When to plant tulips in the fall, storage and care of tulips in the fall and winter

When to plant tulips in the fall, storage and care of tulips in the fall and winter

With the onset of spring, personal plots become brighter due to flowering tulips. This flower is one of the most popular, along with roses. The main advantage of tulips is unpretentiousness in care.

Many are wondering when to proceed with the planting of bulbous plants. After all, the correctly selected time is the key to a beautiful site. Gardeners recommend planting tulips in the fall. In this article, the process of autumn planting of tulips will be described in detail.

When to plant tulips in the fall?

  • You need to proceed with the planting of tulips a month before the alleged frosts. This will be enough to the bulbs are rooted in the soil. If you are a little late with landing, the roots will not have time to grow. This will lead to belated flowering of plants. Often later, planting onion leads to the fact that tulips do not bloom in the spring.
  • It is necessary to plant tulips in open ground from mid -September to the end of October. Given that each region of the country is characterized by a unique climate, weather conditions should be taken into account. Follow the ambient temperature. Tulips are proceeded to planting when the soil (at a depth of 10 cm) is cooled to +8 ° C. Perennial or low temperature do not allow the bulbs to root until frost on the onset. Below will be described in detail the terms of landing, depending on the region.
In the ground
In the ground

When to plant tulips in the suburbs?

  • So that in the spring, tulips delight you with beautiful flowers, before winter, their root system should be developed. But, it is important to choose the right optimal time for planting so that the plants do not continue growing up. If by winter will be formed leaves, culture will not survive strong cold.
  • It is recommended to start planting tulips in the suburbs when the ambient temperature will be in the range +7 ° C to +10 ° C. At night, the temperature should not drop below +3 ° C, otherwise the roots are not formed.
  • In the middle lane of the country, such conditions are observed from the end of September to mid -October. It is then that the bulbs need to be transplanted into open ground.

When to plant tulips in the Leningrad region?

  • It is recommended to plant tulips in St. Petersburg and areas from the end of September to mid -October. But take into account weather conditions, because they can change from year to year.

When to plant tulips in the Urals?

Residents of the Urals should take into account the area of \u200b\u200btheir residence:

  1. Middle Urals - from September 10 to 20.
  2. Southern Urals - from September 10 to October 10.
When landing, sit down to look behind the temperature
When landing, see the temperature

When to plant tulips in Siberia?

  • Despite the climatic features of Siberia, tulips are growing pretty well here. But, it is important to choose the right time for planting so that the plants do not deteriorate.
  • In Siberia, onion crops are planted in late August. If in your region there are no frosts in early September, then you can plant tulips until the middle of the month. The roots on the bulbs will have time to form until the first frosts.

How to plant tulips correctly?

  • If you want to plant tulips on your site, you should properly prepare a place. First of all, you need to choose the right soil.
  • It is equally important to control the depth of landing. If the bulbs are close to the surface, they can freeze in winter. If you land planting material too deep, then by spring it will not have time to rise.
It is important to pay attention to the soil
It is important to pay attention to the soil

Selection and preparation of soil

  • Tulips are recommended to be planted in sandy soil. It should be neutral or weakly level pH. If you live in a region with clay soils, then preliminarily they should be diluted with sand.
  • Plant onion plants in well -lit areas where there are no drafts. The level of groundwater should be low so that the bulbs do not rot due to high humidity.
  • If the soil contains a large amount of acid, you need to add 400 g of crushed chalk or bastard lime. This amount of component is distributed by 1 m 2. Dice the site first. After you need to feed the soil with a small amount of fertilizers. This is positively reflected in the immune system of tulips.

At every 1 m 2 distribute the site:

  • wood ash - 100 g
  • peat - 2 buckets
  • superphosphate - 50 g
  • potassium nitrate - 30 g
  • ammonium nitrate - 30 g

It is not recommended to use for soil fertilizer fresh manure. It provokes the development of dangerous fungal diseases, and can also lead to burns on the bulbs. On the site where tulips grow, it is impossible to use fertilizers, which include chlorine.

Preparation of planting material

In order for the tulips in the spring, it is necessary to select high -quality bulbs. You can not use for landing:

  1. Bulbs on which there are cracks or spots. They indicate the presence of diseases.
  2. Soft bulbs.
Bulbs should be without flaws
Bulbs should be without flaws

Before planting, each onion should be placed in a solution of potassium permanganate (50 g per 5 l of water). If there is little precipitation in the fall, pour some water into each hole.

How to plant tulips in autumn in open ground?

  • Unfortunately, it is impossible to call a specific depth of planting tulips. It all depends on the size of the bulb. The hole should be 3 times more, than the diameter of the planting material. If the bulb is small, the depth of the hole or groove should be 5-7 cm. If it is large, then dig a hole in depth 13-15 cm.
  • It is important to consider The composition of the soil. If the soil is light, then you need to increase the depth of the hole 2-3 cm. If it is heavy, then on the contrary, reduce by 2-3 cm. The big depth does not allow the bulbs to form "children", and the small one can cause deformation of planting material due to frosts.
  • If you plant several rows of tulips, it is important to adhere to the distance. Distribute the bulbs at a distance 10 cm from each other. Between the rows, follow the distance of 30 cm. 1 m 2 You can plant no more than 50 tulips.

Step -by -step landing instructions:

  1. Dig a hole or groove.
  2. Tear each onion with wood ash to protect against diseases and pests.
  3. Place in the hole so that there is no air pocket below.
  4. Pressing planting material into the soil.
  5. Pour the hole with a mixture of sand, peat and humus (in a ratio of 2: 1: 1).
  6. Smack.
  7. Pour 2 liters of water.

It is better to plant tulips, grouping in varieties. So easier to care for them. Plant large bulbs in the center, and place small planting material along the contour. Thanks to this scheme, large flowers will not obscure sunlight smaller plants.

Tulips: Outdoor care

  • In order for tulips to bloom beautifully in the spring, it is necessary to properly care for them. It is recommended to carry out timely watering and loosen the upper layer of soil.
  • It is important to remove weeds that block plant growth. This is done in the spring when the snow cover goes. Tulips do not need top dressing, because during planting, a sufficient amount of fertilizer is used.
Care is required regular
Care is required regular

Tulips care in the fall

  • If you live in a region where there is little precipitation in the fall, you will have to think about the moisture of the soil. Water tulips must be no more than 2 times a month.
  • You can use drip irrigation, or walk with a bucket of water. Pour no more than 1.5 liters of water into each hole so as not to provoke rotting of the bulbs.
  • When the air temperature becomes a minus, a plot with tulips is covered with mulching material. You can use wood sawdust, peat or straw.
  • A mulch layer should be at least 4 cm. Such a procedure living in the middle lane is carried out in November, and the inhabitants of Siberia at the end of September.

Tulips care in winter

  • Caring for tulips in winter is quite simple. It is not necessary to water them.
  • In winter, it is enough to cover the tulips with a snowdrift. By this, you will protect them from freezing.

Storage of bulbs of tulips

  • When tulips bloom, the bulbs are recommended to dig. Fold them in a box in one layer. Leave the container in the fresh air, but, far from sunlight.
  • When the bulbs dry, remove the soil and dry leaves from them. Process planting material in a weak potassium mortar. This will protect him from diseases and pests.
  • Before the fall, the bulb needs to be stored in a box. The room should be dry and well ventilated. Optimum storage temperature - from +22 ° C to +25 ° C. In early August, the temperature in the room needs reduce to +20 ° C, and at the end - to +15 ° C.
Store them better in a box
Store them better in a box

The most common errors when planting tulips

Most often, people make such errors when planting tulips:

  1. Later landing. If you plant the bulbs in open ground later than the recommended period, they will not have time to take root.
  2. Incorrect depth. The close arrangement of bulbs to the surface leads to the fact that they freeze in winter. If they deeply deepen them, then the process of the growing season will slow down, and flowering will come late.
  3. Using damaged bulbs. If you did not buy planting material, but dug it in your garden, carefully examine it for spots, cracks and other signs of diseases. Even one sore bulb can infect the entire site. If you have doubts about a specific copy, it is better to throw it away.
Do not make mistakes when landing
Do not make mistakes when landing

Tulips are favorite flowers of most women. Adhere to all the recommendations described in this article, and your flowerbed with the onset of spring will sparkle with bright shades.

Also relevant topics about tulips:

Video: Proper planting of tulips

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