When and how to introduce cottage cheese in the child feeding?

When and how to introduce cottage cheese in the child feeding?

In this article, we will consider how to correctly introduce cottage cheese into the diet of a baby and when to start.

Mom’s milk has a lot of vitamins and beneficial substances for the child, but over time they begin to lack. And you need to add other useful products in addition to milk, one of which is cottage cheese. After all, he will help your baby get up faster, start crawling, and for fragile bones he is very useful. Therefore, in this topic, we propose to consider the rules on how to introduce cottage cheese into the diet of the baby.

How many months to introduce cottage cheese in complementary foods?

It is worth weighing all the pros and cons, before introducing cottage cheese in the baby menu. The fact is that the benefits of the product are directly dependent on the age of the child.

Let's talk a little about the benefits of cottage cheese:

  • basically, cottage cheese is included in the diet of the child, because it has a lot calcium (this should be known to almost everyone), as well as phosphorus. These two components strengthen the bones and future teeth of the child;
  • in addition, it still has a lot of protein which acts as a building material in our body;
  • and one more plus is that cottage cheese is quite light and therefore well absorbed;
  • and dairy bacteria even positively affect the intestines;
  • vitamin A - so important for our vision;
  • but vitamin D (By the way, it should be drunk with calcium for better absorption of both elements) is the prevention of rickets.
Cottage cheese has such valuable calcium and vitamin D
Cottage cheese has such valuable calcium and vitamin D

But there are contraindications for such a product:

  • sometimes the benefits can show the opposite side, namely, this will make the protein. It is 6 times more in cottage cheese than in milk. BUT For an immature digestive system is heavy food. Therefore, a children's ventricle will suffer, a chair may be disturbed;
  • but that's not all - cottage cheese affects the kidneys. At an early age, he can give a large load, causing problems in this system;
  • all this will cause a failure in metabolism, which has not been fully formed. And this can cause further diabetes mellitus;
  • like many products, cottage cheese also harms some people. Namely, who has personal intolerance. Therefore, babies who have intolerance to milk and any dairy products, in principle, should not give cottage cheese early. It is better even to postpone it after a one -year -old age;
  • after the first sample, you need to check if he has problems with the chair and be sure to view all parts of the body for the presence allergies. If there is at least some redness or itching, you should immediately see a doctor.
Do not feed the baby with cottage cheese too early
Do not feed the baby with cottage cheese too early

We set the time frame

  • Any newborn is interested in any trifle. He needs to know everything and everything. But the most important element that he must find out is food. Therefore, as soon as he begins to be interested in food, you need to immediately draw up the entire diet. Here you have a small clue - follow the names of the baby when he begins to “ask” you cottage cheese.
  • On store shelves, you can often find jars with ready -made products of curd origin and with natural additives. On such jars, it usually says “6+”, that is, eat is possible for six months. But this is permissible if:
    • you feed the baby with artificial mixtures;
    • there is or is a warning of rickets;
    • the child has anemia;
    • he is poorly gaining weight.
  • If you feed the baby with breasts, it is advisable to introduce cottage cheese later, since your milk fully enriches the body with useful substances. Therefore, it is worth highlighting:
    • on artificial feeding cottage cheese is introduced from 6-7 months;
    • with GV - no earlier than 8 months.

Important: before these terms, you can’t give cottage cheese to the baby. Because the gastrointestinal tract of the child at this age is clearly not ready for excess load.

The optimal age for curd feeding is 7-8 months
The optimal age for curd feeding is 7-8 months

How to introduce cottage cheese into the baby's diet?

Of course, for the first sample and further use, kids need only a natural product. You can cook it yourself. By the way, how to do this correctly, you can see in the material "How to make home cottage cheese?" But you can introduce cottage cheese and store production, just choose products that corresponds to age, and take only trusted manufacturers.

Important: always take products only from the refrigerator. Carefully study the jar for the lack of bloating and damage. And, of course, control the expiration date!

A few words about a variety of cottage cheese:

  • dairy low-calorie product (3-5% fat) Ideal for kids that they have overkill in weight, as well as for inactive children;
  • but if the baby has a bad weight gain, then doctors can advise more fat cream product (10-12% fat).
  • average or combined product in 6% Most often appointed for the first acquaintance. Since it gives a minimum load on the baby stomach, but at the same time is most nutritious and useful;
  • there are also With different fillers and additives. But they are more suitable for one -year -old children, when a separate acquaintance with each components has passed.
Choosing a curd with a filler, initially familiarize the baby with each component in separate
When choosing a curd with a filler, initially familiarize yourself with each component separately

What points should be remembered before starting complementary foods:

  • add new food to the diet from 3 to 5 days for 0.5 or 1 teaspoon (If your child has an allergic reaction, then immediately stop feeding!);
  • the first test should be given in the morning. About 9 to 11, so that there was time to watch the reaction during the day;
  • do not change the breastfeeding mode;
  • if the baby is only ill - the introduction of cottage cheese into the diet is better to postpone, Since the reverse reaction may begin.

Important: if your child does not want to eat cottage cheese, it is strictly forbidden to do this. First you need to find out the reason why it does not want to eat it. It is possible that the baby is simply not ready for such a product. He himself wants him, for example, at 10-12 months. But do not press on the baby!

We introduce the first sample in the morning
We introduce the first sample in the morning

Acquaintance of a child with cottage cheese

  • Some pediatricians insist that with cottage cheese and you need to start complementary foods. But practice shows that children do not really like its consistency. And we do not forget about possible negative consequences, so it’s safer to acquaint everything more than the baby first with vegetables. They have a lighter texture. BUT after them, already start introducing cottage cheese.
  • Therefore, it is easier and more convenient to give a small portion of cottage cheese together with vegetable or fruit puree. But remember - after the previous input of the new product, about 2 weeks should pass!
  • If you decide to give cottage cheese in its pure form, so that the baby learns to separate the taste of each product, then it is still worth it to dilute it a little with a children's kefir or your milk. Put a portion of cottage cheese in multi -colored dishes, so the baby will be more interesting.
  • Be sure to heat the cottage cheese! The neck of the children is very weak, so even a small share of a cold product can cause redness. But do not do this in the microwave, it is best to do it in a water bath or just leave to “reach” naturally to room temperature.
Never and at any age force a child to eat cottage cheese!
Never and at any age force a child to eat cottage cheese!
  • If the baby does not want to try cottage cheese - by force, it is not necessary to force. It is better to postpone this procedure for a couple of days. After all, the child is not always happy to accept something new.
  • Do not feed the child with cottage cheese every day. A maximum of 3 times will be enough. It is also not necessary to give it for several days. But since the portions are tiny, do not forget that you can store the product for no more than 1-2 days.
  • Now a little more about the doses of cottage cheese. You need to start with half a teaspoon. If the cub, after three days, eats cottage cheese without whims, you can slightly increase the dose (add the same amount). Up to a year, the child needs to give no more than 50 g per day.

So, let's summarize small results - cottage cheese, without a doubt, is necessary for the growing children's body. But each organism is individual, so you need to very seriously treat the introduction of cottage cheese into the baby’s diet so that there are no negative consequences. Listen to the needs of the child's body - he knows better when and what he needs to introduce.

Video: How to introduce cottage cheese in complementary foods?

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  1. I myself made the first cottage cheese from whole milk with special starters, and now I have been practicing, although the baby is almost two years old. It seems there were no problems, but I don’t want to take risks. Also, when entering new products, it gave a probiotic, I really liked the Baby Set Baby. How to help in digestion what is needed.

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