What are the discharge during pregnancy in the early and late stages? What discharge during pregnancy is considered the norm?

What are the discharge during pregnancy in the early and late stages? What discharge during pregnancy is considered the norm?

Normal discharge during pregnancy. The causes of green and brown discharge during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a joyful event for most women. But many experiences and anxieties are associated with this period, because the body behaves differently. The hormonal background is changing, the nature of the discharge differs from the previous ones.

Selection indicating pregnancy

  • On the 6-12 day after conception, the embryo is attached to the walls of the uterus. Accordingly, somewhere in front of the most monthly you can see several pink or yellow spots on the underwear
  • This is a creamy mass with a small amount of blood. The embryo is introduced into the mucous membrane, slightly destroying it at the place of fastening. Many women confuse this secret with menstruation, but it differs by nature. The discharge is not blood, it is only a small amount of it. In addition, they are unhealthy and stop after a couple of days
  • If you are not yet aware of your pregnancy, but you had unprotected sexual contact, watch the vaginal secret. Usually, before menstruation, it becomes whitish and thick, its amount is negligible. The consistency is similar to the cream. But, if you are in a position, the vaginal secret becomes transparent and liquid and has practically no color
Selection indicating pregnancy
Selection indicating pregnancy

What do the discharge during pregnancy mean?

The causes of abundant discharge during pregnancy can be different. It is necessary to evaluate their color, smell and quantity. But usually in most women the amount of secret increases, the smell may change.

This is a variant of the norm, unless of course they are painted in yellow, brown or green color. A lot can be said about the smell. If you are alarmed by discharge, consult a doctor. When registering in a antenatal clinic, they give a referral for testing for basic sexual infections.

Selection during pregnancy
selection during pregnancy

How much is the discharge during pregnancy?

It all depends on their character. Usually in the first trimester of pregnancy, the discharge is creamy and thick. They are unhealthy and do not have a specific and unpleasant odor. Most of the secret is observed in the third trimester.

It's quite normal. The child grows and develops, your stomach increases. Accordingly, the uterus also stretches and increases. The discharge will change depending on the gestational age.

Take care of a change in the quantity, color and consistency of vaginal secretion. When changes, be sure to consult a doctor.

Selection during pregnancy
selection during pregnancy

Brown bloody discharge during pregnancy

It is this daub that is concerned with the future mother. Often the brown daub occurs during the alleged menstruation. If you feel normally, your stomach does not hurt, no vomiting, then do not worry.

Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy:

  • Fasten egg fastening. This happens at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy. Nothing wrong with that. Blood disappears after 1-2 days
  • Risk of miscarriage. Most often observed when the fetal egg is removed. At this time, the stomach pulls, aching pain, dizziness, nausea and vomiting can occur. In such cases, urgently go to the doctor
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Usually the right or left side hurts very much. The uterine pipe is stretched and can burst. Be sure to treat in a hospital. The woman is not always operated on. Often prescribe antibiotics and wait for menstruation
  • Detachment or presentation of the placenta. This happens in the second or third trimester. Most often observed due to not cured infections. Often causes premature birth and miscarriage
  • Genital tract infections. If you have passed all the tests and you have identified some kind of infection, it needs to be treated. Many women are afraid to take antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Such a refusal often causes the development of anomalies in the fetus and premature birth
Brown bloody discharge during pregnancy
Brown bloody discharge during pregnancy

Yellow discharge during pregnancy, causes

The yellow secret from the vagina during pregnancy is not considered the norm. It is especially worthwhile if mucus and a specific smell appear.

Causes of yellow discharge:

  • Incorrect care for the genitals. Perhaps the soap is not suitable for you, or you need to change the underwear to cotton
  • Inflammatory ailments of the genitourinary system. This often happens with cystitis, endometritis or vaginitis. These ailments are provoked by non -specific pathogens, conditionally pathogenic microflora. Ailments are treated with antibiotics
  • Genital tract infections. This secret is very thick and smells bad, it is observed with gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and chlamydia
  • Dysbiosis. Reducing the number of lactobacilli. Often occurs after taking antibiotics

Yellow-green discharge during pregnancy

Green mucus is also not the norm. This is a sign of a viral or bacterial disease. If, together with the separated, you feel pain, itching, urgently run to the doctor.

Often green discharge appears after douching, this is due to injury to the mucosa.

White discharge during pregnancy in 1, 2 and 3 trimester: Causes

In some cases, whites are a variant of the norm. At first, that is, up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, the mucous plug closes the entrance to the uterus. That is why there is a creamy secret. It does not cause any discomfort.

In the second and third trimester, the amount of white secret may increase. At the same time, his consistency will become viscous and similar to mucus with white lumps. This is also a variant of the norm. Such a secret is the result of an increase in the amount of estrogen.

When white discharge should cause anxiety:

  • If the secret has changed color and became from white green or yellow
  • When severe itching and burning occur. Most often it is candidiasis or thrush. It must be treated
  • If you feel weakness, a breakdown and nausea. Perhaps infection has occurred or the placental exfoliation has begun
White discharge during pregnancy in 1, 2 and 3 trimester
White discharge during pregnancy in 1, 2 and 3 trimester

Discharge in the last weeks of pregnancy

  • In the late stages, the traces of linen become more noticeable. Many women are forced to use daily gaskets
  • It's quite normal. In the third trimester, the nature of the discharge changes, the body is prepared for childbirth, the secret becomes liquid and translucent
  • Often a week or two before PDR, a woman finds a strange dense clot of white-yellow in color on linen. This is a mucous plug. More often all the birth after the cork is released begin within a week

Any bloody or brown discharge in the late stages should cause a doctor. These are signs of premature birth and placental exfoliation.

Discharge in the last weeks of pregnancy
Discharge in the last weeks of pregnancy

What are the constant discharge during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman is necessarily accompanied by discharge. Their character changes depending on the duration and condition of the woman. At the first, a cream -shaped secret of a white color appears without smell.

At the end of the discharge period, they become plentiful, liquid and translucent. Before the very birth, it is possible to secrete very thick, mucous secretions.

Constant discharge during pregnancy
constant discharge during pregnancy

What discharge during pregnancy is considered the norm?


  • At the beginning of pregnancy, during implantation of the fetal egg, these are brownish or pink discharge that disappears after 2 days
  • In the first trimester, the norm is a creamy secret, uninhabited. Mucous interspersed mucous membranes
  • In the second and third trimester, the secret is transparent and plentiful. It is due to an increase in estrogen levels
  • Before childbirth - white clots with mucus
Normal discharge during pregnancy
Normal discharge during pregnancy

Why there are discharge during pregnancy: tips and reviews

If the pregnancy proceeds without deviations, then the discharge does not bother the woman in any way. The nature of the vaginal secretion changes depending on the hormonal background. The discharge is more plentiful than before pregnancy due to changes in the body. In the first trimester, the level of progestin is growing.

It is he who retains pregnancy and allows the embryo to implant and grow. The discharge is white and thick. From the second trimester to childbirth, the secret is liquid and plentiful, resembles children's snot.

Often the discharge is caused by infection with viruses, infections or mushrooms. In such cases, the secret is stained in yellow or green color, has a unpleasant odor. Bubbles may appear, discharge resembles foam. In this case, a doctor’s consultation is needed.

Causes of discharge during pregnancy
Causes of discharge during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an unforgettable time. The woman during this period is accompanied by a variety of discharge. Listen to your body.

Video: Selection during pregnancy

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  1. If something bothers during pregnancy, it is better to play it safe once again and tell about the problem of the gynecologist. I have “found” “found” so inadvertently. I was afraid to accept anything, but the doctor reassured that the therapy of harm would not cause the baby. Lactozhinal appointed. According to the instructions, I really do everything, really, I feel better already.

  2. Thank you, great article.

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