How to make money at the opening of your own coffee shop: a small business - a project to open a coffee shop, reviews

How to make money at the opening of your own coffee shop: a small business - a project to open a coffee shop, reviews

Unlike other catering enterprises, a coffee shop is a cozy quiet place where you can slowly drink a cup of a fragrant drink, talk with a friend and even hold a business meeting, or work on documents. Therefore, the coffee shop may well become a profitable business if you correctly set priorities.

Demand for a cup of coffee is quite large, which allows us to talk about the relevance of this type of service. In addition, coffee business does not depend on seasonality, it is stable and in demand at any time of the year.

The relevance of the opening of the coffee shop

  • The opening of a coffee shop is always relevant among representatives of the most diverse categories of the population. This is not a restaurant with a menu, the cost of dishes in which is far from everyone can afford. A cup of coffee will be happy to allow themselves everything: Students, office workers, large managers who, with sharing a short rest in a coffee shop with a business meeting, and even non -working housewives sometimes want to sit with the best girlfriend and get distracted from household chores.
  • The goals of each of these categories are different, therefore, the time of their visit to your institution will be different - therefore, demand for coffee shop services It is observed throughout the day: from the morning cup of coffee “for vigor” to evening “gatherings” with friends or even the whole family, because in coffee houses for the joy of children will always be offered delicious cakes, cakes, ice cream, etc.
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages and disadvantages
Opportunities and threats
Opportunities and threats

How to make a business plan coffee shop: Sample

  • As an example, take a coffee shop calculated 50 - This is a sufficient number of customers for this kind of business. To the initial costswithout which the opening of the coffee shop is impossible, we take the preparation of the premises to work and the purchase of the necessary equipment - this is according to the most modest calculations for the cost of opening a coffee shop in order 2 million rubles.
  • In general, on initial investment for the opening of a coffee shop should be provided at least 3.5 million rubles., after all, this will include mandatory documentation, and all permits, and the purchase of products, and the salaries of employees, etc.
  • Based on the practice, when investing the above amount, you can count on average on million revenue, and after paying all taxes and deductions, clean profit remains 120 thousand rubles. Again, practice shows that the coffee shop is able to pay off about a year and a half after the opening.
  • The business plan must be included, in addition to financial calculations, also many other aspects, which will be discussed below.

Business Plan of a student coffee shop for 10, 20 seats: an example with calculations

  • So, we plan the opening of the coffee shop In an ordinary (not metropolitan) city. We take the calculation that the room (with an area of \u200b\u200b80 sq. M) is not bought, but is rented (the calculated period - 5 years). The capacity of the hall is designed for 20 people.
  • We take finances for the implementation of the project on credit for up to 3 years. The interest rate is 15.6%.
  • Since the student audience is implied, the best format for such a coffee shop is not only the opportunity to drink a cup of coffee in a cozy atmosphere, but also take a glass with you (for late). The emphasis in such an institution is placed precisely on the variety of coffee varieties, and not on snacks or desserts.
  • When purchasing products, it should be provided that the menu should present as many varieties of coffee drinks as possible to satisfy customer demand. In addition, the menu is more diverse and advantageous if you have in it tea, cocoa, as well as juices. It is necessary to think through the range of dessert products in advance: cakes, chocolate, fruit mixes, etc.
  • Directly, the room should be divided into three zones: hall (this is the largest area - up to 40 squares), bar space (up to 11) and hygienic (toilet) - up to 5 squares. The remaining area (over 20 square meters) is given under asso rooms.
Approximate location
Approximate location

The purchased equipment per number of seats should be at least 3 coffee machines and coffee grinders. A refrigerator and a dishwasher are also needed. For the preparation of juice, you should purchase a couple of mixers and juicer. We also need a large showcase and a sink. In the hall - tables and chairs (or chairs), and, of course, dishes.

Coffee shop equipment composition

  • A set of equipment for opening a coffee shop Depends on what kind of coffee shop you decide to open. For example, if you stopped at a kiosk, you need to proceed from the number of tables of about 10. Therefore, as, in principle, for auto-coffeery, the equipment is minimized: it is water tanks, a coffee preparation machine, a coffee grinder and a showcase, where pastries and desserts are located.
High -quality coffee machine is important
High -quality coffee machine is important
  • Full coffee shop, up to 150 m²will demand installations of the bar, equipment of the hall for about 60 seats. Own bakery will not hurt, which will add popularity to the institution. The coffee grinder is mandatory, and for such volumes it is better to take industrial models with high power and performance.
  • Not enough without refrigerator and thermal windows, if the menu of your coffee shop has pastries, cold and hot snacks and desserts, and their glass walls will allow the buyer to decide on the choice.
  • If a allows the budget, It does not hurt to get softeners and water purifiers, which will allow both to prepare more tasty coffee and prevent the appearance of scale on the mechanisms.
  • Mini-bell It will require a convection furnace, an exhaust cabinet, as well as equipment necessary for working with the test: mixers, bleeders, carriers, etc.
  • According to sanitary standards, in such an institution there must be a must hot water. Therefore, you just need a boiler.

Minimum coffee shop: Calculation

  • Experts advise calculating the necessary area to open a coffee shop By principle: one table for 5 m². Therefore, we can say that a small coffee shop (about 150 squares) will need about 30 tables. The tables themselves should not be massive, accommodating 3-4 people.
Depending on the area
Depending on the area
  • On a small area, a small number of staff are expected respectively: a barista behind a counter, one or two a waiter, a cashier-that’s all the visitors should see. It is better to provide a rack itself with the size of about 8 m², especially since coffee is the main product of your institution. If it is quite a minimum - 5 m².
  • In this case, in any case, it should be provided at least 4 toilet cabinsOtherwise, the queues may form during the peak hours, which will not affect the reputation of your establishment in the best way.

An example of a coffee shop menu

Of course, the main "dish" of the coffee shop is the fragrant black coffee itself . Therefore, the more of its varieties presented in the menu, the better.

The approximate "coffee set" is as follows:

  • kapuchino (with milk and chocolate)
  • espresso
  • glance (with the addition of ice cream)
  • latte (espresso with milk)
  • americano (espresso with boiling water)
  • in the whole
  • mokko
  • latte Machiato
  • In addition, cocoa, hot chocolate and assortment are quite appropriate in the coffee shop. Of the drinks, you can also offer visitors various juices and their mixes, like milk cocktails.
  • Baking can be presented cakes and cakes (cheesecakes, biscuits, miracles, etc.). Visitors will also approve of various types of ice cream, and cottage cheese or fruit desserts. Light fruit and berry salads are also possible.
  • Some coffee houses also offer salads, snacks and even first dishes, but it is unlikely that in this case you can talk about the coffee shop - this format already borders on the usual cafe.

The main coffee shop services

  • Two types of services are most popular in coffee houses: this is maintenance directly in the room itself, at tables or behind a bar. A similar service is the main one. And additional, but more and more demanded - the sale of “coffee with you” or “for removal”, as was usually said earlier.
  • By the way, speaking of the second service, it should be noted that the concept of “removal” can expand up to coffee shop delivery services to order. This can be realized either by creating its own department engaged exclusively by delivery, or by joint affiliate work with organizations specializing in the delivery of goods.
Providing delicious coffee
Providing delicious coffee

Creating an appropriate, a cozy atmosphere, in which it is so pleasant and convenient to talk to a cup of coffee, apparently cannot be considered a full -fledged service, but this is one of the obligatory components of the institution’s service, which is important to take into account when opening a coffee shop.

  • Another additional service provided by coffee houses may be Accepting an order for the organization and maintenance of measures, appropriate in the format of coffee shops: for example, coffee break or "apartment". Today it is not a problem to create a mobile application through which you can book tables in advance, make orders and pay them.

How to calculate the turnover and profit, profitability of the coffee shop?

  • Above was an example of the business plan of the cafeteria of the student coffee shop. If we take all these source data, use the same conditions and values, then you can decide on the numbers of possible profit when opening a coffee shop.
  • In specific numbers, this looks as follows: 15 thousand rubles. It will be required to draw up the necessary documentation.
  • Rental costs, repair and issuing work - more 600 thousand rubles., almost 450 thousand rubles. - This is the purchase of equipment and products.
  • Adding order 30 thousand rubles. For advertising, we get a sum of a little more than a million rubles (or rather, 1, 105 million), which will be the initial costs.
  • Constant monthly costs suggest, in addition to the purchase of products, rent and advertising, payment of utilities (20 thousand rubles), repayment of a loan (38, 6 thousand rubles). Thus, with revenue of one and a half million rubles per month, minus the above expenses and taxes, the payback becomes real after two months of work.
  • In this example, we are talking about a small coffee shop hall, up to 20 seats. Accordingly, the more seats, the more the costs increase. The practice of successful cafeterias shows that the profitability of the institution is achieved on average over the year with a small (about 15 months).

Coffee shop design project: Example

  • The coffee shop is a kind of place, not just a catering establishment, but an association with comfort, a home environment, which has a leisurely conversation or fruitful creative work. Therefore, when designing design, details are very important, because it is they who create an atmosphere of comfort.
  • Before embodying certain design solutions, it is necessary clearly decide on the target audience of the coffee shop and her concept. It is these two points that should become decisive when choosing the style in which the institution will be drawn up.
  • At the same time, what style - classics or modern, avant -garde or baroque, you have chosen (including the embodiment of copyright ideas), the main condition for success coffee shop discoveries And its functioning is harmony.
  • Coffee shop design project Refers to the design of the main hall and utility rooms, technical premises: toilet, locker room, hall, etc. The ideas of the sketches can be proposed by the owner of the coffee shop, leaving the designers their embodiment, or vice versa, designers can offer the choice of the customer several options for projects created taking into account the future wishes expressed by the owner. Sketches can be offered to the customer simply in drawings, or in a visualized form in 3D format.
  • When creating the project, a large role in achieving the necessary cozy atmosphere is played by furniture. Therefore, necessary consultations of professionals, which will help to choose the right height of chairs (chairs) and tables, their location in the hall (so that visitors do not interfere with each other, do not encounter the aisles, etc.), the size of the sofas, etc.
  • And, of course, it is very important how much the coffee shop “fits” into the surrounding environment and how appropriate its location at this point as a whole is. If all kinds of establishments, shopping centers, offices, universities are nearby - there is obviously a lack of clientele. In this case, the creation of a coffee shop with a quiet, cozy interior, where you could relax from noise and haste, will be especially appropriate.
coffee house
coffee house

The target audience of coffee houses

  • Understand who exactly one should focus on when opening a coffee shop -This is a key moment in the implementation of the plan of creating a business project. Moreover, the audience of such institutions, as a rule, is very wide and covers the age from the student years (17-18) to a very old age.
  • It should be understood that everyone comes to the coffee shop: workers located nearby offices and institutions and students, pensioners and young mothers who are walking with children. If your city is visited by tourists, do not forget about them, because the excursion group will only be happy to cheer up a cup of coffee before going for new impressions.

It should be calculated that it will be in greatest demand: in the morning - this is coffee, then - visitors who prefer unhurried lunch or business negotiations. So, desserts, salads, sandwiches are appropriate. By evening, such a separation is usually erased, because at this time (after 18.00-19.00), representatives of almost each of these categories visit the coffee shop.

  • Well, on weekends, an increase in the number of visitors with children should be provided, therefore, more ice cream, sweets, desserts, juices.

If you have not yet decided on the type of activity, we advise you to also consider the following topics:

How we opened a coffee shop: reviews

Reviews about the opening of the coffee shop:

  • Natalia, Voronezh: Opening our coffee shop, we decided as the first visitors to invite acquaintances and friends to give their advice and tips. Moreover, we were confident in these people and knew that they would tell the truth. And so it happened, some of the comments made really helped us improve both the interior and the assortment! Therefore, I can advise a similar method to everyone who is going to open their own business.
  • Alina, Kostroma: My husband and I are the most ordinary people, not businessmen. But they decided that it was time to try to work on ourselves, and agreed that we would open our coffee shop. They calculated “subcutaneous” - they were enough for the start. According to the experience of their acquaintances from another city, they decided to work on a franchise system. The main difficulties were, of course, organizational: endless approvals, contracts, a lot of documentation - from all this, the head was just circulating and, frankly, I even wanted to throw everything halfway. The company with which we entered into a franchise agreement helped a lot, without them, probably, we would have executed all these documents three times longer. Another problem is prices that jump along with the dollar. Therefore, I want to advise, transfer all savings into currency, otherwise it is impossible to make a real business plan.
  • Roman, Kaluga: I stopped on a mini-coffee shop, in fact a kiosk. I worked for six months, after which I sold my business. I will share my observations. People go to the coffee shop mainly for coffee, so other drinks are sold worse, in connection with which they would not advise too much to expand their assortment. In summer, coffee is sold worse, because in the heat people want cold soda more than a hot drink. I still managed to recoup the kiosk in six months. Although my income calculations were more rainbow than it turned out in practice. When selling his business, I was convinced that it is better not to use the services of companies engaged in this, since their interest is too high. I used the services of specialized sites and I managed to find a buyer.
  • Dmitry, Samara: I started with a coffee shop in the office, where my clients were employees of firms working in this building. Later, with great difficulty and spending a lot of time, it was possible to open a coffee shop on the territory of the museum complex. Since my companion and I are associated with art, they began to combine a coffee ritual with cultural events, meetings, and even organized a coffee shop club. At first, our visitors were random people who found themselves in the territory. But gradually we had our adherents, regular visitors. It was possible to achieve profits about six months later, this is a normal indicator.
  • Vladimir, Sochi: Opening my coffee shop, I was convinced from experience that one of the main components of success is people. It is necessary to hire not just adequate people, but those who understand what he should do and can do it (or at least want to learn). I set the payment as a percentage of sale, so my barists are interested in selling more. And, of course, the staff need to be trained, conducting joint trainings that make them feel part of the team. This is very important, because one is very difficult to answer for everything, and when there are reliable people nearby, work is not only easier, but also more successful. With my team, I gradually expand my business and today I plan to work in a franchise.

Video: Opening a coffee shop from scratch

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