Which alcohol is better to drink in the heat: tips

Which alcohol is better to drink in the heat: tips

What alcohol to drink in the heat? You will find the answer to this question in the article.

It is no secret that alcoholic beverages are poorly combined with heat. Therefore, you need to be careful with their use.

Read another article on the topic: "Antiviral drugs and alcohol - compatibility". You will learn what the consequences of this, what happens in the body, and also what will happen if you drink antiviral and alcohol. The article also says whether alcohol, vodka, beer is possible in coronavirus.

So, if you still need to urgently quench thirst, and nearby there is only a small alkomarket, which drinks should be preferred, and which is better to stay away from? We will tell you in this article. Read further.

What to drink in front of a drunkard, so as not to get drunk?


Alcohol has long become an integral part of human life. Not many people are able to completely abandon the use of alcohol, especially during a feast and holidays. At the same time, one people manage not to get drunk and be in an adequate state, while others do not. What is the secret of those who drink and do not get drunk? What to drink in front of a drunkard, so as not to get drunk?

Here are several ways to prevent intoxication:

  • Drink 50 gr. strong drink, a few hours before the booze. Not the most obvious way, but quite effective. This will help to activate the process of alcohol splitting in the body in advance.
  • Strong tea with lemon - To slow down the process of suction of ethanol into the blood, you can drink this drink before the feast with a piece of citrus fruit.
  • Take a little antacid funds, half an hour before the celebration. This will slow down the absorption of alcohol. However, this process will need to be repeated, every 2 hours.
  • Eat a piece (5 grams) of butter a couple of hours before the feast. Fat will envelop the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and alcohol will become more slow.

Even following the tips listed above, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the reaction to alcohol in people is different. Therefore, no means guarantees one hundred percent protection. The most reliable way to avoid intoxication is to consume less alcohol.

What alcohol can and can not be drunk in the heat?

When using alcohol in hot weather, it is necessary to first take into account the composition and strength of the drink. Do not discount the fact that the reaction to alcohol can be individual for each person. So, consider what alcoholic beverages you can drink in the heat, and which cannot be.

What can:

  • Dry, white wine

Unlike red wine, which is more suitable for consumption in winter, white wine is considered a summer drink. Firstly, it cools longer, and secondly, it goes very well with light, summer snacks and salads. Vinogramic acid can reduce sunny overheating of the body. Thereby, dry, white wines satisfy their thirst wellwithout rendering the load on the internal organs.

  • Beer

The ability of beer to quench thirst for a long time. But with the use of this drink in hot weather you need to be careful. Due to the fact that beer intoxication occurs slowly, it can be difficult for a person not to miss the moment when it should be stopped. Permissible the norm of beer in hot weather is no more than a liter. In this case, the strength of the drink should not exceed 4%.

  • Daiquiri

This is a popular alcohol cocktail, originally from Cuba. It is made of light rum, with the addition of sugar and lime juice. The drink quenches thirst well, thanks to two components: fruit juice with a high content of acids, and rum.

  • Mojito

A cocktail made from a white rum with the addition of mint leaves. Mojito's main ingredients are: rum, mint, lime, sugar and soda water. To cool the drink into it add ice. There is also a non -alcoholic version of the cocktail, which is done without adding rum. At the present time, due to faster preparation, the Mohito version began to gain popularity, in which lemonade is added to the water instead of soda water. This drink contains a large amount of ice, as well as rum and mint, which is in combination an excellent means against thirst.

Non -alcoholic mochito is an excellent remedy for thirst in heat in the summer
Non -alcoholic mochito is an excellent remedy for thirst in heat in the summer

What is impossible:

  • Any strong alcoholic drinks

Vodka, moonshine, ruff and other strong drinks cause a strong expansion of blood vessels. In hot weather, this effect doubles, which increases the load on the heart. That's why the use of strong alcoholic drinks in hot weather is dangerous.

  • Liquor

The sugary drink does not quench thirst, but on the contrary, enhances it, dehydrating the body.

  • Champagne

A sparkling drink is able to cause inconspicuous, but at the same time strong intoxication.

  • Spotykach

This is an old Russian drink, which was made of old, stronger honey. He got his name for the effect of strong intoxication, because of which, at the drinking, his legs immediately gave up. Subsequently, this name is a berry filing. From other similar drinks, Spotykach The heat treatment is distinguished by which it is subjected to preparation.

Production Spotykach It was widespread in the Russian Empire. In the Soviet Union, this drink was produced in several factories, and was also actively sold abroad. In addition, there is a preparation option Spotykach With spices, saffron and cloves. In order to prepare this version of the drink, you need to insist alcohol on spices, then add sugar to it and heat it.

This berry pouring causes slow, but strong intoxication, which can not be seen on time, especially in hot weather.

  • Carbonated alcoholic drinks: nirvana, huch, jocker, garage

These delicious alcoholic carbonated drinks or cocktails it is not recommended to use in hot weather. At first, the soda quenches thirst, but then, strengthens it, causing dehydration. Even more dangerous are carbonated drinks with alcohol content. A mixture of carbon dioxide with alcohol not only enhances intoxication, but also increases the load on the heart. The use of such drinks in the heat is dangerous to health.

  • Cocktails consisting of a large number of ingredients

Naturally, few will refuse to try some exotic cocktail by going on vacation. However, if the cocktail includes more than two types of alcohol, then its use can lead to a strong hangover.

  • Hot alcoholic drinks

The use of such drinks in hot weather can lead to vascular spasm. Read more:

  • Kramambambul.This is an old drink made from heated vodka, honey and spices. It first appeared in the 18th century, but gained great popularity only in the 21st century.
  • Varenuha.In a rude language, this drink is nothing more than boiled moonshine, with the addition of honey, fruits and spices.
  • Toddy.If you believe the legend, then this drink was invented in England, in the 18th century. It is made of heated whiskey or rum, with the addition of spices, lemon and tea.

It is important to remember that excessive and irresponsible drinking of alcohol can cause serious harm to the body, regardless of what the weather is on the street and what drinks are used by a person: strong or low -alcohol.

What alcohol is better to drink in the heat in the summer: tips

In the heat it is better to drink drinks with the addition of fruit juice
In the heat it is better to drink drinks with the addition of fruit juice

The issue of drinking alcohol is very important. Drinking in hot weather is doubly harmful, but sometimes it is better not to deny yourself the pleasure and drink a couple of glasses of something low alcohol. For those who do not know which alcohol is better to drink in the heat in the summer, so as not to cause serious harm to the body, there are some tips:

  • Regardless of what alcohol you drink do not use more than one drink per hour.
  • Choose right alcoholic drinks with ice, guilt or cocktails with fruit juice.
  • Alcohol is a strong diuretic, because of this it is very dehydrated. Therefore, after each pile or glass, preferably drink a glass of pure waterThis will reduce dehydration and the likelihood of a hangover.

Heat is a time when the body needs constant fluid replenishment. At elevated air temperatures, you need to drink constantly. And it is better to give preference not to alcohol, but by something non-alcoholic. Carry a bottle of clean water with you.

What to drink in the heat: it all depends on the age

It is no secret that the consequences of alcohol consumption at different ages are different. So what to drink in the heat? It all depends on the age:

  • All this is because of the enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase.
  • It is this substance that is responsible for the splitting of alcohol in the body. The largest amount of this enzyme is contained in the liver.
  • With age, the amount of alcohol dehydrogenase in the body decreases, due to which, alcohol neutralization occurs more slowly.

First of all, in adulthood, it is worth abandoning cheap beer, liquor, wine, as well as drinks containing a large number of dyes and preservatives. When choosing an alcoholic drink, it is better to give preference to natural products, for example, good dry wine.

The heat is more dangerous for people of mature age than for young people, because older people are harder to endure dehydration. Older people are doubly in time to replenish fluid reserves in the body. And it is best for this not alcohol is suitable, but ordinary, pure water.

What to drink from alcohol intoxication, intoxication, from a hangover syndrome to feel better, from the head after alcohol?

Water helps from alcohol intoxication
Water helps from alcohol intoxication

There are situations when a hangover does not succeed. Naturally, it is better to choose a method of combating it based on the degree of intoxication. However, most often, simple means help to cope with the headache. What to drink from alcohol intoxication, intoxication, from a hangover syndrome to feel better, from the head after alcohol? Here are the tips:

  • Water

The most obvious way to combat a hangover is to drink as much pure water as possible. This will help get rid of dehydration, which is the cause of a headache in a hangover.

  • Antipochmel cocktails

These are low -alcohol drinks that additionally contain different substances that reduce the hangover. There are a huge number of similar cocktails. The most popular: "Virgin Mary", "Red Eye", "Auster", "Sick Bastard".

  • Brine

The most famous and popular folk remedy for the fight against a hangover that does not need to be presented.

  • Fatty food

A good amount of fatty foods is a good tool for combating a hangover syndrome. But you should not lean too much.

  • Drugs for a hangover

Now there are many modern drugs for a hangover syndrome. The most popular and most effective include anti-Plants, lemontar, Alka-Prime, Alka-Zeltzer, Zorex and others.

In conclusion, it must be added that, according to doctors, the use of alcohol in the heat is undesirable. But, if this cannot be avoided, it must be borne in mind that the human body reacts to alcohol differently. Therefore, having decided to drink a couple of glasses in hot weather, it is better to choose familiar drinks. Good luck!

Video: What alcohol can you drink in the summer? Who can't drink in the heat? Interview with sommelier Mikhay Drutse

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