Bloody discharge after childbirth. How many discharge is there after childbirth? What should be the discharge after childbirth?

Bloody discharge after childbirth. How many discharge is there after childbirth? What should be the discharge after childbirth?

The postpartum period is a difficult time in the life of a woman who is overshadowed by long -term discharge from the vagina. What discharge is considered physiological and what indicates the need to consult a doctor - read in this article.

Lochia - specific discharge from the vagina after childbirth, which are natural process And consist of blood, mucus and endometrium. Such discharge indicates the reverse development of the uterus, its reduction and return to drummer condition.

Why are the discharge after childbirth?

During pregnancy the uterus is growing, its functions and view are changing. Когда же тяжелый и важный момент родов остается позади ее «миссия» исполнена и этот орган возвращается в свое привычное состояние, постепенно reducing and decreasing. At the same time, during these contractions from the uterine cavity, the remnants are expelled blood, fetal membranes and mucus.

Immediately after childbirth, abundant bleeding begins

In addition, in the place where the placenta was attached to the uterus before, remains an open bleeding woundwhich gradually heals. Until the full healing of the wound surface and the return of the uterus to the antenatal state and the lochia continues.

What discharge goes after childbirth?

In the first hours after childbirth, blood discharge from the vagina has Bright red color, What is due to small bleeding due to physiological damage in the uterus and birth canal during delivery. For several subsequent days, these bleeding can be absolutely unchanged, in bloody discharge can be observed small clots.

After the lapse of the first week postpartum discharge can change their intensity. In addition, the bloody discharge is more and more mixed slime From the cervical canal, due to which the shade of discharge will become a little lighter and they will not resemble bleeding.

As a rule, discharge large clots At this stage, it is not the norm and it is better to talk about it with a gynecologist.

Big clot
Big clot

In the future, the woman in labor will note that the discharge becomes less less: first they will resemble menstruation, later they will change their shade to brown, go to the daub. Through two or three weeks Lochia can become yellowish shade (but not purulent!), Then white, and soon it will come out of the vagina and even transparent mucus, Talking about the completion of the uterine involution.

When does the discharge end after childbirth?

The duration of postpartum discharge Each woman has individual. As a rule, experts talk about the average duration of such secretions that make up 40 days, but this indicator is far from reality for everyone.

Distillations during the first weeks may cause discomfort

The variant of the norm is considered the duration of the discharge that makes up from 30 days to two months. There are cases of a two -week duration of moo, but these are rather short exceptions from the rule. Most women talk about the figure 30-40 days, claiming that during this time any discharge from the vagina has completely stopped.

What are purulent discharge about giving birth?

  • It is very important to monitor how color and smell There are discharge after childbirth. Since the uterine cavity is a wound, and the discharge is an excellent environment for propagation bacteria and infections, then there is a huge risk of infection
  • If this happens, then the discharge will certainly say about this an unpleasant odor and the presence purulent impurities
  • About the inflammatory process in the uterus, along with purulent discharge, will indicate and temperature rise. It is important not to confuse it with the process of lactation, when a slight increase in temperature is considered physiological
  • If you have a suspicion of endometrial infection, then you need to immediately seek the help of a specialist, because in the early stages this may indicate Residues of the fetal membranes in the uterine cavity and the need to clean

Video: Purulent vaginal discharge

Why do yellow discharge occurs after childbirth?

About through 10-14 days After giving birth, the discharge becomes a yellowish hue. You should not be afraid of this - this is a normal process uterine restoration. Such discharge only suggests that involution It occurs naturally and naturally.

But if such discharge begins In the first week after childbirth or in the right time, but they resemble pus, then consult a doctor. This may indicate purulent processes that can begin on such reasons:

  • lack of proper hygiene
  • the remains of the fetal shells in the uterus
  • the presence of blood clots that partially or completely clog the outflow
Strictly observe the hygiene of the genitals
Strictly observe the hygiene of the genitals

After giving birth, it is important to carefully monitor hygiene of the genitalswhich consists in the following actions:

  • after each visit to the toilet, it is necessary to wash off
  • the gasket should not be used for more than 4 hours
  • you can not use tampons and caps for collecting secretions - Lochia should flow freely from the vagina so as not to be the environment of active growth of pathogenic microflora
  • until the complete completion of the logs and the inspection of the gynecologist of sexual contacts should be avoided

The implementation of these rules will prevent severe consequences: infection and purulent processes.

Causes of greenish discharge after childbirth

The occurrence of uncharacteristic for the recovery period greenish discharge From the vagina, indicates the presence of a serious disease - endometritis. Its cause is bacterial infection of the surface of the uterus, which could be caused poor contractility this organ. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the suckers accumulate in the uterine cavity and the inflammatory process begins, flowing into purulent.

Greenish discharge occasion to see a doctor
Greenish discharge occasion to see a doctor

Endometritis is also accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • fever
  • pain in the lower abdomen
  • weakness and discomfort
  • unpleasant smell of vagina and discharge

The treatment of endometritis should include antibacterial therapy, and his untimely can lead to infertility or sepsis and, as a result, death.

Discharge after childbirth with a smell

One of the correct symptoms of endometritis in the initial stages is unpleasant odor, which comes from the discharge. Of course, the smell of moo is far from the aromas of vanilla, but putrefactive, repulsive stench It should not come from them.

Any woman will be alert if a liquid flows from her vagina with a smell of pus or rot. If you have happened to this, then do not waste precious time, but immediately hurry up to the doctor!

Unpleasant smell of discharge
Unpleasant smell of discharge

Such a smell can also indicate such unpleasant diseases as chlamydia or about other infectious diseases of the genitals, so do not wait for the problem that the problem will disappear itself - this extremely dangerous for Your health.

Why are there few discharge after childbirth?

The first week of Lochia should be intense. This suggests that the uterus is well reduced and the discharge does not accumulate in its cavity, but come out. Scarring discharge At this time or their complete cessation should be very alert-something interferes with the exit of the sucker from the uterus.

In the first week, changing the gasket is made after 2-3 hours, which indicates a significant intensity of the discharge

If in the postpartum period the uterus was poorly examined by the obstetrician, then there is a risk that some part remained in its cavity fruit shell. Even if its dimensions are small and it does not interfere with the fluid current, then its presence in the uterus can cause purulent processes.

Scarring discharge can be accompanied by pain
Scarring discharge can be accompanied by pain

Also, the exit of the lochies could block bruste of blood, which was formed in the process of bleeding. If the problem of meager discharge after childbirth lies in this, then on an ultrasound the doctor will definitely find a clot and the uterus will be subject to cleaning.

Can there be discharge from the chest after childbirth?

During pregnancy, a woman is brought to get acquainted with the first physiological discharge from her chest, which are called colostrum. It is this incredibly useful natural product that will eat the first day of the baby before the production begins milk. But can any other discharge From the chest?

Discharges from the chest
Discharges from the chest

In addition to colostrum and milk, no breast discharge are not considered normal. If they have greenish color or brightly visible an admixture of blood, then it is urgent to report this to the doctor, since the cause of this phenomenon may be narod in the chesthormonal disorders and even crayfish.

If it stands out from the chest purulent liquidhaving an unpleasant odor, and this happens against the background of an increase in temperature, this may indicate the development mastitis - inflammatory process in the chest gland.

How to prevent severe complications during postpartum discharge?

Discharge after childbirth - The natural process and it should not overshadow the joy of motherhood. In addition, this is also an indicator of how correct the body and, in particular, genitals Return to a prereulated state. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor your well -being and observe the discharge, and noticing any deviation from the norm, you should notify your gynecologist.

Discharge after childbirth
Discharge after childbirth

You should consult if:

  • the intensity of the discharge is such that there is a need more often than every 1.5 hours change the gasket designed on 4-6 drops
  • a week later allocations still continue to be plentiful and bloody red
  • sharp the discharge has stopped without passing all the described stages of color change and intensity
  • there are present in the discharge big clots
  • smell and color Lochi does not correspond to the norm
  • rises temperature
  • the discharge is accompanied pain and discomfort in a stomach

Watch your health after childbirth, because Your task - recover faster in order to pay as much attention and care as possible tiny little manwho was just born.

Video: Lochia after childbirth. What do the doctor's say?

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