Basil violet: growing from seeds, care, top dressing in a greenhouse, greenhouse and in open ground, in the country. When and with what can I plant a purple basil, after how many days does it rush after sowing? Do I need to pinch violet basil, how often to water?

Basil violet: growing from seeds, care, top dressing in a greenhouse, greenhouse and in open ground, in the country. When and with what can I plant a purple basil, after how many days does it rush after sowing? Do I need to pinch violet basil, how often to water?

Want to grow basil with your own hands? In this article you will learn how to do it correctly.

Basil violet: with what, after which you can plant on the beds in the garden?

The basil is known for its spicy aroma. Its leaves are perfectly complemented by different meat dishes, salads, sauces. In addition, the basil plant is often used in landscape compositions, a beautiful saturated purple color of the basil will become a decoration for flower beds. But still love basil for his taste and aromatic qualities.

Among the varieties of the purple basil can be distinguished:

  • Ararat
  • Yerevan
  • Pepper aroma
  • Opal
  • Vanilla
  • Thai

The basil is sold in supermarkets, in markets, in vegetable kiosks, to purchase spices is not a problem. But you can grow this plant at home, if you know some subtleties of care. The basil is caprizen. Sufficient lighting, suitable soil, fertilizers is required. Without proper care, instead of heavy large leaves, you can get sluggish greens. Therefore, let's figure out what conditions must be organized for growing a one -year -old basilic.

Basil violet

First you need to choose the right place for planting seeds or seedlings.

Important: according to the rules of alternating crops in open ground, the basil cannot be planted in one place for more than 5 years. If you do not adhere to this rule, a massive disease of all plants located nearby with fusariosis is possible.

Good neighbors for the basil will become:

  1. Legumes. The basil prevents infection with legumes bean grain.
  2. Tomatoes. Fragrant basil positively affects the taste properties of tomatoes.
  3. Bell pepper. Basil positively affects the growth and development of sweet pepper.

Basil can be planted after potatoes, tomatoes. Fertilizers are usually used for a good harvest of these crops, which further positively affect the growth of basil.

Often the basil is planted in the trunk circle of trees. The basil drives pests with its smell and phytoncides. Only trees need to be chosen with a small crown so that the basil gets a lot of light.

Badicaries for basil are Daikon, radishes.

Neighborhood of cultures in the garden

How to prepare basil seeds for sowing in a greenhouse, greenhouse, open ground?

Violet basil can be grown from seeds. It is advisable to plant the plant in open ground with a seedling method. The seeds first need to be planted in pots, after germination, seedlings are planted in the garden.

Important: the successful germination of the basil largely depends on the proper preparation of the seeds. Basil seeds have an ethereal shell, which makes it difficult to germinate seeds.

Seeds of some vegetables before planting are soaked for better germination. Basil seeds do not need to be soaked, they need to warm up. Two weeks before planting in the soil, it is recommended to keep seeds in a well -heated place. For this, heating batteries are suitable. Place the seeds in a bag made of natural fabric, then put on the battery.

Immediately before planting in the soil, basil seeds are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours. In the same solution, many summer residents water the soil before planting seedlings. This helps to disinfect the soil and protect the seeds from various lesions by pests.

The seeds of the purple basil

What soil is needed for purple basil?

Basil requires the presence of suitable soil. Do not wait for a good basil harvest on wet, heavy clay, loamy soils. The soil should be loose.

Before planting basil, it is recommended to dig the soil, as well as from the fall. On 1 m2 of soil, you need to make such fertilizers:

  • Humus - from 3 to 5 kg;
  • Superphosphate - 25 g;
  • Potassium salt - 15 gr.

If you plan to grow a plant on clay soils, you must first carefully kill the soil with a chopper, a hoe. But, as practice shows, on such soils, basil often gets sick, weak grows.

Choose a sunny place for the basil so that the sun is warming the plant throughout the day. Drafts should also be avoided.

The soil from the garden needs disinfection before planting seeds in pots. For this, the soil is first sieved, and then steamed in a water bath for 1 hour. This will protect seeds from fungal diseases. The soil purchased in the store undergoes the necessary processing.

Soil for basil

Basil violet - growing from seeds: when to sow seeds in a greenhouse, greenhouse, open ground?

Basilic bushes grow well in a greenhouse, a greenhouse. The basil on the windowsill grows worse.

You can grow purple basil in greenhouse conditions all year round, for seed germination, it is necessary to constantly maintain temperature at +25 ° C.

If it is planned to plant seedlings in open ground, seeds must be planted in pots 2 months before landing. The period of seeding of seeds is March and early April. In open ground, seedlings can be planted only in June, when round -the -clock warm weather is installed. The basil completely cannot stand frosts.

Growing basil from seeds

Planting seedlings in early summer will provide an early harvest of the purple basil. Gradually, you can finish the seeds into open ground, which will allow harvesting throughout the summer season. If you put seedlings in June in June, but seeds in open ground, it will be possible to harvest the late August crop.

The basil grows perfectly in the greenhouse. If it is planned to plant seedlings from the greenhouse into open ground, the seedlings should be tempered. To do this, a week before planting in open ground, pots with young plants are practically not watered, a greenhouse is ventilated daily and the temperature is reduced. This method will provide seedlings in open ground.

Seeds should not be deepened into the soil more than 1 cm. At the same time, you should regularly ensure that the seeds are not knocked out of the soil as a result of watering. Until the first shoots, it is recommended to keep the seeds under the cover. After the sprouts appear, the film can be removed.

Important: If you want to sow different varieties of purple basil, do not forget to sign each variety. This will determine the most suitable in taste and most adapted to your conditions.

It is recommended to plant seeds densely, since not everyone will give sprouts. Subsequently, seedlings will need to be protected. Diving seedlings in separate pots is possible when 1-2 sheets appear on the sprout.

Video: planting basil seeds

After how many days, the basil rises after sowing?

Important: at a temperature of +25 ° +27 ° seeds of the purple basil will give seedlings in 10-12 days.

Seals may appear earlier, 7-8 days after planting. But this is a rare case.

If the shoots did not appear at the indicated time, do not rush to panic, you should wait for some more time. Perhaps the temperature is not favorable for germination of seeds. Put a container with seeds in a warmer place.

The rapid germination of seeds depends on the moisture of the soil. Create a greenhouse effect by closing the container with a film. The soil should not be dry or too wet.

Basil violet in the garden

When planting seedlings, follow the distance. The optimal distance between the rows is 25-30 cm. Between individual basilic bushes, the permissible distance of at least 25 cm. Basilic bushes can reach 50 cm in height, for abundant growth they need space. A densely planted basil grows small and weak.

Important: carry out planting seedlings in open ground in the evening, in calm weather.

How often to water the basil in a greenhouse, greenhouse, open ground?

The basil violet, like other varieties of the plant, needs constant watering. However, it is unacceptable for the water to stagnate. The soil should be well drained. The soil water is fraught with the Black Leg. Dry soil will lead to a low harvest.

Rules for watering basilica:

  1. Make sure that the soil is wet, but in no case fill up.
  2. Watering under the root of the plant.
  3. Water carefully, trying not to wash the roots of the plant with water.
  4. Water for watering must be warm, defended.
  5. Water the basil in the morning so that the plant is loaded with water in a day, and moisture evaporates.

The weather is changeable, in the hot season, daily watering is required. On cloudy days, watering is not always required. The main rule of watering basil - the soil should always be slightly wet.

Basil care provides for frequent loosening of the soil. It is convenient to do this after watering.

Watering basilica

How to feed the basil in a greenhouse, greenhouse, open ground?

Important: top dressing is one of the important conditions, without which it is difficult to get a rich basil yield.

The basil should be fed at different stages of growth:

  • The first top dressing is carried out during landing. If the seeds are planted in open ground, it is appropriate to use the zircon growth stimulator.
  • In the greenhouse, the greenhouse, the first top dressing is required with the appearance of the first sheet. Such top dressing is especially important if seedlings are growing poorly. For top dressing in 1 liter of water, potassium (3 g), nitrogen (2 g) and phosphorus (5 g) fertilizer are diluted. Plants should be watered with this solution.
  • If you did not feed seedlings at the stage of growing it in pots, be sure to feed 2 weeks after planting plants in open ground. In this case, the complex mineral fertilizer of nitrofosk is well suited.
  • In the future, top dressing is required once a month. Basilica needs nitrogen fertilizers that stimulate green mass extensions.

Video: Growing basilica

Do I need to pinch violet basil?

Important: purple basil must be pinned. This will ensure the correct growth and beautiful formation of the bush.

Powering is the procedure for removing the apical shoot. This is done quickly and does not require special skills. The benefits of pinching are large. This procedure allows the plant to build up side shoots, a mass of leaves. If the apical escape is not removed, the basil will grow up, and there will be few spicy leaves, which are the main goal. Powering will provide greater yield.

In addition to pinching the top, you need to get rid of peduncles. Removing peduncles will ensure the emergence of new shoots.

Basil violet: diseases and pests

Important: basil is a sickly resistant plant. But if the conditions for growing are not respected, the plant is affected by fungal diseases.

Knowing the causes of diseases and pests of basil, you can prevent plant damage.

Purple basilic diseases:

  1. Blackleg - defeat of the root neck and the stem of the plant with a fungus. It is not difficult to determine this disease, the stem becomes dark, and the leaves are exhausted. Abundant watering, poor drainage, poor aeration and increased soil acidity leads to the defeat of the “black leg”.
  2. Gray rot - A fungal disease that affects mainly a basil in a greenhouse, a greenhouse. This type of fungus is present in the soil, but actively begins to multiply due to an excess of moisture in the air. As a result of high temperature and moisture, drops form on the leaves that lead to the withering away of the leaves. First, gray dry spots appear on the leaves, then they become watery, a fluff appears. The fungus spreads to all parts of the plant and leads to death.
  3. Fusariosis - It is characterized by withering of the plant. On young plants, the disease is manifested by exhaustion of the stem, the color becomes brown. Adult plants begin to die from the apex, it dries. Fusariosis affects seeds, can be in the soil. For prevention, it is recommended to alternate the place of landing of the basil regularly.
Basilic diseases

Pests practically do not bother the basil. Moreover, this plant serves to scare away different pests, such as: aphids, spider mites, field bug. Sometimes the plant affects Japanese Khrushchik. You can get rid of the pest manually by collecting an insect.

The best prevention of diseases is the disinfection of the soil before planting, the correct watering, and a sufficient amount of air in the greenhouse. In the early stages of a fungal disease, spraying with infusion of onion husks helps. It is important to get rid of plants affected by disease so as not to expose other basil bushes to the disease.

Video: Plant disease "Black Leg"

Why doesn’t the purple basil rummage or badly rises: the reasons, what to do?

There may be several reasons why the basil does not rush. Often, seeds do not germinate at once for several reasons:

  • Poor -quality seeds. Unfortunately, this is not at all uncommon. It is worth buying several bags from different manufacturers at once.
  • Cold weather. The basil is a thermophilic plant, the seeds germinate only at a favorable temperature not lower than +25 °.
  • Lack of light. This is a very important factor for seed germination.
  • Poor soil. The basil in loamy heavy soil will not grow.
  • Moisture lack. If you constantly forget about watering, you should not wait for good results.

Important: if you have fulfilled all the requirements for planting seeds and further care, but the basil still did not give out seedlings, wait a bit. Typically, seedlings appear on 10-12 days, but with a lack of heat or moisture, the seeds can rise later. Many summer residents noted that the seeds sprouted in the third month after planting.

Try to analyze what your seeds lack for a prosperous germination. Perhaps it is worth establishing an irrigation system, or provide a suitable temperature.

The basilic has more chances to give out when the seeds are covered when planting with a film. Especially if they are planted in open ground. Make a mini-party for basil seeds.

If you think that all conditions are met, but there are still no shoots, use growth stimulants.

Important: the success of seed germination also largely depends on the proper preparation of raw materials for planting.

Basilica seedlings

Why is purple basil green: reasons, what to do?

Dachnikov often worries the question: why does the purple basil green? Such a case is by no means uncommon. Many people think that the seeds were poor -quality. But it happens that first purple entrances appear, and then turn green.

This happens with insufficient sunlight. The basil should be under the sun 6-8 hours a day. If there is cloudy weather or basil on the street on the windowsill in the shaded side, the leaves and tops of the plants begin to turn green.

Do not get rid of such a plant, everything is in order with it. It is enough to take the basil to the sunny place, and the leaves will again acquire a purple hue. If it is impossible to provide sunlight, it is recommended to install lamps for artificial lighting in greenhouses and windowsills.

If the basil grows in the garden and began to turn green, wait for sunny days. You will see your basil bushes will begin to change the color.

The basil turns green

Why do the leaves of purple basil in the beds blacken: reasons, what to do?

Important: if the leaves of the basilica are blackened, this indicates the damage to the plant with a mushroom disease "Black Leg".

Your actions as a result of the formation of black leaves can be as follows:

  1. Review the watering system. Most often, the cause of the development of the disease lies in abundant watering.
  2. Loosen the soil. Creating soil with good drainage will help save the situation.
  3. Getting rid of weeds. Regular weeding of the basil is required. Weeds inhibit the growth and development of plants.
  4. Removal of affected leaves and plants. If the entire basil bush is blackened, get rid of it. Remove blackened leaves.
  5. Earth cultivation by potassium permanganate. After uprooting the sick plant, the earthen lump, located under it, is removed.
  6. A plot of land is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Such simple actions will help you save the basilic crop at an early stage of the disease. But if the disease came into force, fungicides will help to cope with it.

Basilica treatment drugs:

  • Fundazole
  • Topaz
  • Fitosporin

After the final harvest of the land, the Earth will need to be additionally disinfected by a solution of potassium permanganate, digested. The next year, the basil should be planted elsewhere.

Why does purple basil go into color: reasons, what to do?

Important: Basil flowering is a natural process. Flowering occurs 2-3 months after planting seeds.

At the top of the stem, a brush with flowers of white, pink or white-violet color appears. Basil flowering coincides with the harvest. If you grow basil for eating, cut off inflorescences.

You need to cut off the inflorescences with two lower leaves. If you do not cut the flowers, then the leaves will become rigid. Flowering also affects the taste of basil. During the flowering period, a large number of essential oils accumulate in the leaves of basil, which makes the leaves the most fragrant.

You can not cut inflorescences in such cases:

  • If you want to collect seeds for planting next year.
  • If you grow basil as a decorative plant.

Basilica flowers are used for therapeutic purposes. On their basis, tinctures, decoctions for healing small cuts, wounds, for the treatment of problem skin are made.

Basil flowering

How and when to collect the seeds of basil?

During the flowering of the basil, you can collect seeds for planting in the next season.

Important: seeds can be collected when inflorescences become dry, brown. This suggests that they are mature. If you collect raw seeds, then they may not give out.

The collection of seeds should be carried out in dry weather. It is difficult to call a certain date for collecting seeds, basil bushes can bloom at different times. Plants must be inspected regularly after peduncles have appeared. It is important not to miss the moment, and prevent seeds to shedding on the ground.

To collect basil seeds should be in this way:

  1. Cut dry inflorescences.
  2. Put them in a ventilated dry place for final maturation.
  3. Inflorescences should be threshed and riddled.
  4. Place the seeds in paper bags or fabric bags.
  5. It is necessary to store seeds in a dry place at room temperature. With proper storage, seeds can retain their properties up to 5 years.

Important: do not store the seeds in plastic bags, they can be wovered.

How and when to harvest the basilic harvest for drying, blanks for the winter?

You can cut off the leaves of basil for eating from the moment when the bushes reach a height of 12-15 cm. It is advisable to cut off the leaves with the upper part of the shoot. This will ensure the emergence of new young shoots. This method will help to achieve bushiness and increase in sheet mass.

The cleaning of the spicy basil should be carried out in late July, in August. Harvesting is carried out in dry calm weather. Only the leaves should be cut off, leave the stem - new leaves may appear on it. After the main harvest, you should not expect a rich increase in green mass by a plant, but for everyday culinary needs such reserves may be enough.

IMPORTANT: strong plants, when cold, can be dug and put in a pot. For some time it will be possible to collect fresh leaves of basil in indoor conditions.

The gathered basil leaves should be prepared for the winter. To do this, they should be dried in the shade. Store dried leaves in hermetic packaging, this will provide their aroma for a long time.

Drying basilica

What to plant after a basil in the beds?

Dip the basil bushes should be by autumn. In the warm regions in September, you can still collect the remains of fresh leaves. If you live in a region where autumn begins according to a calendar, dig the bushes earlier.

You should get rid of the remains of plants, and dig a bed. In the fall, you can make organic fertilizers. This will ensure soil fertility in the next season. After the basil is good to plant cultures:

  • Onion
  • Potato
  • Tomatoes
  • Zucchini
  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumbers
  • Garlic

The neutral followers of the basil are considered:

  • Corn
  • Beet
  • Eggplant

It will not be difficult to take care of the basil of purple even to beginner summer residents. It is much more difficult to organize the necessary conditions for plant growth. But now you know how to do this. Many people who have discovered the taste of the basilic will never part with it. If you have not found the use of this fragrant spicy grass, be sure to try. In addition to taste, the value of basil is a set of vitamins healthy health. We suggest watching a video how to correct the basil for the winter.

Video: Basil's harvesting for the winter

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