What types of allergies are more common in children: a list, description. Is it possible to prevent allergies in children: prevention

What types of allergies are more common in children: a list, description. Is it possible to prevent allergies in children: prevention

You have a baby, then you should know everything about allergies in children. Read the article, it describes what types of reaction the child happens in.

Allergy - This is a symptoms that occurs in response to certain triggers (allergens). They are caused by an “excessive reaction” of immunity to harmless substances, such as, for example, the dandruff of animals or food protein. The children's body mistakenly takes this allergen for the threat, and the answer in the body is allergies.

Read on our website an article about allergy preparations are 10+ drugs that will definitely help. You will find a list of modern drugs. Before you admit, consult a doctor.

Many parents are wondering if their child is allergic as a way to answer certain triggers. Sometimes an allergy can lead to something more serious, for example, asthma or anaphylaxia. Read more about what types of allergies are more common in children, you will learn from this article. Read further.

Common allergens in children: List

Allergies in children
Allergies in children

There are several hundred triggers in total. In children, several dozen are common allergens. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Pollen and plants
  • Bee and OS bites
  • The life of the life of cockroaches, other insects
  • Dust, mold and homemade ticks
  • Animal epithelium
  • Medicines
  • Chemicals - household chemicals, etc.
  • Food - peanuts, other nuts, soybeans, cow milk, fish, wheat, seafood, sesame seeds, etc.

Allergy is often in young children, as well as in adult men and women. But it can be difficult to predict when it arises, and sometimes even more difficult to make a diagnosis. A children's allergic reaction can be annoying, cause discomfort, and even be dangerous to health and life.

Remember: Treatment for allergies Only the doctor should be prescribed after diagnosis and performing all the necessary diagnosis.

Types of allergies in children: List

Everyone knows that allergies are different. To determine what the baby has a reaction, you need to take a lot of tests. But without this, only so you can make the correct diagnosis, prescribe treatment and change the lifestyle. Let's look at how the most common types of allergic reactions in children proceed. Below you will find a list and description. Read further.

Milk protein allergies in children: Description

The most common allergen in little boys and girls is milk protein - cow's milk. Here is a description of such a reaction:

  • Children are not born with a reaction to allergens.
  • Allergy to cow's milk protein (ABKM) causes inflammation and even bleeding in the digestive tract of the child, which is called allergic colitis.
  • This pathology differs from lactose intolerance, which usually occurs in the elderly and is the problem of non -transmission of milk sugar in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Sometimes allergic colitis is manifested in the form of blood on the diaper.
  • In severe cases, this can lead to a low level of iron or poor growth.
  • Children who have allergy to cow's milk protein, must be transferred to a diet whose dishes do not contain this component.
  • If the baby is breastfeeding, the young mother also needs to exclude cow's milk from her daily menu.

Fortunately, many children develop this allergy to 1 year.

Food allergies in children: Description

Food allergies can be the worst type of such pathology in children for parents. Here's a description:

  • The frequency of such a disease grows every year, although it is still considered rare. Near 8% of children suffer from such a pathology.
  • The most common food allergies in crumbs are peanuts, other types of nuts, soy, cow milk, fish, wheat, seafood, sesame seeds, etc.
  • Most food allergies do not cause life -threatening reactions, but others are considered dangerous.
  • Not threatening the lives of food. Allergies, such as mild urticaria, can be treated with antihistamine drugs.
  • Behind children with a moderate reaction to food should be carefully observed to make sure that the symptoms do not deteriorate.
  • When food allergies are life -threatening, children should keep at hand a medicine specially prescribed by a doctor.

Kids should be taught, in accordance with age, to avoid food harmful to them. In addition, educators in kindergarten and teacher at school should be carefully instructed about the presence and signs of the disease in the child.

Video: 7 products that most often cause food allergies in children

Video: Food allergies in breastfeeding children - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The inclusion of new products in the diet of a child with food allergies

Much attention in the research of scientists was paid to how children get acquainted with new foods and how this can affect the development of food allergies in the future. In general, the first products that children eat - mashed potatoes, fruits, potato mashed potatoes, etc., are useful for the growing organism and there is usually no allergy to them. In general, for most babies, new products can be introduced without fear.

The exception is children who already have severe eczema, wheezing in the bronchi, or a severe family history of allergies. For these children, it is best to talk with a pediatrician about how best to introduce complementary foods, namely products with a high risk of reaction for them.

It's important to know: Allergy does not manifest after the first meal, because it takes time to develop such a pathology.

Previously, doctors recommended avoiding products that cause frequent allergies in most babies until they become older. But now the instructions of the pediatricians have changed. Research data shows that the introduction of products such as peanut protein at an early age helps to prevent a reaction to peanuts later.

Allergy in children in the room: Description

Allergy in children in the room
Allergy in children in the room

While an allergy that is located on the body (skin rash, runny nose, etc.) changes depending on the season, the internal reaction of the body is manifested by problems year -round and can worsen in winter when the windows and doors are tightly closed. In this case, children who develop allergies develop, most likely react to something in the house, apartment.

Some of the most common reasons for the reaction to something indoors:

  • Dust, mold and homemade ticks
  • Chemicals - household chemicals, etc.
  • Pets

In children with allergies to things and objects in the room, a runny nose or nasal congestion, redness, itching in the eyes, and sometimes cough often appear in the room. The body's reaction to what surrounds in the room can sometimes cause asthmatic attacks, and children can develop eczema.

Read the information on our website in another article about how to treat allergies to pets wool. You will learn how such a reaction is manifested.

In general, the treatment of this type of allergic reaction is the same as with seasonal allergies. The difference in cure is only that such intolerance in the room can be all year round, so the child should drink medicines for a long time. For this reason, drugs that are safe to use every day (new antihistamines or nasal steroid sprays) are often the best choice.

Seasonal allergies in children: Description

A runny nose, nasal congestion and red itching eyes are symptoms of seasonal allergies in children. They are usually caused by pollen or other substances of plants and other objects and things in the air. This type of allergy is often called hay fever. Sometimes the stagnation of mucus as a result of a similar reaction of the body can lead to the appearance of a cough or the development of otitis media, as a result of which this can cause sinusitis and bacter. ear infections.

Children's allergies do not appear immediately after birth. Infants do not suffer from such a pathology, because it takes time to develop a reaction, and the types of pollen in the air change about every month. Seasonal allergies are of different shapes, ranging from the lungs, and ending with very complex and heavy, but usually they are not dangerous for life.

Allergy in children to a bee bite: description

In a child who has an allergy to bees, the symptoms throughout the body quickly develop after a bite. It can be strong swelling and breathing problems. Such symptoms appear within a few min. After a bee bite.

Read the article on our website about the provision of first emergency care for allergies to insect bites, with urticaria, swelling, etc..

Usually reactions in most people, when the insect stings them, is the same. The bee bite causes just pain, followed by the appearance of a red swollen cone. She may be 12 centimeters It scratches it width. But this is a normal reaction to the bee venom, and not a sign of allergies.

Important: Children with an allergy to a bee bite should carry emergency medicines (special inhaler) with them, especially when they are on the street in the spring, summer or autumn.

An allergy to a bee bite usually manifests itself for the first time when the child stung this insect.

Medicinal allergies in children: Description

Children rarely have a reaction to drugs, but this still happens. The most common medicinal allergies in babies are intolerance to penicillins and sulfonamide antibiotics.

This type of reaction is manifested in the form of a rash on the skin after the child took antibiotics within a few days. This can confuse parents, because at first the drug seemed to have not caused any problems. But drug allergies, like any other reaction, takes time to develop or change over time.

Allergy or high sensitivity of the body in children: celiac disease, food intolerance

Allergy or high sensitivity of the body in children: celiac disease
Allergy or high sensitivity of the body in children: celiac disease

Celiac disease Often called allergies to wheat, but this is wrong. This is an autoimmune disease when the immune system attacks healthy cells, due to its excessive reaction to the product. Children with celiac disease should avoid foods containing wheat protein. But they do not need to carry emergency medicines with them if they do not have other food allergies. Therefore, celiac disease is not an allergic reaction, but a high sensitivity of the body.

Food intolerance - This is also not an allergy. Some children develop behavioral reactions when they eat food additives in confectionery or other products. Such an addition can be, for example, red food dye. Other babies have constipation when they eat bananas, or skin irritation appears after using tomatoes. There are many other examples associated with the reaction to food in children, and some of them can be dangerous to health.

Such a body sensitivity to a particular product is really found often, but this is not an allergy. Allergy is a reaction that includes antibodies Ige And causing inflammation, swelling, itching, redness and even vomiting. If these symptoms are not, then this is not an allergy.

How allergies in children are manifested: description of symptoms

It is worth noting that sometimes the same type of allergy is manifested in different children in different ways. But still the symptoms are often similar. How is allergies manifested in children? Here is a description of the symptoms:

Eczema and skin allergies:

  • In infants, allergic reactions on the skin are often manifested.
  • But they are also common at any age, and can vary from a small rash that is easy to treat, to unpleasant problems with which a person lives all his life.
  • Sometimes a skin rash is the first sign of a more severe reaction.


  • This is a pink, itchy, rash, in the form of spots, which either appears, then disappears on the skin.
  • Such a reaction can be caused by food allergies.
  • The rash is very itchy. It tends to move along the skin over time, which distinguishes urticaria from other itchy rashes, such as eczema.
  • Sometimes this pathology is the first sign of developing food allergies.
  • If the urticaria appears immediately after eating, you need to carefully monitor the child for other symptoms.
  • When the disease proceeds without other symptoms, it is best treated with antihistamine drugs.

Often pediatricians are prescribed for children to treat urticaria, steroid drugs and ointments. Of course, such treatment helps from an itching rash. But sometimes the area with urticaria is too great for steroid ointments to really help. Sometimes the recovery is facilitated by ordinary antihistamines, as well as therapeutic baths, for example, with oatmeal or various lotions for wiping from a pharmacy. This soothes itching, and the child does not need to drink serious drugs.


  • Since the skin with eczema is sensitive, children with such a pathology are more prone to allergies.
  • In turn, allergies make the skin more inflamed, dry and vulnerable.
  • The most common places where a child can develop eczema is cheeks, stomach, back of the palms and hips. Older children often suffer from eczema in the folds of knees and elbows.
  • The treatment of eczema consists of two parts: control of inflammation (redness) and maintaining the level of skin moisture. Local steroid cream or ointment with hydrocortisone, used twice a day, is a good way to stop inflammation. Strong steroid ointments are used in severe cases. This is gels with a stronger concentration of hydrocortisone, triamcinolone and betamethasone.

The process of maintaining skin hydration includes two events:

  1. Taking a bath with clean, not containing soap, water. Then you need to wipe with a soft towel.
  2. After that, an abundant amount of moisturizer without smell, without aggressive, irritating components, follows. You can use the usual glycerin from the pharmacy.

This process creates a protective moisture barrier that reduces sensitivity.

Contact dermatitis:

  • It arises when a child has a rash on the skin right where he touched something that he has an allergy.
  • For example, a baby with a reaction to latex can be covered with a rash on ankles in the gum, etc.
  • Nickel, which is one of the types of metal contained in inexpensive jewelry, lightning, latches and buttons, is another common cause of contact dermatitis.
  • Allergy to nickel often manifests itself in the form of an itching rash on earlobes (from earrings), neck (from a necklace) or abdomen (from a button of jeans).

The best treatment of contact dermatitis is the removal of an object that causes a problem. If itching is still bothering, it can be eliminated with a local steroid ointment, such as hydrocortisone.

Allergic asthma:

  • In some cases, such a respiratory allergy can be quite serious and cause asthma attacks.
  • This happens when the child is so sensitive to triggers in the air that inhalation of them, makes the bronchi swell and contract in the lungs.
  • For example, in a child with allergies to animals, an asthma attack may begin after inhalation of the smell of a cat toilet.
  • Children with allergic asthma should use a rescue inhaler (alburol) when they have breathing problems.

If allergies cannot be avoided, for example, if a child has a reaction to pollen in the spring, he may need to take medicines as a prevention, but every day.

Video: What most often causes food allergies? Dr. Komarovsky

Is it possible to prevent allergies in children: prevention

Breastfeeding will help prevent allergies in children
Breastfeeding will help prevent allergies in children

It is impossible to stop the development of allergies in children if his body is predisposed or there is a severe family history. But you can take preventive measures that will help reduce the risk of developing the body's reaction:


  • This is the best way to prevent the appearance of reaction in infants.
  • Studies show that children who feed breast milk during first 6 months of lifeLess often they suffer from allergies than children who are fed with artificial milk.
  • In addition, as mentioned above, the effect on the body of children of arachic protein at this age makes them less prone to the development of allergies to peanuts. But this does not mean that you need to feed the baby with such nuts. It is enough if the mother will gradually use them and feed the baby.

Eating solid food:

  • Start to give a baby hard food at the appropriate age, that is, approximately in 4-6 months Life.

Avoiding inhalation of cigarette smoke:

  • The irritants contained in cigarette smoke cause inflammation in the respiratory system of children and increase the likelihood of asthma development later.

Pets in the room where the baby grows:

  • There are some studies that suggest that growing up a child along with a domestic animal can make the baby’s body less prone to allergies to their dandruff and wool.

Important to remember: It takes time to develop allergies. Often children do not have an allergic reaction when they first encounter something new. It changes over time, so the baby may develop an allergy that had an effect on the body and health of the child in the past.

A tendency to allergies exists in many families. This means that if parents, for example, are allergic to cats, then children will have a genetic tendency to this type of reaction, but not necessarily to cats. It is important to carry out prevention - breastfeeding the baby, in a timely manner to introduce new foods and hard foods, and also monitor the slightest reactions of the child's body. In this case, perhaps the development of intolerance to that other product, object or thing, it will be possible to avoid. Good luck!

Video: Children's allergies - types, symptoms, types of manifestation. Doctor allergist-immunologist E.V. Nazarova

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