Bull Mask made of paper, felt on the head with your own hands: instructions, templates

Bull Mask made of paper, felt on the head with your own hands: instructions, templates

Today in stores you can buy ready -made masks of any animal. But is it not more interesting to make her himself, together with the child, giving him the opportunity to show a creative approach, fantasy and excitement.

Such a bull will be much more expensive for him than standard, like most friends in kindergarten.

How to make a mask of a glass of paper with your own hands?

For creating bull masks of paper You will need a regular sheet from a drawing album, or cardboard. Prepare the material in advance in advance by which you will attach the mask to the child’s head: braid, tape or elastic band.

  • Step 1. We calculate Mask size, it must correspond to the oval and length of the face of the child.
  • Step 2. We turn on imagination, listen to the desire of the child (You need to know what bull he wants to be: kind or harsh) and create a bull -face on paper, not forgetting about horns.
  • Step 3. We take the scissors and cut the holes in the place where your eyes will be, so that your child sees everything that is done around.
  • Step 4. Armed with pencils, felt -tip pens or paints, color the mask in the corresponding colors, do not forget about horns. They can be gray, and the muzzle itself is red, brown, with spots, in a word, to your taste.
  • Step 5. We attach a tape (or elastic band) to the mask, which will hold it on the head. You can use a strip of paper, having previously measured the coverage of the head, and then sticking it on both sides of the muzzle. The bull's mask is ready.

If you draw badly, you can use the finished templatewhich we offer below. Just print the picture or draw it from the screen. You can paint according to the proposed sample, or you can choose the color at your discretion. If you have a colored printer, the problem is completely simplified and the need for coloring disappears by itself. And then, as usual - cut and attach the mount to the mask.

For the holiday
For the holiday
Mask with ears
Mask with ears
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If you want the mask to be put on the face, but on top of the head like a crown, then your eyes can not be cut. And the mount in this case is better to choose in the form of a paper or wire hoop.

It is good to glue the fabric or gauze to such a mask so that it is stronger. You can also glue the cardboard by cutting it along the contour of the mask and not forgetting to make in it the eyes of the eyes that coincide with the holes in the mask.

Bull Mask on the head from felt

  • If you have an unnecessary piece of felt, you can also make a bull mask on the baby’s head. For this purpose, a black felt is well suited, which needs to be cut through the finished or drawn template itself.
  • On top you can glue white horns from either paper, or from fabric, and ears.
  • You can sew parts manually or using a sewing machine.
  • Such a mask will be better to stay on the elastic band.

Video: carnival masks

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