Tulip ishing at home by March 8: varieties, terms, planting and distillation technology in a greenhouse, pots, boxes. What soil is needed for tulip distillation by March 8? How to force tulips to bloom by March 8?

Tulip ishing at home by March 8: varieties, terms, planting and distillation technology in a greenhouse, pots, boxes. What soil is needed for tulip distillation by March 8? How to force tulips to bloom by March 8?

In this article you will learn what to do so that the tulips bloom by March 8.

Tulips are one of the most favorite colors of many women. There are many varieties that differ in color, shape of buds, as well as flowering time. However, many gardeners are afraid to grow these flowers in the personal plot, since they believe that tulips require a huge amount of care and special skills.

We will consider those varieties that can be grown independently on the eve of International Women's Day, as well as the basic rules for planting bulbs of these plants. In addition, we will analyze how to make tulips bloom and what soil will be the most successful for their cultivation.

Varieties of tulips for distillation by March 8, the simplest and most running: list, names, photos

There is a wide range of tulips who are ready for distillation on the eve of International Women's Day. The following varieties are the most beautiful and not very picky in care:

  • Acapulco (large buds have an orange color with characteristic red-hot lines)
  • Horizon (for the species, not very large terry buds with shades of yellow, pink, red or pale lemon color are inherent)
  • FIRST ROSY (characteristic are large buds, as well as pastel pink colors of petals)
  • American Dream (have a cone -shaped large bud of a delicate shade with edging petals of bright color)
American Dream
  • Madison Garden (they are characterized by medium buds of delicate pink flowers with vilely edging petals)

  • Ollioules (have large buds and a combination of 2 colors from lilac-pink gamut of shades of petals)
  • Albatros (for this variety, large buds are characterized by, as well as snow -white colors)
  • Arma (buds of this type of medium size, fiery red color and with terry edging)
  • Kadima (has large cone -shaped buds with a characteristic pink color and white edging petals)
  • Carnaval de Nice (they are characterized by spherical buds of snow -white color with red lines)
Carnaval de Nice
  • Fabio (have a cone -like shape of a bud, a yellow tint edging, reminiscent of fringe, and bright red shades)
  • Blue Heron (they are characterized by a phyalco -like bud, purple shades, as well as terry edging)
Blue Heron
  • Big Chief (medium -sized buds with a cone -like shape and salmon)
Big Chief

Also, all tulips are classified, based on their size, shape and color scheme. These plants are:

  • Fringe (in the presence of a characteristic edging of petals)
  • Parrot (in the case of mixing several shades of color)
  • Lily (they call them so because of the characteristic shape of buds and petals)
  • Ordinary (if flowers of standard color and size)
  • Giant (when the bud is large)
  • Terry (in the presence of the appropriate shape of the petals)

Когда нужно сажать луковицы тюльпанов в теплице, ящиках, горшках на выгонку к 8 марта: дата

In order to determine when it is worth planting tulips bulbs, you first need to find out what kind of plant species are distinguished depending on the timing of their ripening. These flowers are:

  • Early
  • Medium
  • Late

In order to grow tulips for the International Women's Day, it is necessary to use early and medium varieties. Since late species of plants will not have time to grow by March 8.

Tulips by March 8
Tulips by March 8

The bulbs of the early and middle groups must be planted in the first half of October (until the 14th inclusive). From 15 it is customary to plant late varieties of tulips. For this, it is recommended to use:

  • Flower pots
  • Plastic containers
  • Special boxes
  • Patins on the legs

If it is supposed to grow colors in a greenhouse, then first it is necessary to plant the bulbs in a deep container. Then it is moved into a warm room 4 weeks before the start of the flowering process. In the case of the alleged cultivation of colors in another room, a month until March 8, it is necessary to artificially increase the air temperature so that the plants do not overcool.

What soil is needed for tulip distillation by March 8?

For growing tulips, in addition to the container and variety, the soil used plays an important role. Indeed, the yield of plants depends on its quality, quantity and correct location. Prepared soil must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a breathable
  • Moisture -consuming
  • Neutral

It is not recommended to use soil from greenhouses or greenhouses, since there is a risk of diseases in colors.

Tulip soil
Tulip soil

The optimal soil should consist of the following components:

  • Peat
  • Mixtures of the earth from the garden and sand
  • Ordinary sand
  • Combination of vermiculite and perlite

It is also recommended to fertilize tulips with a solution of calcium nitrate with a vegetation process. But it is worth remembering that other excipients can only aggravate flowers.

Tulip distillation by March 8: step -by -step instructions

In order for tulips to burn out successful, several factors must be taken into account when landing. For example, for growing colors at home, not on flower beds, it is necessary to use 20% more bulbs. Also, not all bulbs are used for planting, but only those that are suitable for these criteria:

  • Bulbs should be the largest
  • Their size should exceed 3.5 cm
  • Planting material should have a dense structure and homogeneous shape
  • Bulbs with any damage, as well as with the presence of any diseases on their surface are not used
Tulip distillation by March 8
Tulip distillation by March 8

It is also important to adhere to the following rules during the process of distillation:

  • Digging planting material in the case when 2/3 of the heads will become yellow
  • Next, the bulbs are sorted and placed in a room with a supported air temperature of +20 for 30 days
  • After the specified time, the material is cooled by changing the temperature up to +17 ° C
  • After this procedure, the fruits are moved to the refrigerator, however, the absence of fresh fruits is important, since the latter are able to secrete gases unfavorable for seedlings
  • Next, it is necessary to rinse and treat the container with a disinfectant in which it is planned to grow colors
  • After the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to fill the capacity of the prepared soil
  • In the first 2 weeks of October, the bulbs are planted in the ground, maintaining the distance between them 2-3 cm, slightly pressing each
  • Further, the planted fruits are watered slightly and put in a cooled chamber without covering the surface of the container
  • It is also important to check the moisture content of the soil and periodically water it with a small amount of water
  • Take out and heat the planting material in early February
  • However, it is worth protecting flowers from direct sunny exposure, since buds may die
  • The best tool is special lamps, as well as heating supplies that will increase the temperature of the room and grow tulips on the eve of International Women's Day

How to force tulips to bloom by March 8?

After all the bulbs have risen, it is necessary to speed up the process of their natural growth before the start of spring. After all, if you do not use special equipment and lower the stage of caring for plants, buds may not open, and flowers will be covered with a large number of leaves. To grow tulips before an international female day, it is important to adhere to the following stages:

  • In early February, it is necessary to place pallets and containers with bulbs in the room with no sunlight and air temperature of at least +15 ° C.
  • Also, near the colors, it is necessary to arrange lighting devices that will help the bud form
  • After 4 days, the temperature must be raised to +18 ° C, and the amount of time in which the flowers consume light is at least 10 hours.
Festive flowering
Festive flowering
  • Daily tulips must be moistened with a spray gun, as well as adding a moderate amount of liquid into the soil.
  • As soon as the buds are formed to accelerate the process of their ripening, the plants can be put on sunlight, but not more than 40 minutes. in a day.

When growing tulips, it is necessary to observe all the recommendations and the basic rules for their care, because these flowers are rather picky and excessive moisture or excessive light can destroy the entire crop. To prevent this from happening, harvest the bulbs and soil in early February.

How to store cut tulips before sale so that they do not open?

The safety of the commodity type of tulips is one of the most difficult tasks for gardeners on the eve of International Women's Day. In order to save the integrity of the colors and save the buds, not entirely disclosed there are several ways:

  • Make a scythe cut of plant stalks, and a small vertical incision of the lower part
  • Remove excess foliage
  • In the prepared storage fluid, dilute a few granules of potassium permanganate
  • Drain the water and fill the flowers with a new daily. However, remember that only cold fluid should be used
  • Also regularly update the stems, cutting the festering parts to avoid infection of other tulips
  • It is important to store containers with plants in a bright place, however, eliminating the hit of ultraviolet rays
Storage of cut tulips
Storage of cut tulips

You can also add the following drugs to the water without potassium permanganate:

  • A small amount of coal
  • 3% sugar solution
  • Specialized garden additives ("Flora" or "BUTOTO")
  • 1 capsule acetylsalicylic acid
  • Viney solution (1 tbsp for 1 liter of liquid)

No less useful are the following additives:

  • Branch of any coniferous plant
  • Ice cubes
  • Snow

The cold fluid and the temperature of the room are not higher than +2 ° C will help extend the life of the flowers, stopping the process of premature opening of buds from 7 to 14 days, but in this case it is necessary to refuse lighting, since artificial and ultraviolet rays can accelerate the process of flowering tulips.

Video: Tulip Trucks by March 8 at home

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