Should there be discharge before menstruation and what are there? White, brown and red discharge before menstruation: Causes

Should there be discharge before menstruation and what are there? White, brown and red discharge before menstruation: Causes

Various types of discharge before menstruation are considered the norm if this is not accompanied by other symptoms. With any suspicions of the presence of pathology, you should consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

The menstrual cycle is an important component of the reproductive function of a woman and her health

  • All phases of the cycle are of great importance. Before menstruation, women often notice discharge
  • Density, color and other features of secretions indicate the presence of gynecological pathologies or their absence

Should there be discharge before menstruation?

Should there be discharge before menstruation?
Should there be discharge before menstruation?

Women often ask questions: should there be selection before menstruation, and what is their consistency is considered normal?

  • Before menstruation, the norm is the swelling of the mammary glands, incomparable pain in the lower abdomen, a sharp change in mood and secretion of a certain nature
  • During the entire cyclic period, a woman has a change in the hormonal background
  • Therefore, secretions secreted from the vagina change the composition, color and volume

IMPORTANT: before menstruation, the indicators of progesterone are increasing, and estrogens are reduced. Because of this, the vaginal secretions become uncharacteristic during this period.

Normal discharge before menstruation

Normal discharge before menstruation - what should they be?
Normal discharge before menstruation - what should they be?

Secrets before menstruation should not have any smell. Normally, whipping creamy consistency. In some women, they can be white or slightly dull. Such secretions are normal, and they should not cause anxiety.

Important: during this period, the volume of white also increases, most women even note the increased humidity of the external genitalia.

Normal secretions before menstruation include blood discharge of a small volume. Their folk name "Men". They may appear 1-2 days before the start of menstruation.

Important: women who take oral contraceptives do not notice such a change in their body-this is not a sign of any pathology.

The teenage girl has before first periods Vaginal secretions also appear. They should be uninhabited, liquid or thick. The absence of smell distinguishes such whites from fetid discharge that may be a sign of infection of the genitourinary system.

Liquid discharge before menstruation

Liquid discharge before menstruation
Liquid discharge before menstruation

Transparent secretions in ladies of reproductive age before menstruation are necessary to moisturize the walls of the vagina and are a barrier to the penetration of bad bacteria into the body's sexual system. Liquid discharge before menstruation is mucus, which is produced by the cervix tissue and exfolved particles of the uterine body.

Important: such secretions are considered the norm if they do not cause itching, burning and other discomfort.

Remember: if you have uncomfortable sensations in the vagina or inguinal zone, as well as a sharp unpleasant odor, you urgently need to contact the antenatal clinic. This may indicate the development of serious pathology.

Red discharge before menstruation

Red discharge before menstruation
Red discharge before menstruation
  • Secrets with an admixture of blood before menstruation are considered a normal phenomenon
  • This suggests that periods will come soon
  • Many ladies have such secretions 1-2 days before the start of menstruation
  • Abundant red discharge before menstruation speaks of the presence of pathology in the girl's body
  • However, this can be observed in women who have an intrauterine spiral installed

Red secretions in large volumes can occur when such dangerous diseases flow in the body:

  • Various lesions of the endometrium
  • Serious hormonal failure
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Ovarian dysfunction
  • Uterine fibroids

Important: do not self -medicate! Do not delay the trip to the gynecologist, which would not be provoked by secretions before menstruation.

Be careful: you yourself will not be able to determine the cause of the appearance of bloody discharge, and self -confidence can be healthy. After all, many diseases of reproductive function need urgent treatment.

Why is brown discharge before menstruation?

Why is brown discharge before menstruation?
Why is brown discharge before menstruation?

The most harmless reason for the appearance of dark color secretions is incorrectly selected oral contraceptives. It is not recommended to change them independently, you should seek help from the attending gynecologist.

Important: if a woman does not accept contraceptives, and she is tormented by the question: why brown discharge is before menstruation, then you should contact the antenatal clinic.

In gynecology, there are pathologies that occur with manifestations in the form of brown discharge:

  • Endometriosis
  • Endometritis
  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium
  • Mycoplasmosis, chlamydia
  • Ectopic pregnancy

Important: the cervix constantly produces the discharge, but the secretion of dark color is a deviation from the norm, requiring an immediate appeal to the doctor of the gynecological department or center.

Curdled discharge before menstruation

Curdled discharge before menstruation
Curdled discharge before menstruation

This type of secretion is the absolute norm - this is the stage of preparation of the uterus to reject the upper layer of the uterine body. Curricular discharge before menstruation should not disturb a woman if they do not have such signs:

  • Itching and nasty smell
  • Pain during proximity with a partner
  • Redness and swelling of the external genital organs

Important: when the above symptoms appear, a woman should consult a doctor for consultation.

Yellowish discharge before menstruation

Yellowish discharge before menstruation
Yellowish discharge before menstruation

Secrets that do not cause discomfort, jelly -like consistency of yellow color are also the norm. You need to contact a gynecologist if the cycle has become irregular And yellowish discharge before menstruation is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • Unpleasant odor
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Pain during sexual contact with a partner
  • Itching the labia, vagina

Strong discharge before menstruation, reasons

Strong discharge before menstruation, reasons
Strong discharge before menstruation, reasons

If the secretory function of the sex glands works without failures, then abundant secretions in a woman before menstruation should not cause suspicion. Almost every woman has strong discharge from time to time before menstruation.

The reasons for their appearance include such functions of the body:

  • In the first hours after unprotected intercourse - the cervix is \u200b\u200bcleansing
  • Changing the hormonal background, preparation of the uterus for conception
  • The onset of pregnancy

Important: if secretions of this nature are observed constantly, with non -standard impurities and consistency, then you should make an appointment with a gynecologist. This will help eliminate the presence of pathology and preserve female health.

White discharge before menstruation, reasons

White discharge before menstruation, reasons
White discharge before menstruation, reasons
  • As mentioned above, a woman’s bright secretions before menstruation is normal
  • A woman should calmly treat white discharge before menstruation
  • The causes of their occurrence include the secretion of the cervix, which constantly works, creating a normal microflora for the movement of spermatozoa
  • The body is prepared for the rejection of the upper layer of the endometrium, so white

What is itching and secretions before menstruation?

What is itching and secretions before menstruation?
What is itching and secretions before menstruation?

Itching, burning, pain during intimacy with a partner, severe pain in the lower abdomen - all these are symptoms of gynecological diseases. What is itching and secretions before menstruation?

This may indicate not only pathologists from gynecology, but also inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.

Important: Do not ignore your body's signals - consult a doctor!

If you tighten with a trip to the clinic, then a number of related diseases may occur. In this case, diagnostics and treatment will be much more difficult. Indeed, in medicine, it is important to identify precisely the reason for the appearance of a disease. Therefore, trust doctors and follow your health.

Video: Selection before menstruation

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Comments K. article

  1. Before the onset of menopause, the secretions were brown in color ... At first, and then the periods were completely stopped going. Slicking and tides began .. on the advice of the doctor, the cyclim began to take in the pill and lost weight. Gradually, for 3 months, everything has normalized ... Now I don’t even remember my own climate))

  2. This usually happens before menopause ... Because young women are not a norm, but those that are old-normal. The most pleasant period, of course, is this menopause ... with all its symptoms, but, the benefit of non-hormonal drugs immediately that helps. solve the problem of. The same ordinary lady formula of menopause. I am very helpful to maintain health and appearance))

  3. I somehow also started unpleasant discharge, from which I tried to get rid of it, but there was no persistent result, and I had to go to the doctor. He already explained that such problems are treated in two stages. And if the first step can go, in principle, any antifungal or antibiotic, then in most cases, the lactorizhinal is prescribed the second step. They made the same purpose to me, so with the help of a lactorzhinal I got rid of both discomfort and a long -term one went to remission.

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