When you need to start feeding the seedlings of pepper: a top dressing schedule. How to understand that it is time to feed peppers seedlings? How to feed peppers seedlings: scheme, rules

When you need to start feeding the seedlings of pepper: a top dressing schedule. How to understand that it is time to feed peppers seedlings? How to feed peppers seedlings: scheme, rules

In this article, we will talk about feeding pepper seedlings - how it is carried out and with which it can be done.

Pepper is a popular vegetable culture that is present in every garden. How high -quality the crop turns out depends on the correctness of care during the entire time of growth and development. It is important to understand that peppers are required from sowing itself to harvesting. At the same time, the initial stage is the most important. That is, you must get healthy and strong seedlings. Let's figure out how to get it, in particular, with top dressing.

When you need to start feeding pepper seedlings: top dressing schedule

Feeding of pepper seedlings
Feeding of pepper seedlings

It is worth noting right away that the feeding of pepper seedlings is carried out in several ways. We will talk about them later. At the very beginning, it is important to take into account that the feeding scheme involves the conduct of four procedures:

  • Before diving. That is, when all shoots appear, the first top dressing is made. It is aimed at making sprouts to grow better, as well as to strengthen the immunity of young plants.
  • After diving. Immediately after the diving is carried out, peppers need top dressing. It will allow them to better transfer the transplant procedure. As a rule, in this case, complex fertilizers are used. With their help, seedlings are strengthened.
  • 1-2 weeks after diving. At this stage, plant immunity is strengthened and saturated with useful substances. This allows you to prepare seedlings for open ground. Feeding is required so that the plants take root without problems in a new place.

It is worth noting that there is a certain date when the top dressing should be carried out is not. It all depends on your seedlings. See their appearance and health. Sometimes it is allowed to change the terms of fertilizer.

How to understand that it is time to feed peppers seedlings?

As we have already said, feeding of peppers seedlings is carried out when plants are needed. Usually a lack of nutrients is noticeable in appearance.

Signs of the deficiency in trace elements are as follows:

  • Phosphorus. First, the foliage becomes blue and then blushes. Moreover, the stems become thinner, and the leaves are twisted
  • Calcium. Seedlings develop more slowly, and gray spots appear on their sheets. This indicates an excess of nitrogen-fecal fertilizers and mixtures
  • Iron. On the edges of the fabric of the sheets, they begin to die. The reason for this is the wrong choice of soil
  • Nitrogen. The foliage turns pale and the leaves gradually fall
  • Potassium. On the edges, sheets of seedlings begin to dry, and their main area is covered with yellowness

If you notice the first signs of a deficiency of trace elements, stop feeding with mixtures that contain the corresponding substances.

How to feed peppers seedlings: scheme, rules

How to feed the seedlings of pepper?
How to feed the seedlings of pepper?

Feeding of peppers seedlings requires compliance with certain rules. Fertilizers of seedlings should be carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • Top dressing should be carried out in the morning
  • A couple of hours before the procedure, pour the plants. This will avoid a burn of roots
  • When watering plants, try to ensure that the fluid does not fall into the aboveground part of the plant. If suddenly the solution still hit, then be sure to wipe this place, for example, a cotton pad moistened in clean water
  • Be sure to adhere to the diagram and dosage of top dressing. If you make too many, then you will harm the plants

The first, second and third very important top dressing of pepper seedlings: Features

After picking, feeding pepper seedlings is carried out after about 10-12 days. During this time, plant roots are already beginning to get used to the new place, and seedlings begin to grow. Now she needs support.

The first top dressing can be carried out using various mineral complexes, which contain all the necessary elements, as well as with the help of organ-mineral compositions. The latter contains mainly nitrogen and potassium. Many beginner gardeners prefer to use ready -made fertilizers.

Recipes can be used as follows:

  • Take the complex mixture "Gumi" and dilute 1 tbsp. 10 liters of water
  • Take a potassium nitrate. It is diluted into 20 liters of water. Only 60 grams are required
  • “Kemira Lux” is still good. It needs 1 tbsp. 10 liters of water
  • You can still dilute 3 tbsp. superphosphate, 1 spoon of ammonium nitrate and 1.5 tbsp. potassium sulfate in a bucket of water

After feeding for a while, you need to leave the peppers alone. In particular, now they need 10-14 days. The second top dressing should contain other elements in addition to nitrogen and potassium. This applies to phosphorus. He is now very important pepper. For top dressing, you can use Kemira Lux or Crystalon, but mineral complexes that were used earlier are also suitable. Organica is also good.

Among the recipes of additives, they stand out:

  • 20 g "Crystalon" are divided into 10 liters of water
  • 60 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate are added to 10 liters of water
  • You can use the Gumi mineral complex. It is enough to add 2 tbsp. per bucket of water

By the way, when one of the compositions is introduced into the soil, then it is sprinkled with wood ash. Keep in mind that simple ash will not go from waste, it is precisely wood. At the same time, a liter of nettle infusion is added to it. The whole mixture is added to a bucket of water.

Before planting seedlings in the ground, it also needs top dressing. Most of all, gardeners like complex additives, for example, Fermatika or Agricola. There are many others. Keep in mind that the product will be effective only if dosages are observed exactly.

Feeding of peppers seedlings with yeast: recipe


Feeding of peppers can be carried out using various folk recipes. Let's talk about them. The first remedy that we will consider is yeast. By the way, you can use both live and dry product.

Keep in mind that it is impossible to use overdue products. The fact is that fungi that will destroy all plants can get into the soil. Yeast top dressing can also be used in different ways. They can be applied, for example, when planting seedlings. So, in each hole, place 2 g of yeast. Pre -grind them with the soil. Already at the following stages, fertilizers are used in the form of a solution of water. They can be watered or irrigated to seedlings. Just carry out the procedure on a cloudy day, morning or evening.

Feeding pepper seedlings: recipe

Among the folk remedies, with the help of which fed of pepper seedlings can be carried out, beer is also released. It contains yeast. Just keep in mind that the drink can be prepared incorrectly. So simple beer from the store is better not to use. But a lively, welded product, is allowed to use. It will serve as an activator of growth. So its use is possible from the very beginning of growth. The product is not used in pure form. For 10 liters of water, only 1 liter will be required.

Feeding of pepper seedlings with hydrogen peroxide: Recipe

Gardeners who choose folk remedies argue that feeding the seedlings of pepper with hydrogen peroxide allows you to strengthen the roots, and immunity is strengthened in plants. The remedy frees oxygen, which, in turn, removes the dead roots. This prevents the death of seedlings.

A top dressing procedure is carried out for the root or spraying. To do this, only 20 drops of the product are diluted per 1 liter of water. You can water plants once a week. The main thing is exactly the dosage, because the concentrated solution is a danger.

Banana skin for feeding peppers: recipe

The skin of a banana
The skin of a banana

This method is suitable for those who love bananas. Feeding of peppers can be carried out by remnants from this fruit. Banana skins help to make up for a lack of potassium. Its deficiency does not allow nitrogen to absorb seedlings and seedlings will become lethargic. Before feeding, it is necessary to prepare the infusion. For him, put a jar of 3 liters of 4-5 skins and pour them with warm water. The mixture needs to be infused for three days. During this time, potassium will be released. When the infusion is ready, water them seedlings.

Feeding peppers ash on a liter of water: recipe

Wood ash is often used to feed plants. This is due to the fact that it contains a large number of minerals. It is possible with its help and feeding pepper seedlings. Keep in mind that you can use only ash that is obtained from burning trees, and there should not be mold on it. In addition, the ash should not have extra components from household garbage. By the way, ash helps reduce the acidity of the Earth, so if you have high, then this is exactly what you need.

The ash can be added as an additional component in peat and sand. Moreover, it can be used as a separate fertilizer. A solution is prepared for these purposes. It is simple to mix it, it is enough to take one tablespoon of ash for two liters of water. Do not use the product right away, let it brew for a day. You can use the finished solution several times, but not very often, because it provoke an excess of useful substances.

Feeding seedlings of pepper with a decoction of potato cleaning: Recipe

This tool is very simple. Feeding of pepper seedlings does not require any special preparations. To get useful fertilizer for your plants, weld potatoes. Water is still suitable in which cereal or peas were soaked.

Feeding pepper seedlings with iodine to improve growth: Recipe


If you want to get a folk remedy for the rapid growth of seedlings, as well as protect them from exposure to pests and diseases, then use iodine. Of course, it will not be possible to use it in its purest form. For top dressing, prepare a solution of 5 g of iodine and 5 l of water. For a greater effect, phosphorus and potassium can be added to top dressing. Feed seedlings during watering. By the way, there is another good recipe. For him, mix 1 liter of milk in a bucket of water and 15 drops of iodine.

Feeding seedlings of pepper ammonia: Recipe

Shields are very important nitrogen, which gives a sufficient amount of ammonia. Moreover, the product is ideal for scaring pests. Feeding of pepper seedlings by ammonia is carried out only if it lacks nitrogen. Be sure to dilute the product, in its pure form it is detrimental to plants. So, only 1 tbsp is required on a bucket of water. Substances. With it, carry out watering under the root.

Feeding seedlings of eggshell pepper: Recipe

Quite often, the eggshells are used for feeding vegetables. Feeding of peppers seedlings is possible with the help of this tool. First of all, the shell needs to be chopped and then prepared the infusion. By the way, you will have to grind the shell in powder, so prepare the coffee grinder. You will need 3-4 shells. The main thing is that they are dry. The powder is poured with a liter of boiling water. After that, he needs to let it brew for five days. After that, you can water seedlings.

How to dilute urea for feeding pepper seedlings: recipes


Urea or urea is an excellent means for feeding pepper seedlings. It is better to make fertilizers cloudy evening. This is necessary so that the granules penetrate the soil better with dew.

The solution is prepared according to certain rules that are important to observe:

  • Top dressing is prepared in a separate bowl
  • Store the solution inaccessible to children and animals.
  • Place dry top dressing to a small depth. In this case, it is important that the granules do not hurt the roots
  • Feeding is made at a temperature of not more than 22 degrees
  • Top dressing cannot be combined with organic matter, because its effectiveness is reduced

Fulfilling top dressing, which urea is, acts much faster than the root. That is why it is so popular among gardeners.

Recipes for preparing top dressing are as follows:

Urea recipes
Urea recipes

Urea is required peppers regardless of the stage of their growth. So that the soil is not oversaturated with nitrogen, adhere to the established dosages. First of all, urea is made in the spring, when the beds are prepared. If the soil is too exhausted, you can add sawdust, manure, sand or humus to it.

Feeding of seedlings of peppers onion husk: recipe

Feeding of peppers can be carried out using the infusion of onion husk. It allows you to make the soil more productive, protect seedlings from diseases. At the same time, spraying with this tool allows the ovaries to form faster. Top dressing is prepared in the form of an infusion. For him, type two glasses of husks and steam them in two liters of boiling water.

Do not use the product at once, he needs to let it brew for a couple of days, and then strain. It is important to note that the finished infusion is concentrated. So for use it must be diluted in a proportion of 1 to 3.

Feeding seedlings of pepper selitro: recipes


Feeding of seedlings of pepper selitro is carried out in different ways. This is largely determined by the type of nitrate. So, there are several types of top dressing.

Ammonium nitrate

It is used at the beginning of the autonomic period, because at this time plants require as much nitrogen as possible, and it is more than enough in this tool. Fertilizer perfectly affects any plants, including pepper. When the period of rapid growth ends and it is time to move on to the extension of the fruits, the ammonia nitrate is not used. It is prepared simple enough - add 12 g of agents to a bucket of water. By the way, if you want to use a fertilizer on acidic soil, then additionally add an alkaline fertilizer.

At the same time, you do not carry out foliar top dressing using ammonia nitrate, because there is a risk that plants will receive burns.

Calcium nitrate

This fertilizer does not increase acidity, and therefore it is allowed to use it on any soil. The product, on the contrary, neutralizes the acid content. Selitra is applied in the spring, when the soil is prepared for planting. It is added directly to it. But it is impossible to use fertilizer in the fall, because most of the beneficial substances will leave the soil during snow melting. In addition, be sure to add calcium, otherwise the pepper will not learn the selitra.


It can be used as a solution or in dry form. Potassium does not allow increasing green mass and helps to grow fruits. They become more juicy and large. For top dressing, it is enough to add 20 g of fertilizer by 10 liters of water.

Video: How to feed the seedlings of tomatoes and peppers?

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