How to open a pet store: a business plan and recommendations

How to open a pet store: a business plan and recommendations

How profitable it is to engage in a pet store, what is needed for this - we will talk about all this and much more today. And we especially emphasize that it will be about the store, and not a veterinary pharmacy, for the opening and work of which it is necessary to have an appropriate education and license.

There are more and more pets today. Various exotes are added to traditional cats-bombs, birds, including crocodiles and ostriches, which are successfully contained in country houses. All this living creature requires care, nutrition, toys, walks. To realize all their needs and zotovar shops are called up, because if there is demand, it means that there must be a proposal.

How to open a pet store from scratch?

To understand which business is most promising in your conditions, you need to start with an assessment of the level of competition. It is necessary to analyze which goods and services are enough (or even in excess), and what is clearly not enough. Based on this and determine in what format to work.

You can start to open a pet store from 4 positions:

  1. Buy or rent Small kiosk, so -called Small architectural form (MAF). Due to their small sizes and accessories not to capital, but temporary buildings and, therefore, relative cheapness, this beginning is the most budgetary. The installation of such a kiosk in a “fishing place” (at the metro station, market, station, etc.) or in the sleeping area where there are few outlets, can bring good income. The disadvantage of this form of work is uncertainty in the future, because no one can guarantee that tomorrow Mafa will not consider the red -line and subject to demolition.
  2. Open your own store. If in MAF, due to a small area, you can only sell “essential goods”-feed, fillers for toilets, etc., then on an area reaching 100-150 squares, you can already arrange cages with hamsters and parrots and aquariums With fish. It is in such a store that the owners of pets will most likely go.
  3. Rent an area in a large shopping center. The plus of such a solution is that many people come here, who, most likely, will be happy to buy the food of their beloved dog or meet the requests of a child who wants to start fish.
  4. Create your own online store, Why do you need to rent warehouses, but the main thing is to create and promote your store on the Internet. The competition in this format is probably the most significant, since the Internet business is the element of large “players”, however, you can try if desired. In addition, recently, stationary trade has been complemented more closely by Internet orders, and this has become another familiar form of doing business.
For animals
For animals

How to open a pet store: Instruction

  • Since you are doing entrepreneurship, then the documents should be all regarding this particular activity. In addition to opening individual entrepreneurship, you will need to indicate the necessary item in All -Russian classifier of types of economic activity And become the owner of permits of all necessary services: fire and sanitary and epidemiological.
  • To Open a pet storenecessary official execution of the implementers, take the premises for rent with the obligatory conclusion of the contract about this and get a quality certificate for each type of goods.
  • For the convenience of buyers and in accordance with the requirements, the consumer corner should also be equipped.

How to open a pet store: premises and equipment

  • When selecting the room It is very important to understand whether there are no similar stores nearby, all the more for a long time and successfully working and able to compete with you. A good place is Sleeping areas, where, as a rule, there are many pets.
  • Open a pet store It is advisable in a crowded place where many people pass. Take care of a bright, noticeable sign from afar. You can start work from a small room, up to 20 square meters. m, which, if the business goes successfully, you can expand or remove another, more spacious.
  • Start off selection of the necessary equipment It follows from racks and windows that will become a “face” of your store. If you offer visitors to animals, you need to take care of cells, aquariums, terrariums in which animals will be contained. You need to select their design taking into account the possibility of easy cleaning. And for frozen food you will need a refrigerator.
  • Also, do not forget about the convenience of your employees: first of all, a bathroom, a place where you can undress, chairs, etc.
  • You need to think about the presence of warehouses, After all, feed will have to be imported constantly. And for animals, you need to provide a periodic walk, without which they will not look beautiful.
It is important to choose a room
It is important to choose a room

How to open a pet store: Assortment

  • Before Open a pet store First of all, pay attention to feed, both in dry form and in frozen. To them - bowls, drinking bags. For animals that do not go for a walk, you need to fill the toilets and toilets themselves. Long -haired pets require combs, and almost all walking individuals - leashes.
  • Many people buy various toys. In addition, cosmetics (ordinary and anti -blocking shampoos), claws, scissors, tongs and other similar accessories are needed. For travels, you will need bags-boards, for the maintenance of some animals and birds-cells, houses, etc.
  • The most necessary and constant stable demand in this list is feed, and it will turn out the most profitable product. The main thing is to remember that for the sale of medicines, funds against blood -sucking, medicinal shampoos, etc. It is necessary to acquire a license.
It is important to buy a product correctly
It is important to buy a product correctly
  • It is important to approach the right sorting of goodsSo that your buyer can easily find the pet he needs. It is better if for each of the animals offered in your store there will be its own corner: parrots - in cells, nearby - bird feed and accessories, fish - in aquariums, and then food and jewelry, etc.
  • Never take animals from the markets, because you will not have confidence that they are healthy. Conclude agreements with various nurseries - so you will have guarantees.
  • Most often in pet stores, kittens and puppies of various breeds, rodents (rats and mice, hamsters and chinchillas, guinea pigs), birds (canaries and various parrots), as well as fish and turtles are sold.

How to open a pet store: staff selection

  • If you cannot stand behind the counter, before open a pet store, you will have to take care of the hired worker. The selection criterion should be the presence of knowledge of zotovars, even better - if he is a veterinarian by education. In this case, you can also implement medical drugs for animals, in addition, the buyer will be able to get a detailed advice on their use.
  • In extreme cases, it will fit animal And holding them at home - so he will be able to answer questions arising from buyers on his own experience, offer them the best version of the goods. Human qualities play a role: buyers will reach for a friendly and sociable seller who will subsequently become regular customers.
  • If funds allow, better hire two sellers so that they can work in shifts. Do not forget about the need accounting and periodic acceptance of goods. To do this, you also need to either take people to work, or fulfill these duties yourself. To begin with, interest the sellers with a bet, later you can offer the option of work on the percentage of revenue, so they will have additional motivation for active and successful implementation.
  • As for the protection - calculate what is more profitable for you: hire a watchman, or equip the room with alarm with a security company’s remote control, for which you will pay monthly.

How to open a pet store and organize advertising?

  • The best advertising is primarily the successful location of the enterprise and its beckoning sign. Do not ignore such proven and well -working methods as the distribution of flaer and booklets near the store, as they develop - banners, advertising shields. Good marketing move - bonuses and discount programs.
  • If your trade works in the Internet environment, do not forget about advertising and on thematic sites, on social networksWhere you can create groups for potential buyers-amateur animals in which you can inform them about your store and new receipts.
  • Advertising "from mouth to mouth" works very well. If customer service in your store will be of high quality, as well as goods, and the assortment is quite wide - good glory Friends and friends will be provided about you and recommendations.

Analyze which products are in greatest demand, and expand such an assortment. Do not forget to be interested in the novelties yourself, attending thematic events, exhibitions.

  • Important moments are a catchy, memorable name, solemn opening of the store, during which you can hand it to visitors inexpensive, but useful gifts, arrange a lottery, etc.

How much does it cost to open a pet store?

  • Let's figure out what is needed in order to start a business. The starting costs must include first of all the design of all the necessary documentation. For convenience, since prices in the regions may differ, the cost will be considered in dollars.
  • You can draw up all the necessary documents within $ 300.
  • The room, most likely, will need at least cosmetic repairs, this will cost $1500. Buy the necessary equipment and furniture - another $ 2000.
  • For the purchase of goods, we determine before $10000.
  • You also need to think about advertising and your corporate identity - experts will take order for this $400.
  • Well, and if you decide to advance your business on the Internet at parallel, add more about $500, which will be required to create a site.
In numbers
In numbers
  • These are one -time initial costs. In addition to them, you will have to deduct a monthly funds for rent (before $5 per square meter), pay for utilities (in winter, the amount can reach $100.
  • Tax payment - $150, Protection of the premises - $30, Salary to employees - $200, multiplied by the number of employees, transport costs - $ 50.
  • Monthly advertising is still $70, And advertising on the Internet and the cost of working site - $90.

Is it profitable to open a pet store?

  • As practice shows, with an average margin of animal goods up to 50% the net profit of a small store reaches $ 400- $ 450. Recognize costs When opening a pet store It is possible for two years.
  • In the first year, experts do not recommend withdrawing net profit from the turnover, but partially direct it to further development, and part to repay the initial costs, or credit obligations.
Open the store is quite profitable
Open the store is quite profitable

How to open an Internet zo-store?

Quality, in the presence of which you can open a pet store and it will become successful, as follows:

  1. Simplicity. The site should not be overloaded with flowers and even more so - their inharmonious combination.
  2. Compliance with topics. Use only positive photos, think over the decor elements in the form of bones, animals, etc.
  3. Cognitiveness. The product card should take into account all its characteristics, so that after studying it does not have additional questions and clarifications.
  4. Uniqueness. Use the services of professional copywriters so that the texts do not duplicate, use your own photos.
  5. Convenience. Everything that the customer may be required should always be in close access.
  6. Perspectivity. Promote your own internet businessUsing the latest news and development.
  7. Feedback. Open the forum on the site, let buyers communicate, provide the opportunity for online consultations of a specialist. And always carefully read reviews - this will help you improve the quality of work.

How to open a marine store in a franchise?

The franchise is called the contract of the owner of the brand and entrepreneur who uses this brand for his own business. The advantages of this method when opening a pet store are the following points:

  1. Franchise He pays off quickly, because people understand that they pay for a branded product, the margin of which is over 50%.
  2. Relatively small starting investments in business.
  3. Stability of demand for animal goods.
  4. Insignificance of competition.
By franchise
By franchise

Working in a franchise, the entrepreneur receives a comprehensive help to the franchisor:

  • Courses for staff of various directions.
  • Quite acceptable wholesale prices for purchases.
  • Help in the selection of the premises and its design.
  • Promoting the most favorable conditions under which rent is carried out.

In addition, the owner of the brand is advantageous to simplify the entrepreneur with the execution of documentation regarding the veterinarian and advise him. Among the brands working today in Russia, - "Beethoven", "Four paws", "Le Murr", "Golden Fish", "Petburg" and others.

When choosing a partner, take into account the impression made on you by his representative, the time of being on the market of goods, compare the characteristics of each of their franchisers, the help provided by them. This is a fairly promising work that obliges both sides to fulfill the conditions and achieve commercial success.

Video: Open pet stores: Experience

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