What code of the country, city and telephone to indicate Aliexpress for Russia to order? How and where to find out the code of the country of Russia, cities and the international telephone code for filling out the delivery address to Aliexpress?

What code of the country, city and telephone to indicate Aliexpress for Russia to order? How and where to find out the code of the country of Russia, cities and the international telephone code for filling out the delivery address to Aliexpress?

City code and city code on Aliexpress It is necessary to enter in the form of registration. Read the article and you will learn all the necessary information.

Currently on Aliexpress They buy clothes, shoes, interior items, accessories and various interesting little things millions of people from around the world. The same amount for the first time they heard about this trading platform for the first time and want to register to make purchases.

  • During registration, many people may have problems with filling the form. How to correctly pass the registration procedure and make the first order, read in our article. You can also study yourself video Instructions on the linkand register yourself.
  • Fill out the forms when creating an account on Aliexpress simply. Enter your real personal data, address and phone number.
  • Often it is with the filling of the column of the phone number that users have problems. What is the code of their city? Where can you recognize it? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

An example of filling the code of the country, the city and telephone of Russia of the Federation on Aliexpress in Russian

An example of filling the code of the country, the city and telephone of Russia of the Federation on Aliexpress in Russian
An example of filling the code of the country, the city and telephone of Russia of the Federation on Aliexpress in Russian

A line with a phone number is a field that must be filled. This field is divided into three lines: “Code of the country”, “City code”, “phone number”. On Aliexpress There is no explanation about filling out this graph. Therefore, people have a question, how to fill these lines correctly?

An example of filling the code of the country, the city and telephone of Russia of the Federation on Aliexpress In Russian is below. In the first line you must write the country's code - this is “+7”, but on this trading platform “plus” is not perceived in front of the seven. Therefore, it is not necessary to introduce this symbol, it is enough to write only “7”.

Important: inside our country, an exit code is used to the intercity line - “8”. This code is used by landlord owners. But on AliexpressAs on other foreign sites, it is necessary to indicate the number “7”.

To fill out the "Code of the City", a telephone code for a stationary number is entered, or the code of the mobile phone mobile phone operator. This line can consist of 3-5 digits. This code is not necessary to enter into brackets.

Then you must fill out the phone number - inpatient or mobile. Thus, if you do not have a stationary phone, then you should fill out a mobile number twice. In the column, the city code in this case you need to write three digits that go in a mobile issue after the number “7”.

Example of filling:

An example of filling the code of the country, the city and telephone of Russia of the Federation on Aliexpress
An example of filling the code of the country, the city and telephone of Russia of the Federation on Aliexpress

What to indicate and how to fill out the code of the country and the city in Russia of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Crimea?

People who live in the republics of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and in Crimea do not know which the country's code and the city code in the form of registration on Aliexpress. These republics are part of Russia, therefore, in the line “Code of the country” you need to write the number “7”.

Now we will find out which one to indicate and how to fill out the city code in Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and in Crimea? On site Codes.su There is information about the codes of all republics and regions of Russia. How to find them read in the following instructions:

  • Republic of Tatarstan. If you need to determine the city code in this republic then go on the site by link Click the "codes of the cities of Russia" and choose the right city from the list, for example, Kazan. Click on the name of the city and a page with the necessary information will open before you.
  • Republic Bashkortostan. Also click the tab with cities and select the necessary settlement.
  • Republic Crimea. The instructions are the same as for the search for codes of cities for other republics. You only need to choose a city and click on the active link of its name.
What to indicate and how to fill out the code of the country and the city in Russia of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Crimea?
What to indicate and how to fill out the code of the country and the city in Russia of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Crimea?
How to indicate the code of the country and the city in Russia of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Crimea?
How to indicate the code of the country and the city in Russia of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Crimea?

Now that you know the city code, you can write a phone number in the form of registration for Aliexpress. First, enter the country's code “7”, then the city code and the phone number.

Important: if you do not have a stationary phone, then write the mobile phone number in this column.

What to indicate and how to fill out the city code in Russia for Omsk, Krasnodar, Kursk, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Moscow, Ulan-Ude, Krasnoyarsk, Samara, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Cheboksar for Aliexpress?

People who live in large cities work a lot and they have almost no free time. Therefore, shopping on the Internet is convenient for occupied modern residents of megacities, because you can choose what you need without leaving home. If you want to register for AliexpressTo make purchases with comfort, then you need to know a set of numbers - the city code.

On the site codes.su, finding the necessary information is simple:

  • Go along the link of this site to the main page.
  • Click at the top on the green panel tab with cities codes.
  • From the alphabetical series with letters, select the desired city.
What to indicate and how to fill out the city code in Russia for Omsk, Krasnodar, Kursk, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Moscow, Ulan-Ude, Krasnoyarsk, Samara, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Cheboksar for Aliexpress?
What to indicate and how to fill out the city code in Russia for Omsk, Krasnodar, Kursk, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Moscow, Ulan-Ude, Krasnoyarsk, Samara, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Cheboksar for Aliexpress?

What to indicate and how to fill out the city code in Russia for such settlements:

On Aliexpress These codes must be filled in the form of registration in the line of the city code, after the country's code.

How to indicate the telephone code of Russia when filling out the delivery address to Aliexpress?

How to indicate the telephone code of Russia when filling out the delivery address to Aliexpress?
How to indicate the telephone code of Russia when filling out the delivery address to Aliexpress?

Delivery address to Aliexpress You can fill out through the "Buy now" button when you want to place an order, or through a personal profile. In both cases, it will be necessary to specify the country's code, the city code and the phone number in the lines of the form.

How to indicate the telephone code of Russia when filling out the delivery address in Aliexpress? When you fill out the delivery address, you write down the codes of the country and the city, as described above.

  • First, enter the country's code "7".
  • Then indicate the city code. You can see it by link site codes.su.
  • After that, write the phone number.

If you do not have a stationary phone, then write a mobile number again.

Video: How to fill out the address on AliExpress useful tips for beginners!

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