What flowers are longer in the bouquet and do not wither? Cut flowers that are long in water and without water: name, list

What flowers are longer in the bouquet and do not wither? Cut flowers that are long in water and without water: name, list

What flowers can stand in a vase the longest: a list of the most stable plants. How to extend the life of a bouquet with homes and store top dressing for cut flowers?

What flowers are in a vase for a long time and do not wither? How to collect a bouquet that will delight for several weeks? What flowers are persistent in the cut? If you want to know about all this, read the material below.

Persistent flowers in the cut: Names, list

The most persistent flowers for the bouquet are usually autumn flowers, Holding extreme weather conditions in living nature.

The most persistent flowers in the cut

The most persistent flowers in the cut can stand and not lose the view from two to four weeks. We got to our list:

  • Herberers - Bright, multi -colored flowers with dense, as if with wax petals. These flowers are able to stand in a vase up to a month, and do not drop their petals. Herbers are now often used for men's bouquets, perhaps because they are so unpretentious in care. But, in principle, from them you can create an original bouquet for any reason.
Herberes - very persistent flowers in the cut
Herberes - very persistent flowers in the cut
  • The second place in our rating of the most persistent colors for the bouquet got chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemums are able not only to delight with beauty for two or three weeks, but also to exude a delicate sweet aroma. Chrysanthemums in endurance and nature, they bloom until deep autumn, and sometimes, they can be seen blooming even under the snow.
Delicate chrysanthemums in the snow
Delicate chrysanthemums in the snow
  • What flowers are in a vase for a long time? Of course, cloves, these flowers can do for some time and without water at all. Cloves are another persistent flower. Cloves usually stand in a vase for 10 days, but they can last longer than two weeks. Many of us have cloves associated with a great victory, revolutions and other events with a dramatic shade. But carnations are also very tender. For example, such as in the next photo, suitable for your loved ones for the bouquet.
Delicate but persistent pink cloves
Delicate but persistent pink cloves
  • Anturium - This is a flower that the florists fell in love with his exotic appearance and endurance. From the point of view of biology, the inflorescence of the anthurium is a small ears of yellow. A bright red, pink and red-green color has a sheet adjacent to inflorescence. Anturium is from tropical Africa. In our latitudes, it is grown in pots and used for bouquets in which it retains freshness for up to three weeks.
Bouquet with anturium
Bouquet with anturium

Relatively persistent flowers in the cut

  • What flowers are in a vase among roses for a long time? Relatively persistent flowers in the cut - champions are considered Ecuador roses. They can stand in a vase for up to two weeks. While ordinary garden roses wither in a week. Ecuadoric roses have the largest buds and the thickest stems that provide good water supply to the bud.
The most persistent Ecuador roses
The most persistent Ecuador roses
  • Peonies - These are also flowers that are longer in water than others. A bouquet of pink peonies from a flower bed will look beautiful for a week, and sometimes ten days. The main thing is that the leaves do not fall into the water and the water changes, and the vase washed every three days.
Peonies - relatively persistent flowers
Peonies - relatively persistent flowers
  • Alstromeria - These are surprisingly delicate flowers from South America. But they also fell into our list of flowers that are the longest in water. The bouquet of Alstromeria can maintain freshness for up to 10 days. These flowers are also called Peruvian lilies or Inca lilies. In nature, the plant has a very long flowering period. Therefore, Alstromeria and falls into persistent flowers in the cut.
Elegant and persistent in the cut of Alstromeria
Elegant and persistent in the cut of Alstromeria

Interestingly, that floristic greens Sometimes it turns out to be more capricious than flowers. For example, fern leaves begin to crumble after three to four days. At the same time, the leaves of eucalyptus or barbaris branches for a very long time preserve the appearance even without water.

Pisitive pistachio leaves for bouquets
Pisitive pistachio leaves for bouquets

Cut flowers that are for a long time without water: name, list

It is only recommended to store without water at all without water bulbal flowers. Of course, if we are talking about fresh flowers, and not about herbarium. Bulbal plants can be kept without water for up to three days. In this case, they must be wrapped with paper or plastic film. Without water, tulips, lilies and other bulbs do not stretch up, and their buds are not revealed. Before you put the bouquet of water, be sure to update the sections.

Flowers that stand without water for a long time, this is:

  • Irises.
  • Tulips.
  • Lilies.
  • Gladioli.
  • Narcissus.

At what temperature of water and air are flowers in a vase the longest?

In flower shops, flowers are always stored in refrigerators. It is either whole refrigerated rooms with glass walls or ordinary refrigerators-skyscaps, as with drinks in grocery stores. At what temperature of water and air, flowers will stand in a vase the longest depends on what flowers they are.

  • At a temperature from 7 to 9 degrees You need to store the most delicate flowers. For example, this temperature is good for orchids, cal, sunflowers and hyacinths. If you put these flowers in the refrigerator with a temperature below, then their delicate petals will inevitably darken and become thinner, in a word, spoil from the cold.
  • At a temperature 4 to 5 degrees More persistent flowers will last the longest. These are roses, tulips in buds, mimosa. This also includes all the flowers that bloom until late autumn: chrysanthemums, dahlias, asters, hydrangeas.

In most household refrigerators, the temperature can be adjusted from 0 degrees (defrosting) to plus eight. Choose the smallest power of the refrigerator for the most delicate colors. And mark 2 or 3 for more persistent plants. It is advisable to read the instructions for the refrigerator or put a thermometer in it to make sure that the temperature is correct.

The water in which you put the flowers should also be cold. If you use not tap, but settled or bottled water, it also makes sense to put it in the refrigerator before putting a bouquet.

A whole refrigerator for flowers
A whole refrigerator for flowers

What home additives in water will allow flowers to stand longer?

What home additives in water will allow flowers to stand longer:

  • Aspirin A widely known remedy that allows you to save the bouquet longer. Add one aspir table to a glass of water. So you protect flowers from harmful microorganisms and improve the flow of nutrients to buds.
  • Sugar or glucose. Do not protect flowers from microbes. Rather, they are a nutrient medium for them. But sugar improves flowers and is considered a useful substance for them.
  • Antibiotics help to cope with decay of the stems. Any antibiotic of a wide spectrum of action is suitable. For example, Levomycitin or Lincomicin.
  • Lemonade from the store. There are so many preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives in the store soda that they act about the same as antibiotics.
Medicines are also useful for flowers
Medicines are also useful for flowers

What additives in the water from the store will allow flowers to stand longer?

There are special additives in water that help save the flowers longer. In particular, this Crisal, which is produced in small packages for home use and in huge cans. The composition of the product includes preservatives, vitamins and water softeners.

  • Top dressing Living bouquet - This is another tool for already cut colors. In fact, this is mineral fertilizer, it includes: vitamins, nitrogen, boron.
  • Tsvetolon Another drug for home use. Sold in the form of a small bag inside which ampoule made of plastic. On the label it is indicated that this tool is effective for roses, tulips, asters. But not effective for Herber and irises.
  • Bona Forte - This is a company that produces fertilizers for flowers in pots. But in its commodity line there is a tool for cut colors. The manufacturer promises that with this fertilizer the bouquet will spin for two weeks.
  • Etissso German top dressing for cut flowers. Sold in bottles of 250 ml. The composition of the product includes stabilizers, preservatives and nutrients.

Video: TOP-5 colors that stand in a vase for a long time

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