How to make money on growing colors in a greenhouse is a business plan

How to make money on growing colors in a greenhouse is a business plan

Flowers are not only the decoration of our life, appropriate for any reason, from joyful to mournful. Flowers are still an excellent business, since the demand for them is constant at any time of the year.

To satisfy this demand in the cold period, the opening of its own enterprise to grow colors in greenhouses is quite profitable. Before starting to draw up a business, it is advisable to get acquainted in detail with all the information on growing and caring for flowers, which are sometimes quite capricious, requiring certain conditions, and dying of their non -compliance. Such knowledge is necessary if you do not want your business to become unprofitable.

Growing flowers in a greenhouse: Documents for opening a business

  • Any business requires official permits for the design of entrepreneurial activity. For growing colors in a greenhouse, as a business, the most profitable design individual entrepreneurship.
  • To do this, mandatory State registration and an indication of the code according to the all -Russian classifier of types of economic activity (A.01.12.2).
  • Then you will need to decide on the desired type of taxation and the assortment of plants grown for sale.

Which flowers are better to grow in a greenhouse?

  • The correct selection of the assortment is very important, because different varieties require different conditions: humidity, lighting, temperature - All this is very important for plants.
  • In order to optimally reduce risks, it is worth making sure that your flowers in this regard are selected in accordance with the conditions that you can provide for them.
  • In addition, it is necessary to study the market conditions and understand which flowers are in greatest demand in your region and what varieties the assortment can be supplemented.
  • Do not forget to spend Analysis of flowers already available on the market, to competently compete or generally avoid it. All this is very important to take into account Open a business to grow colors in a greenhouse.

Growing flowers in a greenhouse: greenhouse parameters

  • You need to start by choosing a site for growing colors in a greenhouse. Perhaps you have your own hundreds, if not, it will be necessary to rent the land and draw up all the necessary contracts.
  • The construction process itself depends on your skill and capabilities. If you can build a structure yourself, you will save a significant amount, otherwise you will have order a finished greenhouse, choosing the size you need.
  • The optimal size of the initial greenhouse 4x15 m, As the business expands, you can build the following. Connoisseurs are recommended to mount a greenhouse from polycarbonate, because Unlike the film, it protects from the penetration of ultraviolet radiation and has sufficient strength.
  • The foundation is better than strip, up to 50 cm deep, on sand-length pillow. The roof is better to choose a single -sided one.
  • It will also be required installation of climate control and heating (here at your discretion and capabilities - a water system, electric or solar collectors), in addition - drip irrigation.
  • Terms greenhouses are interesting, Where two layers of polycarbonate have an air gap among themselves, and in the walls - holes for ventilation, which contributes to a more uniform heating of the greenhouse and saves up to 70% of the costs of heating and lighting.

How to earn on flowers growing in a greenhouse all year round

If you are planning growing colors in the greenhouse year -round, You should make sure that it is thorough. As already mentioned, it is better to start with small areas, having a plan for their expansion in the future.

The standard requirements for a greenhouse involving year -round use are the following:

  1. Coating It must be made of polycarbonate or glass.
  2. Base - On concrete, brick or from foam blocks with mandatory waterproofing.
  3. Frame - made of metal (in extreme cases - wooden).
  4. Roof - Quite a strong, single -sloping or gable, so that the snow would not be lingered in winter and it was easy to clean it.
  5. Mandatory artificial lighting equipment, Since in certain periods of plant growth, he will need almost round -the -clock illumination.
  6. The necessary component of the year -round greenhouse - heating, artificial lighting.
  7. Installation of the regular irrigation system and the installation of climate control.

Which coating to choose for growing colors in a greenhouse?

You can choose a coating for growing colors in a greenhouse, focusing on the climatic conditions of your region, aesthetic indicators and, of course, solvency:

  1. Film coating The least costly, simplest in equipment and operation, easily ventilated and also easily dismantled if necessary. The disadvantages include the need for a fairly frequent replacement, risks of damage, unsuitability for the winter period. Recently, a reinforced film has been used more often - more durable and durable.
  2. Glass coating Excellent for ensuring light transmission. It has low reflection indicators, easy to use and care, and quite environmentally friendly. But among the minuses - the severity of the coating and at the same time - its fragility, which creates the risk of damage and destruction. To create the “thermos” effect, you can use a double layer of glasses - a similar option is appropriate in cold regions.
  3. Polycarbonate coating It is slightly inferior to glass in transparency, but surpasses in thermal insulation. Being a flexible and rather strong material, polycarbonate is resistant to ultraviolet radiation (for which a special coating is needed), fire, temperature changes. From the shortcomings - susceptibility to active heat, the possibility of damage during hail, instability to abrasive materials.
It is important to choose a coating
It is important to choose a coating

Purchase of planting material for growing colors in a greenhouse

  • When you study demand and offer and decide on the nuances growing colors in a greenhouse, Buy planting material - Bulbs or seedlings. It is very important to immediately purchase high -quality bulbs, not only your “crop” depends on this, but also the further growth and development of plants. So do not save, but choose the best.
  • To do this, contact only in proven agricultural authority their region, in which the varieties are selected and adapted to existing natural-climatic conditions. Subsequently, you can grow seedlings yourself, planting it in pots.
  • How to care for plants, you can learn from special literature or attending specialized courses and master classes.

How to prepare the ground for growing colors in a greenhouse?

  • Start off soil preparation for growing colors in a greenhouse Better since spring. With the first warmth, dig a layer of soil up to 10 cm deep in the meadow or in the area near the forest and put it at home, covering it with transparent polyethylene and pouring abundantly.
  • Thus, as a result of the combustion process in the ground, all the remaining pests and weed plants will be destroyed. This soil in the fall and make the basis of your greenhouse.
  • You can, of course, buy ready -made soil, but taking into account the fact that the area is expected rather big, for starting investments this is a fairly tangible amount. Further, as you develop and profit, you can switch to the option purchases of the finished soil layer.
  • Internal arrangement of the greenhouse is reduced to the formation of beds, passages, installation of racks and shelves. It is advisable to prepare a map of plants and flowers in advance, which will facilitate a more harmonious layout in place.

How to plant flowers in a greenhouse correctly?

  • Usually, when growing colors in a greenhouse, The beds are equipped with quite high, highlighting parallel rows for each species, and separating the types of partitions. You can place flowers poetage, constructing Shelves and racks.
  • The general rule is the placement of high specimens is from the north side, and low - from the southern side. And a few more “laws”: a pot with ampel colors should hang above the level of human growth, climbing plants should be able to throw stems, for which twine, wires, etc. are pulled.
  • If you attach the plant to the cashpo to the frame - make sure that the brackets are fixed firmly and reliably.

Earnings on growing colors in a greenhouse: implementation

Implementation of flowers grown in the greenhouse It is complicated by the fact that they have a commodity for a very short time, therefore, the non -designed pre -sales method is fraught with capital losses that can destroy your business. Therefore, even before you start breeding flowers, take care of how you will sell them.

  1. Own floral kiosk or store. This will also include the cost of renting a MAF or premises that need to be placed in a crowded passage. In addition, it is necessary to get acquainted with the price policy of possible competitors so as not to lose them.
  2. Sales wholesale - A convenient way to implement, for which it is necessary to conclude contracts with large flower shops.
  3. Home delivery. This Internet scheme is very popular today and is willingly used by those who cannot personally drive to the birthday man or another celebration. To do this, you need to create your own store on the Internet, in detail present in it the offered products and indicate how you can place an order.
  4. Option seasonal saleWhen mass parties are grown for certain holidays.
  5. Sale on the spot - This is an opportunity for the client to choose flowers from those that grow in a greenhouse.

It should be noted that wholesale sales are less profitable, since the prices here are also wholesale and therefore lower. And they become more profitable with a constant large market.

How to earn on flowers growing in a greenhouse: additional income

  • Deal with the sale of related goods along with growing flowers in a greenhouse: seeds and fertilizers, seedlings and chemical protection drugs, etc. So customers will know that they can purchase not only a beautiful bouquet from you, but also provide it with a “long life”, simultaneously providing care and indoor plants.

You can sell flowers not only in bouquets, but also in the form of seedlings. It is beneficial to the fact that its life span is much longer. In addition, seedlings can be grown in open ground, which reduces the number of additional greenhouses. The plus is that seedlings, as a rule, are realized by significant batches.

  • And if you have time, desire and opportunity, you can supplement the volume of implementation with indoor flowers in vases. This can be done even in the apartment, the main thing is to find your own highlight and those varieties that will definitely interest potential buyers.

How to advertise yourself and your own business cultivation business in a greenhouse

To attract as many customers as possible in the business cultivation in the greenhouse, complete several simple, but always working rules:

  1. Say for yourself. Give advertisements in newspapers, on television, communicate in the appropriate specialized groups and communities on social networks, on forums.
  2. Do not regret the money to create the catalog of its products, it is especially convenient to do this in an Internet version where you can quickly update and correct information.
  3. Selling goods to the buyer, Accompany the purchase of brief information About how to care for a plant or how to extend the life of a bouquet. Accompany all purchases with a visit from your store (enterprise).

Business plan: growing colors in a greenhouse

Mandatory investment - This is the very construction and equipment of the greenhouse, the acquisition of the necessary garden equipment (shovels, watering lines, rakes, hoses, etc.), purchase of the required number of colors (in bulbs, seedlings, seeds) and chemicals with which you will feed the plants and treat them from diseases and pests.

Approximate costs at the start of your enterprise are:

  • Up to $ 4000 - for the construction of the foundation, the frame of the greenhouse, installation of the heating system.
  • $500 - Conduct, mount and run the watering system.
  • $300 - About the same will need every month to pay for utility bills.
  • $1500 - Buy the required amount of planting material.
  • About $ 50 - You will need fertilizers and protective equipment.
  • About $ 300 It is necessary to pay taxes and other expenses arising in the process.

Thus, if you count in dollars (and this is appropriate to do in conditions of fluctuations in the exchange rate), then the basis of the business of growing colors in greenhouses will cost within the limits $665 -7000.

What is the profitability of growing colors in a greenhouse?

  • In itself, growing colors in a greenhouse is quite profitable - predicted values \u200b\u200bsometimes reach 300%. Although, as practice shows, depending on various conditions, including force majeure, profitability can fluctuate within 50-70%.
  • Speaking in monetary terms, if only roses are growing, annual profit can reach the amount within $25000 — $33000.
You can grow any flowers
You can grow any flowers

A decrease in profit can be due to various factors: unaccounted for or increased competition, weather conditions, when heating costs, death of flowers, etc. increase. Average The funds spent on opening a business in the greenhouse are paid off for less than a year-6-8 months.

Video: Flower growing business

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