Mask foxes made of paper, felt, papier-masha on your head with your own hands: instructions, templates

Mask foxes made of paper, felt, papier-masha on your head with your own hands: instructions, templates

The red -haired fox is not the most difficult image that you have to create on the eve of the holidays. The main thing is not to forget about the orange-red accessories, and also to make the corresponding mask by which all the guests will immediately find out that they have Fox Patrikeevna.

With a lack of time, so as not to spend efforts at all, the paper mask is made in a few minutes. The finished Internet step is printed, then holes for the eyes are cut in it, an elastic band or some other ties is attached, and the mask is completely ready.

Carnival mask of paper foxes on the head: instructions, templates

  • The task will take a little more time if you do not have the opportunity to print a mask template in color. Then you will have to look for a colored printer and pay for the printout. And you can colorize a black and white blank yourself-watercolor, gouache, acrylic, pencils or felt-tip pens, in a word, everything that is at hand. Again, we do not forget about the slots for the eyes and ties. By the way, so that the mask is denser, it does not hurt to stick it on the cardboard base.
  • To boast mask of paper foxes, Which is made exclusively by your hands, you will need the most ordinary stationery. And it is worth starting with the manufacture of a cardboard template, which can be easily printed by finding a stencil on numerous thematic sites.
  • We print orange paper And we glue it on the cardboard if you want the mask to be stronger. We cut out the eyes, having previously outlined where they will be, so that later the child is comfortable and did not have to periodically correct fox mask on the face.
  • The nose can be drawn, but if desired, it is easy to cut out of black paper and glue it - so it will be more distinct to stand out on a fox muzzle. The same with the ears, the mask can be immediately cut with them, but the ears separately cut out of colored paper will look more interesting and brighter. They can be made orange, with white or black inner inserts or edges to differ from the color of the muzzle.
  • Well, now it remains to attach an elastic band (sew or glue it-as it seems more reliable to you) or bilateral ties that must be fixed on the sides of the fox muzzle.
It remains to add a ribbon
It remains to add a ribbon
  • According to the technology described above, you can also make a cheerful masquerade mask on the eyes. Use the finished template, cut it out and decorate it to your liking: put, for example, an orange or black edge, decorate with rhinestones, etc. You can fix it with an elastic band or glue a wooden stick.
  • You can add ears to such a mask by fixing them on a hoop for the head. The ears themselves can be fur with cardboard inserts inside, so that they stick out fervently.

Fox mask on the head from felt

  • A paper template can also be used for manufacturing fox fox masks, applying it to the orange fabric, circling along the contour and cutting it out, not forgetting to cut out the openings for the eyes. Using black and white pieces of felt, cut the ears, nose, glue them with hot glue.
  • Fastening - again any: tape, elastic band. And for this purpose you can use baby glasses from which you need to remove the glass, and use the frame by gluing a felt mask on it. Such a mask is much softer and more convenient for a children's face.
For girl
For girl
The boy
The boy

Papier-Masha technique mask mask

  • Although fox mask It is made of ordinary paper, it looks truly realistic. To make it, it will take time and patience, but the result will be worth it.
  • So, the basis of the mask is the cast of the face. You can make a plasticine mask repeating the relief of your face, or you can work immediately on the face, lubricating it with a previous coil with a layer of petroleum jelly. Scraps and shreds of paper or newspapers in several layers are applied to it, and each layer is coated with glue.
  • Now - the drying process that takes several hours during which it is better not to remove the mask so as not to deform. If you are in a hurry and cannot wait for complete drying, then wait at least while the mask dries slightly to keep the shape and dry with a hairdryer, not forgetting to periodically try on in order to be sure that the mask is “sitting well”.
Mask from papier-mash
Mask from papier-mash
  • And having waited for complete drying out - stick a few more layers from the inside of the newspaper so that the mask is stronger.
  • We go to the details that can "Build up" from plasticine: Nosik, ears, etc. If you made a mask right on the face, then with your eyes cut, you will not have to bother, if on plasticine, the openings for the eyes will need to be cut out. It remains to gently align the surface of the resulting mask and walk along it with sandpaper.
  • The picturesque part is a real picture, which is based on a pair of layers of a primer, which must be covered with a mask. Then - write it off by any paints And if you want to open it with varnish. Such a mask can not only be used for the holiday, but also preserved for many years.

Video: DIY Fox Mask

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