When to open and pour champagne for the New Year? Is it possible to drink champagne before a fight of chimes?

When to open and pour champagne for the New Year? Is it possible to drink champagne before a fight of chimes?

You need to open and pour champagne correctly. There are several nuances.

Traditionally, with the offensive 12 at night from December 31 to January 1, people raise glasses with champagne. This culture came to us from the former nobility. In those days, champagne was an exquisite and noble drink. Since then, sparkling has become a symbol New Year and other important dates.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to drink and bite champagne on etiquette?".

It is not enough to be able to enjoy the drink, it is important to properly prepare it for a feast, and then open the cork. It is easier to open champagne than it seems - the main thing is to study simple instructions. Read further.

When to open and pour champagne for the New Year?


Champagne is a symbol of the holiday and the New Year atmosphere. This drink symbolizes the mysterious and solemn transition from one year to another, while the clock is beating 12. The very word "champagne" causes pleasant emotions and a premonition of the holiday. In Russia, many call other sparkling drinks. When to open and pour champagne for the New Year?

It is known that people became drinking champagne when the clock for the New Year beat twelve even during the reign of Peter I. Then, before the feast, they arranged a New Year's lush ball. The menu for champagne was diverse.

  • It is recommended to have time to open a bottle of champagne before the chimes, and not after.
  • Immediately after opening, you need to pour the drink into the glasses.

This tradition is associated with the fact that you need to make a desire and drink a glass of sparkling until the clock has been repelled 12 nights.

Is it possible to drink sparkling wine or champagne before the chimes?

Traditionally, it is necessary to open a bottle of champagne directly, as soon as chimes begin to beat and drink at least one sip until midnight came. This means that when opening the bottle you need to hurry. So, is it possible to drink sparkling wine or champagne before the chimes?

It is important to know the rules:

  • If you start opening champagne incorrectly, then the foam arose will be only a small problem. The cork will jump out and hit someone or damage the interior.
  • Prior to the fight, the chimes are also allowed to drink a couple of glasses of sparkling to spend the old year. Such a tradition is also popular in our culture.

So you can drink champagne before a fight of chimes. If you doubt it, then prepare two bottles of the drink. One - sprinkle with the guests, seeing off the old year, and print the second under the fight of chimes. There is always a way out.

Why do they drink champagne?


Drink a playful drink is accepted at exactly midnight for the New YearWhile the watch is twelve. The desire is important to have time to make it on time. Someone writes it on paper, then it is burned to the ash, which is thrown into a glass and drink champagne in one gulp during the fight of chimes. This ritual has several features that not everyone knows:

  • Desire should be written with a simple pencil.
  • Fold a piece of paper with a desire 4 times.
  • Warm the sheet with the recordings over the plate with the help of a candle that stands on the festive table.
  • Cut the ashes into a glass of champagne.

In general, they drink champagne under the battle of chimes, because at this time a desire can be made. This is also associated with the beginning of the new year. This is a constant attribute of the holiday since the reign of Peter I.

How to drink champagne for the New Year?

"Do no harm!" - says one of the main postulates of medicine. "Do not get drunk before the New Year!" - Already reads folk wisdom, more than once tested by time and “cases”. It is important to drink champagne to the best of December 31, so that the chimes can be able to open a new bottle and make a desire. And now it is worth moving on to the preparatory part, how to properly store and serve champagne to the festive table before the opening:

  • Cool champagne before serving the table. In terms of temperature, the drink should be harmonious within +6 - +8 degrees. Put a bottle in a bucket with ice in the lower compartment of the refrigerator. Carbon dioxide in champagne during cooling is minimized, which will help to further open a drink without foam. It is important to store champagne in the refrigerator for at least two hours before the start of the new year.
  • It is not recommended to freeze and hypothermia. Otherwise, the taste of the sparkling will pretty worsen.
  • Before opening, remove the foil bottle from the neck. Then eliminate the wire. Put a bottle at an angle of 45 degrees from the surface. It is advisable to rest the bottle on the table.
  • It is important not to direct an unusable bottle to where the guests are sitting and valuable items are located. If you manage to open it correctly, then nothing will be damaged from the surrounding objects.
  • Condensate forms on the bottle as soon as it is placed from the refrigerator in the room. Keep it in your hands with a towel so that glass and label do not slip when opened.
  • Keep a bottle of champagne in your hands tight, do not shake the contents, otherwise too much carbon dioxide forms when opened. As a result, the cork will shoot.
  • Despite the fact that spray champagne and cotton from a flying cork looks spectacular, then this method of discovery may not please everyone. One of the guests stoop things or a tablecloth on the table, and many are completely afraid of sharp sounds.
  • Rotate the bottle so that you carefully pull out the cork. Hold the cork with your fingers. It is important to keep the cork with the thumb to restrain the pressure of the gases.

A festive, pleasant and very unpredictable drink “champagne”, it is important to drink with caution, especially so far the chimes fight has not come. And the meanness lies in the "egoism" of the drink. Do not interfere with other alcohol - otherwise there will be a hangover even before you can make a desire to festive chimes. Pointed wine should be drunk in moderation. First of all, the drink is contraindicated for people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, pregnant and nursing mothers, children.

How to open champagne on New Year's Eve correctly?

We open champagne correctly
We open champagne correctly

By all the rules, it is worth serving champagne to the New Year's table in a bucket of ice. There is also this option in a bucket of water and ice, as in Hollywood films. A few secrets how to open champagne in the New Year:

  • Opening champagne, it is important not to keep the bottle in an upright position. Otherwise, the cork can jump out, hit the ceiling and then get on valuable objects or on one of the guests.
  • Keep a bottle at an angle of 45 degrees.
First remove from a bottle of champagne foil
First remove from a bottle of champagne foil
  • Scroll through not a cork, but a bottle. Keep the bottle very tightly. There will be no cotton with such a proper opening. When the champagne is opened, there will be a slight exhalation of carbon dioxide.
  • Pour champagne into a glass strictly at an angle. Leyite gradually so that the foam settles. Then share champagne into a glass of a little more than half. Champagne is often poured in two doses.
Remove the lid from champagne, scrolling a bottle in your hand
Remove the lid from champagne, scrolling a bottle in your hand
  • Drinking champagne is also an art. Keep the glass by the thin leg.
  • Do not drink the drink in one gulp. On New Year's Eve, it is worth making a desire to take a small sip. Drink gradually, enjoying the taste of the drink.
  • It is advisable not to drink a lot of champagne on the eve of the battlefield. It is better to drink only one glass before the start of the New Year's meal.

Champagne is often called the most unpredictable of alcoholic beverages. There are few degrees of alcohol in the drink, but it is intoxicated precisely because of carbon dioxide, which is quickly absorbed into the blood. Second dishes and snacks such as cheese and fruits are well combined with champagne.

The champagne was not immediately at once, since it was still inaccessible to simple people in past times. At first, sparkling was served on luxurious feasts in noble circles. In the first decades of the 20th century alone, they began to produce sparkling wine of a local spill instead of foreign expensive products. Nevertheless, the classic of serving the drink remained the same - they submitted a drink on banquets, secular racks and important dates, for example, on the eve of the celebration of the New Year. This drink has long been using the reputation of idleness, happiness and fun.

Video: What can break through the champagne plug?

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