, also strengthens bones. But it contains much less calcium than in the cow's product, but more phosphorus. This substance is also involved in the formation of bone tissue. Such a drink can be drunk on a keto-diet without adding sugar to it, without supplementing with sweets or delicious ones.
Latte with coconut milk
Latte with coconut milk

Can coconut milk be drunk in its purest form or not?

For the first time, coconut milk began to be used in the preparation of Thai dishes, replacing them with animal products. However, now this product has become very popular in Europe, as well as in the countries of the post -Soviet space.

Coconut milk can be drunk in its purest form or not:

  • Despite the fact that this product is quite useful, it is necessary to pay attention to contraindications. It’s just not worth drinking milk in its purest form. After all, the maximum dose per day is one glass.
  • It is in 250 ml of liquid that 350 kilocalories are contained, as well as more than 40 g of saturated fats. It is necessary to use this product for the preparation of coffee or sauces, gas stations. 
  • Despite the high fat content, this product is used in dietary nutrition. As indicated above, it is mainly a Paleo diet and a keto diet. It is used for breakfast, mixing with green rice or meat products. 

Coconut milk for weight loss: diet recipe

There is a special diet on coconut milk, which allows you to lose 5 kg per week.

Coconut milk for weight loss, diet recipe:

  • Early in the morning, it is recommended to consume 150 ml of coconut milk and 100 g of boiled rice. And after 2 hours, you need to drink another 100 ml of coconut milk.
  • At lunch, 200 g of rice porridge with coconut milk is used. Instead of a afternoon snack, one cup of green tea. Dinner consists of low -fat cottage cheese and 150 ml of coconut milk. 
  • Of course, this diet is monotonous. The high probability of breakdowns, since the menu does not contain all the necessary trace elements and minerals. Therefore, we recommend using coconut milk in other diets, such as Keto or Paleo. 
Pudding with coconut
Pudding with coconut

Read on the topic:

Coffee in coconut milk is characterized by a pleasant nutty, as well as a dense texture. The viscosity of this product is much higher than the standard Latte on cow's milk. 

Video: Can coconut milk when losing weight?

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