What function does the ovary perform in the flower: Types of ovary

What function does the ovary perform in the flower: Types of ovary

On the pestle of plants there is an empty thickened part located below. It is called a tie. Its main purpose is to protect and fertilize the ceremony from which the seeding material appears.

When the ovary is fertilized, the fetus forms from it. More information about the functions of the ovary will be described in this article.

What is the ovary of the flower?

The main functions of this part of the plant include:

  • fertilization and maturation of sowing material;
  • protection of seeds of seeds from adverse environmental factors;
  • support for the optimal moisture level;
  • power material.
Ovary in plants
Ovary in plants

One of the main functions of the ovary is that it is the main part of the future fruit.

Types of ovary

There are a large number of types of ovaries. Depending on the number of nests, they are divided into one- or multi-native.

Both one and a lot of nests
Both one and a lot of nests

How to determine the type of ovary? By the type of location of the ovaries are divided into:

  • Upper (free). Are located on top of the color of the color. Do not connect to other elements of the flower.
  • Lower. Located under a flower grinder. The flower is attached to the upper part of the ovary, and is called the upper.
  • Half -worship. It has a fastening with a flower, not with the upper part. The flower is called semi -qualifying.
By location
By location

Depending on how the fruits from the ovary are formed, they are divided into such types:

  • Real. They are formed exclusively by the plot. There are several subtypes: simple (formed by a single pestle), complex (Several pestlers grow together) and fractional (formed from a multi -naval ovary with partitions).
  • False. Other parts of the flower (perianth and colorful) participate in their formation.
On the formation of fruits
On the formation of fruits

Why does it turn yellow, dries, falls out?

If the ovary is damaged, seeds and fruits will not form on the plant.

To the main reasons why the ovary does not grow, crumbles and becomes damaged:

  • Freezing that came in late spring. As a result, there is a shedding of the formed colors and fruits. If the damage is partial, then fruits are formed that cannot be consumed.
  • Insufficient number of insects-pollinators. Some flowers are unfertilized, so they fall.
  • Lack of moisture and nutrition of the soil. A sufficient amount of nutrients does not enter the plant, thanks to which the ovaries are formed. Mixions of mineral-organic or organic fertilizers, as well as thorough watering in hot weather, will help to fix the situation.
  • Pests. To get rid of insects, it will not be necessary to carry out regular spraying the ovaries using chemical protective equipment. They can destroy insects that pollinate the plants. It is better to apply nettle or garlic decoctions.
Damage by pests
Damage by pests
  • Leaves of leaves. If the leaves are damaged, the plant will not grab nutrients. Therefore, the ripening of seed and fruits will not occur.
  • Excess of fruits. If there are too many ovaries on the plant, it is not able to nourish everyone with useful substances. Therefore, the plant independently drops part of the ovaries. Regular thinning of flowers will help prevent this phenomenon.

Fruit and ovary - is there a relationship: reviews

  • Angelica, 39 years old: I regularly monitor the state of the ovary. If the bushes are an oversupply, I independently take the thinning. And this helps me harvest fruit.
  • Victoria, 26 years old:I have my own site, and try to grow vegetables. In the first year, she did not pay due attention to the ovaries, so there was no good harvest. After the start, monitor the quality and number of ovaries, and now I succeed.
  • Alexandra, 32 years: I used to think that the ovaries are a small part in plants. Therefore, I was surprised why I was harvesting a small harvest, and I do not get enough seeds. After the start, monitor plant nutrition and pay a lot of attention to them. The more time I devote, the better the ovary, and the more harvest.

As you can see, the ovary is necessary for the formation of seeds and fruits. If they deform and crumble, it will be possible to forget about high yield indicators.

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