Business in the garage without investments: ideas. TOP of the best ideas for business in the garage

Business in the garage without investments: ideas. TOP of the best ideas for business in the garage

Ideas for business in the garage.

Garage construction gained its popularity in the 80s of the last century. It was then that whole garage cooperatives that are guarded were built. This construction boom occurred in the 90s, after the collapse of the USSR. Then they began to build two -story garages, which were increasingly converted to workshops.

In 2015, a separate sphere, which is called the garage economy, was allocated. According to studies, in Russia, about 15% of the working population is related to garage business. This means that someone worksconstantly, a Someone combines a garage business with the main work. In this article we will provide ideas for business in the garage.

Business ideas in the garage

This sphere is quite profitable and capable of development. Usually, at the mention of the garage business, almost all people have associations with some kind of automobile affairs, repairing machines. However, on itselfbusiness, sphere Activities can be absolutely unusual, and not characteristic of the garage.

Business ideas in the garage:

  • The most common business is automobile issues. This usually applies tire fitting, cleaning the cabin, cleaning carpets, covers. 
  • If a person owns the skills of a seamstress, it is possible to open the workshop for the manufacture of covers and fuckers of the car interior. Often practiced tinting of glasses, pasting vinyl, and installation of sound insulation. That is, almost everything related to the repair and improvement of the appearance of the car.
  • Please note that this business is almost impossible to organize without investments, necessary equipment. These are mainly tire machines, a balancing machine, lifts, and vulcanization devices. You can save significantly if you purchase these used devices. It will also be necessary to invest in the washing machine. 
  • Oddly enough, but in garages they are engaged and the manufacture of non -freezing fluid, that is, antifreeze. However, there is great competition in this area. 
Business in the garage
Business in the garage

Small business in the garage

When arranging a bumper manufacturing workshop, it is necessary to purchase decent equipment. You can’t do without a molding machine, matrix. However, in the presence of a permanent client base, all equipment pays off after a few months. 

Options for small business in the garage:

  • Can make engine oil, which is sold in large quantities. However, there are also many underwater stones due to the fact that oil of not the best quality is made. 
  • A good startup is the organization storeauto parts. This is very convenient, especially if it is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe garage cooperative. 
  • The profitability of business in the garage depends on how professional a person is and understands his business. Oddly enough, but in garages they often equip a business that has nothing to do with cars, their repair.
  • They showed themselves pretty well points for sharpening knives, shoes repair. It is best if such a garage is installed in a crowded place, with high cross -country ability. Usually they work well in residential areas and microdistricts with high -rise buildings, where a large number of people live. In this case, the business becomes really profitable. 
Fuel briquettes
Fuel briquettes

DIY business in the garage

Several entrepreneurs from Russia thought of installing a bathroom in the garage, bringing hot, cold water, electricity, making repairs and renting a room as an apartment forap and hourly. The main advantage of such a business is that the place can be easily used to celebrate your birthday.

Indeed, in most cases, if the apartment is in a decent area and in a house with security, then it is forbidden to hold noisy events, as the neighbors complain. The apartment or room in the garage is devoid of this drawback, is ideal for noisy companies, cooking barbecue and parties. Of course, you will have to spend money on household appliances, repair and furniture. 

DIY business in the garage:

  • Another good option is glass or baguette workshop. The main sphere of spending money in this industry is the acquisition of consumables. Recently, many note that all the bells for baguettes are purchased abroad. But in connection with the growth of the dollar exchange rate, it becomes completely unprofitable to engage in such a thing. Some balancing on the verge of profitability. This is due to the fact that entrepreneurs do not want to increase the price, due to the fact that people have become much easier in people recently, the amount of money has decreased, respectively, and there are not many orders. Now few people are engaged in their hobbies and are ready to invest in it. 
  • In garages are often engaged manufacturing clothes. These are peculiar underground workshops, for sewing women's, men's and children's clothing. These are usually knitted products. To organize such a business, you will need a sewing machine, an overlock, good lighting, as well as a steamer. With a successful start, advertising on social networks, it is possible to achieve significant success and expand production.

What business is opened in the garage?

One of the successful examples of the garage business is an organization engaged in the manufacture of horizontal workers. The manufacture requires a small amount of effort, as well as funds and equipment. Basically, all the blanks are cut using a conventional circular saw, grinder, and fastened with welding.

What business to open in the garage:

  • That is, for the manufacture of horizontal engines you will need a welding machine, a spray gun, with which the powder coating will be sprayed onto the finished product. As the owner of such a business notes, it initially began in the garage, later the number of such premises began to equal 15.
  • This is due to the fact that the businessman reached a new level and began to earn good money. This startup is well triggered if there is the possibility of sales of such horizons in sports online stores.
  • You can organize an online store on your own, but you will have to invest time and money to promote a trading page. Basically organize advertising on Instagram, VKontakte and other social networks. 
Making fences in the garage
Making fences in the garage

TOP businesses in the garage

The most common type of business in the garage is its rental. However, this does not require any costs from a person, but the income is very small. The best option is the organization of such premises for warehouse.

TOP businesses in the garage:

  1. Many of the entrepreneurs appreciated the advantages storage of products, goods in garages. A great option if the products do not deteriorate, for example, these are furniture, or some kind of equipment. However, many of the companies went much further and organized real storage cells. These are peculiar warehouses with a large number of racks, cells and departments in which children's toys, seasonal products, transport, or some trash can be stored, which is usually used extremely rarely, and is stored in balconies or attics. This is a good option if there is a stroller, a children's bicycle, things that are not yet planned to distribute to anyone.Maybe, They will be needed in the future, but it is not possible to store them in the house, due to the lack of space. Payment is very small. Shelf life from a week to 1 year. The boxes are made of a profiled sheet, closed with hinged or code locks. 
  2. Some entrepreneurs thought of equipping real in garages greenhouses for growing mushrooms. In fact, the costs here are very small, since it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature, humidity, as well as a substrate for the growth of mushrooms. This is usually soil with sawdust. Often suspended bags filled with substance and grow mushrooms. The ideal option for such a startup will be garages with cellars or viewing pits, where you can equip peculiar greenhouses. At the same time, you will also have to purchase special equipment to maintain constant temperature and humidity. The fact is that mushrooms need high humidity and coolness. Thus, they grow very quickly. 
  3. As indicated above, you can organize sewing workshop. Some entrepreneurs, for example, a person from Kharkov, specialize in the manufacture of sleeping bags. The business organized in the garage. As the owner notes, only a sewing machine and accessories for the manufacture of sleeping bags are needed. The most important thing is to find a market for a sales market, where to take these sleeping bags. Usually these are sports goods and tourist equipment. You can organize a workshop for the manufacture of monuments, fences, and tables for the cemetery. This is very popular. In this case, word of mouth works well. It is not bad if a person has the skills of artistic forging. 
Tire fitting
Tire fitting

Which business is easier to open in the garage?

The main task when organizing a business in the garage is to find a sales market or to advertise your services qualitatively. Perhaps you will need to resort to third -party organizations that are able to take place very popular. Many of the garage entrepreneurs, in order to avoid taxes, work in a shadow manner without registering a private enterprise.

However, registration of an individual enterprise makes it possible to participate in public procurement and various tenders, which significantly increases profit, and more opportunities for business development appear. This option is suitable only if you are confident in your startup, there are some initial means for purchasing high-quality equipment.

Workshop in the garage
Workshop in the garage

Which business is easier to open in the garage:

  • Many in garages are engaged in laser sharpening of the tool, knives, manicure supplies, or even skates. To do this, you need a special laser machine. Often in such organizations they bring trophy knives. 
  • Many are engaged rental garages For storage of antiques, furniture. Also, many online stores for the sale of clothing and household appliances shoot garages as storage warehouses. Many began their business with the fact that they organized a warehouse in their own garage. Next, it is necessary to organize an online store, advertise it in order to stimulate sales. Thus, the costs are small, since there is no need to pay for renting a garage. 
  • Of course, there are craftsmen who organized in their own barbecue garage or stall for the preparation of shawarma. However, in such rooms, engaged in activities related to a catering is not allowed. The main risk of garage business iswhat, If the premises are in residential areas, it can be demolished at any time. This can happen due to the construction of roads, or the demolition of old buildings. Therefore, such a business may be at risk. 

The main advantage is that after 2000 a law was released, which allows entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of the garage. Thus, garage entrepreneurs managed to reach a new level, and spread their products, earning huge profits. 

Polymer coating of a car
Polymer coating of a car

Some organized beauty salons and manicure rooms in garages. The main advantage is low rent. However, you have to try, make repairs, bring electricity and water to make the room suitable for the provision of such services.Besides, Such a garage should be within the city.

It is best if it is a garage along the metro line. At the same time, it is also necessary to take care of the lighting of the street on which there will be a salon or private office. Indeed, most often in the street between garages it is quite dark, so young girls will not want to walk along such streets in the dark. 

Video: ideas for business in the garage

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