What cookies are suitable for cooking tiramisu? Savoyardi cookies recipe for tiramisu

What cookies are suitable for cooking tiramisu? Savoyardi cookies recipe for tiramisu


In Soviet times, one of the most popular desserts was considered the Napoleon and Honey Cake. However, now their place was taken by cheesecake and tiramisu. These are not Russian desserts, but the dishes that came to us from abroad. In this article welet's tell how to replace cookies withavoyardi For tiramisu. 

Savoyardi cookies, how can you replace for tiramis?

For many housewives, this is exactly this ingredient that is part of the dessert, because on store shelves this cookies is non -standard, and is mainly sold in large supermarkets. In small shops, near the house, it is almost impossible to find such a dessert. 

Savoyardi cookies, what can be replaced for tiramisu: 

  • Children's cookies, which is intended for babies up to a year. For example, these are company productsHipp, Baby,Milup. Of course, these are quite expensive products, but in the finished dessert there is absolutely no difference from the originalsavoiardi. Their main feature is the presence of large bubbles and dense walls that do not blur during wetting with cream or water, but hold the shape. In addition, it is convenient to use cookies, since its shape is oval and very similar to Savoiardi. 
  • Ordinary biscuit cookies Cheaper than childish, but no worse. Choose not soft, but dried biscuit. The ideal option will be cakes that are sold in the form of semi -finished products. If there is only a fresh product, in the form of a soft biscuit, it is recommended to dry it. To do this, cut into thin stripes that look like the original Savoiardi cookies, dry in the microwave or in the oven. It is not necessary to dry crackers, it is enough that the upper layer is slightly dried and a crispy crust is formed. Such a dense coating will prevent the cooking of cookies when exposed to the cream on it. A purchase biscuit should not contain additional components such as nuts, cocoa or raisins, because this will spoil the taste of the finished dessert.  
Original dessert
Original dessert

What cookies are suitable for cooking tiramisu?

Many housewives are afraid to cook cookiessavoiardi independently, since they consider it exclusively foreign pastries, which will not work at home. In fact, this is a misconception, because the recipe for cooking is quite simple. There are no foreign ingredients and additives. Therefore, it can be prepared from the products that every housewife in the refrigerator. 

What cookies are suitable for cooking tiramisu:

  • Sanding cookies ladies' fingers or chick-chick. It is usually sold in confectionery, has a oblong form. By the method of preparation, this cookies differ significantly fromsavoiardi, the taste of the finished dessert will not be the same as when using the original product.
  • The sand dough does not absorb moisture, therefore, during cooking, it is recommended to turn it into crumbs, and only after that mix with cheese and other components. 
Biscuit cookies
Biscuit cookies

Analogue of the cookie of savoyardi for tiramisu

There are several options for replacing this cookie. Unfortunately, get the perfect dessert using other baking, except for cookiessavoiardi, will not work. But you will still get a rather unusual dessert that will differ slightly to its taste from the classic. It should be understood that cookiessavoiardi It is biscuit, with a large number of bubbles and thin walls. It is thanks to this that it is well impregnated with various impregnations and creams, but it does not completely soak. This is the main charm of cookies. 

An analogue of the cookie of Savoyardi for Tiramisu:

  1. Oatmeal cookies. This product does not lose its shape when absorbing syrup, but will significantly affect the taste. The characteristics and features of the preparation of oatmeal cookies are significantly different fromsavoiardi 
  2. Homemade cookies of Savoyardiwhich is prepared with its own hands. This is an ideal option, do not be afraid to cook it. His recipe is quite simple, despite the apparent difficulty. 

Savoyardi cookies: classic recipe for tiramisu

CookieSavoyardi It is very easy to cook yourself at home. 

For this, the following ingredients will be needed: 

  • 3 eggs 
  • 100 g sugar 
  • 100 g of wheat bakery flour 
  • Teaspoon of lemon juice 

Savoyardi cookies, classic recipe for tiramisu:

  • First of all, it is necessary to engage in the separation of proteins from the yolks. Add sugar to proteins and beat until strong foam is obtained. Be sure to add lemon juice to it. After that, whisk the yolks with the remaining half sugar, while the mass increases 3 times.
  • With the help of a silicone blade, in the direction clockwise, carefully mix proteins with yolks and immediately pour the flour. Try to mix again in one direction, clockwise. Do not change directions, as this can lead to the disappearance of bubbles. As a result, the dough will settle in the process of baking.
  • It should be a liquid dough similar to sour cream. Enter it into a confectionery bag. If there is no bag, use the file with the cut tip. After that, lubricate the parchment paper with vegetable oil, put on the sheet and prepare strips 7-8 cm long. It is necessary to bake at a temperature of 160-180 degrees, a quarter of an hour. Do not remove hot oven from the oven. Turn off the heating, open the door and leave to cool in the oven. Only after complete cooling, separate from the surface of the parchment. 
Bakery products
Bakery products

Savoyardi recipe at home for tiramisu with starch

It holds the form well, and does not spread under the influence of liquid cookies, with the addition of potato starch.

To prepare thiscookies you will need: 

  • 240 g of sugar 
  • Vanilla 
  • Three eggs 
  • 80 g of potato starch 
  • 80 g of small sugar 
  • 100 g of wheat flour 

Savoyardi recipe at home for tiramisu with starch:

  • It is necessary to separate the proteins from the yolks and beat with the addition of salt. Enter half sugar and turn into foam again. No need to achieve a motionless mass, it is enough that it becomes thick, but floats a little.
  • Mix the remaining sugar with the yolks with a fork. It is not necessary to turn into a foam, it is enough to achieve splendor so that the mass becomes thick. Mix egg masses among themselves. Be sure to combine the flour with starch, and drive into a mixture of eggs.
  • The baking sheet should be sprinkled with a mankua or flour. Sit thin strips, 8 cm long on the prepared sheet. Please note that the cookies in the oven rise, so it is necessary that the distance between the stripes is 3-5 cm.
  • Heat the oven to 200 degrees, and leave the cookies for 10 minutes. This dish is not necessary to cool in the oven. Due to the presence of starch, it has more dense walls that do not sit in the process of cooling. Cookies on starch keeps the form better, you will need more time to soak the dessert. 
With your own hands
With your own hands

Savoyardi cookies: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of the hostesses who prepared the dessert Tiramisu.

Savoyardi cookies, reviews:

Alina. Recently, I experimented a lot with baking, recently learned to cook cheesecake on a sand -based basis and tried to cook Tiramisa dessert. Baked cookies withavoyardi on one's own. To do this, I used a recipe with starch. As for me, it turned out to be too dry, perhaps it was necessary to impregnate longer with cream. It seems to me that the consistency of cheese is not quite suitable for impregnation of dense cookies. I will be the next timeprepare Not on starch, but with the addition of only wheat flour. 

Svetlana. Recently, for a festive dinner, she was preparing a dessert Tiramisu. I did not purchase cookies with the supermarket withavoyardias it was made in Russia. I do not believe that it is prepared according to a classic recipe. Most likely, this is a fake with the inscriptionSavoyardiTo be purchased. I bought ordinary sand cookies chick-chick. It is oblong, and in shape it is very similar to the original. Initially saturated with syrup, after that she laid out a cheese cream on top. It turned out very tasty, but not at all like the original dessert that I tried in an Italian restaurant. It's okay, it turned out very tasty and unusual. For a variety, you can sometimes cook. 

Valentine. I decided to please my householders with a overseas dessert, for cooking I boughtsavoiardi Premium, Bonomi. In a package of 200 g, is distinguished by an air taste. To be honest, I didn’t really like it, next time I will bake cookies on my own. It tastes not biscuit, but some kind of sandy, with a taste of soda. She remained unhappy, gave for packaging weighing 200 g 150 rubles. This is of course a fairly high price for small cooking packaging. If you believe the label, made in Italy.

With your own hands
With your own hands

We have also prepared for you recipes for delicious creams:

For the first time cookiessavoiardi It appeared in the 15th century, prepared from a biscuit dough, which was laid out with a syringe with thin strips. As a result of this, small dry biscuits were obtained, which are ideal for impregnation with various liquids and cream. Now this cookies can be purchased in large stores and retail chains, or prepared independently.

Video: How to replace the cookies of Savoyardi?

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