Когда надо выстригать клок волос детям, когда нужно стричь ребенка в первый раз: мифы о стрижке младенца

Когда надо выстригать клок волос детям, когда нужно стричь ребенка в первый раз: мифы о стрижке младенца

In many families, they adhere to a long time as a rooted tradition: for the performance of a year old, babies are cut by bunches of their hair, or even they cut them in the ground. And at the same time, it is rare that of us thinks about what such manipulations are made for - are they dictated by necessity, or is it just a tribute to ancient customs?

And from the point of view of practicality - is it necessary to cut a child per year or earlier? From this material you will learn about whether it is so important for the child - to grab the scissors as soon as possible?

When to cut your hair for the child for the first time: about traditions in the world

  • Such a tradition - a haircut of small children (soil or using partial cutting) exists in almost all world cultures. It plays a role here religious rituals, folk traditions or superstitions.
  • For example, the Indians cut a tuft of hair from their kids to mark the fact that their past life has already gone into oblivion, and a little man will move forward to the future.
  • The Mongols on the day when you need to cut the child for the first time, arrange a real festival on this occasion. All close and distant family members participate in the first haircut that cut off the hair of hair from the child’s head, give him and wish him all sorts of benefits in subsequent life.
  • Israel is somewhat different in this matter from the dogmas of other religions - they avoid cuting the male babies there until they turn 3 years old.

At what age the child is cut for the first time: Slavic culture

  • The Slavs, producing the first haircut, also adhered to a ritual arising from religious teachings and folk culture. In this case, the main rule was considered do not cut your hair until the baby is 1 year old.
  • It was believed that if such a manipulation is done up to a year, then a small member of the family will become weak, frail and painful, and in the future, success and wealth will bypass it.
  • But if you cut the child for the first time very briefly after a one -year -old age, then in this case this will not only become a symbol of his transition to a new life, but also attract luck into it. In addition, evil spirits will not be able to penetrate the child and negatively affect his fate. Is it really? Unknown. But, at least in the pre -Christian period, our ancestors sacredly believed and adhered to this rule in this. So why don't we follow their example?
  • And already with the advent of Christianity, another rite arose: the godparents cut off a small piece of hair from four sides in a child. At the same time, our ancestors seemed to put on the head of the child symbolic cross, As if calling for him the blessing of God. At that time, in each dwelling in an honorable place there were icons, so it was behind them that the baby’s hair cut off by Kumovyas was kept. This holy place made them a powerful amulet, scaring all sorts of troubles and illnesses from their child.
This is why the Slavs believed that it was impossible to cut down to a year
This is why the Slavs believed that it was impossible to cut down to a year

When performing the first haircut of a one -year -old child, they adhered to the lunar calendar, it was very important that the moon was growing.

  • A little about the signs of our time talking about the haircut of the children in one year old. There are people who argue that if you show such a tuft of hair to the future first -grader, then study will be easy for him to be given. Others believe that such hair, hidden under the pillow, will help the child sleep tightly at night.

Whether the first cut hair of the child is given density per year: we debunk the myth

  • Nowadays, few people follow religious traditions for reasons of faith. But many of those of parents come in a year in a year to cut a chip of hair for children, but to cut their offspring, as they are sure that later his hair will become more thick, brilliant and healthy.
  • It may seem that it really is, but this is just a myth, since shaving of the hair in no way affects the increase in the number of their bulbs. Just evenly overgrown hairs Create the appearance of the child’s more thick and hard hair, however, this is not for long.
  • A certain period of time will pass, and everything will return "to their own circles."

Why don't you cut the child in a year in a year?

  • According to the authoritative opinion of trichologists and hairdressers, you should not very briefly cut the child, as this can harm his hair, which begins to form in the womb.
  • Children are born, already having a delicate fluff on the head. Soon he, as they say, is “pumped out”, and his place is filled with more mature and thick hair.

Do not cut them, as it is:

  • It is pointless. Hair follicles play the role of roots. And no matter what manipulations with your hair you produce, this will not in any way affect their development;
  • Can apply harm. For all, it would seem, accuracy, when using scissors or cars, you can scratch your skin or accidentally pull delicate hairs. As a result, weak children's follicles damaged in this place;
  • It delivers to the child unpleasant sensations. Growing hairs usually irritate the delicate skin of the child, which is why itching and rash appear. In addition, having lost his hair, in the cold season, the baby may cheat;
  • Can be brought infection. Microsemen that arose due to the use of tools, or combed itching rashes can become inflamed due to the fact that various pathogenic microorganisms, such as, for example, streptococcus, get into them. And this, take a word, the disease is very unpleasant and it is usually not possible to win it quickly.

Scientific evidence that shaving helps the hair subsequently grow more thick. The hair can become thicker and more beautiful if you observe proper hygiene and fully eat. But, of course, genes still play the main role in this matter. Therefore, do not expose your children above the above risks in the hope that later they will grow chic hair.

When you need to cut the baby up to a year: the lunar calendar of children's haircuts

Sometimes, if necessary, you still have to take on the scissors to cut (namely, but, in no case do not shave) hair from the child’s head.

This is usually done if:

  • it is difficult to get rid of infant crusts;
  • hair from a long bang "climbs" to the child in the eye;
  • parents will want to give their hair a uniform;
  • in the yard is hot weather;
  • due to long hair, the boy becomes indistinguishable from the girl.
Also on the question of when to cut a child, pay attention to the lunar calendar
Also on the question of when to cut a child, pay attention to the lunar calendar
Child haircut calendar for 2021
Child haircut calendar for 2021

How to cut a child for the first time?

  • Before you take up the scissors (which must certainly have rounded ends), you should familiarize yourself with how best to cut the child for the first time.
  • You already understood the main postulate: the child’s hair must be cut, and not collapsed in order to avoid damage to the follicles. But sometimes parents have to follow religious or family traditions, which involve exactly the shaving of the children's head.

Do not use the machine (it is easiest to damage the skin) or a machine (which can frighten the child with its buzzing). To cut the child for the first time, it is best to use a trimmer that does not publish too much noise.

  • It’s best to cut it wet hair.
  • This procedure should be done at a time when the child remains calm, if he is acting or something hurts him, then in this case the haircut must be postponed.
  • At first, you should make sure that the child is calm and does not experience discomfort. During the haircut, distract him with new toys and goodies, tell him fairy tales.
  • It is best to use the services of a professional who makes infant haircuts.
But you can also do it yourself
But you can also do it yourself

The haircut is made. What to do next? Immediately atone for the child who has been haircut in warm water. If this is not done right away, then the hairs that fall on the body will be injected, delivering unpleasant sensations that baby. Carefully check all the skin folds so that the hairs in them do not remain.

If you still decide to keep the child, then in this case you should dressing the scalp. To do this, you need to use funds such as "Miramistin", and then - a moisturizer. But do not use hydrogen alcohol and peroxide in any case - it will dry the skin that will peel and itch.

No need to forcefully cut the child. If he is nervous, capricious, then simply set aside this procedure until your child is ready to accept hairdressing manipulations. And whether it is worth cutting him in a year, following the signs and superstitions, or leave everything as it is - to decide to parents.

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Video: Do \u200b\u200bI need to cut a child in a year?

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