Is it possible to drink wine or champagne during breastfeeding? After how long is champagne from breast milk and can you feed the baby?

Is it possible to drink wine or champagne during breastfeeding? After how long is champagne from breast milk and can you feed the baby?

From this article you will learn whether it is possible to drink champagne with a nursing mother.

New Year has come, many holidays. Some young mothers solve the issue with an edge - do not drink a drop of alcohol, and other mothers with crumbs decide to drink a little champagne on New Year's Eve. Is it harmful to the child?

What will happen if you drink champagne nursing mom, is it harmful?

Is it possible to drink champagne nursing mom - undesirable

Ethyl alcohol, and it undoubtedly is in all alcoholic beverages, has the ability to be absorbed into the blood, and mother's milk also if you drink it in an insignificant amount.

Alcohol so affects the baby:

  • Acts in the negative direction on the heart and blood vessels.
  • It affects the nervous system in this way: the child quickly falls asleep, but his sleep is restless.
  • If a woman with a baby often drinks, and then breastfeeding him, then the child lags behind in mental development.
  • If a woman often drinks, then the child gets used to alcohol, and his taste deteriorates.
  • Under the influence of alcohol, the child has colic in the tummy, the digestive system is inflamed.

Note. Until the child is 6 months old, any dose of alcohol, even the smallest, can seriously harm him, since there are no enzymes that break alcohol in the liver of the child.

Can a nursing mother drink a glass or a sip of wine, or champagne?

Is it possible to drink champagne nursing mom - it is impossible, better than good wine

Champagne and other hissing drinks are impossible, they enhance gas formation, and the child can begin to colic.

If you really want to drink something, then a little white wine, a few sips. And before the celebration, it is advisable for mom to scret breast milk in order to feed the baby once 1 time.

Mom should remember that you can’t abuse alcohol, because it is responsible for a small life. And accidents with the child most often happen exactly when the mother does not control herself.

After how long is wine or champagne from breast milk, and can you feed the baby?

After how much after drinking champagne you can feed a child with a nursing mother-after 3-4 hours

You can’t drink alcohol with a nursing mother, but if, contrary to the prohibitions, the mother will still drink a little wine or champagne on the holiday, you need to know that alcohol does not accumulate in milk and blood, but is completely excreted.

How quickly alcohol is removed depends on different factors:

  • Women's weights - the less she weighs, the longer alcohol will be excreted.
  • The amount of alcohol drunk.
  • The quality of alcohol.
  • Enharged snacks - on an empty stomach, alcohol is absorbed into the blood more strongly.

After a glass of champagne, drunk by a woman, weighing 55-60 kg, she can breastfeed a baby only if 3-4 hours have already passed.

Is it possible to drink children's champagne nursing mom during breastfeeding?

Is it possible to drink children's champagne nursing mom - you can't, better a little wine

If you read to the end, which is part of the children's champagne, then it can hardly be called useful, not only to children, but also to adults.

The composition of champagne called children's:

  • Sugar substitutes (acesulfam, cyclamat, sugar) are not absorbed by our body, and even after them I really want to eat.
  • Synthetic dyes, especially yellow, red and blue can cause allergies.
  • Additives that improve the taste and aroma of champagne. Artificial additives are taken in inexpensive champagne - negatively affect the liver.
  • Conservatives, mainly the cheapest preservative is used - the sodium benzoate E211. It adds more to all factory drinks than the daily norm (1 mg per 1 kg of teenager weight). An overdose of preservatives can lead to poisoning and diseases of the stomach.

Good children's champagne approximately the following composition:

  • Water
  • Sugar or fructose
  • Natural flavors (extract, infusion or essence)
  • Lemon acid
  • Natural dyes (caramel E150A)

If you really want to drink at least children's champagne at least a nursing mother with everyone, do not risk, it is better to drink a little good, high -quality wine. It will bring less harm than ordinary champagne and children.

So, mom is responsible for the health of the child and his life. So is it really a glass of drinking alcohol.

Video: the influence of alcohol on children - Dr. Komarovsky

Video: Issue 52. Alcohol during breastfeeding

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  1. It is not desirable to drink

  2. Good article

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