How to make Alice's masquerade costume in Wonder Wonders with your own hands: instructions, patterns, tips

How to make Alice's masquerade costume in Wonder Wonders with your own hands: instructions, patterns, tips

The children fell in love with the heroine of the fairy tale Lewis Carroll since then when the Soviet cartoon “Alice in Wonderland” was released on the screens. This girl became even more popular with a brilliant author after the release of the foreign film.

It is unlikely that some costume party (for example, on Halloween) or a children's matinee will do without charming Alice, who had a chance to face real miracles. If your girl really wants to visit Alice in Wonderland, do not refuse her pleasure, because creating such an outfit is not too difficult. The most important thing in this matter is your desire to please your daughter, and the rest will not be, especially since we will help you with this.

What do you need for sewing Alice's costume in the world of miracles?

Before proceeding to sewing Alice's costume, get out:

  • blue fabric for the dress;
  • white cloth - it will need to be sewn from it apron;
  • lace, which will peek out from under the hem;
  • white and blue threads;
  • rabbit - Toy or even alive. If your girl appears at a holiday with a living manual rabbit on a leash, then she will certainly become the center of attention of others. You can also replace the rabbit toy flamingos, which your Alice will hold in your hand - this will also be an interesting solution.

Merki for Alice's costume in Wonderland

The manufacture of any clothing, first of all, begins with the removal of measures.

In our case, you will need to deal with such measurements of your child:

  • girth and height of the chest;
  • waist girth;
  • hip girth;
  • the length of the dress and a front.

How to cut a fabric for Alice's costume in the world of miracles:

  • First of all, given the measurements you removed, on the model of our schemes, build on a sheet of paper a pattern of costume details. Cut them and while putting them on the side. In the meantime, you will need to cut matter before the open, as many fabrics need preliminary preparation.
  • For example, fabrics in which there is wool, it will be useful to give the iron by means of an iron, and some synthetic cuts are best rinse, dry and push.
  • Now you can safely start the opening of your chosen fabric. You need to place it on the flat surface with the front side and attach paper patterns to it with pins. Take a small thing or a wash and circle them the contours of the patterns, and then spend and also second line - Now considering the allowances for the seams.
  • It is on this second line that it will be necessary to cut the fabric. Sour the folds, connect the skirt with the topic and sign the sleeves.
An example for a pattern
An example for a pattern
An example of a dress
An example of a dress
  • Now it remains only to try on the sour cream dress on your girl, and if all the details are well lying on her, build all the seams and sew the lace to the hem.

How can you do without sewing a Mascarado costume of Alice in Wonderland?

  • It is not at all necessary to sew with your own hands absolutely all the details of Alice’s carnival costume in Wonderland. Calling the ingenuity to the rescue, every woman can simply “gather” such an outfit.
  • In this case, you will need to purchase a finished dress of blue.
  • The apron is perfect from the school uniform (they were mandatory in all Soviet schools, and now in some of them the girls continue to wear this form).
  • If such a apron is preserved in your family - this is fine; If not, then it can be purchased, because they are still sold now.
  • You will need to wear golfs or white tights on your feet, and decorate your head with a black hair rim equipped with a bow.
  • It is desirable that a deck of playing cards or a small bottle on which paper will be pasted, where the hand is written by hand: “Drink me” will peek out.
Alice in Wonder Wonders - a suit for a girl
Alice in Wonderland - a suit for a girl
  • And we have already mentioned the rabbit or plastic flamingos above - the more similarities with the literary heroine of the fairy tale - the more spectacular and interesting.

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Video: An example for sewing a dress and a necklace for Alice

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