How to make home cottage cheese from cow and goat milk? The benefits and harm of cottage cheese. How and how much to store cottage cheese?

How to make home cottage cheese from cow and goat milk? The benefits and harm of cottage cheese. How and how much to store cottage cheese?
      Our article will tell you everything about the beneficial and harmful properties of the goat and cow cottage cheese, as well as introduce you to simple recipes for preparing this delicious product.
  • The scientists proved that even in ancient times, people, learning about the beneficial qualities of fresh cottage cheese, used it in order to tidy up the work of internal organs
  • Our ancestors loved this valuable product very much. In winter, he became almost the main dish on their table. Of course, they most often fed children
  • It was believed that fatty cottage cheese increases the body's defenses and helps a small person to develop properly. Modern nutritionists also consider this product quite valuable
  • From it you can cook delicious low -calorie dishes, rich in proteins, healthy fats and proteins. But, unfortunately, now it is difficult to find high -quality cottage cheese now
  • Very often in stores they sell a cheese product that causes more harm than good. Therefore, it will be better if you try to cook it yourself

The value of cottage cheese

Low -fat cottage cheese contributes to rapid weight loss
  • As mentioned above, cottage cheese contains a huge amount of protein, which without fear can eat both very small children and people of advanced age
  • Although the milk during processing is quite thorough heat treatment, the finished product still does not lose its beneficial properties and taste qualities
  • But perhaps the most important advantage of home -made cottage cheese is the complete absence of dyes and preservatives
  • Due to the fact that chemicals in it are not added to it, the maximum amount of nutrients is preserved, which help the body function correctly

Valuable substances contained in cottage cheese:
• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Vitamins B1 B2 C A
• Sodium f
• phosphorus
• saturated fatty acids
• Organic acids
• Monosaccharides
• Disaccharides

The harm of cottage cheese

The creator can provoke an allergy strengthening
  • Although cottage cheese is considered a useful and nutrient product, in some cases it can have a negative effect on the body. Most often this happens if a person uses for cooking dishes not quite high -quality cheese
  • After all, if, for example, cottage cheese was made of poor milk or not entirely stored, then this may lead to the fact that harmful organisms that harm the gastrointestinal tract began to develop in it
  • Therefore, if you ate cottage cheese casserole and felt discomfort in the stomach, then immediately take measures to intoxication of the body. So you can help your body cope with pathogenic microflora and stop the development of complications

It is forbidden to use cottage cheese if:
• You have intolerance to protein food
• Stones in the kidneys
• Chronic diseases in the aggravation stage
• Allergy to this product
• The body does not process lactose

The benefits of cottage cheese

Home cottage cheese sets the digestive tract
  • Everyone knows that cottage cheese from goat and cow's milk contains a huge amount of nutrients that maintain the physical and emotional health of a person in the normal state
  • It is proved that if you eat 100 g of this dairy product every day, then no disease will be terrible for you
  • The gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system will work correctly and the metabolism will be adjusted. In addition, cottage cheese can be used to prepare a variety of beauty masks
  • Vitamins and organic acids that are in its composition will help to quickly put the skin of the arms, legs, face and nails in order quite quickly

In addition, cottage cheese has the following useful qualities:
• Strengthens the bones
• stimulates hair growth
• Removes general fatigue
• Improves mood
• helps to dissolve harmful cell fats
• Reduces cholesterol levels

Classic recipe for sour milk

Cottage cheese
  • For those who are not afraid of difficulties and like to pamper their households not only tasty, but also with healthy dishes, we offer a classic way to make cottage cheese
  • To do this, you will need high -quality sour milk. It can be stroked in a natural way (put it in a warm place and wait 36-48 hours)
  • If you do not have the opportunity to wait, then add a special leaven to it. In this case, you will need to boil milk, add fermented milk bacteria to it and wait until they do their job
  • This usually takes at least 4 hours. After the milk thickens and a layer of sour cream appears on top (it will differ in color from the rest of the mass) you can start cooking milk

Cottage cheese recipe:
• Gently remove sour cream from milk
• Pour the remaining mass into a large pan (the milk will rise slightly when heated)
• Place the pan on the stove and turn on the most minimum temperature
• About 15-20 minutes you will see that milk proteins began to move away from serum
• Remove the pan from the stove and leave the mass to cool
• After about 3 hours, strain everything through gauze (it should be folded in several layers)
• Tie the corners of Marley among themselves and hang it over an empty bowl
• When the excess liquid completely leaves, you can untie the knot and eat home cottage cheese

Recipe for cottage cheese made of fresh cow's milk and sour cream

Cottage cheese from milk and sour cream
  • Although it is believed that delicious home cottage cheese can be prepared exclusively from sour milk, there are recipes that speed up this process as much as possible
  • If you know some tricks, then this dish can be cooked quickly enough. The main thing will make sure that you were sold fresh and high -quality milk
  • If you decide to cook cottage cheese according to our recipe, then in addition to milk you will also need sour cream. It will be better if all the ingredients for cottage cheese are as they say right from under the cow. In this case, the final product will turn out to be more tender and useful

Recipe for homemade cottage cheese from fresh milk:
• Pour milk into a pan and bring it to a boil
• Turn off the stove and add sour cream to it (add it at the rate of 50 g of sour cream for every 200 ml of milk)
• Mix everything thoroughly and again bring the mass to a boil (it is very important to heat milk very slowly)
• When you see that the flakes began to separate, turn off the fire and filter the cheese mass through a small sieve
• After the serum drains the product is ready to use

How to make cottage cheese from pasteurized milk and kefir?

Pasteurized milk
  • But if it happened so that you do not have the opportunity to get milk, which was not amenable to heat treatment, then you should not be upset very much
  • You can well be used for cooking and pasteurized product. Delicious and healthy homemade cheese will help you make ordinary low -fat kefir
  • It is he who will contribute to the separation of milk proteins from serum and will make them a cheese mass. In this case, it is necessary to properly adhere to the proportion
  • After all, if you overdo it with kefir, then the cottage cheese will turn out to be quite unpresentable and will have not a very good structure

• Take at least 3 l of pasteurized milk
• We heat milk to a boil
• Remove the plate pan and add kefir to it (1 liter of milk 500 ml of kefir)
• Sit the workpiece a little and put it on the fire again
• When the cheese mass begins to get rid of serum, removes the pan from the stove and filter the mass
• If you want the cheese to be denser, you can put it for a couple of hours under the press

Doum milk and lemon cottage cheese recipe

Dry milk cottage cheese
  • Probably, not a single modern mistress would occur to cook homemade cottage cheese from milk powder. Due to the fact that now in stores you can find everything that my heart wants to forget some light and simple recipes
  • And once our grandmothers had to experiment, and cook useful food from what is in the house
  • Very often, for preparing cottage cheese, they used dry milk. No matter how funny it may sound, there were times when it was easier to get it than a fresh and natural product

Cottage cheese recipe:
• To begin with 300 g of milk powder, pour warm boiled water
• Mix everything thoroughly and put the container on the stove
• We heat the milk at the moment when the foam begins to rise, add 5 tbsp to the pan. l lemon juice
• We mix everything well and removes the pan from the stove
• After the mass cools it, it must be filtered and hang so that the serum escapes
• To give piquancy to the finished cottage cheese, you can add spices greens and nuts

Storage of home cottage cheese

Store cottage cheese in the refrigerator
  • Since home cottage cheese is prepared from natural products, it is impossible to store it for a very long time. Long storage primarily negatively affects the taste of the product
  • He becomes bitter and very sour. This is due to this, the fermentation microflora comes into contact with the packaging material, and as a result of this, enzymes begin to be produced that have a negative effect on the taste of the product
  • Over time, this foreign microflora multiplies to such an extent that the use of a dairy product can lead to diarrhea or poisoning
  • Therefore, if your cottage cheese has an unpleasant sour smell and it became slippery to the touch, then it should immediately be thrown away. Even heat treatment can not return taste to such a product

Recommendations that will help extend the life of the finished product:
• After manufacturing, immediately remove the cottage cheese in the refrigerator
• You can put it in an enameled pan and close it tightly with a lid
• Follow that the temperature in the refrigerator does not rise above eight degrees
• Helps to extend the shelf life of parchment paper or foil
• If you see that it does not have time to eat cottage cheese in 48 hours, then be sure to freeze it
• If you like salty cottage cheese, you can add it well from all sides

Video: How to cook cheese from goat milk?

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