What are the discharge if conception has occurred: symptoms, changes by cycle days, photos, reviews

What are the discharge if conception has occurred: symptoms, changes by cycle days, photos, reviews

If conception has occurred, then a woman will have discharge. Which ones, read in the article.

For a woman who is responsible for motherhood, it is very important to determine pregnancy in the early stages. The sooner the future mother finds out about her interesting situation, the more chances to give birth to a healthy baby and avoid a pathological state.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What are the discharge during pregnancy in the early and late stages?". You will find out what discharge during pregnancy is considered the norm.

In modern medicine, there are several ways to determine an interesting situation in a woman: blood analyzing, test, ultrasound. But they are suitable not earlier than ten days after conception. And if you want to know before? There are different opinions on this occasion. Experienced ladies assure that the process of bearing in the first 7-14 days. You can determine by minor changes in the body. After fertilization, the nature and volume of secretion from Vulva changes. By these subjective signs, it is possible to judge conception. In the article below, you will find out what discharge has a woman after conception and whether they are at all. You will also find a photo of how they look. Read further.

Are there any discharge if conception has occurred: how to understand by discharge, what happened?

Discharge if conception occurs
Discharge if conception occurs

The woman physically does not feel fertilization in the 1st week, but hormones change the female body from the first minutes after the sperm enters the egg. Are there any discharge if conception has occurred? How to understand from the discharge that the process of maturation of the embryo has begun? Read more:

  • Hormones provoke an increase in transparent cervical mucus in her after fertilization.
  • While moving into the uterine cavity of a fertilized cell, the body begins to actively produce protective substances that can be observed as a secret of different consistency.
  • Also, discharge is due to the operation of the immune system. The embryo is perceived as a foreign body that must be removed from the body.

But such a secret happens and regardless of whether the “miracle” took place. This is the physiology of the female body. The character and texture of the secret do not differ significantly. This means that to determine the process of bearing the embryo at the first 7-14 days. Only by secretion is not always possible. But if the pregnancy is planned, and the girl carefully listens to her body, then you can suspect the fact of conception in the first two to three days. What is the secret to accompany fertilization?

  • Good (without pathologies) are considered transparent secretions, without clots and impurities, without unpleasant odor, without pain in the stomach. They are also called Belya.
  • Belts can last quite a while. And after the ovulatory process, their intensity increases, and a whitish shade appears.

About the symptoms of conception described below. Read further.

What should be discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred - symptoms: before attaching the fetal egg

In the period before ovulation, girls change the nature of the secret. It becomes transparent, mucous, similar to the protein of a raw egg, and abundant. The cervical mucus is released intensively. Thus, the body is preparing for conception. But the women's egg does not live for a long time. Only within 36 hours After the ovulatory process, fertilization may occur. What should be the discharge after ovulation if conception has occurred? Here is a description of the symptoms before the fetus:

  • If the development of the embryo has begun, the future mother increases the number of progesterone, which helps to develop pregnancy normally.
  • This causes coloring secretion immediately after the ovulatory process in white.
  • Milk or slightly yellow, completely transparent, without a smell or with a weak sour -milk smell of discharge, is considered normal.
  • If the body already has an embryo, then the mucous plug began to form. Sometimes secretions can be creamy, uniniting, sticky - this is also considered the norm.

White discharge is a mucus of a homogeneous composition that does not cause discomfort. She forms a protective cork. The yellow or beige color of discharge, without a strong smell, is also a normal phenomenon after fertilization.

Discharge after the conception of the conception - changes by the days of the cycle: white, yellow, transparent, red, brown, pink

Discharge after the conception
Discharge after the conception

The first few days, the fertilized egg moves along the matte. The tube, then gets into the cavity and there for two days is in a calm state. That is, immediately after the formation of the fetus, the coloring of the discharge changes: from white to beige, yellow and pink. The texture also changes, from the watery they will be thick. And gradually they can disappear completely. The secret after the conception of the incidence is how it changes by the days of the cycle:

  • On the 1st day, they are liquid, plentiful, colorless, transparent.
  • On the 2nd day, they thicken and change the shade-they become pink.
  • Half of the process of movement to the uterine cavity reaches the third - fourth day. The uterine secret at this time is small, white, creamy, without smell.
  • On the fifth and sixth day - the uterine endometrium will be thick, more porous. And secretions neither in color nor in consistency do not change.
  • The decisive stage of the interch is the seventh and eighth days. It is on these days that the female cell should attach on the fallopian wall. The implantation process is accompanied by ruptures of blood vessels. The discharge acquire a dark shade - they become yellow or even slightly reddish. Small blood clots are noticeable in the colorless fluid.

Closer to the tenth day, the secret can be burgundy, closer to brown. It depends on the blood coagulation rate of the future mother. It turns faster than excreted from the body. Such a secret, as a rule, is short -term and small. There is no threat to the health of a woman and the baby.

If conception occurs, what discharge should be before the delay of menstruation?

Before the delay in menstruation, if the process of bearing crumbs has begun, secretions can be white, lemon, milk shade, but not plentiful and not liquid. They can be watery immediately after the ovulatory process - due to sperm liquefaction. Then they thicken and become insignificant.

White discharge is immediately after fertilization, but they are not a sign of an “interesting situation”. Yellow, lemon, beige discharge confirms the fact of a possible conception. The mucus from the vagina, although it should be thicker and acquire a milk shade, there should also be transparent secretion.

Later, before a delay, under the influence of increased progesterone, a dense mucous plug is formed. She clogs the channel connecting the vagina and the uterine cavity. And the secret does not increase, does not change, as is the case in the absence of the fertilization process.

How the discharge looks if conception has occurred: photo of sticky, liquid discharge

All ladies of reproductive age have a secret from the genitals and during pregnancy too. The mucous secretion is secreted by the glands of the uterus and vagina. Secreation happens:

  • Liquid
  • Thick
  • Watery
  • Sticky
  • Terrible

The nature depends on a specific physiological state. After conception, secretion is sticky, viscous. Outwardly resembles glue or thick jelly. A transparent, whitish or yellowish substance, between the ends of the fingers is stretched into the “thread”. So, what does the discharge look like if the conception happened? Here is a photo:

  • Sticky secret
Sticky discharge if conception has occurred
Sticky discharge, if conception is

In the second half of the monthly cycle, the girl has a white liquid secret. After the ovulatory process, the yellow body begins to actively distinguish progesterone. At this time, the condition of cervical fluid changes. It turns into a white substance and resembles a cream, without smell, skin and mucous membranes do not itch from it. White liquid discharge can remain for three months of pregnancy.

  • Liquid secret
Liquid discharge if conception has occurred
Liquid discharge, if conception already has

Sticky and liquid secretions are used to protect the fetus from various infections.

What is implantation bleeding?

At the very beginning of the fertilization process, there are certain signs, but not everyone has them. Such signs include a secret during the implantation of the fetus of the egg. It is at this time that the issue is being resolved: to be the development of the embryo or not.

  • Implantation bleeding - This is a certain state caused by the attachment of a fertilized female cell to the inner shell of the uterus.
  • This process is accompanied by tissue destruction and resembles microtrauma. Therefore, bloody discharge appears.
  • They have a pinkish or brown color, not intense, smeared in nature and quickly pass. After a day, the discharge disappears, and should not intensify.

It happens that the capillaries are damaged slightly. In this case, bleeding is absent. Therefore, for unknown reasons, only a third of the girls observe implantation bleeding. This is not a pathological condition. It is important to know that this is a natural process and is considered one of the early signs of bearing crumbs.

Can it be after conception that there is no discharge?

The presence of vaginal secretion secretions is a natural physiological phenomenon characteristic of ladies of reproductive age.

The lack of secretion after the ovulatory process is normal (but not more than three days). It depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But when the embryo development process begins, hormones are active. Therefore, an increase in vaginal secretion occurs. He protects the fetus from infections. Can it be after conception that there is no discharge?

  • If there is no secret after conception, this is not considered a normal state. Since this is due to a lack of progesterone.

Lack of this substance leads to uterine insufficiency and loss of a child.

What discharge, if conception failed?

If there is no conception, secretions are very similar to the discharge of girls in the first 7-14 days. the process of bearing crumbs. From the moment of ovulation before the onset of menstruation, secretions have the consistency of Kurin. squirrel. Gradually change to sticky or adhesive liquid texture with a thick structure. And soon cervical fluid disappears until the next menstruation. But this process also begins with a small secretion. They look like mucus with blood clots and have a reddish, pale pink, brown or light yellow tint. Then smearing secretions, if conception did not work out, go into menstruation.

What discharge indicates the presence of pathology?

Discharge that indicate the presence of pathology
Discharge that indicate a pathology

The discharge that leads to redness of the genitals, irritation, itching, burning, or even pain in the lower abdomen, indicate the flow of the pathological process. What discharge indicates the presence of the disease? Here's the answer:

  • White, yellowish or green with fish aroma - Symptoms of trichomoniasis.
  • Bright yellow, green, purulent secretions - the presence of an infectious disease transmitted from one sexual partner to another.
  • Dark brown, black, blood secrets Indicate severe inflammation.
  • White, curdled with the smell of sour milk - The first symptom of candidiasis.
  • Abundant secretions of a bloody character with a bad smell, occur with the erosion of the cervix.

If intense, bright bloody color during implantation bleeding, then they signal the threat of miscarriage.

What are the discharge after ovulation, if the conception has occurred: reviews

Ripping in the follicle, an egg-cell is prepared for the fertilization process. Then it destroys the shell, goes into the fallopian tube. This process is called ovulation. This concept and process of bearing the baby are interconnected. The day of ovulation is a suitable day for the appearance of a new life. What happens then?

Pregnancy testing can only be used from the first day of delay. But if you follow the change in the body, in a vaginal secret you can recognize a possible pregnancy. Read the reviews of other women about what discharge is after ovulation, if conception has occurred.

Svetlana, 27 years old

The pregnancy was long -awaited. Every month I looked closely because I read about the first signs of pregnancy - discharge. I calculated the cycle and hoped for a miracle every time. At first I did not notice anything special, everything was as usual. Then she noticed white spots on the linen, as if she stained with cream. After a while, small pink spots began to appear. More and more often. I immediately realized that perhaps I would become a mother. I waited for darker secretions, but this did not happen. But a few days later the test showed a positive result.

Tatyana, 32 years old

The first pregnancy was very difficult. Therefore, the second child did not plan. But it really happened. On the gaskets began to notice the discharge of yellow. Every day they became thicker and thicker. The color remained the same yellow. I suggested pregnancy, but was not sure, because for the first time it was a little different. After a couple of days, dark discharge began, almost brown. We walked quickly, about two days later. Then other symptoms appeared. And all doubts have gone.

Irina, 22 years old

A big surprise for me was pregnancy. At first, I accidentally noticed in my soul plentiful watery discharge of milk color. There was no smell, the well -being was normal. Therefore, she did not worry about this. Gradually, the discharge became thick, light brown. It became a little uneasy. The doctor warned of a possible pregnancy. And suddenly one large drop of dark red, almost burgundy. A few days later, delay, nausea. The doctor’s assumptions were justified.

Video: The first days of conception. Discharge

Video: What should be the discharge after conception?

Video: The first signs of pregnancy after conception. Early symptoms of pregnancy before or after delay

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  1. Hello! Now the 7th ovulation, 5 days ago, was an unnecessary pa. How to determine the probability of pregnancy now?

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