Amber acid from a hangover: recipe, dosage, tips. How to drink amber acid? Amber acid and alcohol: compatibility

Amber acid from a hangover: recipe, dosage, tips. How to drink amber acid? Amber acid and alcohol: compatibility

All about amber acid from a hangover: dosage, recipe, methods of admission, tips and reviews.

A hangover is a serious and unpleasant condition after a good party. But this ailment is familiar only to those who do not know how to fight it correctly. In this article, we will tell you how to defeat a hangover using amber acid.

What is succinic acid?

Amber acid from a hangover is an excellent tool that has proven itself for many years. This is organic acid, also called Butanedio, as well as ethan-1,2-dicarbon. The product is extracted from natural stone "sun" and is a natural exhaust of amber. It looks like a snow -white powder, and to taste vaguely resembles citric acid.


In pharmacies and specialized stores, amber acid can be purchased in the form:

  • Tablets;
  • Capsules;
  • Injection fluids;
  • Sachet.

Can I amber acid altogether easier?

Amber acid with a hangover triggers promptly and brings relief due to its properties, which help to remove toxins from the body as quickly as possible. It is worth noting that amber acid is accumulative in the human body. Therefore, if you are awaiting the “series” of feasts, start the course of amber acid a week or two before the expected holidays.

Amber acid tablets
Amber acid tablets

But you can drink amber acid as an ambulance immediately before the feast, after the party, before falling asleep, and in the morning, when signs of alcohol poisoning do not allow to exist normally.

Amber acid and alcohol: compatibility

Scientists have proven that amber acid with a hangover is one of the best means. But what will happen if you take amber acid before alcohol, or in the process of an alcoholic party? If you take amber acid an hour before taking alcohol, then the acid will help to remove toxins from the body faster, as a result of which you can more slowly. But there is an pitfall, since you can not calculate the dosage, being confident in the insurance with acid and “drink excess” in such quantities that it can lead to deplorable consequences. So expect that with the help of amber acid you can drink more for a couple of glasses of wine, but not a couple of bottles of whiskey.

Amber acid and alcohol
Amber acid and alcohol

If you drink amber acid “drinking” alcohol, most likely the drug will not work, and will be removed from the body along with a large amount of fluid.

But if the party ended, and more than half an hour passed after the last glass of alcohol, you can drink amber acid to feel much easier in the morning.

How to drink amber acid from a hangover?

Amber acid from a hangover is drunk according to several schemes:

  • A preliminary course, begun 1-2 weeks before the hang of a hangover. In this case, it is drunk at 0.15 g of amber acid 3 times a day during meals, and on a hangover morning 0.45 g with one trick, after which 0.15 g in lunch, etc.;
  • As preliminary assistance 0.3 g per hour at the party, 0.15 g before bedtime and 0.7 g in the morning with a hangover. Then you can drink two more times in 0.15 g during the day;
  • As an ambulance, in the morning at a hangover, drink 0.7 g of amber acid, after which after an hour 0.15 g, and then twice a day 0.15 g of acid along with food.

Important: taking amber acid must be taken during food, albeit a small snack, since acid is harmful to an empty stomach.

If the poisoning is strong, then it is best to rinse the stomach, and then drink amber acid so that it succeeds faster into the walls of the stomach and better remove toxins.

Amber acid with a hangover - the best tool
Amber acid with a hangover is the best tool

Dosage of amber acid with a strong hangover for men and women

With a strong hangover, taking amber acid will greatly facilitate the state of a person and accelerate the cleansing of the body of alcohol intoxication. The dosage with a strong hangover of amber acid is the same for both men and women, has a difference exclusively in human weight.

  • Weight category up to 60 kg - maximum one -time dosage 0.5 g, daily 0.9 g;
  • Weight category from 60 to 90 kg - maximum one -time dosage 0.7 g, daily 1.3 g;
  • Weight category from 90 and above - the maximum one -time dosage 0.9 g, daily 1.5 g.

Amber acid at a hangover: Price

The pricing policy of amber acid pills from a hangover is very diverse. Classic budget pills of amber acid from 9 rubles per 10 pcs, the price of powders from 62 rubles per pair of sachets, and pills of amber acid with other vitamins from square-C LLC (Russia) cost about 126 rubles per 30 pcs.

Obviously, amber acid from a hangover is not only highly effective, but also quite budget.

How much to drink amber acid with a hangover?

In order to remove toxins and the remnants of alcohol from the human body, it takes about 5-7 days. To relieve an acute hangover, it is enough to take amber acid during the day 2-3 times. But for complete intoxication of the body, it is recommended to drink a weekly course.

How doonic acid works with a hangover
How doonic acid works with a hangover

Amber acid in a smoothie from a hangover: recipe

Do you have a blender in your kitchen and do you love smoothies? Prepare a great drink from a hangover from such ingredients:

  • Celery stalks;
  • Parsley and dill;
  • Half a lemon;
  • Two cucumbers;
  • Several pieces of pineapple;
  • Sasha amber acid.

Grind everything in a blender and drink in small sips.

If there is no one of the ingredients, replace with a larger amount of the other. It is still better than water or coffee.

Green smoothie with amber acid
Green smoothie with amber acid

Amber acid from a hangover: tips and reviews

Igor: After the next too “successful” banquet was in the hospital. There he learned about the secrets of amber acid, which works paired with revitalizing droppers. Since then, before starting alcohol consumption, several acid tablets, then before falling asleep a couple more and in the morning the largest portion of acid to recover to the maximum. And, of course, the dosage of alcohol plays a key role.

Nika: With age, it became difficult to experience a hangover. From a girlfriend, I learned a dubus recipe with amber acid. Now, instead of coffee, several portions of smoothie with amber acid and I am like a cucumber. I recommend to everyone!

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