Denter: characteristics and care, reproduction, landing, watering and top dressing, pruning and the formation of a bush, struggle against pests and diseases

Denter: characteristics and care, reproduction, landing, watering and top dressing, pruning and the formation of a bush, struggle against pests and diseases

Incredibly tender and at the same time bright plant that requires careful and careful care. This is all about the dicter, with which we will get acquainted in more detail in the article.

Few people would not have paid attention to this masterpiece of nature-a sprawling bush, covered with leaves of intricate shape and bright inflorescences, as if divided in half. This perennial plant is called the Doculter and is popular among gardeners around the world.

Characterization and care of a rotor

The shrub is found among the wild flora of the North American continent and Asia, brought to Europe in the mid -18th century. For the first time, a scientist from Sweden, Karl Linnaeus took up her description, study and classification.

  • Externally denter It will not leave indifferent to its contemplators, attracting graceful circuits of branches and reminiscent of brushes with inflorescences of snow-white, pinkish, purple or yellow tones in the form of a heart, with white stone-beams in the middle.
  • The inhabitants of each state gave the flower their own special name: “Broken Heart” - the Russians called it, “The Heart of Jeetta” - the French, “shoe of the Mother of God” - Poles, “Lady Medallion” - the British. Scientists, people far from the lyrics, call it “two-winged” because of the shape of the petals in the middle of the flower, very reminiscent of spurs of the cavalryman.
  • This long -term shrub is one of the most unpretentious in terms of landing and care. The inhabitants of the middle lane of the Russian Federation can simply drop it into the soil and enjoy the growth and flowering of dietra. However, to create ideal conditions for your green “friend”, do not neglect the advice of experienced gardeners.
the beauty
the beauty

This is what they are:

  1. The most favorable place for the shrub is shady, under the crowns of large trees. Bright sun will provide him with quick, but short flowering, as well as weak development of greens.
  2. Harmonious growth of the plant will provide planting into a loose, humus soil with poor acidity. It is not worth expecting that the discounter will survive in severe soil rich in clay, which can retain moisture-for it it is fraught with diseases, which, in the end, will lead to the death of the plant.
  3. The same applies to landing in areas where groundwater lies near the surface of the soil. If you are not able to carry out the drainage of the Earth before landing diets, choose for it the habitat is slightly higher than the level of the site.
  4. Pick up a perennial properly, you will provide him with excellent growth without burdening yourself with a frequent transplant discenters (about once every five to six years).

Before the onset of winter shoots discenters It should be cut at a level of 3-5 cm from the ground and sprinkled with wood ash. As a rule, the perennial does not need protection, however, if severe frosts hit, it is better to protect its root system with a dense layer of peat. As soon as the temperature decreases, it can be removed so that the roots do not bake.

After winter, it is necessary to sprinkle the roots of the shrub that secrete the poison. Wintering at home is also suitable for perennial. To do this, before the first numbers of January, keep the flowerpot with the plant in a cool room, pouring it from time to time. After that, arrange a leash to the bush, transferring it to a warm room, closer to the light and starting top dressing.

How to propagate the dicter?

This is possible in 3 methods: by dividing the root system or cuttings, as well as sowing seeds.

The first technique is most popular, since the shrub itself needs to be divided every two to three years to prevent the root rot. If you take such measures less often, the root system thickens and becomes too hard.

How is the procedure itself:

  • We dig a shrub, carefully clean the soil from the roots and leave them slightly dry.
  • Using a sharp knife, we divide the root into parts so that each of the resulting “roots” has several growth points.
  • Slices must be sprinkled with ash in order to protect the plant from further injury.
  • We place 2-3 processed bush in fits for seedlings so that the plant grows magnificently in the future.

The second method is considered the simplest, not requiring physical and time costs:

  • Cut a couple of young processes discenters Near the root (their length should be at least 15 cm).
  • Plant them in soft soil.

Growing method discentersof the seeds, it is not popular in our climate, since the seeds due to insufficient pollination are only when working with them of professional breeders. In addition, given that the root system of the plant contains toxic alkaloids, any procedure when planting a shrub passes in gloves.

Discentra landing: detailed instructions

  • Prepare the soil for landing perennials in a few weeks. If the soil in your garden is not good enough for this plant, you can create it with your efforts - by mixing an equal amount of garden land with overlapped leaves and a small amount of sand.
  • Speak the site thoroughly, then add a complex of mineral fertilizers (20 g per 1 sq.m) to the ground-about 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1 sq.m.
  • Recommended depth and diameter of the holes for planting discenters - at least 40 cm. They should be placed at a distance of 0.5 m from each other. If necessary, the bottom of each hole is covered with drainage from: expanded clay, sand, pebbles or broken brick.
  • We fill the holes with a decent amount of water and leave for 15-20 days. It is best to prepare holes for this perennial a few days before the arrival of the first autumn frosts, and to plant it after six months or more.

The dates of the landing in open ground depend on how you plan to propagate the plant. Divide the shrub either before the start of the time of stormy flowering, or when the bush bakes, that is, early in the spring or late in the fall. Cherging time - depending on the type of plant that you want to propagate.

Important: for discenters A beautiful favorable period for cutting processes is considered all summer, for the magnificent - only the beginning of spring.

Cuttings are planted in greenhouses to a depth of about 10 cm, and after a month they will let their own powerful “roots”. Before the start of the spring of next year, the bushes that managed to give growth can safely be transferred for landing in permanent holes.

  • Sow dietrar In open ground in early August, so that the seeds have time to adapt to the conditions of stay in the ground to the first cold weather. Water the earth regularly, however, without overdate. The first shoots can be observed somewhere after a month, it is not recommended to put them on dive at this stage.
  • On the eve of frosts, cover the crops with fallen leaves. In the spring, young plants also need protection from cold weather, unlike adult discenters, resistant to frost. The shrub, which ascended from the seeds, will bloom only two years later.

The end of winter-early spring is time for seedlings. Cut the seeds into shallow flowerpots and, after a month of sufficient watering and constant temperature regime within at least 18 ° C, you will see the first sprouts. After 1-2 weeks, you can transplant them to the boxes, and in May-plant in open ground. Will bloom denter With this method of reproduction only after 2 years.

Dicenser: Watering and top dressing

  • During the flowering period, the dietrara must be fed with the soil with mineral nitrogen -containing fertilizers. The beginning of spring is the time to add superphosphate to the soil.
  • Among the obligatory actions for the favorable growth of this representative of the flora is the loosening of the soil to enrich its air, as well as sufficient watering without oversaturation of the soil with moisture. In the hot season, do not allow the rapid evaporation of moisture, covering the base of the bush with peat or humus.

How to cut and form the bush diets?

This plant practically does not need a separate giving special shape: its long, stems bent to the ground, covered with buds, themselves already attract attention. From many other plants denterit differs in that even the largest varieties of this shrub need either pruning or garter.

So that new buds appear on the dicter, just cut off the ones that tied. For repeated vegetation, the plants, in the autumn period, it is enough to cut off branches with dry colors at a height of about 10 cm from the ground.

How to take care of a dicenser after flowering?

  • Usually, denter It retains flowering all summer, then she has a period of rest, during which she sometimes blooms in August-September. After the fall of the last flowers, the bush is fed with humus, wood ash and water it with diluted compost.
  • After the period of the growing season on the twigs, “boxes” are preserved, filled with black seeds, an oblong shape with a glossy surface. Having gathered the seeds of the shrub, it is worth remembering that they retain their ability to rise a maximum of two years.


This perennial has resistance to many types of diseases, but not to ring spotting.

Preventive actions:

  • Follow the location of the bushes without planting them too close to each other.
  • Make regular weeding of the soil.

You should alert you, flow deformation discenters, as well as their sudden staining in green or yellow shades. These are symptoms of mycoplasma tolerated cicadas.

It is important to fight pests
It is important to fight pests
  • Treat the sick plants and the soil around them with special antibiotics.
  • To protect the shrub from snails, mix humus for feeding the root system with a small number of wood sawdust - this will not only prevent the attack of pests, but also slightly acidify the soil.
  • To get rid of aphids, treat the bushes with soapy solution.

Denter - excellent representative of the flora; With her heart -like flowers, juicy shoots and “lace” foliage, she is able to decorate and ennoble any kindergarten. Provide the plant proper care without spending a lot of time on this, and it will thank you with delicate flowering for many years.

Video: About decentre

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