What animal to bring the child allergic to the child? Hypoallergenic homemade animal allergy sufferers and asmatics: List

What animal to bring the child allergic to the child? Hypoallergenic homemade animal allergy sufferers and asmatics: List

If an allergic child asks to have a pet, do not rush to refuse him-choose a homemade hypoallergenic animal with the baby.

Every child dreams of having a four -legged friend. But if the baby is allergic, such a simple and innocent joy is not available to him. Parents, not wanting to risk the health of the child, remain adamant before children's tears and persuasion.

However, there are animals whose stay in the house will not harm a child suffering from allergies. Parents can safely start them, without fear that after playing with a new pet in the evening, in the morning the child will wake up with a clogged nose, cough and conjunctivitis.

Animal wool allergies are manifested by nasal congestion, eye inflammation, cough and difficulty of breathing
Animal wool allergies are manifested by nasal congestion, eye inflammation, cough and difficulty of breathing

Hypoallergenic animals for home, which is not allergic: list

So, if the child is an allergy sufferer, this is not a sentence, but the need to make a more thorough choice when buying a pet.

Important: not only the animal’s hair can cause an allergic reaction, but also its saliva, skin fat, urine.

What animals bring children joy, not a cough with a runny nose?

First of all, it should be noted fish and turtles. You can still get lizard, chameleon or any other safe reptile.

Turtle - hypoallergenic pet
Turtle - hypoallergenic pet

Many people want to have a soft fluffy and warm animal at home, which will gladly respond to caresses and will be happy to take part in games. The leader among hypoallergenic pets of medium size is chinchilla - A cheerful nimble curious animal.

Various ones are also suitable rodentscontained exclusively in the cage, - decorative rats, guinea pigs (skinny, Baldwin), Hamsters of the Syrian breed.

You can get it sphinx, Elf, Devon River or Kornish-River. However, caution should be taken here. If the child is not allergic to feline wool, but to skin discharge, saliva or urine, the symptoms of the disease will not be long in coming.

Important: if you decide to get a four -legged friend from the cat family, give preference to light sterilized cats. It is with such animals that the risk of developing allergies is minimal.

Sphinxes in rare cases can cause allergies
Sphinxes in rare cases can cause allergies

The option of acquiring a dog can also be considered. Suitable for this purpose are:

  • bishon-Frieze
  • chinese Crested
  • kerry Blutters
  • maltese Bologna
  • poodle
  • schnauzer
  • irish water spaniel
  • softwood wheat terrier
  • bedlington terrier
Chinese crested - breed of dogs that do not cause allergies
Chinese crested - breed of dogs that do not cause allergies

Pets without wool

Despite the small number of unsteady animals, their species series is quite diverse.

Leading the list of reptiles: Fish, turtles, lizards, chameleons, elaborations.

Important: you need to remember that all these cold -blooded animals require special conditions for maintaining, careful care and compliance with the diet. If you decide to start such a little friend for your baby, check out in advance with the information regarding all the pros and cons of such a choice.

Turtles can act as carriers of one of the intestinal infections - salmonellosis. Therefore, even after short -term communication with such a pet, it is necessary to wash your hands very carefully.

No less popular, despite the terrible high cost, are bald cats sphinx and elf. So that the skin fat of these unsteady sympathys does not cause allergies, they need to be bathed often, which, by the way, they love very much.

Aquarium fish - pets without wool
Aquarium fish - pets without wool

Scientists have also made some bald guinea pigs, withdrawing the breed skinny and Baldwin. Caring for such pets is no different from leaving their woolen brothers.

There are also several breeds of bald dogs:

  • In the first place in popularity is an animal with a very exotic appearance - chinese Crested. It can be attributed to a combi-country, since a chic bang is crowned, followed by a long mane, the ends of the paws decorate the luxurious cuffs and she will not be ashamed of the wool on the tail
  • It is completely unsteady mexican naked dog or ksolittskuyntli. This breed is of two varieties: naked and with wool, and both species can be in one litter
  • Another unsteady is considered peruvian naked dog, also called the Peruvian orchid for a charming crest on the head

There are also bald rats, very cute and defenseless in appearance, unlike their brothers with wool. Despite the presence of several breeds in nature - dambo, Manx - They are all called, like cats, sphinxes.

Hypoallergenic rat-spinx
Hypoallergenic rat-spinx

Hypoallergenic guinea pigs

Ten years ago, such animals were considered a rarity, even exotic. Now this is a way out, however, is quite expensive for parents who stretch an allergic child.

Among them, rocks are distinguished Baldwin and skinny. The former are born with wool, but on the sixth day they drop it. However, adult representatives of these breeds have a small fluff that gives them external velvet.

Important: it is necessary to care for such guinea pigs in the same way as their "hairy" relatives. However, the feed must be given much more, because such a pet spends a lot of energy on heating his body.

Hypoaller guinea pig
Hypoaller guinea pig

Hypoallergenic hamsters

It refers to those syrian hamsters -Thirteen-centimeter cute rodents having a red-sand color. These hamsters relate to long -livers - with good care, it will delight the baby for four years. They are very clean and unpretentious, hardy and playful.

Important: it is impossible to bathe such hamsters, they themselves do a great do with their hygiene.

Syrian hypoallergenic hamster
Syrian hypoallergenic hamster

Hypoallergenic rodents

Bald rats-spincs And to this day are not often found, since even with wool these representatives of the fauna leave many indifferent. However, if the child suffers from allergies, this is a very good option for a pet.

The bald rats are very smart: they know how to distinguish their own from strangers, respond to their own name, can play for a long time and with interest, sit on their shoulder or, at the moment of danger, hide in your pocket.

So, there are a lot of hypoallergenic pets for children. The main thing is that the child show patience, care and love, for which the animal will repay a hundredth.

Video: Animals for Allergies

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Comments K. article

  1. On decorative rats stopped reading this nonsense. We are allergies, and wildly sneeze and itch if at home a rat is decorative, if we hold it in our hands. In a cage or not in a cage, but sooner or later the allergen will accumulate in the body and horror will begin.

  2. Yeah. The very daughter is Allergic. I had to give the cat grandmother, because Constantly the child sneezed and snot. To alleviate the symptoms of allergies drank rinatal (advised an allergist). Very good phyto drug! Helped us.

  3. Tips for the acquisition of a hypoallergenic animal are not true. Many of the listed are high allergenic.

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