How to treat allergies to animal hair? How is an allergy to animal hair in a child?

How to treat allergies to animal hair? How is an allergy to animal hair in a child?

Find out which animals can cause allergies in children. What signs indicate that the baby has an allergy to wool and how to treat this ailment.

Many children dream of a four -legged friend. They ask their parents to give a cat or dog for a birthday. But you need to know that cute, beautiful animals, unfortunately, do not bring joy to everyone.

There are kids who simply cannot be next to a four-legged miracle in the same room due to allergies. Moreover, it can be allergies not only to small wools of a fluffy friend, but also to secretory proteins of the skin, urine and even saliva.

Signs and symptoms of allergies to animal hair in a child

Symptoms of allergenic reactions in babies appear much faster than in adults. The guys are enough for the only fifteen minutes of communication with a fluffy friend and all the signs on the face.

Generally accepted symptoms:

  • red rash is manifested on the skin, in addition, there is a strong unpleasant itching in the area of \u200b\u200ball rashes
  • there is a strong runny nose, the baby begins to sneeze, cough, temperature is not observed
  • the mucous membrane is annoyed, the eyes are watery
  • fingers, arms, legs are poured
  • breathing becomes heavy

Local symptoms

  • unnatural circles under the eyes
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower eyelids, folds are visible, which were not previously
  • the chest acquires an unnatural rounded shape
  • the manifestation of an unusual transverse strip for the type of nose is near the tip of the nose

How the allergy to the wool of the baby is manifested

Newborn babies are even more sensitive to such manifestations than children after a year. In the presence of an allergenic reaction to animals in babies, widespread rashes are observed on the body, impaired mucosa, as in respiratory diseases.

Important: if unwanted symptoms appear - remove the source of irritation (cat, dog). Give the animal to relatives, friends.

Allergy to cat wool: how it manifests itself

  • Allergenic reactions to cats are found in life almost twice as often as for dogs. Many people mistakenly think that all kinds of irritations in humans arise due to the wool of these cute creatures
  • This opinion is erroneous, because cell proteins on the body of a pet, and on the mucous membrane, etc. can be guilt. Symptoms are manifested in different ways. Depends on the immune system of the child
  • Some babies need to stroke the cat, play with it and only after half an hour, irritation will appear. Kids with weak immunity feel flowerled stimulus faster, their allergy manifests itself instantly. Such children do not have to contact a cat. Just go into the room where there is a four -legged

Unpleasant sensations will immediately appear:

  • nasal congestion, sneezing, plentiful runny nose
  • tears will flow from the eyes
  • can fit in the throat
  • the skin will turn red, rashes will occur in the form of acne

Important: if you find that your baby has an allergy to cats, then try to avoid all kinds of contacts of the child with these animals. And without fail go to the pediatrician. After all, the baby will need drug treatment of this ailment.

Dog wool allergies - symptoms

However, the symptoms of an allergenic reaction in the body of dogs are little different from the symptoms of irritation on cats. The sensations are completely unpleasant, manifested by swelling, heavy breathing, a runny nose, shortness of breath, vomiting, dry, incessant cough, changes in the skin.

Determine that this irritation can only with laboratory research. Subsequently, the patient needs to not contact four friends. If you visit friends who have a dog, then immediately accept allergies.

Breeds of cats and dogs with hypoallergenic wool

If you have allergic manifestations only on the animal’s hair, and not on the secretory proteins of four -legged, that is, dogs and cats that will not cause any adverse reactions in you.

Cat of the Devon-River breed

True representatives of such a breed almost do not melt, they often love one owner. Cats have tightly located, short, thick wool. With its appearance, it resembles suede. These four -laders cause allergies in rare cases.

Devon River

Cat breed - sphinxes

Practically, everyone has ever seen or heard about these wonderful animals. An unusual look of the sphinx breed has no wool at all, sometimes short wools grow on the nose of the beauty. She loves attention, affection.

Dog breed - Ksolittskuyntli

This breed of four -legged is bred in Mexico. Small dogs without wool are considered hypoallergenic.

Breed dogs - poodle

very friendly, faithful creatures with the original curly hair. They practically do not melt, their wool does not hide in the air.

Bedlington Terrier

Beautiful, calm, kind, very smart, friendly, fast dogs, love their owners. The coat is hypoallergenic, but requires the care - trimming.

The breed is a bishon-freeze

The lovely small size is a dog. It does not pour at all. They are usually white. The coat is different somewhat similar to a person’s hair.

Dog breed - Chinese crested

These dogs are without wool, so molting is not terrible for them. Just keep in mind that it is necessary for careful care. The dog has very delicate skin, subject to drying out due to the effects of external weather factors.

Breed dog - Maltheses

For ladies who love little dogs with long, beautiful wool. By the way, the dog’s vegetation needs a certain care. Suitable for allergies. The coat is not subject to molting if you fulfill the requirements for caring for it.

Camel allergy

Many, having looked at this item, will say: "And here are camels, we find them only in zoos." Do not forget that almost everyone has a camel wool in the house - blankets, for example. The fibers of small wool, falling on the skin, can cause allergic irritations.

Their manifestations are almost the same as on the wool of other animals:

  • respiratory organs are affected
  • the normal operation of the mucous membranes is impaired
  • spots and rash arise on the skin

Important: eliminating the source (allergen), be careful, because in your house you may have not only blankets from a camel wool, but also other items, products (slippers, knitting threads, sweaters, even socks).

Allergy to sheep's wool in a child

This is a rare type of allergy. It is not found at all often. The reason may be poor -quality processing of sheep wool. It arises from the direct contact of the baby with the object-abroad. Manifestations do not force themselves to wait:

  • skin areas that were in contact with sheep's wool are affected
  • suddenly a sharp, dry cough begins
  • hrymilly, sneezing
  • sore throat
  • relash testing appears
  • swelling arises

No need to hesitate to give antihistamineseliminate allergen.

Wool's wool allergies

Before you get this animal in the house, test in the clinic - do you have an allergy to it, so as not to give friends or native guinea pigs later. Indeed, in the case of a negative reaction, you will have to get rid of your favorite pet. And for children, these are unnecessary tears, disorders, experiences. And, also, completely unpleasant sensations:

  • itching of the skin, dryness
  • heavy breathing, sharp, dry cough
  • strong rhinitis

Rabbit wool allergies

Allergenic irritations are extremely rare on the "woolen cover" of this small fluffy. Because it does not distinguish practically any odors, it is not much annoying human receptors. But on the mucous membrane, urine, protein on the body of the rabbit, an allergy is a frequent phenomenon. If one of your relatives, children felt bad, namely:

  • the breath was difficult
  • the nose became clogged, rhinitis began, sneezing
  • the condition of the skin has changed - terrible itch appeared, pimples
  • eyes flowed, began to acidify

you do not get better rabbits and start the treatment of allergies.

Signs of allergies to goat wool

Allergies to goat wool are not distinguished. All the same in five minutes - in the worst case or after thirty - at the best, all the symptoms of the allergies described in the previous paragraph will appear. The patient urgently needs help, treatment. And of course, immediately you need to stop contact with the source of an allergenic reaction.

Treatment of animal wool allergies

  • It is recommended that the emergency attacks of this pathology be treated with ordinary nasal, antihistamine pharmacy drugs. If the attacks are strong, then you need to call an ambulance. Doctors introduce drugs that use only according to prescriptions, they already have a more effective effect than those who are bought without the appointment of a doctor
  • To completely get rid of the disease, you need to undergo a course of immunotherapy. Its essence is that the sick is introduced under the skin with a minimum dose of the stimulus. The body begins to fight it, so it lasts several months, until allergic reactions disappear

Allergy tablets to animal wool

With the manifestation of various kinds of irritations, comprehensive treatment should begin. As mentioned above, you will have to get rid of the allergen, in addition, start drinking antihistamines, and if you need to use creams, ointments from skin rashes.

Note that a doctor-allergologist should prescribe them. Most often for treatment are used cetirizin, suprastin, clarincetrinfexinoetc.

Animal wool allergies - photo

After reading the information, you will now know what to do if your loved one will need help in case of a sudden allergic reaction to animals. To clearly study symptoms, see the photos below.

Raw on the skin

Rashes in children

A patient who is overcome by allergies to the protein of cow's milk, collisions ...

Allergic rhinitis

Video - animal allergies in babies

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Comments K. article

  1. We did not immediately realize that my daughter has an allergy to the dog’s hair. At first, just symptoms of colds were treated. As a result, they turned to the doctor, took tests, and you are allergic to wool! The pet had to be taken to the cottage, and the child was prescribed to the child to get rid of the cold and the watery eyes. These pills helped us a lot.

  2. It is impossible to cure this, unfortunately ... .. I really love animals, I always wanted a cat in the house. But it stopped that the runny nose constantly appeared at the sight of animals. As a result, Seicha has already found a way to deal with this (the aquamaster also helps me with anti -allergenic tablets). We now live with my cat in my soul in my soul))

  3. I love sweets very much and sometimes cease to control the amount of sweets I eat. A friend returned from Europe, and brought me a bunch of overseas sweets. Naturally, I tried everything, and in the morning I woke up with allergies, everything itches, red spots over my body. Mom advised me to drink Zosterin Ultra, he relieves the symptoms of allergies well, I listened to her advice, began to drink Zosterin and he really helped, the next day, was much easier. I liked it that the taste is also pleasant enough. Feels like water with a lemon

  4. I have an allergy to wool, but sometimes I have to neglect these moments. The brother often goes on business trips, and he has a cat at home, and leave her except as with me with me. As a loving sister, I live with his cat and sneeze. To minimize allergies, you have to take medicines. In order not to plant the liver from them, the Ultra Zosterin has chosen from them, first just for prevention, and then it turned out that he relieves allergies, I live with a cat for the second week, but this time I feel great.

  5. We were presented with a kitten, very pretty. I don’t have an allergy child, but I have a friend, a friend, I advised me to drink Zosterin. Passed the course, the drug helped relieve skin manifestations of allergies and generally improved the condition.

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