What characteristics are focused on when choosing champagne? Which champagne is better to choose for a birthday, New Year, wedding, holiday, anniversary?

What characteristics are focused on when choosing champagne? Which champagne is better to choose for a birthday, New Year, wedding, holiday, anniversary?

In this article we will talk about how to choose the right champagne for the New Year's table.

Napoleon once said: "In victory, you deserve champagne, you need it in defeat." Well, today champagne is opened in honor of other events, and we decided to consider this topic in detail.

What characteristics are focused on when choosing champagne?

Depending from the amount of sugar Champagne is like this:

  • Extra Brutsugarless. It can also be called Brut Zero or Brut Nature

Important: it is worth saying that Extra Breeut is a rather sour product, so not everyone can like it.

  • Brut - Perhaps it can be called the most common look. Almost dry, concentration - 15 g/l.
  • Extra Dryvery dry champagne
  • Sec - Dry, within 17-35 g/l.
  • Demi-Sec - half -dry, 33-35 g/l.
  • Doux - The sweetest champagne in which sugar is most concentrated - 50 g/l. and higher. Sugar lovers can be delighted, but he dulls receptors well.
Brut champagne can be called one of the most common species
Brut champagne can be called one of the most common species

Important: Keep in mind that sugar production flaws are disguised as remarkably, so you should think about how ready you are to give preference to this type of drink.

Now we pay attention for quality:

  • Sans Annee - If you see such an inscription, then the year of manufacture is useless to search. But you can always familiarize yourself with sugar concentration. About 80% of drinks can be attributed to a similar category.
  • Millesime (also known as vintage) - Here on his label the year of manufacture is indicated. You can be sure that such a product consists of high -quality grapes.
  • Cuvee de Prestige, Cuvee Special (prestigious, special) - raw materials for this champagne serve the best berries. Perhaps manufacturers affix a year, name.

IMPORTANT: A loom is especially in honor of experts. The fact is that this champagne is created from the raw materials of the same year. In Shampani, only it is awarded the dates on the label.

Maric champagne Rapeneau
Maric champagne Rapeneau

Pay attention to the following data on the label:

  • Inscriptions "Shipped", "Spike", "Sparkling", "Saturated" They say that in front of you - the most ordinary wineProcessed by carbon dioxide. The taste and aroma awaits you enough mediocre.
  • But "Conducted", "classic" or Metodo Classico, Methode Cap Classique They will tell you that you picked up real champagne. It is manufactured using the technology that Perignon's House invented.
This is what should be written in champagne made using classical technology
This is what should be written in champagne made using classical technology

Important: much depends on how the champagne was stored. Lower the bottle with a neck down and see if anything remain at the bottom. If so, then champagne was stored incorrectly, which will certainly affect the taste.

How to choose the right in the store high -quality Russian, semi -sweet, children's champagne?

Concerning russian champagne, then we recommend paying attention to the following manufacturers:

"Tsimlyansky wines" - The whole spectrum from the semi -sweet reservoir to the collective model is different quality. "Tsimlyan sparkling, prepared in an old Cossack way" It has a hundred years. At one time, Pushkin himself spoke with enthusiasm, and today champagne stubbornly collects awards at competitions.

Important: the price is perhaps the only negative, but it is more than justified.

Famous Tsimlyansk sparkling champagne
Famous Tsimlyansk sparkling champagne

We recommend that you also pay attention to brands such as "Bouquet of Victory" and "Onegin". As for the last, then he not inferior even to some French patterns.

Brand "Abrau-Durso" It is the most famous brand of Russia. It was once even called a "star in the crown of the Russian Empire." At the head of this brand there were always people who deserved numerous awards. Aroma Champagne conquers pleasant grape note Without impurity, yeast.

Russian champagne Abrau-Durso is a proven centuries
Russian champagne Abrau-Durso is a proven centuries

And how not to mention such a Crimean factory as "New World"? Back in 1900, he brought the Russian Empire the first Grand Prix in its history. "Brut Kuve", "coronation" and "Paradisio" They will leave a pleasant impression.

Champagne New World
Champagne New World

Half -sweet champagne It is very popular in cooking as an ingredient of the vein, sorbetes and desserts.

Important: However, look at the assortment of the manufacturer - if he offers only sweet and semi -sweet sparkling drinks, then most likely these drinks are not of the highest quality. In another case, you can purchase a semi -sweet champagne.

High -quality half -sweet champagne lion Golitsin
High -quality half -sweet champagne lion Golitsyn

At the time of buying children's champagne You need to pay attention to the following:

  • First of all, pay attention to the presence flavorings - they should be natural, otherwise the child’s liver will suffer.

Important: keep in mind that natural additives are not cheap, so do not even look towards inexpensive children's champagne.

  • Fructose or sugar Obviously better than a sugar -substituter. Not only is the latter terribly high -calorie, it can also cause allergies or even visual impairment.
  • E211 or sodium benzoate - The most affordable preservative, so it is often used. From the body of the child, it is excreted more slowly than from an adult, which sometimes leads to poisoning.
  • Artificial dyes provoke allergies.
  • If you see Many complex names - Put a bottle on the shelf.

Important: the composition of non -hazardous children's champagne looks approximately like this: sugar, water, identical to a natural flavor or extract, natural dye. Citric acid is not welcome, but not critical.

Disney children's champagne can relate to high -quality
Disney children's champagne can relate to high -quality

Which champagne is better to choose for a birthday, New Year, wedding, anniversary?

On the new Year's holidays We recommend that you look at the following drinks:

  • Lambrusco Dell’emilia Rosso" - a wonderful combination acceptable price, availability, pleasant sweet taste And for a long time settling bubbles. The guests will not be very surprised, but will definitely decorate the holiday.
  • "Cinzano" - attract lovers of beautiful openwork foamWhat will serve as a pleasant addition to New Year's Eve. Besides, the head does not hurt from him.

Important: it is recommended to bite this champagne with something fish.

Champagne New Year's Cinzano
Champagne New Year's Cinzano
  • "Asti mondoro" - From the very first minutes will create a festive mood thanks lightness And bursting bubbles. In addition, this Italian champagne is nice to give.
Champagne Asti Mondoro will create a New Year mood
Champagne Asti Mondoro will create a New Year mood
  • "Asti Martini" - Beautiful shimmers in a glass And it has pleasant fruit flavor. Aroma pleasing shade of peach.


Champagne Asti Martini perfectly fits into the New Year's menu
Champagne Asti Martini perfectly fits into the New Year's menu
  • "Piper-heidsieck" - It refers to the expensive, but once a year you can pamper yourself. Fresh taste this champagne pleases with notes nutmeg, pineapple. You can even catch eastern spices. AT aroma You can feel citrus notes, as well as apple.
Expensive but magnificent champagne Piper-HEIDSIECK
Expensive but magnificent champagne Piper-HEIDSIECK

For a wedding It is especially important to purchase high -quality champagne, because otherwise the guests will have a head back before the end of the banquet.

Important: a cheap option is not recommended.

You can pay attention to "Source", "Bouquet of Bessarabia" And those options that we described for the New Year's feast.

Holidays5. Champagne bouquet of Bessarabia is perfect for a wedding feast
Champagne bouquet of Bessarabia is perfect for a wedding feast

Consider the snacks that will be filed to wedding table or to anniversary, birthday:

  • Seafood, fish harmonize with Saint Joseph, Sancerre, Chablis, Condrieu
  • The cheeses are soft will become more tender with "Saint amour", "Crozes-masterite"
  • Sharp cheeses will fully show their piquant taste with "Bourgogne", "Bordeaux", "Côtes du Rhône"
  • Meat Nice to drink "Saint amour", "D’Alsace", "Julienas"
  • Fruit desserts It is worth serving with sweet champagne

Important: it is worth saying separately about the drinks with which a wedding or anniversary cake will be perfectly combined. This is “Crémant de Bourgogne”, “Monbazillac”, dry “Champagne”.

With champagne Crémant de Bourgogne, cakes will be perfectly combined
With champagne Crémant de Bourgogne, cakes will be perfectly combined

It would seem that it takes from champagne besides the ability to beautifully shoot with a sink and foam in a glass? However, the choice of this drink is a very responsible business if you do not want to spoil the holiday.

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