Allergies in the sun: symptoms, causes and treatment. What does solar allergies look like in adults and children? Is it possible to cure allergies in the sun?

Allergies in the sun: symptoms, causes and treatment. What does solar allergies look like in adults and children? Is it possible to cure allergies in the sun?

Summer is a great time of the year. Most of us go on vacation to the warm sea. Others prefer to relax in the country, far from a gasped and noisy city. But, there are those to whom the bright sun is contraindicated. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to relax in his rays. The number of those who suffer from such a disease as a photodermite is growing more and more. People call this ailment an allergy to the sun.

This disease can manifest itself if you are under the scorching rays for only a few seconds, or can manifest itself on the second or third day. Such a reaction of the body occurs in 20% of the population of our planet.

Can there be allergies in the sun?

Modern medicine includes all manifestations of increased body sensitivity to sunlight to such a disease. But, recent studies have shown that these problems are not related to finding a person under the scorching rays of the sun. This is just one of the factors provoking such a specific allergy. Most often, this problem is associated with malfunctions in the work of internal organs.

Symptoms of allergies in the sun

The most important signs of such a disease are changes in the appearance of the skin. Her symptoms are:

  • Itching, pain and swimming formation
  • Strong redness of the skin
  • The appearance of microcracks with bleeding
  • Skin exfoliation, scales formation
  • Hives
  • The appearance of blisters
With such a problem, symptoms appear only in open areas of the skin

Moreover, signs of allergies in the sun can manifest themselves instantly or after 2-3 days. If allergens get into the blood, it may appear:

  • temperature rise
  • dizziness

In rare situations, with a decrease in blood pressure due to an allergen in the bloodstream, a fainting may occur.

Why is there an allergy to the sun?

  • As mentioned above, ultraviolet actually is not the cause of allergies. Most likely it is a catalyst for problems associated with impaired work of internal organs and protective systems of the body
  • Allergens cannot be in the sun. But, they can launch negative processes in the body that will create a problem described in this article
  • Against the background of sunlight, “protection” from chlorinated water, taking some medicines, and eating products containing allergens may turn on. For example, grapefruits or tangerines. Under normal conditions, their consumption does not cause such reactions, but if it falls under the sun's rays, they can develop
Very often the Sun becomes a “culprit” of the manifestation of the negative reactions of the body to the pollen of plants or sharp perfumes
Very often the Sun becomes a “culprit” of the manifestation of the negative reactions of the body to the pollen of plants or sharp perfumes

A large dose of ultraviolet radiation, which falls on a person subject to such a problem, makes the body work for wear. Its protective mechanisms should activate the production of melanin. What is manifested in the load on the work of the kidneys and liver.

Some cosmetics, especially creams and lipsticks, may include substances that are destroyed under ultraviolet radiation. The decay products of such funds can adversely affect the work of the body and cause the development of photodermatosis.

Types of allergies in the sun

In medical practice, it is customary to divide such a reaction of the body into the sun into three categories:

  • Photo -traumatic reaction. Such a reaction can manifest itself in any, even the most healthy person. As a rule, it is manifested by redness and light burning on the skin of the face, neckline and other areas that “took on” too many ultraviolet radiation
  • Photoxic reaction. This type of reaction is manifested in people with sensitive skin after taking some drugs and cosmetic drugs
  • Photo allergic reaction. This type of reaction manifests itself the most. Blisters, rash, redness can appear on the skin immediately after taking a sunbathing

What does child allergies look like in children?

This type of allergy in the child is difficult not to notice
  • Even after a short -term stay in the sun, a rash may appear on the skin, which also scratches very much. With very sensitive skin in a child, even blisters may appear
  • Symptoms of photodermatosis in children are similar to allergic reactions of the body to some food products. But, unlike them, they appear only in open areas of the skin. The skin of the face most often suffers
  • If the child has very sensitive skin, then it can react even when using a cream from tanning. The fact is that such agents contain paraiaminobenzoic acid, which, under the influence of ultravioletus, becomes the strongest allergen. And from him, children suffer primarily
  • If the child manifested such an ailment, it is necessary to reduce his stay on the street during intensity hours to a minimum. And of course, get a professional advice from an allergist
  • If blisters have already appeared on the skin of the child, then it must be immediately transferred into a shadow, rinse the skin with cool water and give an antihistamine. It helps to minimize the consequences of such reactions in the body with lemon tea

The affected areas of the skin must be treated with such preparations as: “Panthenol”, “Fenestil” (ointment), etc.

Spring allergies

Spring tan
The spring sun can cause the described problem
  • If the symptoms of this ailment quickly pass, then you do not need to worry about this. The body is rebuilt after winter, and over time he will "get used to" to ultravioletus
  • An allergy to the spring sun can manifest after the first use of sunbathing. Open areas of the body are especially suffering. Such as: face, ears, back of the neck, neckline, arms and brushes
  • Most often, such manifestations of the body's protective reactions are spilled into ordinary urticaria. Usually, this form of photodermatosis disappears 10-15 days after its manifestation. During this time, the body manages to adapt and get used to it. And even an even more intense summer sun is no longer a problem for him
  • But, if every year spring allergies in the sun are more intense, then you need to pay attention to your health. If this is not done, over the years, this form of allergies can go into a more serious form

How to treat allergies in the sun?

With manifestations of photodermosis, it is necessary to stop contact with the sun
With manifestations of photodermosis, it is necessary to stop contact with the sun
  • After that, you must definitely consult a doctor. Since this problem is purely individual, there is no universal means of overcoming it
  • The doctor must prescribe a blood test and skin tests. To reduce the manifestation of such reactions of reactions, antihistamines must be taken. Modern products are very effective
  • Especially in the initial stages. But, they have side effects: drowsiness, nausea, tachycardia, headache

Allergies in the sun

"Suprastin". It is one of the most effective allergies. Including photodermatosis. This drug is able to remove the manifestations of such a problem 1-2 hours after its administration. But, Suprastin cannot be taken during the second trimester of pregnancy.

"Diprazi". A rather strong drug that helps well with allergies. But, has some side effects, due to which it is contraindicated in pregnant women and children.

"Clemastin". The drug that is used for dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema and other allergic reactions. It cannot be accepted for children and people who suffer from intolerance to active substances that enter it.

"Diazolin". Effective for skin itching, eczema, urticaria and dermatitis. Of the side effects, it should be noted a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, drowsiness, dizziness and fatigue.

"Tsiprogeptadin". This drug is prescribed for skin itching, swelling of the skin and urticaria. It should not be taken for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, children, pregnant and lactating women.

"Kestin". The drug, the purpose of which is in blocking histamines in the body. It has a long effect, but can cause insomnia.

"Clarissess". The drug that is indicated for urticaria and edema of Quincke. It practically does not affect the nervous system and does not cause addiction.

"Lomilan". A means to combat skin itching. Able to relieve swelling of the skin. The action occurs 30 minutes after its reception.

The best effect is the best effect of the third -generation antihistamines

They have less side effects and do not affect the nervous and cardiovascular system. They can be used in the treatment of children and pregnant women.

Allergy ointment to the sun

Ointments and cream that relieve the consequences of such an allergy, as well as protecting from this ailment, have also established themselves well. Such funds are divided into two groups: hormonal and non -hormonal drugs. In addition, such ointments can have a moisturizing, anti -inflammatory and mitigating effect.

The safest of them are non -hormonal ointments

They can be defended even during pregnancy. But, the effect of their use can manifest only after a while. But, they can be used even for the most sensitive skin.

"Solcoseryl". Gel based on natural components. It perfectly heals problem areas on the skin, has an anti -inflammatory effect. Can be used to treat a burn.

"Radevit". The ointment, which includes vitamins E, D and B. It copes well with itching is caused by the negative effect of sunlight.

"Actovegin". Available in the form of a gel and ointment. Fights well with a rash on his face. Heals the wounds on the skin perfectly and prevents the formation of scars.

"Fenistil-gel". The menthol -included menthol cools the skin and relieves burning. It is also used to remove the above problems. It has an anesthetic effect.

Hormonal ointments
If the above drugs are ineffective, hormonal ointments can be prescribed

They must be used in a pre -established dosage. When it is exceeded, an undesirable reaction may follow. The result can be seen immediately after use.

Such drugs include:

  • "Hydrocortison"
  • "Fluorocort"
  • "Cinacort"
  • "Apulein"
  • "Dermmeite"

Anti -inflammatory creams showed themselves well in the fight against allergies to the sun. They include Nimesil, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. These substances can quickly eliminate itching and other skin problems. Such drugs include:

  • "Advantan"
  • "Acriderm"

To relieve such symptoms of photodermatitis as dryness and peeling of the skin, you need to use moisturizers. They are made on the basis of fat and plant components. With the help of such creams, you can get rid of inflammation and swelling.

Creams and ointments will only have an effect if they are used in conjunction with antihistamine drugs. If toxins remain in the body, then the action of ointments will not bring the desired result.

Folk remedies

The funds that we “got” from grandmothers are also very effective in the treatment of the described illness
  • But, before their use, in any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist. As mentioned above, some drugs, as well as cosmetics, can be the cause of this variety of allergies.
  • The usual cabbage leaf “saves” very well from the negative manifestation of ultraviolet. It must be attached to an inflamed place and after a while the problem will disappear. Instead of cabbage for the same purpose, you can use raw potatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables
  • To restore the place affected by the sun's rays, you can use the infusion of geranium leaves. To do this, 2 tablespoons of geraniums are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes. After that, on the basis of the resulting funds make lotions
  • Also, lotions to eliminate symptoms of photodermatitis can be made on the basis of horse chestnut gruel or dick carrots. With such means, itching and urticaria treated with such means
  • Another effective tool for itching is a bath of a series. To do this, pour a dry series (2 tablespoons) with a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then the decoction must be poured into a warm bath. Twenty minutes of such a bath will help to cope with the problem daily and improve the skin condition
At the allergist
External funds will be good only if there are no toxins left in the body

Diuretics are shown for this. For example, celery juice, tea from a series of St. John's wort and aspen kidneys.

Is it possible to cure allergies in the sun?

In order to cure this ailment, it is necessary first of all to find out the nature of the allergen. The sun is only a catalyst of problems. Most types of treatment help to fight symptoms. In the meantime, the allergen is not found, it is necessary to protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation. For this you need:

  • use protective creams and sagar lotions
  • drink more water
  • have antihistamines

In order to cure photodermatitis, it is necessary to undergo an examination in a specialized clinic under the guidance of an experienced allergist.


Oksana. I have an allergy to the first spring sun. Everything passes by the summer. In the spring I wear clothes with long sleeves. If you can’t protect myself, then I use lotions from a series and suprastin. Helps very well.

Kira. My mother was cured of such an allergy in the homeopathic center. For the past four years, she forgot about this problem.

Video. How to enjoy warmth?

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Comments K. article

  1. It may not necessarily be an allergy and you can falsely think that the usual heating is a more serious ailment, and in order not to fuele and protect my skin, I regularly use the SPF 50+ Laura and in the summer of the year I try to be less in the sun after dinner, thanks Such means are possible not to burn and protect the skin)

  2. What kind of allergies do not happen. I have no allergies in the sun, but the food allergy is aggravated from time to time. Then I immediately begin to take Enterosgel in order to withdraw allergens out of my body. Well, after that I connect the antihistamines that the doctor prescribes.

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