DIY Tiger Mask on Tiger: Instructions, Templates

DIY Tiger Mask on Tiger: Instructions, Templates

If your baby in the matinee is a dangerous but terribly beautiful tiger, there is nothing easier than making a beautiful mask with him for a holiday. Our tips will help you with this.

Paper, cardboard, scissors, paints, glue - these simple improvised means will help us in the manufacture of a tiger mask, which will be unique, original and original, because it is made with your own hands!

How to make a mask of paper from paper on your head with your own hands?

You can take a cardboard sheet at once, or you can a sheet of colored paper (only after glue it on a cardboard for a higher density).

  • Step 1. You need to cut a circle of the same size as the face. Either we do it immediately from a sheet of color of orange, or from the usual white one, which we then paint orange.
  • Step 2. We use black paper to cut several triangles, which we glue on our mask from the surface of the circle.
  • Step 3. We also cut out a nose from black paper. By the way, both the nose and triangles on the edges can be drawn with a black felt -tip pen or marker.
  • Step 4. We cut out the ears, making them at will - either orange or black, or in general of two colors at once (then it is better to make the lower part black).
  • Step 5. We cut the holes in the place where the eyes will be.
  • Step 6. We attach a cardboard rim or rubber band so that the mask holds.

That's all. The tiger mask is ready.

Tiger mask: template

  • We print the stencil given on the Internet. We use it to transfer to cardboard or felt. Try it tiger maskTo determine exactly where the eyes are, and cut the holes for them.
  • Fix on the head paper Tiger mask You can use a ribbon or elastic band, attaching them from the edges. You can, of course, use a wand for this, the inconvenience is that you will have to hold it with your hand all the time of the holiday.


With antennae
With antennae
  • To make the mask look elegant and festive, decorate it. Add the mustache, gluing pieces of fishing line or thin wire. The mask itself can be painted according to your desire or even glued with velvet.
  • Shine, rhinestones - all this you can also help your tiger to become a bright character in the holiday in the literal sense of the word.

Tiger Mask using papier-masha technique

Recommendations for the manufacture of a tiger mask in the technique of papier-mash:

  • Step 1. We sculpt from plasticine the base of the mask in size, carefully observing all relief features.
  • Step 2. Now we glue pieces of torn paper on the form, having previously moistened them.
  • Step 3. We continue to glue several layers, smearing them with PVA glue and alternating a layer of pieces of paper with a layer of scraps of a newspaper. So we create about a dozen layers.
  • Step 4. Now the matter is dried. Start cooking the mask in advance, because for complete drying it will need at least 2-3 days.
  • Step 5. Carefully and carefully share the tiger mask and shape.
  • Step 6. Carefully cut the holes for the eyes with a knife or scissors and cut the edges, leveling them.
Need to decorate
Need to decorate
  • Step 7. We take paints and apply the desired colors to the mask.

That's all, you have a mask of a tiger that you created with your own hands.

Video: Tiger Mask for the New Year

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