Kohlrabi cabbage: varieties, growing seeds and leaving in open ground

Kohlrabi cabbage: varieties, growing seeds and leaving in open ground

Such a tempting and unusual hearing name is Kohlrabi, in several languages, it has a translation as a combination of cabbage with a turnip. It is with the turnips that this vegetable is similar in appearance, although it has a cabbage taste that looks like a stumps familiar to us, possessing only a more sweet and juicy shade, and it is called respectively - cabbage, like the same color with white and broccoli with Beijing.

To grow kohlrabi in our area is quite possible. Let's get acquainted with the basic rules for growing and caring for the plant.

Varieties of cabbage kolrabi

  • Colarbi white color is more delicate, blue-violet-denser in structure, while the second is more resistant to external influences and diseases, and its storage is more long-term.
  • To adapted cobs for Moscow. Late "Kolrabi giant" and "Kolrabi Violetta", as well as early variety "Kohlrabi Vienna White."
  • The closer to the north, the more correct it will dwell on "Pikikta", "cook" and "gabi" with "lean" - They have a fairly short ripening period.
  • In addition, such varieties are suitable for Russian latitudes: “Moravia”, “Aten”, “Blue Planet”, “Viennese purple”, “Kolrabi smack”.
The best varieties of kolrabi
The best varieties of kolrabi

How to grow kohlrabi?

The basic rules for the landing of Kohlrabi are the following:

  1. To open land (and under the film, including) cohlrabi seeds Sowed already in a fairly warm time, the end of April - early May. If the varieties belong to late -ripening, then the landing time - from mid -May to early June.
  2. For proper growth, plants need intense lighting - bright rays of the straight sun.
  3. The type of soil can be any, the main thing is that the soil is not exhausted, and the level of acidity corresponds to the indicator pH from 6.7 to 7.4.
  4. Water should be watered at first often, almost through Every 2-3 days, As the seeds are germinated and accepted, you can reduce the amount of watering to the weekly. Next, it is necessary to water the plant as the earth has dried, supporting it in a slightly wet state.
  5. Kohlrabi needs three times feeding throughout the growth season:
  • At the stage of the second sheet (basic and trace elements should include the solution).
  • About 14-15 days before planting in the ground (solution of potassium and urea sulfate).
  • The last top dressing is already immediately before planting, when organic and mineral fertilizers are introduced into each prepared hole.
To grow a good harvest - it is important to choose the right variety and provide the plant with high -quality care
To grow a good harvest - it is important to choose the right variety and provide the plant with high -quality care

When and what is the best way to sow kolrabi for seedlings?

Sometimes the method of growing seedlings is more convenient. The main thing is to sow Kohlrabi in time.

When to sow kolrabi for seedlings?

  • The correct term is one and a half months before you plant seedlings directly in open ground. It is best to do this approximately in mid -March, sowing seeds in greenhouses, in which case already in the first half of June you can collect the first crop.
  • To get a crop later, in the last days of July, it is worth planting seeds in early May, and then in open ground. And late, the October crop can be harvested if saw the kohlrabi directly into the ground in the last days of June.

Cohlrabi landing for seedlings

  • Before sowing the seeds, they must be treated in hot (about 50ºC) water, holding them there for a quarter of an hour and then immediately “dipped” for a moment in cold water.
  • After that, withstand the seeds for half a day in a solution of trace elements, then rinse and place for a day in the lower section of the refrigerator. It remains to wrap them with a damp cloth and wait until they begin to open slightly, and then sow along the containers containing a mixture consisting in equal shares of peat, humus and turf.
  • Let them stand warm (about 20ºC), covered with glass. When the seedlings appear, remove the glass and lower the temperature to 8ºC, and after 10 days - to increase again to 17-18ºC.

Corbi Seedlings: Growing

  • If you someday growing a white cabbage with seedlings, then remember this experience and use it. When there is a necessity, spray the soil, adhere to the set temperature and do not let the sprouts stretch too much.
  • Spend prevention of a black legs disease, What to use for a weak solution of potassium permanganate. And when the first 2 leaflets begin to develop, feed the plant using half the microelements tablets for 1/2 tsp. complex mineral fertilizers, dissolving all this in a liter of water.
  • Better right away saw the kohlrabi In different containers. But if this is not possible, and you had to sow everything in one, then at the time of the appearance of the first leaf, it is dive into separate peat -overhead pots.
  • Set the order temperature for seedlings after this 20ºC, and gradually lower it to 17ºC, at night, the temperature should be even lower - about 11ºC.
  • In about a two -week period, before the alleged landing, gradually try to accustom seedlings to natural conditions, providing it with open sunlight, breeze, and street temperature.
Tarry to change temperature
Tarry to change temperature
  • And do not rush with landing in open ground, when it is cold outside, so that the arrows do not form.

What soil to use for kolrabi cabbage?

  • As already indicated, the soil should not be exhausted and too sour (the optimal PH-6.7-7.4). Otherwise, cabbage will grow hard, with rough fibers.
  • Since autumn, the land where it is planned plant the cabbage of Kolrabi, should be dug up to a depth approximately equal to the shoulder blade, and fertilize on each square meter with a composition, which includes organics (about 3 kg), wood ash (approximately a glass), superphosphate (1 tbsp) and urea (approximately 1 tsp).

Cohlrebi cabbage: growing in open ground

  • For a summer harvest plant kohlrabi in early May, first - under the film, then, after a couple of weeks - in open ground. Late varieties can be planted without the use of the coating period in the second half of May.
Landing is carried out in early May
Landing is carried out in early May
  • Plants are ready for landing when they have formed by 5-6 leaflets. It is best to use the land for landing, where before that they raised pumpkin, zucchini, carrots with potatoes, legumes, But the predecessor in the form of cruciferous is not the best choice. It is necessary to choose places located on the open sun, as a rule, this is the south or southeast.
  • Planting is best done when there is no sun - in cloudy weather or in the evening. If you have chosen over -ripening varieties, drop them using the scheme 60x40 cm (as an option - 70x30), the late varieties are more suitable for placement 60x55 cm (70x45).
  • Do not forget before planting cabbage, add the following composition to each fossa: superphosphate (2 tbsp. L.), urea (1 tsp) and wood ash (2 cups). The depth of the landing is up to a cotyledon leaves, so that the stemplerod is formed on time and does not begin to bloom prematurely.
  • Do not deepen the roots, they simply sprinkle them on top. Carry out abundant watering immediately after that, and after absorbing the water, sprinkle with a layer of dry land to avoid evaporation of moisture.

Kohlrabi: Open Open

  • Care for Kohlrabi It follows the same as for other vegetable crops, in particular, cabbage of any grade.
  • If you they landed the cabbage of Kohlrabi in open ground, then it must be regularly plucked, as well as loosening both a row and the Earth itself near the plant. At the very beginning, when the stalk is just starting to grow, it must be spent.
  • Watering first needs to be carried out often - after 2, a maximum of 3 days, after, when Kohlrabi is rooted and begins to grow, one watering is enough for a week. Particular attention should be paid to watering during drought and heat, the most important month, when it is necessary to monitor this especially carefully - june.
  • The main criterion for the correct watering of Kohlrabi is constantly slightly moisturized soil. Weeding and loosening (its depth - 8 cm) should be carried out precisely at the end of irrigation of plants, since the state of the Earth during this period is most favorable for such work.
  • During the growth of cabbage, Kohlrabi needs three times top dressing. When two real sheets develop, fuel feeding is carried out, for which a solution is used, which includes trace elements with complex fertilizers.
High -quality top dressing is important
High -quality top dressing is important
  • Before planting in the ground, in about 14-15 days, the leaves should be sprayed with another composition: 1 tbsp. l. potassium and urea sulfate diluted into a bucket of water. For processing one plant, one glass is used.
  • The third top dressing is carried out immediately before planting plants in open ground, when it is laid in each hole a mixture of organics and mineral fertilizers.

Kohlrabi: Diseases and pests

  • The most commonly affecting diseases are a keel with bacteriosis - both mucous and vascular. Subject to kolrabi also widespread among vegetable crops powdery mildew (Again, both of its varieties, real and false).
  • Vegetable from infection should be protected white and dry rot. Another possible disease - blackleg.
  • In addition to diseases, many insect pests are also dangerous for kolrabi. These include, for example, bloxes (black, wavy and cruciferous), bed bugs and secretly hollowers, including - directly cabbage.
  • Also, a potential threat to Kohlrabi crops pose cherry mosquitoes and rapeseed flower stomers, wireworms and firewoods, bears and whites (repable and cabbage), moth, scoop, aphid.
Protect from diseases
Protect from diseases

How to protect kohlrabi from pests and diseases?

  • In order to avoid infection, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of sowing material and process it according to all the above rules.
  • After the crop is assembled, all the remains should be carefully removed from the beds, and then make a deep breakdown of the soil.
  • A preventive measure against infection of diseases and the invasion of pests is also correct crop rotation and timely weeding during the growing season.
  • Among the drugs used to combat diseases that affect the cabbage of kohlrabi are insecticidal compositions "Embash" And popular "Decis", such drugs as "Karate", "Corsair" etc.
  • Fungicidal drugs will help from fungal problems: "Topaz", "Fundazole", "Quadris" etc. If the plant is killed, it is necessary to remove it and carefully disinfect the soil.

Kolrabi cabbage cleaning and storage of kolrabi

  • Early crops are collected as they ripen. Late - at sufficiently low temperatures - just above 0ºC, both in the daytime and at night. The amount of sleepiness can be the size of the stalk in diameter (about 10 cm) and its weight (about 100 g). If a kohlrabi will overreach, then its structure becomes fibrous and rough.
  • The best time for harvesting - clear and dry weather. The cabbage is dug up, including the root, and then dried in a shaded place. Then each root crop should be cleaned from the ground and cut the leaves, leaving the roots for better storage.
  • Thereafter kohlrabi cabbage is stored In the sand, folding in the boxes so that each plant does not touch the other.
Cleaning is carried out when the temperature drops to 0
Cleaning is carried out when the temperature drops to 0

How to store kohlrabi at home?

  • The cabbage folded in boxes with sand is stored at zero temperature and high (up to 95%) humidity. Shelf life exceeds six months. If you store cabbage in the refrigerator, then the optimal shelf life is two weeks.
  • Great option - frozen the cabbage of Kohlrabi. In this case, it must be washed and cut into pieces of size convenient for you, plunder for 3 minutes and quickly cool.
  • Left break, dry, pack it on packages and put it in the freezer. Shelf life in such conditions reaches 8 months.

Do you like to grow plants at home? Then we advise you to read the following articles from which you will learn how to grow:

Video: How to sow korbi for seedlings?

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