Breeding thoroughbred dogs as a business: secrets, costs, tips

Breeding thoroughbred dogs as a business: secrets, costs, tips

To attach the puppies that the family of the family brought is a business? Most likely - is it just a good attitude towards animals and love for them, but if you sell them?

Do you think about organizing planned regular knitting with a thoroughbred male? To worry about whether it will be possible to find buyers for litter, will it be beneficial? These are the first steps to the beginning of your own business. The answers to all numerous questions related to breeding dogs for sale, as well as effective advice and recommendations, read below.

Is it profitable to engage in dog breeding?

  • Starting any business, it is hardly possible to immediately predict whether it will become profitable or not. It all depends on many factors, including the place of residence, the choice of dog breed, and even climatic conditions! Therefore, first of all, with dog breeding It is necessary to navigate the buyer - who can be such in your region. Having decided on this position, you will build your business for it, but you should not expect quick results.
  • As practice shows, more or less the established reputation and the flow of customers appear only a few years after the start of work. During this time, you will calculate how many bitches and males you need to pay off, and the income is stable. You (possibly trial and error) determine which breed should be preferred and figure out other subtleties, which are below.
  • And then you can make the business really profitable. At first, as you yourself already understood, you do not have to wait for superprofits.

How to choose a room for breeding dogs?

  • It should be immediately noted that dog breeding nursery It can only be placed in a fairly large territory, and certainly not in the apartment, no matter how many rooms it has. A private house is possible in this function, to which an appropriate extension is needed.
  • Especially if in your plans breeding dogs of large breedswho simply need a lot of space (including personal).
  • It is also important to be a qualitative separation into zones, because you will have to contain both male and bitches that will periodically bear puppies, so individual compartments should also be provided for distinguished dogs. In general, for calculating the required area nursery The indicator is the number of adults. The calculation is from 2 squares for two animals (in this case we are talking about the size of boxes) plus eight meter aviary.
  • Here, based on such calculated indicators, knowing the estimated number of dogs that will be contained, and you should select a room for a nursery.

Sought -after dog breeds for breeding

  • You can, of course, get acquainted with the published ratings of dog breeds, which are built by specialists in such indicators as The cost in the market, mind, devotion, patrol qualities etc. But, as mentioned above, you can make an exact picture for yourself only on the basis of data related to your region.
  • As an example, Citizens are much more likely to start indoor small dogs - for the reason that for large breeds in a city apartment, it is hardly possible to create acceptable conditions for maintenance and high -quality walking.
Indoor kids
Indoor kids
  • But the owners of suburban mansions or residents of rural areas are more likely to take representatives large rocks, necessary for the protection of the territory.
  • Separately, you need to put it Hunting dogs - It is unlikely, if there are no lovers of this lesson in your and nearest regions, you should take for divorce dachshunds, spaniels, setter, terriers, etc.
  • Universal rocks can be considered labradorov, shepherds (moreover, all breeds), Yorkov and Chihuahua, pugs. In addition, in recent years, in demand, they are also in demand Husky, Alabay, boxers and French bulldogs, a gold retrifier and Kurzhaar, Bigl and Bassethaund.

Dog breeding and breeding

  • Dog droppings In dog breeders, it is customary to divide into three categories. To the first (this class is called pat) include puppies that do not meet adopted standards for coloring, dimensions, etc. To the class Brid It refers to offspring, which meets the accepted norms and is subsequently quite suitable for breeding, including And like tribal individuals.
  • The most valuable are show class puppies - Their standards are a model, they do not have the slightest flaws in the exterior and other characteristics that are taken into account during dog exhibitions.
  • You can purchase dogs by contacting private individuals, to nurseries, as well as during exhibitions. In this case, it is necessary carefully get acquainted with the genealogy animal, his veterinary passport, see his parents.
  • And if you acquire not a baby, but a bitch who is already a year and a half, then it can be knitted almost immediately, which will reduce the expectation of the litter when breeding dogs.

Dog breeding: business plan

  • To yours dog breeding case It developed correctly and in accordance with all the requirements, which is one of the bails of success, it is necessary to provide absolutely all possible costs. And start with visiting dogological courses, which are a prerequisite for opening a nursery and registering dogs (of course, if you do not have a veterinarian’s diploma, then this item disappears by itself). The costs will be up to 7 thousand rubles.
  • The nursery itself will cost, of course, expensive - the price can achieve 1 million rubles. It all depends on how much you have to pay for the rental or purchase of the site, the size of the nursery and the cost of materials.
  • Buying one tribal bitch is still order 25 thousand rubles.that must be multiplied by the number of individuals desired. And the content of dogs (food, vitamin additives, medicines, necessary accessories, etc.) - in the calculation 50 thousand rubles. On one individual.
  • Services of a veterinarian, which should inspect dogs, their treatment and a mandatory veterinary conclusion necessary for the sale of an animal at a market price. Add here the need to participate in exhibitions, without which the dog will be left without a pedigree, in membership in dogma associations confirming the status of your dogs, for which you will also have to pay (and no less 40 thousand rubles. in year). Do not forget about documents for dogs: pedigree, metrics, expert estimates, etc.

How can you reduce dog breeding costs?

  • There are several ways Reduce dog breeding costs. You can conclude farm, located nearby, and get food from there, which will cost much cheaper than to purchase them in the market.
  • It is better to build a nursery outside the city line - this will reduce the price of construction. You can save on the veterinarian if you yourself or any of the family members have an appropriate education.
  • Walk Dogs can be offered to schoolchildren, and not hired staff for this purpose. And finally Pay for knitting You can one puppy, just keep in mind that the owner of the male has the right to take any puppy, including And the best.

Dog breeding as a business: where to start?

So, you figured out possible costs and decided that everything would be engaged in breeding dogs. In this case, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Start with the room: Construction, equipment, preparation of premises - after all, before buying a dog, you need to create conditions for its maintenance.
  2. Selection and acquisition of breeding dogs. By purchasing such males, you can have additional financial revenues from the owners of bitches who want to get high -quality droppings. Tribal bitches will bring you expensive purebred puppies.
  3. Pregnancy and childbirth process The bitch will require many vitamins and enhanced nutrition. In addition, in this case, the veterinarian in this case cannot be dispensed with.
  4. The final stage - implementation of puppies. But before they must be registered in official communities of dog handlers. When you get a pedigree instead of a metric outstanding at birth (by the time the dog reaches the age of reproduction), you can engage in sale using any opportunities: clubs, specialized sites, social networks, personal connections, etc.

The best, elite puppies are usually left to further improve the breed standards. Puppies with a class below can sell cheaper using a discount system.

Breeding service dogs

  • These include many breeds, in particular, already mentioned labradors. These are very loyal dogs used as a guide, and sometimes nannies. Players and at the same time are quite hardy. The cost of a tribal puppy having a pedigree starts from the amount in 15 thousand rubles.
  • Universal official qualities have German shepherda - she is able to perform the functions of both the guard of the premises and the defender of the owner. The devotion of this breed has no boundaries. The price of the puppy also begins with 15 thousand rubles, elite can be sold twice as expensive.
  • Another wonderful defender - rottweiler. They are quite flexible and unpretentious enough, the main thing is to properly raise a puppy, for which it is preferable to use the services of professional dog handlers. Starting price - $500.

Breeding aggressive dog breeds

  • The list given in the resolution signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev contains 12 species of breeds, which are considered potentially dangerous.
  • Among them - bandogi, hybrids with wolves, North Caucasians, Pitolmastifa, etc. At the same time, breeding and acquisition of such dogs is not prohibited by law, it is only necessary to strict implementation of the conditions of their maintenance and walks (the mandatory presence of muzzles and leashes).
  • That's why dog breedingRelating to aggressive breeds, quite legal. The main thing is to maintain and educate them immediately after birth.

Technique and methods of purebred breeding dogs

  • The best is considered purebred breeding dogsWhen individuals belonging to the same breed mate. Such mating are called linear, since they form lines similar to behavior, official qualities, character.
  • The lines are divided into blood, similar Family in people, which include dogs that go as offspring produced by one male, and factory ones - such individuals are selected by compliance with the main type of first lines and in the best qualities.
  • There is also a concept inbreedingmeaning mating of individuals of the blood line. Its advantage is that offspring retains hereditary signs and features, characteristic qualities of their ancestors. Such dogs, as a rule, have no flaws, enough balanced and developed.
  • It is only necessary to ensure that individuals who have weak nervous system, Physically poorly developed, and most importantly - such related crosses should not be long.
1 breed
1 breed

Dog breeding problems

  • In addition financial difficulties, Errors in the estimates and capabilities of force majeure, the most difficulties for the owner of the nursery are exactly breeding issues. To one of the serious problems when breeding dogs The dog’s assessment includes.

In order to be considered cool, the dog must have rewards and expert conclusions. This is the catch, since such an assessment by experts is often made “by eye” - this happens, as a rule, at exhibitions where objective assessment methods are not used.

  • In addition, if there are special tribal books for agricultural animals, then there is no such concept in dog breeding. Although in other countries, for example, in Germany, such a book exists - it has been included in it german shepherds.
  • Another problem is the lack of an assessment of the side relatives. Selection forecasts are based on assessing their own productivity, and they fluctuate in about the indicator 10%, while taking into account the qualities of lateral relatives increases this figure by 2 times.
  • Another difficulty at the moment was the introduction of new requirements for the pedigree, where the origin of the dog was reduced by one branch (now instead of 4 knees it is indicated in it 3), and there are no other sources of information (the same tribal book).
  • There is no assessment of the quality of offspring due to the fact that a single approved methodology and its criteria has not been developed.

What titles do the dog need for breeding?

  • A whole system of titles necessary for recognizing a dog of decent breeding is built. So, the dog can become the champion of Russia either by recognition by the best bitch or breed by experts, or having 4 certificatesconfirming the title of candidate for champions. Service dogs need 3 similar certificates In combination with a working diploma.
  • At the same time, obtaining the title of beauty champion awarded for the exterior should not leave the Care for the working qualities of the dog beyond the line, which is the main area of \u200b\u200bthe breeder. He should strive to ensure that the most powerful characteristics of the dog become hereditary features and work in this direction.
  • After all exterior - This is only one of the parameters, and to become full dog No. 1 in Russia, Their integrated assessment is necessary, including both working qualities and tribal value.

What do you need to breed dogs?

  • Undoubtedly for breeding dogs, It is necessary to official design of your business. As a rule, most Russian breeders register individual entrepreneurship and choose a simplified taxation system.
  • According to existing standards, declare the beginning of mandatory deductions to the state budget from the moment of profit is made, it is possible to register until the moment when your pets will have the first litter.

Dog breeding as a business: reviews

  • Anna: We have been breeding dogs for 5 years. Started by paperwork, then selected breeds. We decided to dwell on the most popular at that time: Chihuhaki, Spitz, York - small, not requiring large aviary and problematic care. But then they decided to try to work with large rocks, took German shepherds and labradors - non -aggressive, smart, devoted. They didn’t take a lot, a couple of male and a little more bitches. For start - just right. Well, for healthy offspring, of course, food was especially carefully chosen. It went, and I cannot call it especially problematic. The main thing is desire and love for dogs.
  • Nikolai: It is better to start engaging in dog breeding if you have already kept your dog, then all the problems that may arise are already known. I had the opportunity to keep animals in spacious enclosures, so I stopped on large patrol rocks: Husky, Shepherd and Alabai. For small breeds, such conditions are not very comfortable, they are created for premises. From my experience, I can say that the first thing a potential buyer is interested in is a pedigree and the presence of vaccinations.
  • Daria: Starting my job, I understood that the initial investments would not immediately pay off, because it is necessary to purchase high -quality food, a lot of costs for vaccination, examinations of the veterinarian. Yes, and keep dogs in order for them to give good offspring, it is necessary in appropriate conditions, because often buyers are interested in them. If we keep in mind all these nuances and carefully comply with them, then over time you can run into a responsible honest breeder, and when buyers go thanks to the recommendations, here the matter will become profitable.
  • Angela: We walked in the usual way: permission, vaccinations, feed, dog documents. And then they realized that they should stand out with something and introduced their bonuses system: to customers acquiring a puppy, give collars or bags with food, all sorts of accessories. People like it, and they recommend us further along the chain. So the number of customers is growing.
  • Maksim: I decided not to “spray” and focused on breeding one breed - Spitz. Firstly, working with one breed, it is possible to more carefully study its needs and everything that is necessary for successful selection. And, secondly, the prices of such puppies are quite high, since they are in demand. So far I am satisfied and do not plan to work with several breeds.

Video: Dog breeding as a business

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  1. there are tribal books in nurseries!

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