How to open a pig farm from scratch: a detailed business plan

How to open a pig farm from scratch: a detailed business plan

Buying a pig farm is a rather serious and costly question. You can find out about all the nuances and amounts from the article.

The opening of a pig farm is a great thing for a beginner businessman, since the direction of pig farming has development prospects, because the meat at any time is a product that is in constant demand. Moreover, if you draw up a detailed business plan and accurately calculate all possible expenses and alleged receipts.

How to open a pig farm from scratch: Registration

  • You can register your business in two forms: limited Liability Company or individual entrepreneurship. These forms differ in that LLC is a legal entity, and individual entrepreneurs are physical.
  • Hence the difference in the number of necessary documents: a private person is enough, photocopies of the passport and receipt that the duty has been paid. The legal entity should provide a much larger number of documents.
  • In addition, in the first version, registration is possible only for one person, in the second - up to 50 people, with the official confirmation of the availability of authorized capital prescribed in the charter, which is not required from a private entrepreneur.
  • Therefore, if you plan open the pig farm for 50-100 goals and work independently-it makes no sense to open an LLC, it is better to limit yourself to individual entrepreneurship.
How many goals?
How many goals?
  • Mandatory documents in order to open your pig farm, are permits issued by the State Labor Inspectorate, the sanitary and epidemiological service and the state supervision.
  • To prove their right to construction (this will need to be obtained in the form of an appropriate administrative resolution), you need a document on land ownership where the farm will be built, or a land lease agreement. Without the above documents, the opening and work of the farm is illegal and subject to a fine.

How to open a pig farm from scratch: Select the area

  • When choosing a site to open a pig farm, many nuances should be taken into account. First of all, this applies to remoteness from residential development - It should exceed 15 m, while other farms should not be located closer than 150 m.

It should be traced that there are no ponds and swamps nearby, the soil is not infected, and the location of the groundwater under it should be up to 2-3 m. The area should be even and slightly elevated.

  • The territory of the pig farm It is advisable to divide into sectors divided using sanitary barriers. One sector should be given to the trials and veterinary facilities.
  • Take the other For household buildings, and the third is used as a storage of feed, silage, litter. Be sure to protect the farm along the entire length of the perimeter with a high (up to 2 m) fence.

How to open a pig farm from scratch: room requirements

  • Mandatory stable must be equipped with a ventilation system, cleaning devices, lamps with a bactericidal effect.
  • Requirements for the material from which the stable will be built: Increased permeability for vapors, resistance to external influences, safety for pigs and piglets, heat -protective properties. According to the standards, the area of \u200b\u200bthe trigger is calculated based on 10 cubic meters per adult pig.
  • So, if open the pig farm for 50 goals, then its area should not be lower 250 m². Here, not only the meters necessary for pigs are calculated, but also passages that share compartments, corns, utility rooms, etc.
  • The stable is built taking into account the placement of the sectors separately boar and sow, another compartment is allocated for piglets. The number of sectors depends on the goals of your business. You can develop rooms for feeding and growing, do reproduction, equip a place for slaughter, etc.
  • The compartments should be equipped with passages along which the staff should be freely moved by wiring cars. In addition, it is necessary provide the presence of vestibules and areas where the number of livestock will be made. The room must be equipped with a heating system and water supply and a system filtering air.

How to open a pig farm from scratch: equipment purchase

To open the pig farm based on the complex for 100 goals, the following equipment is needed:

  • A minibus or a van, in which pigs, necessary equipment, food, etc. will be transported directly. If you take not a new, but a used car, it will cost order 400 thousand rubles.
  • About the same amount costs tractor (up to 420 thousand rubles)necessary on the farm for the transportation of feed and waste.
  • If you invest around 50 thousand rubles. to the grain -circle, It will be possible to feel saving on feed mixtures.
  • Feeders, jackets for pigs - order 250 thousand rubles.
  • Add more 100-110 thousand rubles. - This amount will take the purchase of additional inventory in the form of forks, shovels, buckets, etc.

Counting expenses, we receive the amount of about 1.2 million rubles. The larger the livestock, the naturally, the number of costs increases in proportion.

How and which pigs are best purchased to open a pig farm?

  • It is better not to buy a large batch at once, but to try to purchase several dozen. If an attempt to grow piglets is unsuccessful, you will remain in a smaller way than you could by acquiring a large batch.
  • If everything works out, you can double your number without buying the next batch, and directly on your farm. If a few more goals are needed, they can be purchased separately.
Correctly pick up pigs
Correctly pick up pigs

Now about the appointment of certain pigs of pigs. Depending on what this breed was displayed, pigs can be divided into:

  1. Meat and bacon, with a developed file part and sides, usually a light color. Like the breed are represented by Landras, Durok, Vietnamese Vislobryukha or Don meat.
  2. Meat and sebaceous. Pigs of a very bright color belong to the representatives of the Murom, Mangmlu T Pyetren, Big White, Bratov.
  3. Meat with low fertility. We are talking about black pigs of pockmarks and Mirgorod breeds.

Female individuals should be purchased 10 times more than male. It is necessary to carefully consider the choice of young animals, having studied the proposed individuals and their pedigree. It is better to purchase several parties on various complexes to avoid closely related crossing.

Individuals are selected based on indicators of fertility, adaptability to local conditions, resistance to diseases and infections. It is also important to study in advance whether the products given by such a breed of pigs are in demand in your region. The cost of piglets is from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. Per head.

Open the pig farm: how to grow young animals?

  • When opening a pig farm Among the technologies for growing pigs, they are often used danish, which is based on the content of the livestock on the concrete floor in machines. Each sector installs cleansing and concrete baths. Separately contained sows with newborn piglets and pregnant individuals.
    Kids are equipped with heaters and infrared lamps, Provide them with warm water from drinkers and feed from auto feeders. The Danish technology is good in that it is favorable for pigs of any age, as automated as possible and meets the necessary sanitary standards, minimizing “communication” of individuals and possible conflicts of them to them.
  • By canadian technology The hangar is installed in which the number is contained on the litter, the basis of which are straw and chips with sawdust. Pigs are found in groups of one breed, provided with constant access to feed from bunker feeders and water from warm drinkers. This technology allows you to simultaneously contain a large number of livestock, giving pigs the possibility of free movement along the hangar, which ensures a weight increase of a half -kilogram per day. The livestock is simultaneously surrendered to slaughter and after cleaning and disinfection is a new one.
  • Three -phase system It is more suitable for large pig farms, where it is possible to maintain piglets first with sowing, then - on grunting, and later in the feeding sector. The disadvantage of this system in stress experienced by piglets and sowing, which affects productivity. Therefore, it is increasingly used Two -phase system, at which the stage of growing is excluded.

Open the pig farm: purchase of feed

  • When opening a pig farm, If you proceed at the rate of 100 goals, then a year will need order 100 tons of feed along with food additives. Depending on the purpose of breeding the number of livestock, acquired feeds. Thus, feed of cake, soybean, oats belong to low -grade, reducing the taste of meat, so they are taken for pigs intended for production
  • The middle varieties belongs The feed of their bran (rye and wheat), buckwheat, corn. They are added to better feed varieties to reduce
  • To the top of the highest grade Lucerne, sugar beets, rye, nettles, peas and millet, as well as meat waste, can be attributed. They increase growth rate and make fat more dense.

How to open a pig farm: staff selection

  • As practice shows, 4 people cope with work on a small pig farm, including three workers and manager. Accounting can be carried out yourself, if there is no such opportunity - you still need accountantwhich can be taken not at full rate.
  • With a salary, respectively, 20 thousand rubles. First, 25 - second and about 15 thousand rubles. - Accountant, monthly salary costs without taking into account taxes will amount to order 100 thousand rubles.
  • Do not forget that the livestock requires constant veterinary observation and, if necessary, treatment. Therefore, in the estimate of expenses, it is also necessary The costs of veterinarian services - at least 20 thousand rubles.
  • As for the employees themselves, the advantage should be given to those who have the necessary experience in order to avoid training costs. PREASE in the requirements for opening of the pig farm A similar item, as well as the presence of characteristics from previous employers.

How to open a pig farm from scratch: Advertising

  • Having first studied how your competitors advertise themselves, try to look for schemes that have not yet been used in your area. But even if everything that you would like to come to life has already done by someone else-this not a reason for despondency.
  • After all, you can always find even in the long -used old method New moves and nuances to open the pig farm and make cool advertising. In order to declare yourself, you need to use any opportunity: advertisements in the media, installed billboards, creation and promotion of your own website, etc.
Do not forget about advertising
Do not forget about advertising
  • Participate in various agricultural exhibitions and conferences, first as a spectator, and over time - as a participant. So you will gain experience yourself and can interest your products of potential buyers. Moreover, despite the increasing role of the Internet process of business, personal contacts and communication are difficult to replace.
  • Your target audience advertising strategy It also depends on the goals of the business: you can conclude contracts with slaughterhouses, processing enterprises, farms, sell products in markets and in stores where you can periodically arrange products tasting.

How profitable is the opening of the pig farm?

  • Above was already called the cost of many of the cost points.
  • Now we calculate as a whole, taking as an example a small pig farm for 100 goals, decorated as individual entrepreneurship.


  • issue the necessary permits - 800 rubles,,
  • to rent a site will cost within 60 thousand rubles/month.
  • the construction of the complex will be released about 600 thousand rubles.
  • purchase of transport, equipment and equipment -1.2 million rubles, you can spend them gradually
  • the number of piglets - 500 thousand rubles.
  • feed and additives for them - about 40 thousand rubles/month,
  • 50 thousand rubles. The advertising campaign will cost,
  • for a salary, as calculated above, about 100 thousand rubles. And another 20-25 thousand for veterinary services.

Having calculated all the components of the costs, we turn out that for the opening and the first month of the farm’s work it is necessary up to 2.6 million rubles. If unforeseen costs and force majeure situations do not happen, after three months it is quite possible to reach net profit in the amount 800 thousand rubles. Thus, the complete payback of the pig farm is real in a year.

What are the risks when opening a pig farm?

  • Technological risks include everything associated with the livestock: any change in its quantity or composition, a change in the conditions in which it contains, as well as feeding. Among operating risks - financial changes: improving the cost of utilities, feeds, services of a veterinarian, depreciation.
  • Reduce the planned volumes of implementation reduction of expansion and the number of offspringas well as reducing prices for finished meat and meat products. The human factor cannot be excluded, which consists in possible problems with personnel, its competence and the difficulties of selection.
  • The main risk is possible infections that pigs are susceptible to. Therefore, careful compliance with all sanitary-hygienic requirements for the content of the pig farm, regular cleaning of the premises, and constant control by the veterinarian is necessary.

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