Why after menstruation? What are the discharge about one, two weeks after menstruation?

Why after menstruation? What are the discharge about one, two weeks after menstruation?

Normal and pathological discharge in women after menstruation.

Women of reproductive age are most often very attentive to their health. An indicator of the health of the reproductive system is the discharge. It is by their nature, color and consistency that you can suspect something wrong.

Discharge rate after menstruation

After menstruation, a woman comes up with a period of unconsciousness. The discharge is usually very scarce. At this time, a woman can feel dry. There are practically no traces on underwear. There is no itching, burning and pain. In addition, the secret does not smell of anything.

Normal discharge throughout the cycle:

  • After menstruation - There is practically nothing. There may be weak mucus with whitish veins
  • On 10-14 days of the cycle "Egg protein" is observed. This is a transparent and viscous secret. If you squeeze it between the fingers and spread them, you will see a thread. Such a liquid is a sperm cummaker in the uterus
  • During ovulation 1-2 days There may be minor spotting. This is due to the rupture of the dominant follicle. In the right or left side, pulling pain may be observed
  • Before menstruation The secret becomes thick and creamy. It is due to an increase in the amount of progesterone
  • After sex, mucus It becomes translucent with white lumps. This vagina gets rid of sperm
  • After protected intercourse The discharge is liquid and creamy. This is a natural lubricant
  • When taking oral fire There is no ovulation, respectively, there will be no transparent mucus. The secret is whitish and very meager. Monthly uninitiated, often have pink color

If you have just started taking contraceptives, do not worry if you notice brownish discharge in the middle of the cycle.

Discharge rate after menstruation
Discharge rate after menstruation

Watery discharge after menstruation, causes

Immediately after menstruation, transparent and very scarce discharge can be observed. If there are many of them, and they smell badly, this may indicate some kind of ailment.

Causes of abundant watery discharge:

  • Cervical erosion
  • Devplasia of the cervix
  • Cervicitis
  • Endometritis
Watery discharge after menstruation
Watery discharge after menstruation

White discharge

The so -called whites in women arise after ovulation and accompany it until the very monthly. At this time, the body is preparing for pregnancy. A lot of progesterone is thrown into the blood, which loosens the mucous membrane of the uterus and makes it ideal for attaching a fertilized cell. Such discharge is usually unhealthy, but leave a mark on the panties. There should not be any discomfort. There should not be a stove, burning and itching.

If the secret is very plentiful with some grains, you can assume infection with a thrush. At the same time, a burning sensation is observed, pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Over time, the amount increases, they resemble cottage cheese or sour milk.

White discharge
White discharge

Yellow discharge

This is a clear sign of bacterial or viral infection. At the same time, foam, a fetid smell and pain during urination appear on the surface of the mucus. Most often, a yellow secret indicates chlamydia, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea.

Yellow discharge
Yellow discharge

Causes of bloody discharge after menstruation

  • If immediately after menstruation you noticed smearing brown discharge or pink traces on panties, then there are violations. Ideally, during menstruation, the uterine mucosa is updated
  • The old endometrium is excreted with blood, and the new is growing. But with any hormonal disorders or in infections, the body fails. On the surface of the uterus there are pieces of old endometrium, on which a new one is growing. It turns out several layers
  • This is exactly what the cause of the Summer after menstruation. Often, endometrial cells fall into the fallopian tubes and provoke the occurrence of adhesions. In this case, bloody discharge is also observed

The main causes of brown discharge immediately after menstruation:

  • Endometriosis
  • Adenomyosis
  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium
  • The polyp of the uterine cavity
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Malignant neoplasms in the uterus
Causes of bloody discharge after menstruation
Causes of bloody discharge after menstruation

What are the discharge about a few days after menstruation?

If 3-8 days passed after menstruation, then stretching transparent discharge appears. It's quite normal. If there is no mucus during the alleged ovulation, this should cause concern.

Most likely, in this cycle, pregnancy will not occur due to the lack of ovulation. In a healthy woman under 30, this happens 1-2 times a year and is considered the norm. After 30 years, the number of anovulatory cycles increases to 6 per year.

Discharge a few days after menstruation
discharge a few days after menstruation

Dark, brown discharge one, two weeks after menstruation, causes

Abundant or scarce discharge of brown color is dangerous and not a variant of the norm. Most likely, there is some kind of pathology inside the uterus.

Blood causes 1-2 weeks after menstruation:

  • Myoma
  • Polyps of the cervical canal and uterus
  • Endocervicitis
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium
Brown discharge
Brown discharge

Why are the discharge with the smell after menstruation?

Ideally, the normal vaginal secret has no smell. But in contact with oxygen, which is contained in the air, mucus becomes an excellent nutrient medium for the propagation of bacteria.

Accordingly, an unpleasant odor can be observed. It intensifies if a woman does not adhere to hygiene rules. It is necessary to wash yourself twice a day and regularly change linen.

Types of odors and their decryption:

  • Sour smell. It is observed along with abundant whites resembling curtailed milk. Along with this, a burning sensation occurs in the floor of the labia. This smell is a sign of candidiasis (thrush). It is due to the propagation of yeast mushrooms
  • Dumb smell. Often meets with abundant mucous, green, yellow or gray discharge. All these are signs of bacterial vaginosis. If it is not treated for a long time, it goes into a chronic form and can cause the development of endometriosis, endometritis and infertility
Discharges with the smell
discharges with the smell

Discharge after menstruation, what to do?

First of all, you do not need to panic and drink dubious drugs without consulting a doctor. Analyze your lifestyle and sexual relations. In the presence of protected sexual contacts, discharge can be due to a recent disease, diet, excessive physical activity. There is no discomfort and pain.

When green, brown or gray discharge appears, be examined by a gynecologist.

Discharge after menstruation
Discharge after menstruation

Ignoring green discharge with an unpleasant odor can cause infertility. It is precisely because of inflammatory processes that spikes and polyps form in the pelvis.

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Comments K. article

  1. I often have such discharge, which is why it is incomprehensible. And now, against their background, also thrush. It was already treated with Diflukan, Irunin, Pimapfucin. The turn came to Nistatin with metrogil plus. But as I understand it, until they find the reason, they will not be cured, but how you will find it: they say to donate blood to hormones - the cycle is completely irregular, according to the ultrasound of the norms, according to analyzes too. And what to do?

  2. It is necessary to take PCR. But if you are already a plus metrogil, then you need to wait two weeks.

  3. And I would buy the “RN-Balance” test premium diagnostics. I have always been in the first-aid kit, it immediately becomes clear that there is something. To run or you can not worry. I took it to the health zone, a very useful thing, try it.

  4. They prescribed to me because of this trouble to Yarin. In my opinion, it is worse from her. The thrush also began. They told me to drink ecofemin, plus if ditsinon smears a lot. In general, I do not see any improvement, what kind of treatment is this?

  5. Hello! After menstruation, I began to secrete light color and and they pour like menstruation. What's this?

  6. After menstruation, I often have a relapse of vaginosis. Recently, at the week at the beginning of the Ecofemin cycle, I accept that there are no problems. Tired already.

  7. Tell me, what could it be Dufaston's drinking menstruation went on the 20th day, and after 5 d.p.

  8. At her own peril and risk, she treated the discharge last year initially herself, trying in the case of various antifungal agents. And still, it was not without a doctor, since the problem did not let go. And there I learned that in most cases a double treatment regimen is required. Lactozhal doctor prescribed me the second stage after antifungal, everything helped, sorry, earlier I have not heard about a two -stage circuit, I lost a lot of time. From that time nothing bothers.

  9. thank you for the article

  10. The gynecologist explained to me that this could be a symptom of problems with a microbiota .... Stal to take on its advice the femoi multiflora based on lactobacilli and included more fermented milk products in the diet. This problem has disappeared. Moreover, even sometimes arising itching and burning disappeared, so I can safely recommend.

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