What tests should be taken for allergies in children and adults? Types, decoding and norms of analyzes for allergies

What tests should be taken for allergies in children and adults? Types, decoding and norms of analyzes for allergies

An allergy is a common disease, the timely diagnosis of which will help change life for the better. About what tests can be taken to identify allergens read in this article.

The world surrounding us is not as safe and harmless as it seems and even dust, food, animal hair and much more can lead to a dangerous deterioration in health. Allergy It can significantly worsen the quality of life, so it is incredibly important to diagnose it in time. About what tests will help determine allergens We will tell in this article.

What is the name of the analysis for allergies?

Allergy is increased, excessive reaction organism on any substance. Unfortunately, such a disease is often found among adults and among children. Allergy causes not only discomfort, but can even lead by death.

Allergy can cause serious discomfort
Allergy can cause serious discomfort

It is very important to recognize and diagnose the disease in time. Only a specialist will help to understand this - allergist doctor.

The allergist will tell you how and what analysis it is necessary to pass in order to determine exactly what exactly causes allergies. Using special diagnostics called allergy industry,the doctor will establish what kind of chemical substance causes individual intolerance and will tell you how to make life easier with allergies.

Types of tests for allergies

Allergies analyzes allow us to accurately establish which substance causes the body specific reaction. Diagnosis is necessary to determine the treatment of allergic reactions in patients, as well as for testing medicines and new cosmetics.

Analysis for allergies
Analysis for allergies

Consider what exist types of allergodiagnostics:

  • Blood analysis. This method of allergodiagnostics is used for various types of allergies. Determines the presence of antibodies to allergens in the blood serum. A limited list of allergenic substances, which are included in test sets, is checked. Thanks to this first thing a common possible group of allergens is established, and then a narrower mixture
  • Skin tests. The easiest and fastest diagnostic way. The essence of the method is that by injection or scratches subcutaneously or allergens are introduced into the skin. The result can be considered after 30 minutes. If there is a sensitivity to an allergen, then an inflammatory reaction appears at the site of its introduction

In its turn skin tests are divided into 4 types: Scripture, application, hood, subcutaneous. The specialist will determine which type of skin test must be passed to a particular patient.

Skin reaction of an allergen
Skin reaction to allergen
  • Nazal allergodiagnostics. It is used to determine allergic rhinitis. The allergen is introduced into the nasal passage, after which they monitor the reaction of the body
  • Conjunctival allergodiagnostics.The purpose of the method is to identify the presence of allergic conjunctivitis. The allergen in the form of a solution is buried in an eye bag and an immune response is observed
  • Inhalationallergodiagnostics.The essence of such a technique is the determination of the presence of bronchial asthma. It is carried out exclusively in the hospital. The patient is offered inhalations with a solution of allergens and monitor breathing indicators
  • Sublingvalalallergodiagnostics.Using this type of diagnosis, you can determine the allergy to food, medicines and dental materials. A material saturated with an allergen is placed under the patient's tongue and read the response of the body

Video: Analysis for Allergies

What analysis should you take an allergy to a child, an adult?

Analyzes for allergies in children are submitted only on the recommendation allergist or pediatrician. The child can take the same tests for allergens as an adult.

It is very important to determine exactly what substance causes you sensitivity. You should not make a diagnosis on your own, and even more so prescribe any treatment - This is fraught with quite serious complications. Especially when it comes to children.

Allergies in children
Allergies in children

In this way, a campaign to the doctor cannot be avoided. He orientes what analysis you need to hand over and how to do it correctly so that the answer is as accurate as possible.

Of course, widely used is blood analysis. It exactly allows you to determine what exactly causes hypersensitivity. The prevalence of use is also due to the fact that a blood test is the safest method allergen tests, as it eliminates the interaction of the body directly with the allergen. This method is used for all types of allergic reactions.

Are not inferior in its accuracy and skin tests. Unlike blood test, this technique can lead to unforeseen excesses, since the body directly contacts allergens. Therefore, all allergy tests are carried out only in the clinic under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Allergies' treatment is the case of an allergist
Allergies' treatment is the case of an allergist

As for small patients, it is necessary to act with extremely carefully. Children's the immune system is only developing And it can behave completely unpredictably. During one procedure, it is recommended to check no more 5 allergens.

You can do this using such types of skin tests:

  • scripture - Allergens are applied to the skin in drip form, make an incision and read the reaction
  • application - Application from a solution of allergens is applied to the skin
  • sKO-test - allergens are administered under the skin in the form of injections
  • subcutaneous - allergens are injected under the skin in small portions
Most often, allergies in children are caused by food and animal hair
Most often, allergies in children are caused by food and animal hair

Such samples are prescribed for food, drug allergies, allergies to plants, dust, ticks, pets, and also with respiratory diseases and skin. All procedures are carried out immediately after consulting with a specialist and under his watchful control.

As a rule, an allergen manifests itself already after 15 minutes In the form of redness and swelling of the skin. In principle, the children's body suffers well these procedures. Contraindication to such analyzes can be children's age up to 3 years And rashes on the skin. In such situations, skin tests are replaced by blood test.

In children-breeding children It makes no sense to do blood. In the blood of the child there are antibodies of the mother, which he receives along with breast milk. The way out is this - to revise your diet with a nursing mother and exclude all potential allergens.

Analysis for allergies to metals: transcript, norm, diagnosis  

A typical manifestation of allergies to metal - contact dermatitis. Allergy to metal occurs with skin contacts with jewelry, jewelry, belt plaque, as well as with dental interventions. In most cases, it manifests itself after skin piercing.

The manifestation of atypic dermatitis
The manifestation of contact dermatitis

Patients with such a diagnosis are most often found among women and children adolescence, and allergies itself can be hereditary.

Contact dermatitis manifests itself in the form of itching, redness, swelling, rash at the place of contact of the allergen with the skin. A doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after analyzes:

  • samples for the level of antibodies of immunoglobulin in the blood
  • skin tests

In a healthy person, the level of antibodies of immunoglobulin is small . If it is increased, diagnose allergies.


The main method of treatment with contact dermatitis is not taking drugs, but avoiding contact with the allergen
The main method of treatment with contact dermatitis is not taking drugs, but avoiding contact with the allergen

In this case, it is necessary:

  • exclude the contact of a patient with metal
  • eliminate metal enters into the body with food
  • observe antihistamine therapy

A feature of allergic dermatitis is that with the complete exclusion of contact With a provoking substance, clinical manifestations of allergies are undergoing without drug treatment.

Analysis of allergies to cats and dogs: decryption, norm, diagnosis

A fairly widespread opinion is that allergies to pets in humans provokes exclusively animal hair. But few people know that there are other factors of influence:

  • Salivait will take a large amount of protein enzymes with increased allergenic properties. Tiny droplets of saliva, not noticeable to the human eye, are in the air. Inhaling them, the allergy play receives the response of the body
Animal allergies
Animal allergies
  • Unlike human urine, urine Animals have high acidity and, like saliva, contains protein. The animal is washed, carries urine particles over the wool. Together with dust, these particles are carried through the air and penetrate the respiratory tract of a person
  • Feces. The principle of interaction with the human body is the same as with urine particles
  • Skin cells Constantly updated. Old cells exfoliate and fall into the air. A sensitive immune system will necessarily respond to such a factor with an allergic reaction
  • Wool- Nothing more than modified skin. Only unlike the skin, the coat has a denser composition and more substances that cause allergies. Moreover, cats and dogs have a different structure of wool And, accordingly, different chemical composition. Therefore, there are often cases when a person has allergies only to cats or only dogs
Allergies can cause not only animal hair
Allergies can cause not only animal hair

The analysis will help to determine the condition of the body:

  • General blood analysis. First of all, the color indicator is determined. In an allergy sufferer, this indicator will have deviations. Then they look the number of leukocytes. Normally, the indicator should not exceed 4-10 thousand per 1 mm of blood. Then evaluated the number of eosinophils - In a healthy person, the norm is not more than 5% of the total number of leukocytes. And finally, calculate the number basophils, the limit boundaries of which should not exceed 1 %. A larger percentage indicates the presence of an allergic reaction
  • Blood analysis for the presence of antibodies of immunoglobulin.Immunoglobulin is produced in the blood and mucous membranes. In the blood of a healthy person, the level of this indicator is slight. An increase in the norm indicates a tendency to allergic reactions
  • Skin tests. The substance provoking hypersensitivity is determined with accuracy. In a healthy person, the place of the sample does not give reactions in the form of redness and edema. This result is regarded as negative. If the area of \u200b\u200bredness and edema exceeds 3 mm, the result is positive

Video: Allergies to pets

Analysis of allergies to cow's milk protein: decoding, norm, diagnosis

Allergy to milkit is found both in children and in adults. The main thing is not to confuse an allergic reaction with intolerance to milk protein. Domestic protein intoleranceit is associated with the absence of a special enzyme in the body, which causes intestinal disorder. Allergic reaction It develops due to the ingestion of milk protein or to casein present in dairy products.

Cow's milk protein is more often an allergen for children than for adults
Cow's milk protein is more often an allergen for children than for adults

A blood test that is taken from vein will help to diagnose the disease. By blood serum, the availability of specific Ige antibodies. The results are evaluated taking into account the age of the patient:

  • children under 2 years old - 0 - 64 m IU/ml
  • children from 2 to 14 years old - 0 - 150 m IU/ml
  • children over 14 years old - 0 - 123 m IU/ml
  • adults up to 60 years - 0 - 113 m IU/ml
  • adults over 60 years old - 0 - 114 m IU/ml

Studies are conducted in a short time and have a high degree of accuracy.

Analysis of allergies to food allergies: decoding, norm, diagnosis  

Food allergies - intolerance to food used in everyday diet. Diagnose food allergies by immunological analysis by venous blood fence.

Food allergies cause food
Food allergies cause food

You can test at a time from 10 to 300 types of products. There are no contraindications to this type of allergodia. The data based on the results of the analysis are formed as a list with potential allergens, opposite which indicators are set iGG antibodies. There is a three -level reaction assessment scale:

  • low - less than 1000 ng/ml - this product is not an allergen, exclusion from the diet does not require
  • average - range from 1000 - 5000 ng/ml - this type of product can be consumed no more than 2 times a week
  • high - more than 5000 ng/ml - this product must be excluded from the diet, this is the same provocateur to which the body reacts

The specialist should be decryptting the analysis. He will prescribe treatment and adjust the patient’s everyday diet.

Gluten analysis: decoding, norm, diagnosis

Allergy to gluten or, on medical terminology, celiac disease it is inherited. An allergic reaction to protein (gluten) contained in cereal products (wheat, rye, barley, etc.). Provokes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, destroying its fabric. To make this diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is necessary:

  • Immunological research On antibodies against tissue transgulutaminases (special enzymes) and IG A and IG G antibodies against endomesis (connective tissue). Blood fence is made from the vein. An increased level of antibodies indicates a positive result
Allergy to gluten
Allergy to gluten
  • Intestinal biopsy and histological analysis. Allow the final diagnosis. However, this type of examination is a rather complicated procedure, and it is carried out only by patients with a great risk of predisposition to this disease
  • Genetic analysis.Detects genes of the HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 type, which are responsible for the genetic tendency to celiac disease. A negative result means that the patient has no heredity to this disease. Accordingly, there is no need to conduct histological analysis. If the genes are detected, the patient undergoes further examination.

Where to make an analysis for allergies?

Carry out allergy tests only in specialized clinics or laboratories, under the control of an allergist. The specialist will give advice on preparing for the diagnosis, because proper preparation is the key to the correct assessment of the body's reaction to allergens and diagnosis, which allows you to prescribe adequate treatment.

The allergologist will establish the cause of the disease and tell you how to deal with it
The allergologist will establish the cause of the disease and tell you how to deal with it

Do not believe that you can determine the presence of allergies yourself. Take care of your health And trust the specialists with their work - this will help to avoid many troubles and deterioration of your condition.

Video: gluten and gluten intolerance: what you need to know?

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